PUBLIC NOTICES. Supreme Beauty for the Ladies of South Buaedin at the We can't hope to des~ j cribe the beauty, snap, and style of the New i Autumn and Winter I Millinery—it must reall ly be seen to be realised J and appreciated in all 1 its bright novelty and I charming freshness. lAs an indication of I what is now on view if we give the following i notes, and strongly urge 1 ladies to call and see I for themselves. I Fashionable for Autumn and Winter Colored Shapes, smart styles, slightly turned np -it side. Cliip mid Rustic Straws, in all the new shades of Heliotrope. Brown, Green, etc. Elegantly trimmed 'with velvet, ribbon, wings, <>te. Prices! U/6, t6/6, and 18/6. Colored Straws, the latest "Chic " shapes, in all colors, trimmed with glace silk, lmckles. and wings, 16/6, 18/11, 19/6, and 21/. Very stylish. Imported Ottoman Cord Silk Hats, new handsome turaednp shape, trimmed with large sill; bows, in Black, Heliotrope, and other colors, 19/11; trimmed with velvet, ribbon, and quills, 18/11 —in Heliotrope, Black, Cinnamon, etc. Very stylish and •• toney." Black Trimmed Hats. TTe have a splendid variety; all new shapes, trimmed with Black ribbon, velvet, and wings, also tulle and tips. Prices, 16/6, 18/11, 21/, 22/6, up to 23/6 each. Supply Ass&, ■ ■ to the Perfection orMosgiel'Rugs At the Imperial International! Exhibition, London, held] last year, the Grand Prise was awarded to the farfamed "a'ae'oo" MOSGIEL' RUGS. 1 " The Best of their kind' on earth." {j So/d by leading Drapers and Outfitters. WHAT THEY SAY IX NEW YORK! " Whrn a man has built a concrete house he not on!? ix* an unburnable house, but be has in indestructible house. There is no maintenance charge. P«-:nUng, patching, etc., are unknown."—" New York Sun.' 3URNSIDE CEMENT MAKES PERFECT CONCRETE. " Burnside" is of Higher Grade than British specification, German, and other standards. For FINENESS. LTMFORMITY, SOUNDNESS, COMPRESSION, AND TENSILE STRENGTH it is of record quality. Test It With Any Make! BURNSIDE HYDRAULIC LIME AND t CEMENT CO., LTD., Dunedin. WASTE PAPER. WASTE PAPER FO, In Lots to Suit Purchasers. Apply 'STAR' OFFICE.
Page 10 Advertisements Column 6
Evening Star, Issue 14314, 12 March 1910, Page 10
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