SEACLIFF HOTEL DESTROYED. Word has been received in town that tho Seacliff Hotel, an old wooden building with stables adjoining, was completely destroyed by fire shortly after midnight on Saturday. The cause of tile outbreak is unknown. Tho occupants, Mr J. Berm and his wife and family, had barely time, to escape. The hotel lost its license lastyear. The stables were only recently built at considerable expense. The building was tho property of Mrs de Clifford, of Dunedin, and was insured in tho Atlas Oflice for £4OO. and in the Now Zealand Office for £IOO. It is not known whether Mr Bertie's effects were insured. Further pirticulars received this afternoon state that the house contained fifteen rooms, and there was a five-stall stable. Notliing was saved, tho buildings being completely demolished. Tho furniture and effects were insured in the Atlas Office for £3OO. > A two-roomed cottage in Vickery .street, Momington, owned by James Simpson ami occupied by Norman Shaw, a bachelor, was destroyed by fire shortly after nine o’clock on Saturday night. Tho occupant, who lit a fire in tlio kitchen, loft the house before five o’clock, and it is believed that a spark t'orn tliis started tho blaze. The house was insured for £4O in tho New Zealand Office, but Shaw’s furniture and effects, valued at about £ls, were uninsured. ;Th© City Brigade were called out at 7.15 on Saturday evening for a chimney on fire in Moray place. Three shops at East Hamilton were totally destroyed by tiro early yesterday morning. Two belonged to Mr W. Dey, and wore used for a general store and post office. The third was a fancy goods shop (Mr J. White). The firo started in White's shop, and as there was no water th 3 firemen were powerless to prevent tho fire from spreading. Mr Dev’s shops were ir..Mired for £IOO, stock £2OO, and stable £SO. White’s stock was insured for £250, and tho shop £loo.—Hamilton, P,A., message.
Evening Star, Issue 14315, 14 March 1910, Page 4
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