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[;'■:'■■.:' l : : . ;: RELIGIOUS. ;-.,■'■■.' OIGYPT ~ GENERAL MISSION. Mr WM. ' BRADLEY, Missionary, from Egypt, will Address Meetings as follows: Saturday, March 12.—Y.W.C.A., Moray place, 7.45 p.m. Sunday, March 13.—North-cast Valley Presbyterian Church, 6.30 p.m. Monday, March 14.—Ravensbourno Presbyterian Church Hall, 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 16.—Wcsleyau Hal!, Port'Chalmers. 8 p.m. Thursday, March 17.—Presbyterian Church, Milton. ; Friday, March 18.—Choral Hall, Moray place (illustrated), 8 p.m. Saturday, March 19.—Y.M.C.A., Stuart street, 8 p.m. Sunday, March 20.—St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 6.30 p.m. Monday, March 21.—Bast Taieri Presbyterian Church Hall. 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 22.—Choral Hall (prayer circlo members), 7.45 p.m. IRISTADELPHIAN Hall. Moray place \J (next tho Congregational Church).—A Lecture will be delivered hero on Sunday Evening, «t 6-30, entitled ' Regeneration: What Is It and How Is It Effected?' AU invited; no collection. CORPORATION NOTICES. FAREWELL VISIT OF HIS EXCELLENCE THE GOVERNOR. f RESPECTFULLY REQUEST THE i- CITIZENS to attend an ADJOURNED MEETING in tho Town Hall on TUESDAY NEXT, the 15th March insL, at 8 o'clock p.m., to Further Consider tho Form of Farewell to be tendered to His Excellency tho Governor, Lord Plunkct, en his Visit to this City prior to his Dcparturo from tho Dominion' JAMES H.WALKER. Mayor. Dur.ediu, 12th March, 1910. BOROUGH OF ST. KILDA. UKE NOTICE.-Tho VALUATION LIST for the MUSSELBURGH and PARK \RDS of tho Borough of St. Hilda for the year 1910-1911 IS NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION at the Town Clerk's Office, Main road, St. Kilda. ALL OBJECTIONS thereto must be left a» the St. Kilda Council Chambers on or before ihe 15th day of MARCH, 1910, addressed to the Assessment Court, and a Copy of every such Objection must bo left at th<; same place not less thau TEN DAYS before the Nest Sitting of the said Court. J. B. DICK, Town Clerk. St. Kilda, 14th February, 1910. PUBLIC LIBRARY. PUBLIC NOTICfTIS HEREBY GIVEN JT that rn and after SATURDAY, the 12th March, 1910, the CHILDREN'S READING ROOM (Juvenile Department of tho Public Library), Moray place, will bo OPEN FOR PUBLIC USE. Hours: 3 to 6 o'clock p.m. daily, except Saturdays. Saturdays, 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., and 2 to 6 p.m. 1 It. W. RICHARDS, Town Clerk. Dunedin, 11th March, 1910. BOROUGH OF PORT CHALMERS. rinENDERS CLOSE at 5 o'clock p.m. of I THURSDAY, 17th iust., for CARTING for the ensuing 12 months from April 1, 1910. Specifications may be seen at the Town Clerk's Office. The lowest or any other tender not necessarily accepted. ALEXANDER LECK, Town Clcrl r BOROUGH OF MAORI HILL. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thai. JN LEGAL PROCEEDINGS will be taken for tho rccoverv of all RATES and DOG REGISTRATION FEES outstanding on TUESDAY, 15th iust. Bv order of tho Council. C. CRATER, Town Clerk.
I rjpO LET, 4' and , 5-roomed Brick Houses, . good order:' 9s and 10s. Apply 70 Duudas street. __ mO LET, 6-roomcd House, 56 Hanover JL street; nil conveniences; rent 17s. D. Moloney and Co., 90 Princes street. rr\o LET, 2 4-tcomcd Houses. Apply JL Procter, Cuttcn street, South Dunedin. nnO LET (Moniington), 5-roomed House, JL waslihouse, copper, tubs; garden. Apply Mrs Briley, 19 Clark street, Ban-field, Mornington. TO LET, Furnished, Double Bedroom with fireplace, also use conveniences. Apply lire Davis, grocer, Frederick street. 0 LET, 4-roomed Brick Cottage; cheap rent to good tenant. Apply 117 Forth street, Dunedin. rr\o LET, 3-roomed House; waslihouse and JL copper. Apply 76 Leith street. TO LET, Double Furnished Apartments; every comfort and convenience; fireplaces. Apply No. 11 York place. nnO LET, good 4-roomed House, CavcrJL sham, close to Railway Station; conveniences; 9s per week. Apply Public Trust Office. TO LET, 4-roomed House, Union street; 10s per week; conveniences. Appiy Public Trust Office. "TO LET or Lease, 7-roomcd Villa, Pino Hill, with Four Acres good Land; all , conveniences;' very jeasonablc terms. Apply I Public Trust Office. nnO LET, 3-roomcd .House, Jlaolaggan J. street; conveniences; 8s 6d per week. Apply Public Trust Office. IT\O LliT, large Kiiop. witli J. room, .MacJL laggan street; conveniences; moderate rental. Apply Public Trust Office. nnO LET, 4-roomed Houses, Glasgow street, JL South Dunedin; low rentals. Apply 5 Fox street; or Public Trust Office. ffl"\o LET, 3 Offices, separate or together, ail L conveniences, Cargiil's Corner, South Dunedin; splendid stand. Boiling. raiO LET. comfortable 3-raoiii«l House; JL 6 shillings weekly. 59 Maitland street. ripO LET, Cumberland street, 3 Room?, J. 7s Cd; King street, 4'Rooms, 3s. Trustees, Executors, Water street. 10 LET, Offices (upstairs), Russell's Buildings, Water street. Trustees, ExecuI tors, Water street. mO LET, lor a term, Offices and Store, JL Russell's Buildings. lately occupied by Messrs Mercer and Mitchell. Particulars Trustees, Executors, Water street. TfIKAM Terminus, Cavcrsbam. DoubleJL fronted Shop, six rooms, range, copper, stabling. Burton and Patterson, Dowling street, (City)). nnO LET. 3-roomed Cottage, scullery, oppoJL site Arthur Street School. Apply next. door. npO LET, 3-roomcd Furnished Cottage, near JL beach and railway station. Apply Mrs Cleghoro, Hampden. TO LET, 7-roomed Dwelling, furnished or unfurnished, withiu Id section; modem conveniences. Samson, auctioneer. x TO LET, Modern Dwelling 6 rooms, south end; handy to Workshops; 15s week. Samson, auctioneer. npO LET, Duridas street, 6-roomed House; •JL suitable working man; 10s week. Samsou, auctioneer. nnO LET, largo Room (turmshed); suit two JL ladies engaged during the day. "4. Central." "Star' Office. TO LET, large Six-roomed House, every possible convenience; within penny seclion. 33 King Edward street, Kensington. IURNISHED Cottage To Let, three ■ jl. minutes from Past Office; good locality; conveniences. " Very Central," ' Star,' Office. IX-ROOMED House, 94 Queen street, | n-> near Regent road; bath (hot and coki), "as. etc. Apply 392 Castle street. A NDERSON Bay, Gentleman's ResiX3l dence (furnished), 9 rooms; 1£ acres, in orchard; tennis lawn, garden, stable; lovely position ;• well sheltered;' £75 per annum, or £6O unfurnished. Fca, auctioneer. T7UVE Rooms (fibrous plaster ceilings, elecJn trie light, solid enamel bath, perfectly modern), near Gardens. " Oriel," ' Star.' MJRNISHED Rooms To Let, nice locality, I jl' ... 5 minutes from the Octagon. 1 Albeit J street. '__ "OUSE, 07 Pretoria terrace, York place, . 10 rooms, every convenience; 30s. Ap- | i»ly Rhodes, N,E. Valley. ■■'•■■
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Evening Star, Issue 14314, 12 March 1910, Page 8
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1,002Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Star, Issue 14314, 12 March 1910, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Star, Issue 14314, 12 March 1910, Page 8
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Allied Press Ltd is the copyright owner for the Evening Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Allied Press Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.