r ANTED Known—That Bill-heads, Circulars, Card*, Programmes, and General Printing of ever}' description are executed at the 'Evening Star 1 Office at moderate rates. BLAKELET, * DENTIST, BANK OF AUSTRALASIA, Corner of Bond and Rattray streets (Next Telegraph Office). Telephone 1,859. CHOICE, FASHIONABLE, ATTRACTIVE MILLINERY BKOWN, ETTOG'S unequalled: Their Magnificent Show of Autumn MODELS is ono of tho best ever offered for :'nspection. FIRST-CLASS QUALITY, REASONABLE PRICES. >ROWN~, EWING. & CO., LTD.
FUNERAL NOTICE. THE Friends of Mr John Barlow aro resppctfully invited to attend the Funeral of his late Wife, which will leave his residence, corner of East avenue and Royal crescent, St. Kilda, on MONDAY, 20th inst., at 2 p.m., for the Southern Cemetery. HUGH GOURLEY, Undertaker, Clarke and Maclaggan streets. FUNERAL NOTICE. —IHE Friends of the- late Mrs Emma Fer- . guson (and family) are respectfully invited to attend her Funeral, which will leave her late residence, Waitati Farm, for the Blueskin Cemetery, on MONDAY, the 20th inst., at 2 o'clock. A. J. WYNN AND HOPE, Undertikers, 36 St. Andrew street.
Page 6 Advertisements Column 2
Evening Star, Issue 14518, 18 March 1911, Page 6
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