Tho"membors of>the Bruco Rifles' shooting tea;a have ai' returned from their trip to Trcntham (with one excoption). Taken on the whole, the team wero very successful, winning a total of £23 18s in prizo money. Col.-sergt. Peattio headed .the list with £6 13s, Sergt, Brown next with £6 3s, Lieut. Capstick £4 13s, Private Dickson £3, Corpl. Duthie and Private Blaikio £1 13s each. The Bruce County Council have adopted a now set of by-laws. Mr John Paskell, a resident of Milton, left on Saturday on a holiday trip to England. Word has been received of tho sudden death- at Masterton of Mr George Lister, at one time a resident of Milton. Tho deceased, who was aged forty-eight years, was a married man with no family. His surviving sister is Mrs Jno. Davie (Milton), whilst tho surviving brothers are David (Maxtinborough) and Joseph (Brookside, Canterbury). In connection with the somewhat awkward position which has arisen re the appointment of a member to represent Bruce on tho Hospital and Charitable Aid Board, tho County Council are in receipt of legal advico that an olection wiJJ have to be hold, and therefore nominations called for, and tho present nominated candidate (Mr A. Stevenson) cannot be considered to be elected. Tho InspectorGeneral of Hospitals lias also wired that an election will havo to bo held, as otherwise the district will be disfranchised. It is now moro than probable that nominations will bo called for, and an election held, if necessary. Tho annual meeting of the Toko. Football Club was held on Friday evening, when there was a good attendance of members. Mr Ja«. Christie (a vice-presi-dent) presided. The iinnual report showed that the club's First Fifteen played 10 matches, winning 4, losing 3, and drawing 3; points for 61, against 47. The Second Fifteen also played 10 matches, winning 7, losing 2, and drawing 1, and by this meritorious performance winning the South Otago Second Grade banner. The representatives from the club in tho South Otago team last season were Messrs T. Reid, C. Lane, W. Hislop, A. Clark, A. Kells, and C. Gregory. The balancesheet showed receipts £27 8s 7d (including a balance of £ll 3s M from the previous year), an £2O 10s 2d, thus leaving a credit balance 61" £6 18s sd. The following office-bearers were then elected for tho ensuing year :—PatronsMessrs Jas. Allen, M.P., J. A. Duthie (mayor), 11. M. Driver (chairman of County Council); president, Mr J. AV. Petrie (re-elected); vice-presidents—-.Messrs H. Ransome. Tlenrv Coombe, L. Burn, Dr M'Cormack, Alex. Stewart (Dunedin), J. S. Fleming, (',. H. Thomson (all re-elected), and Rev. Father Howard (vice Mr Christie, who declined nomination); secretary. Mr D. hj. Hatton (re-elected); club captain, Mr W. Hislop (re-elected); committee—Messrs A. LittleJohn, C. Lane, T. Lane. A. E. Powley, Jas. Powley, W. M'Leod, W. Good. Jas! P. Lynch; delegates to 5.0.R.F.U., Messrs J. P. Lynch and J. Powlov ; selection committee—Mesrs Ralph King and A. Littlejohn. The subscription was fixed at 5s for senior and 3s for junior members. The delegates were instructed to urge upon tho South Otago Union the advisability of reverting to lhe home-aml-home system of matches in the banner competition. The secretary'was instructed to approach the Domain Board re improvements at the playing grounds.—Own correspondent. -March 14.
Evening Star, Issue 14316, 15 March 1910, Page 6
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