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PUBLIC NOTICES. •*ir3aSii';>j.'iy;'. i t>ji>vS ; t & ilg^^p^il^g^li^Jpli^ Just as a stream gathers momentum as it proceeds on its way to the ocean, so daes OREAVER'S CLEARING SALE OF SUMMER COODS increase In variety and number of money-saving opportunities as it draws to a close. Every day fresh bargains crop up, ready to bs taken advantage of by discerning women. Orsss Lengths, 10/6 each. This is not "trumpery," but good merchandise merely reduced to facilitate sale. Satcan Hats, a special line, suitable for end-of-season wear, to clear 1/11 each. Look at the Savings Here: The remainder of our stock of Summer Millinery will be cleared out without thought to cost. Children's Washing; Hats at 1/, 1/6, and 2/6. Children's Trimmed Straw Hats at 1/11, 2/11, and 3/6. And Here is something for your Seaside Trip: Ladies' and Children's Bathing Suits from 1/11. Caps, 173. Paddlers, 1/11. Then Here wo have still' left a few Feather Boas and Necklets in Saxo Blue, Brown, Mole, Navy, Green, Fawn, Grev, and Black. They cost us 21/. Yon may have them for 5/6. Also Here in our windows is .displayed a special lino in Sample Underclothing, slightly soiled. And' Here are Costumes that don't cost you much. They are of the most favored styles, and retain their appearance no matter how often they visit the washtub. Pure Linen Costumes from 10/6 and 12/6. Pure Linen Dresses from 5/11 and 7/6. Let us point out again that our Handsore* Selection of New Season's Millinery is now on view. jwwiffiMwawi i-^r-JP.Wj.-jt! rw-;^'ifl^43?;?s&u^|^^iaw^
« EEDBLY CURED. Are you a sufferer? Arc you one of the countless army who have this distressing and dangerous complaint in one of its many forma? Then why endure the pain and discomfort a moment longer? The remedy is here waiting for you —a remedy that is certain, safe, speedy, and that is intended for Piles and nothing else. Unlike certain largely-advertised Pile ointments which profess to also cure diseases of every kind, as well as cuts, old sores, burns, scalds, etc., etc., ad lib. "Mansavita" Pile Ointment is guaranteed to curs Piles only, and it does cure them, and is not intended for any other purpose. An ordinary ointment which you can use on your face or hands is absolutely useless for Piles, so beware of such advertised cure-alls. "MAWS A VITA" mmmmmmMim 12/6 a Box. A TESTIMONIAL. Timaru, 2/2/10. , Mrs Towler, S Dear Madam, —I thought that I I would write and tell you that after 5 taking two bottles of Pile Mixture f and using two boxes of Pile Oint- j I merit for Bleeding Piles that I * I suffered with for twelve months I and never got any relief, no matter I whatever I tried, unt;l I tried 3'our | treatment, I am to tell [ I you that I am now thoroughly 1 cured, and have never suffered | I since I tried " Mansavita" Pita 1 treatment. I have waited eighteen I months to see if they came back I again. I am thankful to say they | have not done so. I tell all my 1 friends and any person who suffers |-as I did to try your treatment.—l 3 remain, dear madam, yours gratefully, v T. E. JELLAND. | | Corner North and Bank streets, j | Timaru, February 2, 1910. i | The above testimonial from Mr ' 3 Jelland is published by his permis- [ | sion for the benefit of other ) 9 sufferers. '. MRS TOWLER, i 8 14 Royal Arcade, Dunedin. ADVICE FREE. I Inquiry Invited. Enclose stamp j I for reply. ii If Ym'A W 18ct Gold Helf Hoop d:— .-i. :»u e j!_ sdcjs, £5. Others up to £6O. We make a Speciality of mssmsmmmmmmmm. Are She | very best. P "GIVE ME HARLEQUIN." It There's more solid satisfaction to bo n C .[ from a plug of 'Harlequin' than from any other tobacco I know of, and I've nboub tried them all." An experienced smoker's comment. It will bo your experience, too, if you like to try. The "most solid satisfaction" is what wc all want. 7JMMmtMe»vn ENGAGEMENT RINGS. All Rings sold by us are stamped and guaranteed solid gold. Your initials and date we engrave free. Princes Street, Dunedin. 'Phone 98. (Next Herbert, Haynes & Co.). A Choice Lot of* In Smart-fitting Hip Coals and Perfect-shaped Skirts, all in Stylish "All-wool" Tweeds. The Manufacturers' Prices were from 40/- to 63/Our Prices are from A Bargain is a "Bargain" in every sense of the word when advertised by j'lvßiillii There/ore an Early Call is Advisable.
Few ladies consider their wardrobes to be fully equipped if they do not possess a Tailor-made ~ stume. A Well-tailored Costume seldom seems out of place. There are not many occasions on which it cannot be worn. For travelling and outing purposes it is, of course, the correct thing. Smartly dressed women are generally to be seen wearing Tailor-made Costumes, for they realise how largely such contribute to their stylish appearance. We are makers of High-class Ladies' Costumes, the product of Skilled Tailoring and Careful Workmanship. An invitation is extended 'o ladies who appreciate well-made, stylish, smart-looking Costumes to call and look over our Large ' Selection of Ladies' Costume Cloths, which include many of f;e Latest Designs in Fancy Striped Worsteds and a nice variety of Serges. We are now busy on Ladies' Autumn and Winter Costumes, and will be pleased to" fulfil your order in time for Easter wear. We guarantee all our work to be of the highest order and our Costumes to be finished in the latest styles, faultless in fit, and, in the matter of wear, thoroughly satisfactory. Tailor-made Costumes from £4 15/ to £7 7/. SPECIALITE,—Iadies' Tailor-mads Costumes, made in any Serge, £5 5/. I « 6 ~ 12 George St.
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Evening Star, Issue 14316, 15 March 1910, Page 2
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953Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Star, Issue 14316, 15 March 1910, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Star, Issue 14316, 15 March 1910, Page 2
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Allied Press Ltd is the copyright owner for the Evening Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Allied Press Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.