SAILED.—March 18. Magdala, 6.6., 4,814 tons, Limond, for Port Phillip. The local agents expected the StrathendTick to leave Lyttelton to-day for Duncdin with the remainder of her cargo of case oil. CAPTAIN ATWOOD'S CASE. WELLINGTON, March 18. •Mr Wilford, M.P., representing the Merchant Service Guild, waited on the Hon. J. A. Millar this morning with reference to the case of Captain Atwood, master of the Elingamite, which was wrecked at the Three Kings nine years ago. Mr WilfoTd said that he had evidence ill his possession that if the islands had been correctly charted the cours* 6'teexed by Captain Atwood would have cleared them by three miles. Mr Millar said that he would be very pleased indeed to consult the Crown Law Officers, with a view to seein gwhat steps could be taken to afford Captain Atwood an opportunity of clearing his name from the stigma cast upon it. He would give him every opportunity possible to clear himself. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. LYTTELTON, March 18.—6.40 a.m., Maori, from Wellington (connected with the first express). AUCKLAND, -March 18.—2 p.m., Tarawera, for Southern ports. Passenger for Dunedin : Mr P. C. Boylson.
Evening Star, Issue 14518, 18 March 1911, Page 6
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