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I. PUBLIC NOTICES. I JOLLY'S WATCH INFIMAEY. REDUCED PRICES. PRICES. Clocks (»trikuig), Cleaning 3s 6d Brooch-pins, Joints, and Catches ... 3d each ■"-'• OTHER REPATRTNG AT ORBATtY HEDUCED PRICES. CRITERION BUILDINGS. ' 6 MORAY PLACE (opposite Choral Hall' 'puono 1.458. E. CARTER AND CO#, - Pbone 1i458 . EXCHANGE COURT O/l A/\—Ravensbourne: Nice 5-rooracd 4?KAA-St. Kilda: New 5-roomed Dwell- [ 3*^B:l/ \J Dwelling; 2 square windows and oWJUU ing; bay window and verandah, portico, concrete foundations, tiled grates, concrete foundations, wardrobes, cupboards, Squllory. washhouse, copper and tubs; also tiled hearths and grates, pantry, scullery, small Cottage"and stove; splendid garden— bathroom, basin, hj. and c. water, very fine fruit, flowers, and vegetables; i-acre; fine papers, all necessary' outbuildings; eyeryview, and not too far up the hill..* This is a thing modern; a most compact home. Easy real bargain. terms. ____ : OKO A—Musselburgh: Beautiful 5-roomod £*A /»£— Maori Hill ": Comfortable 5-roomed 3*Q4)\) Dwelling; ai: conveniences..,mir- Dwelling and conveniences; ror wardrobes, red pine bookcase, bath, hj. splendid section, i-acre, well lata out witn and cV'etc; Rood section; handy to'trams fruit trees,- flowers, and vegetables; lino and school. £SO deposit and £1 weeks buys hedges; good view, nice locality, and must this fine property. . be sold. A gift. . X? A KA— 4-roomed Dwelling; large I CfQTffL— Kew: New 5-roomed Villa; ar»4OU and i o f ty ro o ms , bathroom, pan- *» ° li s? S " 1 „ ■ ~ • •••■• •• < i i-v finished rooms; latest papers, beautiful mantry, scullery, washhouse, copper and tubs, tilei j hearths and grates, wardand all necessary outhouses, fowlhouse and ro j )es CU pboards| etc., bathroom, basin, hj. run; splendid ' section,' about i-acre (free- am i 0 . water; in fact, every modern conhold); handy Id section, and good locality, veniecco; splendid section, slightly on the Inquire about this. rise, glorious view, and handy car. BOARDING-HOUSES and TEA ROQM.S FOR SALE or TO LEASE. 'Also BUSINESSES of all descriptions. KINDLY CALL' FOR PARTICULARS. HIG|ITO4.?S COAL. of this Sne Coal in the market now is, that every Coal Merchant wants -1-Vlo' buy it, because ho has no waste' to contend with. Ho lias a further stimulant, in that all bis Customers prefer it, and many disappointments have arisen to them by the merchant not having it at the moment. It is now, however, AVAILABLE EVERY DAY from anybody in the trade. TOE DEMAND FOR IT IS QUITE PHENOMENAL. EIIICE, 25/" PER TON DELIVERED. (2s per ton extra will be charged on the hill where extraordinary cartage is unavoidable.) SPECIAL RATE for 4 TON.S AND OVER. Telephone 1,133 or 929. W. P. WATSON, Representative. A. MATHESON AND <X>., LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, 111 STUART STREET (opposite Burt's). Telephone 1,049. ROSLYN (on Hill).—i-acre, 5 Rooms, new, up-to-date £520 KAIKORAI.—i-acrc, orchard, 5 Rooms, new, up to date „ 550 CITY.—i-acre, 5 Rooms, up to date, sewered ... „ 450 NEAR MAIN ROAD N.E VALLEY.—|-acre, 6 Rooms; firo view 370 GLADSTONE.—i-acre, 6 Rooms, new, up to date 520 CASTLE STREET.—Leasehold: 5 Houses; rents, 45s 525 CUMBERLAND STREET.—Leasehold: 3 Houses; rents, 25s 6d v 250 CLOSE GARDENS.—I| Acres Land, 4 Rooms '. 575 FORTH STREET.—Section, 5 Rooms (new), on rise; sewered 575 DUNDAS STREET.—Section, 4 Rooms; on rise; sewered 365 DUDDINGSTON.—2-acre, 5 Rooms (new), up to date; lovely view 500 BAY VIEW ROAD.—i-acre, 5 Rooms (new), up to date ... ; 490 ASCOT VALE.—Corner Section, 4 Rooms (new), up to date '.... ... 450 SIGNAL HILL—33 Acres, House,"shod, etc. 350 ROSLYN (Soith End). Section, 6 Rooms (new), up to date ..." 625 WOOPHAUGH.—i-acre, water, 6 Rooms, up to date; suit factory 7QO KELVIN GROVE.—i'-acre, 4 Rooms (new ... 000 KELVIN GRdVE.—Corner Section, water, 4 Rooms (new), suit factory 445 LITTLEBQURNE.—i-acre, 6 Rooms (new), up to date; sewered 725 BALMACEWEN.—i-acre, 6 Rooms (new), up to date ... 725 Easy terms arranged to suit Buyers. RQSLYN LAND AND ESTATE AGENCY Telephone 1,376. (A. WASHER AND CO.), Telephone 1,376 Opposite Roslyn Post Office. FOR SALE. HIGH STREET ROSLYN (Best Part; Two Minutes off Car).—FIVE Nice ROOMS; oriel Window, verandah, gas, hj. and c. water, lofty rooms. £6OO. KAIKORAI (on the Hill).— Nearly New HOUSE, 4 rooms; washhouse (copper and tubs), bath; three-eighths acre. £4OO. MAORI HlLL.—Splendidly Built HOUSE, 4 rooms; hj. and c, verandah; view; up 12 months. £485. BISHOPSCOURT.—We have in this Favorifc Part a Nice Little COTTAGE of 5 rooms; verandah; splendid large garden; sunshin all day; fruit and ilowcrs. And price only £435. NEWINGTON.—SEVEN Nice ROOMS; hj. and c.; attractive appearance; on tram line. £BOO. M\ORI HILL.—Six Nice ROOMS, in splendid order: fine wallpapers, friezes, etc.; hj. and c. water; good view, etc. £445; small deposit, balance rent. ANDERSTON ROAD, KAIKORAI.—SIX ROOMS; water laid on; fine large section, about facre; plenty of fruit trees; easy to car; workshop. £SOO. ROSLYN (Just Off High street).—SlX Good ROOMS; hot and cold, all conveniences. £BOO. WE HAVE ALL THE BEST SECTIONS in the District on Our Rooks. FINANCE FOR CLIENTS on the EASIEST OF TERMS. BUILD and
JEWELLERY SALE. • AST THREE WEEKS' SALE of £5,000 —J worth of BANKRUPT GENUINE JEWELLERY, At tho Lowest Prices ever beard of. Tho stock consists of a fine variety of SINGLE and HALF-LOOP DIAMOND RINGS, DIAMOND with RUBY, SAPPHIRE, EMERALD, OPAL, OLEVIEN, etc. A fino variety of GEM BRACELETS, etc. Price-list of the following articles:— Rothcrham Watches, 18-carat Dome Hunter, £l7 10s; 18-carat Full Hunter, £l6 10s; 18-carat Full Hunter Domeless, £l4 ss; 9-carat Full Hunter, Dome, £lO 10s; Domeless, £0 JOs; Silver Keyless, 795; Key Winder, 62s 6d. Baunio Watches, 18-carat, Split Second, £34; Waltham Watches, 18-carat, £l4; 15carat, £l2 10s; 9-carat, £7 ss; in Silver, 41s {lO years); Rolled Gold, 41s; Elgin Watches, 18-carat, £l2 (25 years); E.G., 79s (20 years), 57s 6d (10 years), 41s; in Silver, 41s; 15-carat Double Gold Chain, £6 17s 6d; 9-carat Double, 72s ~6d to 77s 6d (heavy); Silver Chains, Doublo, 6s 6(1 and 7s 6d (heavy). Also a large variety of all kinds of Watches and Jcwtllory. See the window. Prices are marked in plain figures, and every article'sold is Guaranteed. All goods of heavy prices can be delivered, and money can be paid after the approval of the goods. Also, a select variety of ELECTRO-PLATE WARE, of best quality only. Largo SHOWCASE, suitable for Jewellers or Drapers, FOR SALE, on the premises. 22 PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN (Near Herbert, Haynes, and Co.). YIAYJ-THB WAY TO HEALTH 17IAYI OFFICE, Colonial Mutual Buildings, corner of Princes and High streets, (entranco ; n Princes Btreet; take tho lift). —Ladies arc invited to call at tho Viavi Office, and learn how Health may be regained and how Operations may be avoided. No chargo, no obligation. Office hours, 10 to 5 daily. Close ao lon Saturdays. Free Health Talk to Ladies, by Mrs M. F. Spicer, every Tuesday at 3 p.m. Write or call for 'Viavi Way,' large book, Is 6d posted. Please noto change of address. XMAS ATTRACTIONS. 'Phone 2,041. 'Phone 2,041. WHY Pav bier prices for ENLARGEMENTS when wo are GIVING AWAY a 12 x 10 MONA ENLARGEMENT, with 12 CABINETS, for 10a 6d. Our BRIDAL GROUPS a specialty. Xmas prices, 30s. WEIGGLESWORTH & BINNS, OCTAGON. Entrance Athenaum. ELLONA AND CREAM.—Three Reasons 9 why JELLONA AND CREAM is the Most Popular DESSERT DISH in the Dominion:— 1. It is something entirely new. 2. It is wholesome and nutritious, and is a dainty for invalids. 3. It is so easy to prepare, and gives tho table a beautiful appearance. IBANK ARMSTRONG, DENTIST, 1 HAS REMOVED TO 92 MORAY PLACE EAST, v^ I A few doors below the George Street Post I Office. I Telephone 909. I EIGHT SHILLINGS PER LB. /CHOICEST FLOWERY PEKOE TEA, as i use< j by the Russian nobility. Ask your grocer for it, or apply to Scoular and j Co., proprietors of the celebrated KOZIE TEAS, who will give name of nearest Retail Agant,
GEEEIN, AUCTIONEERS, LAND SALESMEN, VALUATORS, GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. OFFICES AND SALE ROOMS: 249 PRINCES STREET. KAIKORAL—S Rooms, scullery, bathroom, hj. and c. wattr, washhouse, copper and tubs, 2 wardrobes, 2 presses, and bookcase; largo shed and fowl run; fine section. Prieo, £420. ST. CLAIR (Queen Alexandra street).—Freehold Section, 25 poles. Price, £l5O. WEST DUN EDIN.—S-room Dwelling, bathroom, etc.; also-Brick Hall adjoining. Price £550. COAL BUSINESS.—Winter is now approaching, and no trade pays better than this one at that time. £175 will secure a grand little business at once. 84 OPOHO contains a 5-room Cosy Dwelling; lovely view; all conveniences, workshop; 30 poles. The lot going for £4OO. 433 CITY (on Rise).—Chavming Outlook, worth £IOO alone, together with 5 Rooms; few minutes from Post Office. This Property is cheap at £645. Inspect it and sec for yourself. '1 ELECTRIC CARS can be done without if you buy this Property: 6 Rooms, bath. sft hall, washhouse, copper, tubs, scullery, asphalt paths; nice section; drained to sewer, patent w.c. Sacrifice price, ' £4lO. CAVERSHAM (on Car Line).—Small Section, 3 Rooms washhouse, copper and tubs, scullery. £250. 393 CITY BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT, 13 permanent boarders, several casuals; rent, £2; good-will £SO, furniture at valuation. BOARDING-HOUSE (few minutes from Post Office); cheap rent; several permanent boarders. Price, £l2O. GEERIN, HALLY, AND CO., v. AUCTIONEERS AND VALUATORS. HAVE YOU EVER TRIED "TIOER" TEA? , E know you haven't if you are not still using it. But why not? It will be to your advantage to compare it with the tea you are using. No matter what grade you choose, we know that there is no other tea on the market at the same price quite equal to "Tiger." OUSEWIVESI—True ecoaojny should L lead you to try for yourself the fullflavored Pure Hondai Lanka Ceylon Tea.
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Evening Star, Issue 14314, 12 March 1910, Page 2
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1,580Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Star, Issue 14314, 12 March 1910, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Star, Issue 14314, 12 March 1910, Page 2
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