And Inspect the Latest Novelties in Hats, Gaps, Neckwear, Etc. Our Autumn Shipments of New Goods comprise all that is up-to-date in Shirts, Collars, Underwear, Etc. Taylor's City' Hatoneum, 153 Rattray Street, Dunedin. ® 555555? mmsk f * Dere Jim i seen im i met im fase to fase at the G. 5.1." This Heading is explained on our Sale Catalogue sent Free on receipt of Address, NOW \N FULL SWING! Putzadc Metal Polish, 10d. Now White Meat Plates, 5/6 Now 4/. Cups and Saucers, 6/. Now 4/19, Go-carts, with hoods, 52/6. Now 45/. Go-carts, no hood, 35/. Now 29/6. Potts's Irons, G/6. Noiv 5/11 Mincers, 6!. Now 5/3. Charcoal Irons; 3/6. Now 1/6 Garden Shears, 4/6. Now 3/6. Iledio Cloths, 4Cf and Bd. Bedroom Sets. 17/6. Now 12/6. C2-picco Dinner Service, stock pattern, 65/. Now 40/. Others at 27/6 to 140/. Cased Carvers, 10/6. Now 7/11. Nail Bags, 1/11 and 2/6. Come Come and see our Bedstead Earlv outfit Offer—£4/9/6. It ' stands alone. Scales and Weights, 13/. Now 10/6. 12 Tumblers and Glass Jug for 3/6. Cheney Hammers, 2/3 and 2/5. ~ Dissto'n Saws, No. 7, 5/4. Opposite Keen Kntter Saws. 5/. Outhle Snips. 12in. 2/3. D rft o 40-piece Blue Band Tea Set, English China, incomparable at 26/6. 62-pieco Blue Band Dinner ► Service, Bleu do Roi, incomparable at 75/. Nickel-silver Dessert Forks and Spoons, half dozen, 3/3. Come Table Ditto, half dozen, 4/3. EarlV. Hoot Repair Outfits, ■ 2/11 and 4/6. Tel. 1,163. 243 George St., Dunedin. Tel. 1,163. ms. WKR'W ::jt-rt&x'4*t'r'<v'W'lzJMi,-?&e. s■;<%&; BUYING NOW YOU SAVE THIRTY PER CENT. Of 175 Pairs Men's Colonial Tweed Trousers Bought from the Mills at a Big Discount Off Regular Prices. NOTE THE FOLLOWING FOR VALUE:* 75 pairs Colonial Tweed Trousers, sizes 3 to 7, in Bedford Cord—worth 21/Whip Cords—worth 17/6 Strong Heavy All-wool Tweeds—worth 15/6 All one price, 11/6! 100 pairs Strong Dark Colonial Saddle Tweed Trousers Only 9/11 pair!
Page 3 Advertisements Column 2
Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 3
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