10 XHB EDITOB. Sir, —I was not surprised to read, in your report of the Roslyn Council's meeting, that the water inspector put in a report to the effect that the fittings at the Rectory are defective, but I am very much astonished that the Council received the report after I left the meeting, seeing that I was toW by the mayor that there was no complaint as to the fittings or leakages. Tho "defective fittings" and the "automatic flushing" are tho samo thing, and yet, when this was,te was going on, the me'ter registered only 700 gal for four days. My principal objection is to a- charge of 105,000 gal for a fortnight last year.. The water service is comparatively new, having been installed in January, 1910. The expert who reported the "automatic flushing" took tho meter out to have it tested, and took it to pieces and cleaned it before taking it to tho city water inspector. And lam aske to pay 50s fwr this.—l am, etc., F. 11. Campbell. March 13.
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Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 3
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Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 3
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