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PUBLIC NOTICES. Are Your Settin; The Summer Months of the year are disastrous to Jewel Wearers. The outdoor life of holiday time leaves many a loophole for the loss of insecure gems and jewellery with faulty fastenings. We will examine settings Free of Charge. Should Repairs be necessary, you will find our factory facilities such as will restore an impaired setting to its original setting at very moderate cost. Our New Hat Pin Protector is a splendid little novelty. Price, J/-each. STEWART DAWSON & CO. (N.Z., Limited) Corner Princes and Dowling Streets, Dunedin. Here You Arc! Now that the Cricket Season is over it's about time to prepare for Football. We bave just opened a full range of Football and Hockey Jerseys in leading and club colors. We can supply the following local Club Football Jerseys : Alhambra, Zingari-Richmond, University, Pirates, Southern, Union, Kaikorai, and High School. Ours are the popular best make of Cotton Jerseys, with collar and laced fronts, light, strong, and guaranteed fast colors. Prices, 6/6 and 8/11. Sizes, from 34 to 38 inches and boys' sizes. Football Knickers, in strong Navy and White Drill, all sizes. 2/11, 3/6, and 3/11. Elastic Football Belts, in club colors, 1/6. Shin Protectors, with and without Ankle Guards, 2/6 and 3/9. The Clothing Dcpt. Drapery Supply Assn. George Street. See our Fine Window Display of Football Requisites. READ THIS! Don't be Deceived \ The Water of Life that Cures PHes and Eczema! These Wonderful Cures, now bo well known on account of their extraordinary success in coping with the most terrible diseases, are gaining daily in public favor. Mansavita Ointment. Mansavita Pills for females. Mansavita Pills for Males and Females. Mansavita Soap For Cuts, Boils, Abscesses, Sore Heads in Children, Eczema, Burns. Price, 1/6 b'oi. Remove Skin Blemishes and are indispensable to ladies, Nervous Headaches, and General Debility. Act on Liver and Bowels. Price, 5/6 and 3/6 per box. Cure Bile, Indigestion, Impurities of Blood, Constipation, Eruptions of the Skin, and Boils. An excellent tonic. Cure Dizziness in the Head and Pain in' the Kidneys. Price, 1/6 per box. should bo used concurrently with the Ointment or Fills. It is absolutely free from irritating ingredients. Price, 1/ per box. PILES CAN BE CURED! MRS TOWLER, Dunedin. received no benefit, and my 'MANSAVITA" TESTIMONIAL. Welsh street, received no benefit, and my easo seemed hopeless. My aunt in Dunedin recommended me to give your treatment for piles after taking your treatment for a short time I was thoroughly cured, and nave not been inany Kvneton stroot, Victoria, way troubled with thorn since. To Mrs fowler, Dunedin. It was in 1905 that you treated Dear Madam, —Allow me to me successfully for piles, and I express my gratitude to you for am still quite well. And I have the marvellous cure you have great pleasure in recommending effected in my case. I suffered your treatment to other suffrom severe itohing and protrud- ferers. ing piles for a long time, and Yours faithfully, was treated by several doctors rrorrTmrß. for some considerable time, but M. A. CRUTHfcK. Full printed directions relative to treatment, medicine, and the cost on application to me personally or by letter. Letters must bo accompanied with stamped envelope. Advice free. JUST TRY MANSAVITA LINIMENT, 2/ per bottle, for Rheumatism and Sciatica. A boon to Athletes. GUARANTEED RELIEF FOR ASTHMA—Use Mansavita Asthma Powder, 1/ per bottle. References. PILE OINTMENT, J/6 per box. Eczema Soap (to be used with Ointment), 1/ per box. Eczema Ointment, 1/6 per box. Ladies writing to Mrs Towler, specialist, will receive prompt attention. All letters must be accompanied with stamp for reply. , TOWLER, 15 Royal Arcade, Dunedin. i£iibii&££^ ftixtfiv.v\*-&&H&JAiSij: ■:■.•> BUYING NOW YOU SAVE THIRTY PER CENT. cial Offer! Of J75 Pairs Men's Colonial Tweed Trousers Bought from the Mills at a Big Discount Off Regular Prices. NOTE THE FOLLOWING FOR VALUE: 75 pairs Colonial Tweed Trousers, sizes 3 to 7, in Bedford Cord*— - worth 21/Whip Cords—worth 17/6 Strong Heavy All-wool Tweedsworth 15/6 All one price, 11/61 100 pairs Strong Dark Colonial Saddle Tweed Trousers Only 9/11 pair I WASTE PAPER. WASTE PAPER FOR BALB TJAPER for Wrapping-up For Sal*. Apply, In Lots to Suit Purchasers. A . 'Star' Office. Bond street Apply 'STAR' OFFICE.
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Evening Star, Issue 14518, 18 March 1911, Page 11
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703Page 11 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Star, Issue 14518, 18 March 1911, Page 11
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Page 11 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Star, Issue 14518, 18 March 1911, Page 11
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Allied Press Ltd is the copyright owner for the Evening Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Allied Press Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.