PUBLIC NOTICES. FYFE AND Probably everyone who reads the following list will be surprised at the low prices that we are selling everyday wants for the home. And surely there must be something amongst the selection you require. You will notice the prices speak emphatically of the absence of Single-bed White Honeycomb Quilt, 4/6 Double-bed White Honeycomb or Grecian Quilt, 5/J J Single-bed Satin-finish Qui!t t 5/11 Double=bed Satin-finish Quilt t 7/11 White Table Damask t 10% d Half-bleached Table Damask, lo%d White Flannelette, soft make, 4Kd yard Special Heavy Cretonnes, 2%d Brown Turkish Roller Towelling, 4%d Pure Linen Diaper, 6%d, 9%d Check Glass Cloth, sfd Belgian Ticking, 87in wide, 1/3-g- yard Double-bed Colonial Blankets, 15/6 pair Unbleached Sheeting, heavy make, 104 d White Lace Curtains, l/6i pair Sample Towels from 9d to 3/6 pair Tapestry Carpst Samples, l/11-§> 2/11 each Tapestry Table Covers, 2yds, and 3yds long, 5/11 each 2yds wide Heavy Floorcloth, 2/2 yard Embroidered Mantel Drapes* 1/44- each FYFE & CUMING'S STORES. ANOTHER SPINNING WHEEL. Registered Trade Mar Bargain in Women's White Woven Vests, long and short sleeves. shaped waist and full size, wearresisters and comfort promoters. EACH. EACH. KIRKPATRICK & BARCLAY The Specialists—The Spinning Wheel, 66 PRINCES STREET, For All Information PATENTS relating to ~t**\ ■* ±*. JL JL-/-L M. K* Apply-BALDWIN AND RAYWARD. the Leading Patent Agent* of New ZeiUad, Joel*. Building*, Crawford Street, Dtraedia. CONSULTATION FREE. ; -CONSULTATION FREE.
Page 12 Advertisements Column 4
Evening Star, Issue 14518, 18 March 1911, Page 12
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