PUBLIC NOTICES. L’USTROS PAINT L’USTRUS PAINT L’USTRUS PAINT (READY MIXED) Colours Absolutely Permanent. Best and Most Economical SMITH & SMITHhb The more you save, the K more you have to spend I ” | Housewives can save money g by visiting just now »] ® a tl c 9 9 Sale HOUSEHOLD REQUIREMENTS AT SALE PRICES. A Sample of the Bargains Offered Boot Brushes, Scl. Clothes Brushes, (Id. Nail Brushes, 2d. Reflector Candlesticks, 1/. Plain White Enamel do., Gel. Enamel Stow Pans, largo sizes, 1/6, 2/, 2/G, 3/. Blue Enamel Teapots from 1/6. Bedroom Sets, 8/9. Kitchen Ramps, 2/3 and 3/. Large Floral Decorated .Jugs, 3 pint, 1/G. Glass Butter Dishes, with cover, Bd. Large Size Jelly Dishes, Gd. Jugs, 6cL Japanese Cream Jugs, 5d and 7UI. Bread Boards, I/. Chamois Skins, 1/. Cheese Dishes, with cover, 1/G. Tumblers, 1/ per half-dozen. Knives, slightly soiled—Dinner, sd; Dessert, 4|d. Forks, 4d. Dinner Sets from 15/9. Tea Sets, new pattern, from B'9. Fenders—Brass Rail, 5/6, 7/6, 10/6; Steel Rail, 6/ up; Bedroom, 4/, 4/6, etc. Sale CTIORCE STREET (near Octagon and Moray Place). IN Order to have the ‘Star’ out in good time, it is found impossible to classify Advertisements' that come in after noon. After this hour they cannot bo 'classified. Wo would therefore request Advertisers to kindly boar this in mind, and send in their Orders Earlv.
EISSEESE2EE For Forty Years we have sold Hats and Mercery to the Gentlemen of Dunedin at Lowest Cash Prices. And still they come to— KWWgSBa i,VI TAYLOR’S CITY HATONEUM, RATTRAY STREET FURNITURE DEPARTMENT It is necessary that the Stock of Superior Furniture should be Cleared with the least possible delay. Considering the Superior Quality and Finish of the various Articles, it is IMPROBABLE THAT SIMILAR VALUES WILL AGAIN BE OFFERED IN OTAGO AND SOUTHLAND. Every Article is offered for Unreserved Clearance., LADIES! You can’t have good health and a pure complexion when your blood is out of order. MEN! Business Activity and Healthy Vigor are impossible if your Blood is impure. The Modern Medicine for All Complaints arising from impure blood is DOSE. —One Tablet a day, at bedtime. Price I/- a box. All Chemists and Storekeepers. The immense success of this remarkable combination of Sulphur . and Sarsaparilla is the best proof of its almost phenomenal curative power. It acts without griping, and no person 1. suffering from Impurities of the Blood can afford to let an hour pass without securing a box. It will work wonders. FURNITURE §UAUti THE D.I.C. HAVING DECIDED to finally close their BY MARCH 31. The Great Blood Purifier.
Page 8 Advertisements Column 1
Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 8
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