THE HIGH COMMISSIONER’S CABLE. WELLINGTON, March 14. The High Commissioner’s market report, dated 12th March, is as follows; Mutton— .Market firm; good demand for prime quality. Holders not anxious to sell. Average price: Canterbury mutton, 4«d; North Island, 4d. Lamb.— The market is very firm, and a good demand. All lamb for Easier supplies will be moderate. Average price: Canterbury lamb, sgd lb; other New Zealand, s]d. ]] co f—Market, quiet.; holders firm, demand fair. Average price: New Zealand hindquarters. 3id lb; forequarters, 3^d. Butler.—The‘market is very firm, and the demand has been exceptional. __ It exceeds the supply. The stock of New Zealand butler on"hand is almost exhausted, and is firmly held in second hands. Average price : Choicest New Zealand, loOs ; Australian and Argentine, 1265; Danish, 156s ; Siberian, 1255.• Cheese.--The market is firm. Prices have advanced, and buyers are cautious. Average price: Finest New Zealand white cheese, 6ls: colored, 59s 6d. Hemp.—The. market is lifeless, with no change in prices. Tho stock of New Zealand hemp on hand is 197 tons. Tho week’s output of hemp at. Manila was 19,000 bales, (Last week’s quotations were : Spot New Zealand good fair, £25; fair, £24; Manila fair current, £25; forward good fair, £24 15s; fair, £23 15s; Manila, £24.) Cocksfoot Seed.—The market is quiet, but firm. The stocks on band are moderate. Average price: New Zealand bright, clean 171b seed, 72s per cwt. Kauri Gum.—Tho market is firm, with improved demand. Average price: Ordinary to fair three-quarter scraped, £8 10s; fair half scraped, £5 ss; bush fair to good pale amber, scraped, £8 10s; brown half to three-quarters scraped, 92s 6d ; brown pickings, common to good, 455. Wheat.—Tho market is quiet, and prices slightly weaker. Oats.—Market quiet; a small business doing, but tendency in favor of buyers. Average price: New Zealand sparrowbills, ex Granity, 19 s P er quarter of 3841b; New Zealand banish, 17s 3d per quarter of 5201b. Peas.—The market is steady, without animation. Average mice: NeiV Zealand partridge, 55s per 6041b. Beans.—The mUrket is firm, owing to reduced supplies. Average price: New Zealand beans, old crop, 40s 6d per 5041b. Hops.—The market remains firm, and general active demand. XTospects arc favorable. The arrivals of River Plate mutton and lamb at United Kingdom ports during February were as follow London : Carcasses of mutton 46, 877, lamb 5,482. Liverpool: Carcasses 175,093, lamb 8,871. Hull: Carcasses 1,045, lamb 1,152. Cardiff: Carcasses 8,538, lamb 987. Southampton: Carcasses 5,045, lamb 3,686. Irish ports: Carcasses 3,437, lamb 44. Total; 239,931 carcasses, and 18,222 lambs . (The arrivals during February, 1910, were:—Mutton 311,561 carcasses, lamb 90,253 carcasses.} .
Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 4
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