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PUBLIC NOTICES. FUR OFFER EXTRAORDINARY! SPECIAL COSTUME PRICES! K Splendid Opportunity to Secure Handsome FURS AND COSTUMES AT WONDERFULLY LOW PRICES! A WEEK FULL OF GREAT CHANCES! A WEEK FULL OF ASTONISHING FUR VALUES!! All the Furs mentioned here are from 25 per cent, to 50 per cent. Below Usual Selling Prices. Short Bear Necklets, 3/6 Sm ked Hare Necklets, 18/6, 8/6 29/6, 10/6, 39/6 Martin H \rc Necklets, I '/6, 14/5, 8/6 American Oposium Necklets and Stoles, 15/3, 43/6 Grey Fox Necklets, 24/6 Marmot Stoles and Nc klets, 15/6, 7/6, 29/6. 9/8,10/6 25/6, 19/8.12/6, 18/6 Stone Marten Stoles and Necklets, 17/6, 15/6, 37/6 Grey Lamb Nc kiefs, 4/6. 8/6. 5/6 Squ'rrcl Stoics and Necklets, 32/6, 21/6 Persian Lamb Necklets, 17/6 Black Thibet Ne klc s. 45/6 Brown Tipped Hare Stoics and Mec&lcls, 25/3 Brown Beaver NecVels, 29/6 Grey Astrachan Necklets, (8/0, 11/6, 13/6, Black Thibet Necklets, 45/6, 35/G, 25/3. 420 Black Persian Lamb Necklets 3>/6 White Thibet Necklets, 12/6. 35/6 Whi e Hare Necklets and Sto!es, 10/6, 8/6, 35/, 14/3, 21/S COSTUMES.—At the same time about 60 Costumes will be offered. These Costumes are perhaps the Finest Value ever offered lo the Public, and require no words on our part to induce the Public to buy once they hive seen them, 20 Cloth and Serge in Novy, Brown, Green. Lins and Short Coats, 19/6 Dark Grey Tweed Costume, long Coat t Mid Grey Tweed Costume, long Coat, trim ned corded s Ik, 55/ Brown Stripe Tweed Costume, long Coat, trimmed buttons, 49/6 Navy Serge Medium - Length Cost, trimmed silk and braid, 39/6 Green Tweed Long Coa‘, trimmed black silk and jet buttons, 55/S Navy Serge Long Coat, trimmed silk braid and je l buttons, 65/ Red and Black Stripe Cloth Short Coat, 42/6 Brown Cloth Costumes, semi fitting, out size, 23/6 Prunelle Cloth Hip Coat, lined silk, 39/6 Dark Striped Tweed Medium-Length Coat trimmed braid, 37/6 Violet Amethis. Tweed Costume Coat, lined si k v special value, 39/6 L : ght Grey Tweed Costume Norfolk Coat, 28/8 Dark S'.rise Tweed Costume, Empire Cost, 38/6 Violet Cloth, trimmed black braid, 49/6 C nnatnon Serge, trimmed black braid, hip Coat, 39/8 Browa Check Tweed Costume, hip Coat, trimmed black braid, 39/6 . Grey Mixed Tweed, Medium-Length Coat, lined silk, trimmed blick braid, 35/6 Navy Serge Costume, Eton Coat, 25/6 Dark Grey Tweed Costume, spring-back Coat, out size, 19/11 Br jW.i Mixed Tweed, Hip Coa*, trimmed black braid, 32/6 Light Grey Tweed, semi-fitting short Coat, trimmed black silk, 35/6 Greca Striped Tweed, Medium-Length Coat, trimmed black braid, 42,6
10/6 trimmed corded oilk. 59/6 FOUR Exquisite Shapes IN are given below, and arc worthy of Special Attention to all contemplating the purchase of a New Gown or Costume* 221 8.E., WHITE or GREY COUTELLE, 10/6. Long Hip and Short Back. 281 8.E., WHITE or GREY BATISTE, 10/6. Extra Long Hip. 185 8.E., WHITE or GREY COUTELLE, 15/6. Specially designed for stout figures. 184 8.E., WHITE ONLY, 15/9. Also Specially designed for stout figures. Low cut bust. ALL THE ABOVE ARE FITTED WITH SUSPENDERS*
hours dragged along; the tongues of the girls fairly lolled fron their months, while their vale companions struggled to keep the weaker ones on their feet. A fainting girl seemed onlv to add to the excitement and zest of the' soo -spectators in Banshaw Hall, where two dance hall proprietors held the contest, Early in the morning, when the struggle took on a serious aspect, the promoters of the contest asked the participants to stop, but none complied, and. urged on by the crowd, the girls continued the grind. The three surviving couples will ho awarded prizes. These are a gold watch for the men and a diamond ring for the girls. On the shelves will give the housekeeper a real holiday, for they save many an hour of cooking.” They’re Just the thing for seaside and camping. Ask your grocer for some of these: — St. George Plum Puddiugs, all ready cooked, and just the most delicious you’ve ever tasted. St. George Ox Tongues, in tins. Good enough for Christmas dinner. St. George Camp Pie, splendid for teas and lunch. St. George Whitebait—a famous delicacy. Made only by IRVINE & STEVENSON, LTD, St. Qeorge Works, Dunedin. PUBLIC NOTICES ij A Holiday Pantry. I. GEORGE Delicacies
After dancing continuously for fourteen hours and forty-one minutes without nourishment or even a drink of water, three of the fifty-three couples that started in a “Marathon” waltz contest at .Seattle (L’.S.) were slopped by oflicers, acting under instructions from Mayor Charles P. Nevin, upon advice ol the city physician. Six girls had been taken to the hospital, one sniveling from a ruptured blood vessel, and mother being stricken with muscular paralysis. Others of the fair contestants were in pitiable shape. The endurance contest became torture as the IF YOU HAVE A COUGH, Cold, Nose, Throat, or lung Trouble, Stomach, Bowel, or Liver Complaint, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, USE SANDER'S EXTR.-.CT; 5 drops in a tablespoon water. Remember, you cannot e.xpcc' the good effects from any sort of Eucalyptus SANDER’S EXTRACT CUKES because it contains ethereal and antiseptic substances rot contained in oilier Eucalyptus products. Those latter, made by persons ignorant in chemistry, and provided wiili fancy names and labels by trading concerns who do not know what they contain, have caused grievous barm, and a death Iras resulted from their me. Do net apply an ointment to a sore! It keeps back the secretion. To wounds, bruises sprains, burns, ulcers, eczema, and other skin troubles APPLY SANDER’S EXTRACT—IS drops in a tablespoon olive oil. r iho effect tvdl surprise you. SANDER’S EXTRACT HEALS,'because n, is freed from the irritating constituents contained in other Eucalyptus preparations. It heals when others irritate. Insist upon the GENUINE SANDER EUCALYPTI EXTRACT, and you will derivetbe benefit. WiM ¥% ar v. you re sure So Satisfying.
EYESIGHT Testing oa by m vori Sturmer. D.5.0.1., G.A.0.C,, 5 Eyesight Specialist. Optica! Rooms —Sprosen’s, Chemist, CORNER GEORGE STREET AND OCTAGON. Spectacles fitted with utmost care. Comfort and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Oculists’ Prescriptions compounded. £*££2Ll£2: Country Slcpresentativc, A. S. GARDNER, For All Information relating to —; * PATENTS APPLY—BALDWIN & RAYWARD, the Leading Patent Agents of New Zealand, Joel’s Baildings, Crawford Street, Dunedin, Publishers of ‘ Progress,’ the Journal for Inventors. CONSULTATION FREE.
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Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 7
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1,041Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 7
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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 7
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