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AUCTSONS. WEDNESDAY, 16th MARCH, At 1 o'clock. At Art Gallery, Cumberland street. SUNSHINE SUNSHINE SUNSHINE TOWNSHIP, TOWNSHIP, TOWNSHIP, ANDERSON BAY. ANDERSON BAY. SUPERB! UNRIVALLED VIEW! HEALTHY! 101 CHABMWG SECTIONS FOR ABSOLUTE SALE. 2d SECTION ELECTRIC TRAM. r> ARK, REYNOLDS, LIMITED, L are instructed to sell by auction, THIS BEAUTIFULLY.SITUATED TOWNSHIP, Consisting of 161 BUILDING ALLOTMENTS UNEQUALLED IN DUNEJMN, With Glorious View of Town, Ocean, and Harbor. These Sections, whatever they bring at the Sale, MUST INCREASE IN PRICE, for the reason that they stand in a class by themselves, and there are none to compare with them. Streets a chain in width, motalled and footpathed, aro nearly finished, and the Bay Town Board, with commendable foresight, has compelled the Sunshine Syndicate to provide for the planting of those with suitable trees. This, together with the natural amenities of Sunshine, will make it THE MOST FASHIONABLE SUBURB OF DUNEDIN. LOOK ROUND, And kill us where, after this block is sold, there is anything left in close proximity to DUUCd ' n WITH SIMILARS ADVANTAGES, AND FACILITIES FOR GETTING TO AND FRO. That the area of Building Land round is very limited is being brmiplr; home to everyone WHO TRUSS TO OBTAIN A FREEHOLD for residence put-notes. See the splendid prices being obtained for Choice Sections in other townships, and then think what this township must be in 3 or 4 years, built over and settled as it will be. YOU OAN SEE SUNSHINE FROM EVERY PART OF DUNEDiN. WELL, FROM SUNSHINE You can see every part of Dunedin; '«>£ more than that: you have a MAGNIFICEN PANORAMIC VIEW OF HILLS, HARBOR, AND OCEAN as far south as the Nuggets. v TERMS, ' TERMS, £5 DEPOSIT! £5 DEPOSIT! £5 DEPOSIT! £5 DEPOSITInterest, 5 per cent. BALANCE EXTENDING OVER 3 YEARS. Interest, 5 per cent, PLANS NOW READY, AND OBTAINABLE AT OUR OFFICE. Not* time of Sale: ONE O'CLOCK, WEDNES DAY, lGth MAHCU, 1910.
WEDNESDAY, 16th MARCH, At 12 o'clock. At Rooms, 7 Liverpool street. CONVENIENT FREEHOLD PROPERTY. AT KENSINGTON, Within Penny Section and Easy Walking Distance. TOHN REID AND RONS Ware instructed to sell by auction, as above, Conveniently-situatod Properly, at corner of King Edward street (No. 11) and Leonard street, "Kensington; substantial House of 5 large rooms, verandah, bathroom, washhouse, tubs and copper, coalhouse, etc; Ecwer drained. All in first-class order, and will be sold cheap. WEDNESDAY, 16th MARCH, At 12 o'clock. At Rooms, 7 Liverpool street. On Account of the Trustees in the Estate of THOMAS COSSENS (Deceased). VALUABLE CITY FREEHOLD PROPERTY (No. 26 Maitland street). JOHN REID AND SONS are instructed by the Trustees in the Estate of Thomas Cosseus (deceased) to sell by auction, as above, That Valuable Freehold Property, being Section 7, Block 111., Dunedin, containing 4-acrc, together with the substantial and commodious Residence of 9 rooms, fitted with all modern conveniences; large and lofty rooms, 7 oriel windows and balcony, large bathroom (with porcelain enamel bath), conservatory, etc. This fine Properly is centrally situated in a nicely-elevated and sunny position, and commands an extensive panoramic view of ocean, harbor, and town. Further particulars and cards to view may be had from THE AUCTIONEERS. WEDNESDAY, 16th MARCH, At 12 o'clock. At Rooms, 7 Liverpool street. GREAT PROPERTY SALE, On account of Trustees in Estate of Thomas Cosscns (deceased) and other Vendors. JOHN REID AND SONS arc instructed to sell by auction, as above: 1. ROSLYN: Modern Villn Residence of 7 rooms, No. 5 City road (close to Frederick street); large section; fine position, splendid view. 2. BELLE&NOWES: Nicely-situated Properlv. No. J9 Preston crescent; quarter acre; modern House of 6 rooms, plastered; good garden: sunny poiitiou. Owner leaving Dunedin. 3. ST. KILDA: Practically new and modem House of 4 rooms and all conveniences, also stable, No. 22 Uridgman street. Will be sold a bargain. Terms arranged. 4. ST. KILDA: 2 (splendid Building Sections in Lurkwortliy street, close to tram, for absolute sale, each' 40 x 100. Terms may be arranged for any of the above properties. MONDAY, 2UI MARCH, At. 12 o'clock. At Rooms, 7 Liverpool street. BLOCK OF LAND~It" RAVENSBOURNE. . To be Sold a 7?urgam. * OHN REID "* AND SONS are instructed by Mrs Low to sell by ; auction, as above, ' Block of land, containing about 22 acres, ' with frontage lo Main road, Rnvcnsbourneinear railway station). The land is well : watered, imd on Use upper portion is some ; good bush. As the owner is determined to sell, the property will to sold a bargain. Plan and particulars at our Office. MONDAY, 21st MARCH, At 12 o'clock. At Rooms, 7 Liverpool street. By Order of the Trustees in Estate of Lite lion. Hugh Mosman. CHARMING PROPERTY at ST. CLAIR. Beautifully laid-out grounds, magnificent view, sunny and phelt-ered position. JOHN REID AND SONS are instructed by the Trustees in Estate of -lie laic Hon. Hugh Mosman to sell by auction, as above, That charmingly-situated Property at St. Clair, containing about 1 acre 1 rood 2+ poles, with commodious Residence, • fitted with all modern conveniences, and other buildings. The property has frontages to AUandale road and Grove street, and is only a few minutes' walk from the tram. On tlie l.ropcrty is a separate building erected by '.Uc late Mr Mosmau for a billiard room. This could be used for that purpose, or it would make un admirable ball room. The land is beautifully laid out in flower beds, ornamental trees, whilst the native bush lends additional attractiveness to an otherwise most desirable property. The late Mr Mosman spent a large, amount of money on this property, but as the estate has to be wound up, our instructions are to sell at any reasonable figure, and anyone in search of a lovely homo in a beautiful position will find it an advantage to inspect without delay. Further particulars may be had on application to THE AUCTIONEERS. THURSDAY, 17th MARCH, 2 o'clock. SALE BY AUCTION HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. AT ROOMS, DOWLING STREET. Massive mirror-back rccc3s-front sideboard, leather dining suite, tapestry and plush suite, largo walnut overmantel, extending dining table, walnut iron-frame piano, organ, harmonium, picture overmantel, high-back chairs, Vienna and wicker oliairs, large Turkey Axminster square, Brussels and tapestry carpets, skin rugs, brass kerb suite, fenders, fire brasses, coal vases, ornaments, pictures, octagon and tea tables, cutlery, glass and china ware, clocks, hanging lamps, barometer, handsome mirror hall stand, hall runner, double and single iron beds, spring, wire, and .lock mattresses, kapok beds, blankets, quilts, curtains and poles, superior duchesse pair, mirror wardrohc, fumed cak bedroom suite, quaint bedstead and bedding to match, ducheuso drawers and tables, full-Scntch chest, marble and tile washstand, ware, ccmmode, iron cot and bedding, carpet square, linoleums, fables, chairs, looking-glasses, kitchen dresser, moat safe, wringer, improved Singer sewing machine, steps, ladder, barrow, lady's free-wheel bicycle, gents' bicycles, wire shakedowns, etc., etc. "AMES SAMSON AND CO. _ liavo Veen favored with instructions to sell by auction, at their Rooms, Dowltng street, a large catalogue of first-class Household Furniture, including the above. i ON VIEW MORNING OF SALE. THURSDAY, 17th' MARCH.
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Evening Star, Issue 14316, 15 March 1910, Page 5
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1,167Page 5 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Star, Issue 14316, 15 March 1910, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 7 Evening Star, Issue 14316, 15 March 1910, Page 5
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