PUBLIC NOTICES. J. & J. ARTHUR Fancy Knitted Vests. The Latest Styles in Fancy Knitted Vests for Autumn and Winter Wear have just come to hand. A Special Feature of these Vests is the Knitted Backs, rendering the Vests themselves as warm as flannel and enabling them to fit perfectly, “giving” with each movement of the wearer. The Shipment comprises a Choice Assortment in Most Beautiful Patterns, no two of which are alike, with Plain, Knitted, and Braid Bound Edgings, and in Smooth or Fleecy Surfaces. Piices 11/6 to 27/6. MEN’S MERCERS. Easter Clothes. With Easter there generally comes a change in the climate. The warm, pleasant days of summer give place to the cold, shortening days of Autumn, and men naturally begin to *»inkof Warmer Clothing more suitable to the colder weather. May we remind you of the desirability of securing your Winter Suit in time for wear during the Easter Holidays. If you will let us have your order now we will see to its immediate execution, so that you will be prepared in good time for the colder weather. We willlbe pleased to have you call and see our Autumn and Winter Suitings, comprising English and Dominion Worsteds and Colonial Tweeds in the Latest Patterns and Colors. Autumn and Winter Suits, delivered in time for Easter Wear —Four Guineas to Five Guineas. MERCHANT TAILORS. 6-12 GEORGE STREET ft I
ARE YOU BALD? IS THSN P WOULD YOU LUCE ST THICK ■ AND HEALTHYP Look ! M n v .SWthGSis iiSii m liillllii Ajter Usui'j. JJf/ure Usinj. | l/nvo you seen tht* rriginjil photographs ? Certified to by a loading photographer that they are produced direct froui thO negative without any re-touching. Price, 3, 6. Special Strength, 5/6. ...... W. BRIGE & SOW, C 137 Colombo Strsot, Christchurch. Tho photographs of actual results are on view at Marshall’s Pharmacy, Princes street; Wilkinson and Son’s and ,T. Noil’s, George street; W. Kinder’s, North-east Valley: South Dunedin Pharmacy; A. fl. Hall’s, hairdresser, South Dunedin ; J. Reynolds’s, Roslvn; N. Dodds's, Port Chalmers; Double Bros.’, hairdressers, Invercargill. */OU will like LANE’S MEDO- * LINE —Queen of Skin Tonics —for rough, scaly, sunburned, cracked and chapped skins, i/- at Chemists. J.
MMMUfciiiiflrrwiii yma ||i h&>2t* S«5» »S£k MS S/tffSs** es me &r£ of L4§in<g> Common s&ng® I' SMOStE tK US§ four' W~~ ■iV'l'—, , iWij Si£. %5 ''/W/?] :mwi a>:.i au K y? :>•"• l * 'iv;,' wap. rkTB& ifwm ■m S3* i3te iw §H a^-es ajS« m fesa as s£V ass iafii as 2}ttgi agftSf r «S» iTA.**? ili H *W| a*« r* r,3J iM fffe AMD use ¥om Conors sense Man must offset toil by keen enjoyment Earth has no greater comfort than a good Tobaccosuch as "VICTORY." Rising into air, the curling smoke assuages dreariness, drives care away, furnishes inspiration for noble deeds, and teaches patience and goodwill to fellow men. Therefore, smoke .(S(J fa 3-os. Tim and Plugs everywhere.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 3
Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 2
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