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V.R.C. INTERDICT.' PLATES. MELBOURNE, March 15. (Received March 15, at 11 a,m.) The Victorian Racing Club have decided that, owing to tho number of horses injured through boing galloped on by thoso shod with plates, to prohibit the use of plates at Flcmington. RACING AT RANDWICK. The following acceptances received yesterday in connection with the A. J.C. autumn meeting: Doncaster . Handicap, lm (run Easter Saturday).—Bobrikoff 9.10, Irishman 9.5, Parsee 9.3, Miss Flaneur 8.12, Mala 8.11, Metograph 8.11, Flavinius 8.11, Knox 8.11, Blue Book 8.9, Kerlio 8.7, Hoax 8.6, Enchanteur 8.4, Plunder 8.3, Olivaster 8.3, Motoa 8.2, War Star 8.2, Flaxen 8.2, Marlee 7.13, Vavasor 7.13, Kuringai 7.11, Proportion 7.10, Nadir 7.10. Dexter 7.9, Perkco 7.9, Bawbee 7.8. Red' Knight 7.8, Beau Vive 7.8, Bright Steel 7.7, Call Boy 7.7, Ngauruhoe 7.6. Daisr Chain 7.6, Didus 7.4, Britain 7.2, Storey 7.2, Gidyea 7.2, Mindful 7.2, Snovvfoot 7.0, Apple Pie 7.0, San Pedro 7.0, Duke of Clarence. 6.10, Lemoc 6.10. Saltaire oTIO, -Miss Corelli 6.7. Vauntio 6.7, Marvel Queen 6.7, Orea 6.7, Young Jackey 6.7. Sydney Cup, 2m (run March 28). —Trafalgar 9'.5, Maltine 9.1, Pendil 9.0. Barallan 8.9, Lord Nolan 8.4. Blue Book 8.4, Downfall 8.1, Kerlio 8.0, Ungarie 8.0, Plender 8.0, Olivaster 8.0, Flavinius 7.12, Hoax 7.12, Marlee 7.9, Vavasor 7.9, Danilo 7.8, Lady Wilde 7.6, Knox 7.6, Beau Vive 7.4, Didus 7.3, Perkeo 7.2, Daisy Chain 7.2, Nobel 7.0, Gidyea 7.0, Mindful 6.12, Diabolo (Wilson's) 6.10, Britain 6.10, Jinnie 6.10. Footpad 6.10, Golden City 6.9, Billycan 6.7. Black Range 6.7, Diabolo (Barnes's) 6.7. DAVIS CUP.—FINAL FOR N.Z. The Committee of the Lawn Tennis Association have (says a Sydney cable) decided that tho preliminary tie of tho Davis Cup between England and America must bo played at such a date as to enable the concluding round against Australasia to be played in New Zealand in December. OTAGO BONING ASSOCIATION. The annual meeting of the Otago Boxing Association was held in the Empire Buildings last evening. Mr C. Batt presided, and there were fifteen other members present. It was reported that the membership (forty-four) was very small for so important a body. The Committee started the year with outstanding liabilities to the amount of £lO4 ls 7d, including £57 levies paid by members. The receipts for the year amounted to £6BO, disclosing a profit of £lll. From this amount levies made on members were paid off to the amount of £57. and outstanding accounts to the extent of £47, leaving a credit balance of £7 9s.—The report and balanco-sheet were adopted without discussion. The following office-bearers were elected for the ensuing year:—President, Dr Stanlev Batchelor (re-elected); vice-presidents —Drs Roberts, Marshall Maedonald, E. O'Neill, and M'Bride. and Messrs S. S. .Myers, D. M'Curdy, H. White. C. Batt, and T. Gillies; hon. medical officers —Drs O'Neill and Marshall Maedonald ; secretary, Mr J. Isaacs; treasurer, Mr T. Snow; auditors—Messrs J. Cumming and R. Anderson ; hon. timekeepers—Messrs R. G. Anderson and IT. M'Cbrkindale; committee—Messrs J. Kilmartin. R. G. Anderson, J. J. Drnmra. F. Shaw, E. Havdon, J. Dre.iver, T. M. Lucv, and F. Foster. Votes of thanks to the chair and to the j Press concluded the business. At a meeting of the Committee it was decided to hold an open tournament about the last week in April or the first week in May, prior to the Otago and ~Kc\v Zealand championship meeting in July or August. ST. KILDA HARRIERS. The annual meeting of the Si. Kilda Harriers was helcL last night. The roport'nnd balance-sheet show that the club had a successful season, twenty-ono runs being held. The club membership totals eighteen. Tho junior pack ran for a few Saturdays. Mr Georgo Kempton died during the season, and tho club record regrot for the loss of sq enthusiastic a member. 'The club also express Tegrct over the retirement of a vice-president, Mr G. J. Liggins, owing to. ill-health. The Committee thank Mr D. C. Cameron, jun., for presenting the club with attendance badges, which were awarded to Messrs G. Wilson, G. Milburn, and C. Brady. Praise is due to Captain Brady for having never missed a club run for three years, for which he received a special badge from Mr Cameron. Tho Committee offer thanks to all who assisted the club during the season. Special thanks are extended to the president .'he Rev. F. Rands), who, in addition to valuable services, brought honor upon the club by his splendid jumping last season, coming second to the champion long jump for Now Zealand. The list of honors is as follows: —Three-mile Championship—W. Burk, G. 'j Wilson; One-mile Novice Race—T. G. Fronde, J. Henderson ; Half-mile Handicap —W. Burk, J. Henderson; ThTee-mile Sealed Handicap—G. Brown, G. Wilson. The financial position of tho club is satisfactory. VISITING AMERICAN FOOTBALLERS. The New South Wales Rugby Union have decided to invite an American football team to visit Australia and New Zealand this season. Tho team will be picked from the Calfornian universities. WEDNESDAY CRICKET. The following will represont A. and T. Inglis in a cricket match to l>c played tomorrow at the Caledonian Ground "at 2.30 p.m., against the fruiterers' team: M'Hutchon, Skinner, Macon, Anderson, Cameron, Louslev, Caswell, Forons, Smith, Benfcll, CaldweU. A match will be played at Carisbrook to-morrow afternoon between teams representing tho Grocere and Carisbrook Clubs. Tho following will represent tho Grocers : —Ogg, Jackson, Wilson, Watson, Williams (2), llotz, Kennedy, Lockhart, Campbell, Bennett, and Egglestone.
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Evening Star, Issue 14316, 15 March 1910, Page 8
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898SPORTING Evening Star, Issue 14316, 15 March 1910, Page 8
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SPORTING Evening Star, Issue 14316, 15 March 1910, Page 8
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