PUBLIC NOTICES. Rheumo removes the excess uric acid from the blood. Hence it is the best cure for rheumatism and gout. All Chemists and Stores, 1 a/6 and 4/6. The Real Thing! There can be nothing nastier than inferior Tomato Sauce—bruised or damaged fruit mixed with other rubbish to fill up. Frlml*« Tomato Ketchup is made of fine, ripe, ireshly.plucked tomatoes and fine spices. Hade daintily on the Frimley place. FRIMLEY The world is full of so-called Hair Restorers that do not restore. Brice's Regenerator is the ripe and perfect fruit of fifty years' active experience of a man who has made hair-culture the close and patient etudy of his life. Regenerator MAKES HAIR CROW! Per Bottle, 3/6; Special Strength, 5/<S. All good Chemists stock it. Hundreds of grateful people testify to its absolute efficacy. INSIST ON GETTING BRIGE'S REGENERATOR. The photographs of actual results are on view at Marshalls Pharmacy, Prince! street; Wilkinson and Son's and J. Neil's, George street: B. S. Seofield'a Pharmacy, Stock Exchange Buildings; W. Kinder's, North-east Valley; P. P. Stephenson's, South Dunedin Pharmacy ; A. B. Hall's, hairdresser, South Dunodin; J. Reynolds's, Roslyn; N. Dodds's, Port Chalmers; A. E. Hunter's,, Mosgiel; and C. A. Clark's, Momington.
Winter Gloves, Jerseys, For Ladies! - " South Dunedin. 0 m m *£ wjm'4 K Hi" KfM. Reliable Qualities Good Sty la Novelty—Newest Colorings—Splendid Values—are points that you will appreciate in the following:— ENGLISH-MADE HOSIERY FOR LADIES' WINTER WEAR. Ladies' 4-1 ribbed Cashmere Hose, seamless feet. 1/ per pair. Ladies' 2-1 ribbed Cashmere Hose, seamless feet, 1/11. per pair. 2-1 ribbed Cashmere Hose, good winter wear, all wool, 1/6, 1/11|, 2/3, 2/6, 2/11 per pair. Tan Cashmere Hose, plain Cashmere, in assorted shades, 1/3, 1/9, 2/3 per pair. Ribbed Cashmere Hose, 1/, 1/3, 1/IH, 2/3, 2/6 per pair. Children's Tan Cashmere Hose, 2-1 rib, splendid quality Cashmere—size 3, 1/6; size 4, 1/7£j size 5, 1/10 j size 6, 1/11*. LADIES' FABRIC CLOVES. Suedc-finished Cashmere Gloves, with strap and dome fastener, in Beavers only, >l/ per pair. Suede-finished Cashmere Gloves, with colored linings, two dome, in White, Assorted Beaver, and Black, 1/G per pair. Charming Winter Gloves, in Doefinish Cashmere - , with Black and White check linings; colorsBlack, Beavers, etc., 1/9 per pair. Beautiful Soft-finish Heavy Suede Gloves, two dome, in various shades of Beaver, Brown, also in Chamois and Black, 1/11$ perpair. Reindeer-finish Gauntlet Wrist Gloves, two dome, and silk finish lining; these are very smart; assorted Brown shades only, 2/6 per pair. White Wool Gauntlet Gloves, very popular, 1/11 and 1/3 per pair. New Beaver Wool Gauntlet Gloves, 1/3 per pair. Those are some of the new Winter Varieties, and in addition we have the ordinary Suede makes in lighter weights at prices ranging from 1/ to 1/11 per pair. SMART JERSEYS FOR LADIES. Ladies' Knitted Jerseys, shaped to waist and button on shoulder; colors—Navy, Green, Maroon, and Cream. Rare value at 3/6. Ladies' Knitted Norfolk Jerßoys, very smart shape ; colors—Navy, Green, and Cream. 5/6 each. . We have a splendid assortment of Ladies' Golf Jerseys, in the leading fashionable colors, ranging in price up to 18/6. Call and sec them, please! The "Hub," South Dunedin Drapery Supply Assn. VJT Office for large or small quantities al glinting before placing your Ordera.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 4
Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 2
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