PUBLIC NOTICES. " ALL OVER THE WORLD thousand* off housewives use Soap in preference to any other, because it cleanses the clothes more thoroughly, and at ball the cost, without injury to hands or fabric. Sunlight lengthens your V leisure and lightens A .■ your work. a Follow the directions given round each tablet and the dirt drops out. EAST, WEST, NORTH, ■ AiO SOUTH UNITED Hi ONE RESPECT. There may b>i differences of opiuion regarding many subjects in suctions o£ the country remote from each other, but there is none respecting ,„,--, THE BEST REMEDY FOR PILE.';, a* witness the letters below: FROM NEW PLYMOUTH. "Tlease send another packet of Dr Fellows' Pile Cones. 1 have, used 3 packets, and feel I am cured, but will keep a bos by me in case of any return of the complaint. They have certainly done me more good than all the other remedies I have tried." FROM AKAROA. " I promised to let voti know the result of using Dr Fellows' Pile"Cones, and am pleased to bo able to tell you that the bleeding entirely ceased after three days, and in less than ten days the piles had quite gone. I nm more than pleased that you prescribed them for me, and will certainly recommend vour services to my friends." FROM WESTPORT. " I want you to post 2 boxes of Dr Fellows' Pile Cones"to my brother at Greymouth. I know ho is a sufferer, and from personal experience I can say that these Cones are really pcod. The agony I went through with itchin? and bleeding piles was cruel, but one Hnd a-half boxes have cured me. Please post tlum at once." _ MORE EVIDENCE IS NOT NECESSARY. Tho Fact is Just This: DR FELLOWS' PILE CONES Cure- Blind. Bleeding, Itching, and Protruding Piles, and you will prove their worth the dav vou try them. 3s 6d a box; 3 for 10s. FROM ALL CHEMISTS. Wholesale Asent: H. F. STEVENS, MORAY PLACE, DTJNEDIN. 'TpHOSE hands of yours! They I need LANE'S MEDOLINE. Then they will be like your neighbour's hands, clean, white, .soft, supple, lady-like. -•■,!/- everywhere. " 13. £S m m YM KShf H s" MANUFACTURER 5 >0 H.M,theXlH G If Keep BONNINGTON'S IN THE HOUSE. A few doses of this standard cough remedy will quickly cute you, and perhaps prevent a serious illness. Don't be persuaded to take an imitation or substitute. There is no other remedy so good and efficacious. Ir-i=t bojiusws ira moss J mw&m make ywr own ft is twice asgood RETT* ~xiste«i?fifi as R GILMOUB THOMSON'S As Supplied to the Prince of Wale A Pure Matt Scotch Whisky of Great Maturity and Delicate Flavor. Matured in Sherry Casks. Mild, yet stimulating to a degree. A trial will prove its worth. Wholesale Agents i THOMSON 6 CO., Ounedin. IST Quotations from 'Evening Star' r Office for largo or small quantities of niafcing before plaeing year Orders,
Page 10 Advertisements Column 1
Evening Star, Issue 14314, 12 March 1910, Page 10
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