TO TUB EDITOR. Sir, —I have been waiting for a more able pen than mine to make an effort to induce Cr Douglas to reconsider his decision re his withdrawal from tho Dtmedin City Council. I consider that he has stood head and shoulders above practically tho whole Council, in 60 far ;t> displaying tho necessary ability and the general knowledge of what should bo done by our Council. To those, persons who attended the gas inquiry it was very forcibly shown, and that notwithstanding the fact that tho whole Committee were apparently opposed to the inquiry. Cr Douglas, by tho manner in which ho handled the- numerous witnesses, drew from them evidence proving the need of the inquiry. I feel sure the electors of Leith Ward will not encourage any person who desires a eeat as tho Council table i/i order that he might give effect to his feelings because, of some imaginary injustice which he feels. What is wanted is more men of Cr Douglas's I would suggest that a deputation of Leith Ward electors should wait on him and try to induce him to allow \is the benefit of his ability for a further term.— I am, etc., " Bell Ward. March 18.
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Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 3
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Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 3
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