10 THE EDITOB. Sir,—l understand that a movement is afoot to establish a swimming bath in the North End. ground. Endeavors have been made from time to time to influence the Council, regarding the building of a Corporation bath in the City. Such endeavors, however, thus far have proved fruitless, so now the keen and enthusiastic workers who appear to be far too sportsmanlike to allow the matter to drop are setting to work to try and get a bath as already stated. The site, I consider, is an excellent one, being as it is within the centre of a large percentage of the population, and away from the St. Clair baths. That it would be a success there is no denying, and it would draw together have hitherto been uninterested owing to tho present wretched bathing facilitis afforded them. Swimming is not only an interesting but a necessary art. That every man, woman, and child should bo able to swim no one can deny. Tho school children have at present no means whereby thay can bo taught, especially at the north end, and for that reason I think that this present movement should be given all the support possible both by the school authorities and others.- The matter has now. been set moving, and I firmly believe that it requires only the energies of all interested to have a regulation bath, with all conveniences, placed at the north end by next season. —I am, etc., C. 11. SuiitoxDS.
Evening Star, Issue 14316, 15 March 1910, Page 7
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