Mr A. IT. Mayor of Mornington, has given this replv to the circular of the W.C.T.U.'s Executive:--" Your circular of the 11th inst. to hand, and con tents noted. My experience as a Trustew on the Benevolent Board, also as a member of tho Hospital Board, lias impressed mo with the necessity of having the hearty co-operation of ladies in these departments. If lam elected I shall be only too pleased to havo the assistance of earnest lady workers to increase tho orliciency and to add, to the success of the whole system of Charitable Aid." Regarding those who'undertake- hospital administration sex is not an important matter. Good men or good women would bo equal to carrying it out. To enable relief to be judiciously administered, there is special work that tactful women could and should perform. I would endeavor to get their assistance, and their co-opera-tion on such committee would be advantageous all round, and would also be carrying out the spirit of the new Act.—S. S. Myers. Kindly accept mv thanks for your circular of the 11th inst! I may say right away that I am thorougldy in accord with the views expressed in your letter, and during my term of office on the Hospital anri Charitable Aid Board I have frequently felt and voiced the necessity of having the co-operation of the women dealing with the administration of our various institutions. In the course of conversation recently between myself and Mr Cohen, I pointed out that tho'Hcepitals and Charitable Aid Act provided for women becoming members of the new Board, and I regret that circumstances necessitated the retirement of yourself, Mrs H. L. Ferguson; and Mrs Turton. I'trust-that at 6ome future date we 6hall ' have the pleasure of welcoming you on our Board.—C. E. Keast. Mr J. H. Walker's letter published laet j evening should havo road that -"in many , ways the presence (not promise, as printed) and advice of women on tho committees [would be of ; great ad vim ta so."
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Evening Star, Issue 14316, 15 March 1910, Page 6
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Evening Star, Issue 14316, 15 March 1910, Page 6
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