A. AND T. BURT’S. On Saturday the employees of A. and T. Burt, to the’ number of nearly 450, proceeded to- Qunrantbio Island, where their annua! outing was held. They were conveyed thither in the s.s. Waikana. which landed them at the island shortly after ten o’clock. The weather was 'simply perfect. An energetic Committee (of whom Mr H. Wilson was chairman) had charge of the sports arrangements, which were carried out without a hitch, and when that part of the programme was got through an improvised programme for the younger people was taken in hand. ‘ln addition the juveniles were plentifully provided with toys, etc. Flint’s Band supplied music for tho dances, and enlivened tho passage both ways. Mr Alex. Burt, who presented the prizes, mentioned that the firm’s branch at Auckland were spending the day in a similarly happy manner. Most of the party were able to reach town by six o’clock, but a number preferred to take advantage of the fineness of the afternoon, and kept up the fun a couple of hours later, returning by the Moerangi. Tho sports resulted thus: — Apprentices’ Race.—D. Burk 1, A. M’Lachlan 2, D. Fraser 3. Married Men's Race.—C. Weitzcl 1, C. Walker 2, Craig 3. Burt’s Handicap.—Cuttle 1, .Breen 2, Colemau 3. Married Ladies.—ill* __Craik 1, Mrs Dcuchrass 2, Mrs Marlin 3. Single Ladies.—-Miss Wilson 1, Mias Ward 2, Miss Bushel! 3. Three-legged Race.—Penny and Coleman !i, Martin and Anderson 2. Thread-the-needle Race.—Mrs Moses and. Mr Penny 1, Mrs Martin and Mr A. Martin 2. Visiting Ladies (long skirts).—-Mrs Shepherd 1, airs Wilcox 2. Visiting Ladies (short skirts).—Miss Mason 1, Miss APDonald 2. Visitors’ Race.—D. Fink 1, J. Burk 2, Shanks 3. Putting the Stone.—W. M'Geever 1, D. Stalker 2. Consolation Race.—L. Hammond. The members and friends of the Junior Christian Endeavor Society connected with Wesley Church, Cargill road, held their annual picnic at the Reservoir on Saturday, and under the able control of Miss Rosevear and a dozen willing helpers the day passed off pleasantly and without hitch. The party journeyed to and from Buko street by special cars.
Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 7
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