[Special io ,r ii£ Star.] CHRISTCHURCH. March 14. Interviewed, Mr D. M‘Laron, M.P., said: “1 am satisfied that the. future of file West Coast lies very largely with the Labor party, and that pail of the Dominion will elect many public men to office as direct Labor representatives. I found that even people who are not associated with trades unions are very largely imbued with the' Labor sentiments and principles. 1 found a considerable number of earnest-thinking men in the ranks of organised Labor on the Coast, and 1 am very hopeful -for the progress o£ our movement for of an independent Labor party in that part of the country. Referring to Air D. M'Laren's campaign, the ‘Lyttelton Times’ says: “We can believe that Mr M’Laren and Mr Taylor are thoroughly in earnest in urging the electors of Christchurch .South to assist in the formation of an Independent Labor party in the House; but while we freoly recognise their honesty, we gravely mistrust their judgment. They have put forward a legislative programme with which the progressive sentiment is .largely in accord, but unfortunately they seem to have convinced themselves that its achievement will Ire possible only if the old Liberal-Labor alliance U dissolved and the country committed to the experience of the three-party system. It is difficult to understand iiow a' public man possessed of .Mr Taylor's knowledge of political warfare can have failed to see the obvious perils of such a course, from the point of view of Labor itself. We have had a very excellent illustration of the operation’ of the threeparty system in Australia, where tiie Labor party, after a period of almas I chaotic strife, find that the result of their efforts has been to produce an alliance between Liberals and Conservatives.”
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Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 6
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Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 6
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