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'". ARTHUR STREET SCHOOL. s. The infant classes of the Arthur Street broke up yesterday in the gym•unxun. There •were a largo number of parents present to watch the little ones go through their work, "which they did in an ftdmirahle manner. When Mr" Edgar had jdjatriboted tho prizes and certificates the children dispersed. is.. Soon afterwards the senior classes assembled in tho hall. Mr E. Cameron, chairBan of the School Committee, again presided, and among others present were Messrs ■A„Sligo, A. Struthers. A. Burt, J. Edgar, Sod W. Scott (members of the Committee), Dr Nisbet, Messrs G. Femvick, R. Forsyth, "and D. Wright. 1 The Chairman apologised for the absence .of Mr T. Mackenzie, M.H.R., chairman of Education Board, the Hon. Mr Fergus, the Hon. Mr Bolt, the Rev. Mr Hcwitson, tho secretary (Mr Kemnitz), and others. He .wished to congratulate ilie teachers .and the scholars upon the year's work. The year ,—especially the last half—had been a very .trying one for tho teachers. They had been interrnpated s-o much by measles, •whooping cough, and inliuenza that the school had been closed for a considerable "time. The bovs and girls, however, had ■not looked -upon this as an unmixed calamity. Some of the parents hud asked why *ho school had been closed when the measles ■were confined to the loner classes. If they -had not closed the school the salaries and status o£ the teachers would bo affected, and the whole status of the school reduce:! It was verv unfortunate this should be so, but such was the law of the country, that if an epidemic such as measles came along not only had the teachers to put up with i» and do as best they could, but their salaries were affected. " Then when the 'school reassembled it was found, perhaps, they were one teacher -.hcrf. and in order 'to avoid this thev had to close the school. He trusted this would be one of the things -which would be remedied in the near .future. There was another matter for c<m'gratulation, and tiiat was that an Arthur ' street boy was this year dux of the Boys' High School. —(Applause.) ' Mr 6. C. Israel said it was his connection -with the Arthur Street School which had given \>rm his first interest in tducaticuaa mattes of the Citv. Ono of the past headmasters of the school (Mr Abraham Barrett) had been a life-long friend of his. It was pleasing to See they had a son of Mr in tho school now. a teacher whom he had known for verv mauv vears.—(Applause.) Their head-master, also, was a countryman of bis, and that was still better. On tins •ccoont he was particularly pleased to be present* _ The prizes were, distributed "by T>r Nisbet (who also spoke', Mr U. Femrick (or,.behalf of the Navv League), and. Mr A. Sligo ' (representing the Society for the Prevention . of Crneltv to Animals). - The Committee desire to 'hatuc •'• large jyomber of ladies and gentlemen for donations to tho prize fund. - The following is the prize-list: ■ Infant Clares.— Division I. : -^f™" 1 Speight 1, Lindsay Muir 2: Mary ScUur 1, "Eilda Wright. Caroline Hamilton, - Emith. Kina Brown. Gladys Black 2 (equal). Writing—William Sherriff. Norman Bacon, "•Gladvs Lerimer; drawirrg—George Mil--ward", Gladvs Lorimcx: drill—George Stables, Ada Scott ; ciliger-ce—Jaes: JTwhigz, Robert Ferguson. A\ ULo Kitt. Division 2: Arthur Hendcioon. 1. Madge Torrance, Effie HaU 1 (equal). Standard I.—Charles Begg 1. Richard 'Morton 2, Leslie Do war 3 : Dorothy Evans X, Marion M'Ewan 2. May St miners o. Sewing, Ida Paterson; drill, Gordon Eoustoa - , -r. . Standard ll.—Frank Morrison 1. Roy Shepherd 2, William Erridge. 3; May Clothier 1, Elsi Kenuiitz, Mabel Twhigg 2 (equal), Mvra Scott 3. Drill (special), -Henry M'Gregor; drill, FaxU'ii Salmuud ; sewing. Laura Pearse. Standard lU. Leonard. Cuitv 1, Colin "'JUk='2, Mucdongall 3-, fli-zcl Ross 1, Ciara Jdlcy 2, Ngira London. Dorothy Brown 5 (eqnal). Writing. Fiuitiic-j Wcbeter; "reading and recitation, Ada Smith; * drill, Sidney "Crawford]" sewing. Irene Pcinberton. • Standard IV.—Arthur Egcle.-ior.o- 1, R. . James Maunsell 2. Lionet G. Fuller 3; Agnes Bradley 1. Doris Mihv.ird 2. Grace Johnston 3. "Arithmetic, Hector James; 1 drawing, Ellen L. Hail; composition. Eric S. C. MilleT: home exercises. Limn Dick; diligence, Olga Wilson; drill, Percy G. Stringer; sewing—Elvra M'Donald 1, Marion Contts and Nora Duncan (equal) 2. Standard V.—-Norman M"Lennan 1, Charles Laws 2. Norma'; Mackenzie 3, Gordon Payne and Eric Spedding (equal) 4; Flora Sellar 1. Marion 'Taylor 2, Florence Pint! and Leah Warsaw (equal) 3: drill. Clement Howell; tening—Ellis Tavlor L hj Bella Warnock 2. -J Standard VL—.Walter Aitchi.=ou 1, Dougllas Davys 2, Jas. Gibson and John M'Gre"B°r (equal) .3; Doris Marshall 1. Marie -Schoen 2, Eva Elliott 5. DriU, Alex. -..3Toung; woodwork, Gordon Dal!; cookery, -\Doris Marshall and Charlotte. r Standard VlL—Dux of school, Maude Emily Pinel 1, Percy Neale and In no Black 2, Ernest Kemnitz and Douglas Fitzgerald (eqnal) 3. Drill, William Williamson; Navy League, Douglas Fit/.Geiald; escay ('Prevention of Cruelty to Aniamls') —Murdoch M'Kenzie and Arnold Gil ray. In addition to the above there were presented 47 first class certificates tor good attendance, and 65 second class. NORMAL .SCHOOL. The bre;iking-up of the Normal School took place in one of the class rooms yesterday. Tho head-master (Mr Marshall), in a brief review of the year's work, raid that in the absence of a school • committee (the school being under the ■-Vdirect control of the Education Board) he ; had to preside himself. |ie remarked on [ tho marked lalling-off in the attendance ut the school, owing chiefly to removal of families to the suburbs. As to results of examinations during the year eight pupils out of nine presented had passed the, matriculation examination, while of five who sat for junior scholarships three v gained scholarships and ono obtained free education. He then called on Mr White, principal of the Teachers' Training College, to present the prizes, which lie said were awarded on the results of examinations held jointly by himself and the staff. In giving the prizes. Mr White addressed each of the winners briefly in the happiest and kindliest manner, which made the little function decidedly more interesting than is usually the case. Particularly was this so in th-i distribution of the Sir John Richardson medals, Mr White brieflv reviewing that gentleman's career, and saying that, take him for ail in all, he was a man snch as we do not often sec in tho colonies —-a soldier, a farmer, a statesman, and an upright gentleman. In regard to the Model School, now under a separate head-master (Mr D. Stewart), who pcrsonally supervised the work of a!! the standards, Mr White said th: t perhaos from this cause, it was in some respects better than the Normal School, as the personalitv and character of all the pupils tame under the master's observation. After the prize-giving. Mr Marshall expressed his thanks to tho staff and gave the figures of certain examination results since 1900—viz.. matricniaticn, thirty passes: Civil Service, 28: Board's junior scholarship, 16: do senior, 6; whilr? 303 passed the Standard VI., and trained proficiency certificates. The following is the prize-list : Dux of school, John M'Mullan. i ■ Standard Vll.—Boys—John M'Mullan I 1 and Mr Sligo's prize._ George Raffils 2; I girls—Doris. Hale 1, Elizabeth M'Lean 2. I- Standard VI. —Bovs—Stanley Stewart 1, ', Robert Jordan 2, Joseph Meld rum 3; i cirls—Greta Broad 1, Hilda Sparro.v 2. t Standard V.—Boys—Clyde Marshall 1 ■'. Snrold Bctlerworth and Errol Peters '„. (equal) 2 and 3; girls—Violet Jarvis and i Flora Eeatcs (equal). Standard IV.—Boys—E. Murray 1, M. «"'" Chodowski and A. Thomas (equal) 2 and *■" 3; girls—Violet Watson and Haze! Miltr cbell (eqnal) 1 and 2, Ethel White 3. r; Standard lll.—Boys—Norman Moss i,' - fnA Norman Newall (equal) 1 and 2, Vin-

cent Pattison 3; girls—Agnes Phelan I,' Lvdia Jones and Lizzie Hewitt (equal). 2 arid 3. Standard ll.—Boys—John Temple 1, Forrest Holleymnn and Edward Hunter (equal) 2 and 3, Jack Bolton special prize; girls—Bcebio M'Donald 1, Violet Mitchell and Lottie Keates (equal) 2 and 3. Standard I.—Bovs—Frank Walsh, John Leckie. and Glen Wheeler (equal). Girls —Violet Bushell 1. Christina Paterson 2. Infants.—Reading: Mildred Puller 1, Ralph Stokes 2, Rosa Chodowski and Waltc- Hallils 3 and 4. Arithmetic: Ernest Edwards and Edward Tcschcr. Reading and general improvement : Charles Smith. Writing and drawing: Robert Edwards. Recitation and driU: Elvina Millow. Second Primer: Lena Stokes and William Hewitt. 1 and 2. Florence Pullar o, Winifred Scott 4. Drill and general improvement : Magdalene Salmon. First Primer (Division 1.) : May ' Tyric and Thomas Scanlan 1 and 2, Mabel Sutlierland and Henry Baden-Powell Lucas 3 and 4. Writing and drawing: Victoria. Ledgenvood. First Primer (Divudou II.) : James Rowe. Hector M'Donald, Jor Walsh. Win. Treloar. Charles Millow, Frances Marks. Alplnbo;, Class.—Gordon Adams and Bertie Faigan. —Special Prizes.— Sir Joint Richardson's nicdals for drill and deportment.—Bertie S. Hardy, Arthur Dean, Thomas C. Marshall, Norman M'Leod, Herbert Lyon. Charles I>yor, Leonard Lawron-e. Essay, 'Prevention of Cruelty to Animals' (society's prizes).—William Doubling. Stuart Marshall. Cookery. -Greta Broad, Hilda Sparrow. Sewing".—Standard VI., Mina Shearer :-nd Mai-v Hurdv (equal), Standard V., Violet Jarvis. Standard IV.. Violet Watson. Standard HI., Jessie Spain. Model Sllkm.l.—Standard VI., John CillHghiui (Mr Sligo's prize). Standard V., France* L. Backeloung. Standard IV., Lily Clark. Standard "ill., Jane Bolton. Standard U.. Sklnov IJanwcll. Standard 1.. Edna Attewol!. Staff.—The Normal School is the praelising de]>artment of the Training Colleg.* stafi. which consists of Mr D. R. White. M.A.. principal: Mr Angus Marshall. 8.A.. vico-principal and head-master; Miss C Haig. kindergarten mistress; Messrs Hugh M'Millan. James W. Hardy, John Ironside, male assistants: Misses E. Stevens. ,\!. J. Huie. M. A. Strachan. M. T Sec::. A. C. Alexander, female assistants. The following are the additional teachers in connection with the Training College work : - -Miss Bressey ( Irhtglish), Mis<--Albert inecdlcworki. Misses Hatton (drawing;. Mr Hanna. igynmastics). and Mrßraik i-ingir.j'. Mixlel "School. Mr David Stewart. R A VENSBOURNE. The annual !?reak-up took place in the Corouatiou Town Hall on Wednesday night, aud evidences were not wanting that tiit- interest- in the work of the school is well sustained. At 7.30 the chairman of tbo School Committee (_VLr Cray) opened the proceedings, thanking tho:*,- pre/ent for their attendance, and tlwse persons who hud so generously contributed to tho prize fund, and special prize donors. He reminded parents that they owed a great deal to the echoo 1 teacher.*"for the way they bad brought on the children, and iqioke of the penny saving* haiUc in connection with tho school, and urged the paients t« srivc it tlieir nior.- hearty su.pp.ort by seavding along tho children regularly witii their pennies. He spake a!<so"«>f the pood relatiems existing betv, .en tho School Committee and the teachers and parentis. A lengthy programme, compo-ed. entirely of items by tlie children, even to the playing of the marches and accompaniments, was then gone on'with, and was much enjoyed and apprexdatcd, cspecally the iccit-itioci • Not Ucdeißtood ' and ' Santa Ciaus.' by two of the girls, which showed exec-Ueiu tr.tiaing in tltii class of work. The- aetkm semg 'Tho fisher girle." l>y t€liio4- girls., wivs. woll |vcrform«d, the liri? tvprrecnting fisher Irssies, with lioriing ba.-krris on their heads. The wand and trcr* t-xm-i.-es by the gills and rifle and dumb-bell exercises by the boys afforded eviceiH-e of ti:e attention physical culture is ri.-ce-ivinir in the school. Dutiae: the "vniing tiic Rev. Dr Nicolso-,'. the chi'drtn. highly comniend::;..: the display given by the "cadets, and i;:vi::e; ;': :is i-.i.-, ripinioJi that every boy

should 1- flatted ready to take up arms for bi;'country. Hoinui also, In: said, been much si ruck with the- courtesy and good behaviour of the. .school children, not only under th>- ires of ibe- teaebcra, bat evervwho» he me: then,. The, Rev. F. Nicol uhx> tij-.-i!;-.'. arid struck the key-note in taking " Kneourugement' as his subject of ' •' If." Ik- speaking to the ( ]urunu. "'you aw pleased with the progrc*.> your children axe making at school a;;d their good behaviour and mannerc at homo, don't be afraid to speak si word of encouragement to the teachers, and let theni know that their efforts are appreciated. '' A word of encourattenraut, he .said, meant a. great detd to public men, and too often peupl= ware more prone to condemn and criticise than to encourage. Mr H. E. Moiler (the mayor) aJ.«© briefly added his word of praise to th>> work done by the Ravent-bou rno teachers', quoting several instances of ex-pupils gaining diotinctioli in the wtitiU. which they owed mainly to their early .school training. The presentation of the prizes followed, iifter which a. very agreeable snrprifo was sprung on the head-uiaster (Mr Macdonald), two of tho .senior boys presenting iiim, on behalf of the elder with a, walk-. ing stick as a mark of the esteem in -which they luld ltiru. In returning thnnks Mr Maedontud a&>uiod tht-m that, it was pleasing to work in a district wJhto all were 50 iui.,r.imoi:.-. tor tin- advajioejiiem of educiatijii. and he had more pleasure, he said. :"n receiving the of e-steem from the pupil.-, than if it had come from, a_-i oii:si<l'.- vjtirce. for where teacher and sch«lj,r.< w ( je on good terms there was sure to Ik' ",o>l prvgr,*>s made. The tinging of the Xatio:;;ii Anthem closed a most enjoyable and s'in-iti.-.ful evening. Tii>- following i; the piixc-iift : Chias P s.—Stephen Gale 1. Frank "Wobber 2. Violet Dunn o, Rita Hutton 4. Standard I.—Jean M'Galluni. Emma Tomkiason, Stanlev Macdonald. David Tait. Wendell Hicks. Stanley Booth. Mary Do:ui.l<Lx>n. Curew Heynell. Standard ll.—Dollv Montgomery, Dorothy George, James Carnahan. Lily Dunn. Elizabeth cvobb, Victor Cray, William Gerry. Annie Donaldson, Christina Thomson. Special prize uiwardvd by Mrs Le-vido for "kindest gir! " in Standards I. and II.!, F-mma Totukinson. Standard 111. V. Webber. A. Boswell. K. Milne-. K. Thorns, m. M. Havritlge. K. lUv!!.'.!. i'. Hutton. T.. Leach. Standard IV. -'!'. 'l'ait. K. C'minor. M. I- Hall. .1. Cra-neliekl. 1). Relict:. N. Scott. T. liaird. Stand ::d V. Frol B-> uvi! t.Mi.-:'. Palmer's p:;/.. ;. .' t if.:i >K'aiiurn Mr Hanidge'.; prize.. j:.'.-.<:e (\m."e:. Jt-.M'; Canvron, .1. French. P.. Wo>:vm»l. All. George. J. Hutton. Standard V!.—Mur<>i Miotorwid. Shirtey Thorriicrni:. K!.-iv TVtaiii. h.'cna. Duncan, liale. AgLtii- Aitilvreun. J)ux prizes: Arthur Milues ;utd Tomkiuson (pie. tented bv Hi.s Worship the Mavor. Mr H. J-:. Mo' : :".Ti. Mtfifl Macdemrdd' (.Mr Hatridge'.- rri/ai, Shirley Thoniiern;'; (MrPajjner'e prizo). liiiie Tieuni (Mr Pntte',; prize), Eor-a Dujicaji, Rutii Oal-?. Agnes Anderson (Dr NivtoUon's pri:-:e). Special Prizes.—Brill. Jack H.iird (Mr Cba.-. Georgc'.s priite); be.;: shot in wiile.ts (medal, Mr C. mini's priza). Mack Ross ; highest score Xavy Loajoe match (MrC'hri:-. Gcorga's Fred. Gerry ; k'tde'st boy, Muugo Hutton; kindctst girl. lyeah Tomkinfon (Mr Rest's pnKoaj : drawing (Mr Hawcridce's pr.zcl. jesrie Cameron: writing (Mr Robb's prize), George King; writing, Standard VI. boy.». Jas Hutton; writing, Standard VI. girts. Martha Gallon; mental arithmetic. (Mr Turner's prize), Fred Boswell; gymnastics a::d physical exercise —Standard VI. K. Wcstwond. Andrew M'lvor. I.*sma Cray. Ray Jamia-on, Standard IV. Willie French and Annie Donaldson : completion. Alfred George :md Xuth Gale (Atfienffum prize): character prize, Fred Gerry and I>-«h Tomkinson ; reading, •cpp.r schorl (Mr Rodior's ])rizc), ]<uy Jarnirson ; leti.atien. Violet M'Chil'och. ' Sewing Prizes. —Stiicdard VI. : Leah

Tomkinson 1, Eona Duncan 2. ■ Standard V.: Emma Thomson 1. Mary Ferguson 2., Standard IV.; Doris.Boss 1. Maggie Robertson 2. Standard 111. : Elsie Milnes 1, Phyllis Huwcridgo 2. Standard 11. : Rosalie Booth 1, Annie Donaldson 2. Standard I. : Emma Tomkinson 1, Jean irCallum 2.

NORTIf-EAST VALLEY. The gymnasium of the North-east Valley School was well filled on Tuesday afternoon, when tlie break-up ceremony took place Mr J. Campbell '(M-iyor of North-oast Vall«y) was in the chair, tmd members of the St'huol Ooinmitlije were also-present. The various standards filed, in., to receive their .pirns in tum, and before these were preseiited tho children jrave action songs, ail of them cxcc-lle.'ily "rendered, and mostly v.llh spectacular intcrc«t nttaclung as well. Speeches were commendably short, and the function wno over in good time. The infant class prizes were presented by Mr G. Calder, tho First and Second Standards bv the Rev. G. W. Harding and Mr AVm Mc.wot, the Third and Fourth Standard: bv the Revs-. 11. B. Gray and D. S. Mason, fiio Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh by the Rev. A. Allan, Adjutant Hildrcth, and Mr E G. Allen. M.H.R.. while Mr C. Macandrew presented the Navy League prizes. The following is the prize-list: Standard Vll.—Dux of school: Leonard H. Booth (gold medal presented by the Mayor of North-east Valley, Mr John Campbell). Standard Vl.—Dux of class: Thomas' Bradshaw (Mr E. <i. Allen's, .M.H.R., }irize). Boys : Murrav Mitcholl 1. Vivian A. D. Thomson 2. Victor F* D. Thomson 3. Girls: Flossie P. Smith 1. Maggie Woods 2, Jessie Roes 3. Woodwork : Jas. L. Gray 1, Vivian A. D. Thomson 2 (prizes presented by Mr AVm. King). Cookcry : Miiggie Woods 1, Flossie P. Smith 2 " (prizes' "presented by Mr J. Thomson) Attendance certificates: 9 first class, A second class. Standard V.—Dux of class: May Campbell (Miss Doigs prize). Boys: Harry Pavno 1. Arthur Brown 2, Stanlev Boyos 3. ' Girls : Margaret M'CnHouirh 1, A™me Dove 2, Minnio Page 3. Sewing: May Campbell. Darning: May Wilson 1 (Mi J. Campbell's prize), Daisy Johnson 2 (Mr G. Calder'." prize). Buttonholes: Margaret M'Cullough. Attendance certificates: 11 first clas>, 11 second class. Standard IV.—Dux : Lena Booth. Boys: James Keir 1. Arthur Scoones 2, David Mitchell 3. Girls: Minnie Stuart 1, Ethel Latham 2. Annie Simpeon 3. Sewing: Plain sewing—Violet Barr (prize presented by Mr Mitchell). Butw-n-holes—-Eveline Sparrow, (prize presented by Mr Mowat). Attendance prizes: First class 13, second class V. Standard lll.—Dux prize: Chafes F. Pizey. Boys: Reginald White 1, Alfred Gray'2. Alexander Miller o. Girls: Lena Stuart-1, Ellen M'Kenzie and Noble Matiason (equal) 2, Christina M'Lorcn 4. Attendance prizes: Boys—First class 8, second class 5. Girbs—First class 6, second class 5. Standard II. —Dnx: Edmtuid Lumley. Boys: Charles TayW 1, George Leeson 2, Ernest Jowsey, Thomas Miller, Alfred Rutherford (equal) 3. GirlG: Bertha Walker 1. Jean Paterson 2, Dorothy Tucker 3. Sewing prizes: Mary Bird and Marjoric Mitchell equal. Attendance prizes: First class 1.1, second class 13. Standard L—rDux prize : Herbert Booth. Boys: Manrico Hayden 1, Herbert Beadle 2. "Alex Ritchie 3. Girls: Janie CampbeU 1, Alicia Pizey and Annie Walker (equal) 2, Manraret Chisholm 4. Attendance prizes: Boyj" class »4, second class 2. Girls—First class 5, second class 4. Naw League Prizes.—Oliver J. Begg 1, Vivian" A. D. Thomson 2, Victor K. D. Thomson 3, I-eonard H. Booth 4. Writing prizes (presented by Mr P. Gray): Boys—Richard Anderson. Girls— Margaret M'Odlough. Tbo, following is the teaching staff: Head-master, Mr D. Murray; mistress. Miss Little; assistants—Mr G. F. Booth, 8.A., Mr W. R. Cook, Mhs' Palmer, Miss Paterson, JMiss Waugh', Miss Joires; pupilteacbers—Miss Mlntyro, Mr E. Brown. In presenting the Navy League prises, Mr Macandrew remarked that North-east YaJlcy School had practically ecooped tho pool." Out of the six prizes offered by the Otago Branch of the Navy League North-east Valley had taken the second, third, and fifth prizes, and another pupil had been highly commended, a result for which Mr Murray, the head-master, deserved great credit It was well known that he was an such matters. PORT CHALMERS DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL. Tho following is the prize-list: —Secondary Classes.— Dux. of school, David Miller (gold medal presented by Mrs I. Stevenson). Mathematics.—Senior, May Johnston (Mr J. Crawford's prize); Junior. Winifred Watson (Mr I. A. Peters). .. ; English. Prizes presented by the Druids. —^Senior—Colin WyUie 1, Alexander Anderson 2; junior—Winifred Watson 1, Nellie West 2; prose —Dora Dorrington 1, Katie Smaill 2; Shakespeare, May Johnston. Latin.—Civil Service—Herbert Cunningham 1 (Mr C. Ross), Percy Kin man 2 (Mr Jas. Shanks) : senior—Katie Smaill 1 (Mr T. J. Thomson), Alison Knowles 2; junior —Coila Stevonson 1 (Mr E. G. Allen); Winifred Watson 2. Arithmetic.—Senior—Raymond Watson 1 (Mr John Shanks), Mav Johnston 2; Junior —Cecil Rose 1 (Mrs 'Mitchell), CoiH Stevonson 2. Shorthand.—Senior. Olivo M'Leod (Mrs M'George) ; junior, Winiired Watson. French.—Senior—A:ison Kno\vle> (Mrs Waters) 1, Lydia Wylie 2 (Mrs Anderson); junior—Coila Stevenson 1, Winifred Watson 2. Shooting. Prizes presented to cadets by Rev. E. C. Tennent and " Old Boy."—■ Cadet Thomson, 100 yards range prizo and equal first, for aggregate ; Sergeant'. Watson,' equal first lor aggregate; iSergcanfc Hammond, range prize, 150 yards; Corporal Anderson and Cadet Driver (equal) first, range prize 200 yards. Woodwork. Prizes presented by the Bowling Club.—Senior-—Clifton Wylie 1, William Robertson 2; junior, Charles Pearcc. —Primary School.—. Standard VI. (Mr J. H. Gray, 8.A.). William Hornby 1 (Mr A. XV. Crawford), William Robertson 2 (Mr E. Isbister) ; [ Winifred Watson 1 (Miss I. M'Kay). Janet Stewatt. 2 (Mr E. Knewstubb). Standard V. (Mr T. Paterson). —Ralph Knewstubb (Mr 11. Madigan) 1, Chalmers Thomson (Mr R. Percy) 2 ; Lydia Hoskins 1, Jeannic Shanks (Mr A. Coleman) 2, Winifred Aitken special prize. Sewing: Lydia Hoskins (Mr G. Driver). Mr Platts's prizes for cookerv.- Winifred !Aitken 1, Jeannio ; Shanks and Isabella. Wilson (equal) 2. Standard IV. (Mi:;s Murrav). Leslie Wviie (Mr T. Matthowson) 1. Noel Cunningham (Mr J. M. Harland) 2; Eva An-' derson (Mr K. -Mitchell) 1, Agnes Shanks (Mr !'.. M. Jack) 2. Sewing: Eva Anderson. Composition :.. Christina Johnston (Mrs Hoskins). Standard 111. (Miss M'Callum).—Thomas Bas.ire (Mr Christiansen) 1, David Mart' (Mr E. Knewbtubb) 2; Clara Hughes, Mary Hughes, aud Qucenie Sansaa equal (Messrs j .1. Marthewson and E. Godfred) I.' Progress: John Sewing:. Clara Hughe*. Standard n. (Miss Bott). —Walter Spent© (Mr J .Piekard) 1. litslio Watson (Mr M'Phevson) 2; Edith Spenco (Hr E. Isbistcr) 1. Mabel Clcroentson 2. Home exercise : Trevor Hiliier. Plasticeno: Alfred Powell (Mrs L. M'Donald). Sowing: Violet Davis. Standard I. —Arthur Shanks (Mr Jeffries) 1. Leslie Knewstubb (Mr E. Godfred) 2; Martha Hoskins 1, Mabel Anderson 2. Div. ll.—RandaU Smith 1, Norrie Main 2 ; Nora Rennie I.' Vera Dodds 2. Infant Department (Miss Orkney).—Ronald Montgomery 1. Gordon Taylor 2 ; Alice Watson 1. Blanche Perry 2. Best writer and drawer: Victor Murray.

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Evening Star, Issue 13001, 21 December 1906, Page 2

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SCHOOLS BREAK-UP. Evening Star, Issue 13001, 21 December 1906, Page 2

SCHOOLS BREAK-UP. Evening Star, Issue 13001, 21 December 1906, Page 2


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