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UNION CLUB. The fortieth annual meeting of the Union Club was held last evening, Air J. Hope presiding. On the motion of the Chairman, the report and balance-sheet were adopted unanimously. The- following resolution was' carried: That Rule 11. be altered to read as follows:—"The officers of the club sliali consist of a president, four vice-pvosi-dents, club captain, captain, deputycaptain, honorary secretary, honorary treasurer, and a, committee of six other members; fire to form a quorum. These officers filial! constitute tho Committee of Management of tho club, and, as well as a Match Committee of three, members, shall bo elected annually at the general meeting in March, with the exception of tho captain and deputy maptain, who ehal! be elected by tho First Fifteen previous to tho first interclub match." The election of office-bearers resulted as follows: —President, Mr J. Hopo; vicepresidents—Dr Batchelor, Messrs H. Harris, H. H. S. White, and C. Jenkins; secretary, Mr Roy Gordon; assistant gocictary, Mr W. Jenkins; treasurer, Mr J. Mackenzie; club captain, Mr S. Ivimey; general committee —Messrs W. Jenkins, D. M. Miuiro, J. Williams, A. Collie, H. Findlav, and J. Armour; delegates to Ruciby Union-Messrs H. Harris, H. H. S. White, and D. AI. Munro; delegate to Accident Insurance Fund, Mr W. Jenkins; delegate, to Athletic Protection Society, Mr W. J. Munro; temporary match committee— Mefcr.s J. Mackenzie, W. J. Munro, and G. Duthic. Several caps presented by well-wishers of the club were won by the following: First grade, G. Duthie, W. Townsond; se>cond grade, C. Light; third grade, A. Davis, D. Newall; fourth, grade, Gr. Churchill; fiftTT grade, A. Collio. It was agreed that tho first practice be held on Saturday, April 1. DU.XEDIN CLUB (AUSTRALIAN GAME). Tho second annual meeting of the abovo club was held last night. Mr C. G. Wibou presided. In moving tho adoption of tho report and balance-sheet (already published) the Chairman said ho must congratulate tho members on the position attained by the club in their first season. Ho impressed on members tho necessity of pulling together for the benofit of the club and of the game. Ho said that if they played the game in a manly spirit lie was sure that it would go ahead, and they would bo able to show the public some fine exhibitions. He also referred to tho necessity of training rooms, and said it was not a bit of good trying to play tho game without training. The election of officers resulted as folio K-s :—Patrons—His Worship the Mayor (Mr T. Cole), Messrs Tapper, Kcast, Anderson, Race, T. Smith, and Andrews; secretary, Air E. H. Williamson; trensuror, Mr G.Moody; committed —Messrs Barton, Afajor, Ringrose, Stewart, and Savage; delegates to the League, Messrs Barton and Aloody. Tho secretary and Alessrs S. Major and W. Stewart were elected a sub-committee to make arrangements for training room. Air Al'Clurc donated a medal for the player kicking tho greatest number of goals for the season.
It was deckled to start practice next ijaturday on the Oval. Five, new members were elected. POET CHALMERS CLUB. There was a good attendance of members at the twenty-seventh annual meeting of the Port Chalmers Club. Vicepresident F. W. Platts presided. Tho report congratulated the club on the. teams' achievement:] dining the past season in maintaining their position, in playing good football, and in upholding the seniors' reputation. Although not successful in annexing tho premiership in interclub matches, tho players had olayed the game, and that was more gratifying than the winning of a, banner by questionable play. Tho ground had been, enlarged for senior matches, and the incoming season should find it in a much improved condition. The. club entered teams in four grades, and the. results were creditable. The senior fifteen played 13 matches, winning 6 and losing 7. drawn 1, points for 110", against 102. The second played 12, won 5, lost 6, drew 1, points for 95, against 63. Tho third played 11, won 3, lost 6, drew 2, points for 37, against 44. Tho fifth played 9, won 4, lost 4, drew 1. points for"sl', against 55. The club were represented in interpro. matches by Messrs R. Graham, K. Watson, and M. Salter in the seniors, and by .Messrs L. Perry, L. Booth, and J. Craig in the junior grade. The year started with a credit of £4 83 6d, and ended with a credit balance of £l3 3s Id. For ground improvement £lO was voted, £4 4s of that amount lining received from tho O.R.F.U. At the close of the season a social was held, and this proved a success socially and financially. The Committee wished the club a prosperous season, hoping the members by consistent training and sustained interest would continue to play the game and realise, their ambition by winning the premiership position. Thanks were recorded to the 0.R.F.U., the Referees' Association, the Y.M.B. Class, the Port Navals, and the retiring officers. In moving tho adoption of the report and balance-sheet Mr Platts expressed tlm satisfaction it afforded liim as an old captain of the. club and as a playing member in tho days before the ground was drained to hear such a satisfactory report and balance-sheet. It was simply wonderful, he .thought, that the club were now able to run four teams, and the best of it all was that the fifth grade, from which the seniors of tho future had to be drawn, outnumbered the other grades. Tho past year's record was .gratifyin/.;, and although they did not win a banner, they established a- good reputation for sound football. The financial aspect was very good, with the regrettable exception that outstanding subscriptions amounted to about £4. The fifth grade set a pood example, all tho members having paid their subscriptions. Mr \\\ Morgan said the club's record wa.s very gratifying, in view of the fact that many players often did not know until noon on Saturday whether they could get away from work to play in the afternoon's matches.
Mr W. J. Wilson never approved of banner?. He believexl as good football was played before competitive banners came into vogue. It was very gratifying last season io be congratulated by such men a.s the president of the Rugby Union on the good football played by the Port team. Mr Godfred also spoke, and Mr P. .Stewart made complimentary reference to the school team's performances last Reason. The report and balance-sheet were approved. Election of officers resulted :-—President, Mr P. Stewart: vice-presidents —Messrs J. 11. Crawford and 1). M'Kwan's names were added to tho list; secretary. Mr T. Anderson; treasurer, Mr E. Godfred; auditor, Mr W. M'Keime; Committee, Messrs R, Wilson, W. Morgan, W. Dougherty, C. Colfhrop, M. Salter. H. Healev, .A. Rawlins; delegates O.ll.F.U.—Messrs W. J. Wilson, .7. 11. Crawford, and P. Stewart; selectors, W. Morgan and W. M'Kenzie and captains of teams.
The Ground Committee had expended £27 on improving the ground, and from the club's funds they were voted the £6 they were short of that amount. Mr E. Wa'teon applied for a transfer to the Zingari Clu'K and his resignation was accepted. Tho delegates were given a free hand in. respect to the notices of motion on the O.KE-U- business paper. It was resolved to play on the first of April the first practice matches. Quito the Reverse. —"Did your father ever raise his hand to you, Billy?" asked Tommy. "Hundreds of times," said Billy. "But it wasn't that that bothered me. Where I got stung was when he brought it, down." A youthful African potentate has instituted a now order of knighthood. Ho calls it tho Order of the Million Elenli'iJn-tE and the Whiia Umbrella.
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Evening Star, Issue 14518, 18 March 1911, Page 8
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1,281FOOTBALL Evening Star, Issue 14518, 18 March 1911, Page 8
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FOOTBALL Evening Star, Issue 14518, 18 March 1911, Page 8
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