PUBLIC NOTICES. SHOWING THE GREAT CURES HAS EFFECTED IN CASES OF AN/EMIA, SLEEPLESSNESS, BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, SICK HEADACHE, NERVOUSNESS, POOR BLOOD, NEURALGIA, LOW SPIRITS, WEAK NERVE POWER, &o. Mr. PATRICK DOWNES, a miner, well known In tho Corowa district, New South Wales, and now at Rutherglen, Victoria, writes tho following letter concerning tho value of the great natural blood and nervo remedy, CLEMENTS TONIC. It Is just the eimplo story of renewed health after years of despair and useless treatment; but it speaks for itself. A medicine that can ii<„ „t ...Mi n ci»i> must he of national benefit to the general public. Everyone should read this man's letter, written liToctobcrTl9o9: CLEMENTS TONIC, LTD. " With sincere thanks I write, hoping you will be spared to cure sufferers with your valuable tonic as you have cured me. I have been a sufferer for two years with stomach trouble, spitting of blood, unablo to digest my food, causing- me great pain and distension in the stomach. I was in four hospitals in New South Wales and Victoria. In five months I had seventeen medical examinations, which said ; the blood was from my lungs, and it was a chest trouble. No treatment did me any good; but Clements Tonic did. lam a miner, working for the last four years in tho Great Southern Consols Mine, Rutherglen. I have never seen a Clements Tonic agent; I wish I could, for I would give hundreds of witnesses to my statement, who said I would never COME OUT OF THE HOSPITAL ALIVE. " But, thanks to your Clements Tonic, I am still living, and enjoying good health. I am a poor hand at writing, or I would publish this IN ALL THE PAPERS, so I am sending it to you, with my consent to use my name, and publish it as you like. " (Signed) PATEICK DOWNES." Great Southern Consols Mine, Victoria. There is :.o medicine so essential, reliable, and certain in its health restoring powers as the great nerve and blood remedy, Clements Tonic. During tho trying Australian weather women who are run down, anaemic, with poor appetite, IW'kl-' loss oi sleep! who have that tired, dcad-to-thc-rrnr'd Aline, will find it a blood-maker and nerve-strength maker H distinct value. It is used largely over Australia i ou~c> it is reliable; it never fails to benefit, it makes sick ~i~n and women well, it purifies the blood, strengthens the >-"".Tt liver, nerves, and brain, and makes life worth living. ?A\ ~ ch.c- is*a and stores sell this splendid medicine. It in ti-f TK:rmrnent safeguard of the body, which insures it .".gainst dTscnao, keeps it healthy. Send for it to-day. No wise housewife or commercial man should be without it at any time. '^■■^'^^i-^^v-^-^^ij^vla^wr/^'v^-^^ W£ WEAR *; H I ✓ Ya mm #. 6 r n A
BE SURE TO ASK FOR YOU CAN RELY UPON IT! It is durable and economical, does not crumble away, but can be used to the very last. It fairly halves the labor of scrubbing, and make-6 the things cleaner. The N.Z. Dairy Association purchased 4,320 cakes a fow weeks back —this will give you an idea of how they appreciate, it. All the Grocers sell it. WM. TAYLOR AND SONS, LTD., Agents.
Pictures Framed in Best Style at Lawest Prices. URGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW AND BEAUTIFUL MOULDINGS. Bevelled Mirrors, framod or unfnnned» • Specialty. Suitable for Gifts of any description. SMITH & SMITH, LTD. OCTAGON.
Page 4 Advertisements Column 3
Evening Star, Issue 14518, 18 March 1911, Page 4
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