PUBLIC NOTICES. DAILY WEATHER GAUGE At CONN'S GRAND " PHARMACY. To-day. 8 3.1 H. Noon. Thermometer ... 65 F. 65 F. Barometer 30.7 30.2 Barometer falling. CONN'S " GRAND " PHARMACY IS A RELIABLE PHARMACY. When illness comes into your family you Want your Medicines' Promptly. There's no time then to start testing the different . pharmacies. Get it into your mind now that the Most Reliable Pharmacy in Town is Conn's " Grand " Pharmacy; that here you will get Drugs of Irreproachable Quality, and an Accuracy aud Promptness in Dispensing which Cannot be Surpassed Elsewhere. DOCTORS WILL ENDORSE THIS. They will tell you that at Conn's their Prescriptions are Prepare'd with the Utmost Care, and their Instructions Adhered to in the Smallest Detail. You can not only Rely on our Drugs and our Care, you can Rely on our Prices, too. They never 20 beyond the Limit of Fairness. jMONN'S "GRAND" PHARM. GRAND HOTEL BUILDINGS,
You frequently hear of cases of chronic constipation—cases that have existed for years. In nine cases out of ten the trouble has become chronic through improper treatment The patient has formed the habit of taking 6trong purgatives, and has so weakened the bowels that they will not act naturally. Chamberlain's Tablets cure constipation, and cure it permanently, because, instead of doing the work of the bowels for them, Chamberlain's Tablets simply stimulate them to perforin their own functions.— [Advt]
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Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6
Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 1
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