Tn yesterday's issno we gavie as many of lho judging results at the annual show as were available up U> 3.30. Tho rest, are herewith shown : POULTRY. Pekin drake, under 12 months—J. Mownt 1, H. O. Benyman 2, L. Irvine 3. H. G. Benyman v.h.e. Pekin duck, under 12 month*— S. B. Carpenter 1, J. Mowat 2. Indian runner drake—J. Baxter 1 J Mowat 2, Pv. Prcbble 3, T. M. Lucy 'and J. Mowat v.h.e. Indian runner duck—S. 15. Carpenter 1, R. Prebble 2. T. M. Lucy 3, J. Mowat and R. Prebble v.h.e. Any other variety drake—R. Coxon 1, H. Keflaaxl 2 ami 3, R. Coxon v.h.e. Any other variety duck—R. Cbxon 1, H. Kel'land 2. G. W. Kent 3, R. Coxon v.kc.. C. Ruben h.c. .Selling GW—Cock or hen, game, any varrty—J. Chalmers 1. Minorcas—J. Tin flail I, K. Martin 2 Tjeghorns—A. R W MTvensrie L A. W. Robertson 2. B. Parens 5. Orpingtons—L. J. Birkner 1 T Rossbotham 2. Wywidottes—G. H. Blair 3, T. J. Rossbotham 2, ,T. Tindall 3. Game bantams, any variety—B. Hart 1 and 2 Jxjgborns. male and female—W. Af'Donald T L JJ n B*«»B—R. Ronton 1. Orpingtons. ~-J. Batch 1. T. J. Rossbotham 2. Wvano J ; R°*totham 1, A. E. Hobbs t V;- , , t<xr 3 - Heaviest dozen hen essK—.l. Dickel. e&
CANARIES. (Judge: Mr G. TomkiiK, Oamaru.) Norwich.—Clear yellow coek or hen, noncolor fcd-J. T. Brice 1, A. A. Binnie 2, R. Hopkins o, J. Aloss h.c. Clear buff cock or lien, non-color fed—A. Ferguson 1, \ T i Br ' ce 2 - J- Moss 3. Ticked or variegated yellow cock or hen, non-color fed—J 1. Bnce 1, A. A. Binnie 2. A. Ferguson 3 Ticked or variegated buff cock or hen, noncolor fed—N. Little 1, A. Ferguson 2. A A. Biniue 3. Clear or grey-crested cock or hen, non-color fed—A. Ferguson 1. Darkcrested, non-color fed—A. A. Binnie 1 and .special A. Ferguson 2. Clear yellow or buff coek or hen under 12 months" old bred by exhibitor—A. Ferguson 1, J. T 'Brice 2. A. A. Binnie 3. Variegated cock or ben, bred by exhibitor—A. A. Binnie 1. ,T. Moss 2, J. T. Brice 3. Crested anv color cock or hen, bred by exhibitor—A. Ferguson L Crested bred, any color, cock or ben. under 12 months old, bred by exhibitor—A. Ferguson 1 and special, E. J. Ockwell 2 and 3. K.N. clear yellow cock or hen—A. Binnie 1. J. T. Brice 2. K.N. clear buff cock or ben—A. A. Biimie 1, J. T. Brice 2. K.N. ticked or variegated yellow cock or hen— J. T. Brice 1. LN ticked or variegated buff cock or hen—A. A. Binnie 1, J. T. Brice 2. Crested bred, anv color, cock </r hen—K J. Ockwefl 1, 2, and 3, J. Herbison h.c.
Novioe Classes.—Clear yellow or buff ccck or hen Tinder 12 months, bred by exhibitor—R. Hopkins 1. Crested anv color oock or hen, bred by exhibitor—A. Warren 1 Crested bred, any color, cock or hen bred by exhibitor—A. Warren 1. Pair canaries, matched for crest breeding—E. J. Ockwell 1 and special, 2, and 3. Best singing canary—G. A. Skene 1, T. 0. Podman
Selling Class.—Any variety cock—J. T. Brico 1, N. Little 2. Pair, any variety—J. T. Brice 1. R. Hopkins 2, E. J. Ockwell 3. Goldfinch mule, dark—E. J. Ockwell L Parrot, any variety—Miss K. M. Salter 1.
DOGS. —lrish Water Spaniels.—
Puppies, dogs.—J. Stephens's Paddy by Patsy—She&h, L Dogs (open).—J. Sooness's Paisey Bojde, by Hero—Norah, 1; J. B. Nichol's Jacko, 2; J. Mowat's Pateey, 3. Bitches (open)- —A. Blackwood's Princess May, L —Black Cocker Spaniels.—
Novice dogs.—R. A. Bagshaw's Lynford Bom (imp), by Southboro Pop—Moslyn Lubra, 1; R. A. Bagsha.w's Lynford Ladas, 2; R. Conn's Spartan, 3. Novice bitches.—H. S. Richards jnn.'s Papanui Fly, by Gainsboro Pilot—Papanui Brownie, 1 and special; S. Promt's Papan*j Coretti. 2; R. Conn's Lady Grade, 3;,
B. A: Bagsbaw's Lynford Lulu. v.h.c. Puppies, dogs.—R. A. Bagsbaw's Lynford Ladas,- by Lynford Bom —Papanui Bell,. 1; R. Conn's Spartan, 2. Puppies, bitches. —R. Conn's Lady Gracie, 1; R. A. Bugshaw's Lynford Lola,
Dogs (open).—R. A. Bagsbaw's Lynford Bom, 1; R. A. BagshaVs Lynford Ladas, 2; R. Conn's Spartan, 3. Bitches (open).—H. S. Richards Joel's Papanui Fly, 1; J. A. Joynt's Finzlas Zoe, 2; R. A. Bagsbaw's Papanui Bill 3; R. A. Bagsbaw's Lynford Lulu, R. Conn's Lady Gracie, and C. Goodwin's Natalie,
Brace black cocker spaniels.—R, A. Bagshaw's Lynford Ladas and Lynford Bom, 1; R. Conn's Spartan and Lady Gracie, 2. —Cocker Spaniels (not Black, under 301b). Puppies, dogs.—Miss I. Goldsmid's Golden King, by Black Prince—Kiwi, 1. Puppies, bitches.—W. C. Lererrodge's Papanni Kate, by Tim—Papanui Bess, 1; BL S. Richards's Papanui Zet, 2. Dogs (open).—W. C. Leversedge's Papanni Pnnce, by Waibopia Draker—Duchess 1 and special; S. Prout's Brown Boy. 2.
—Smooth Fox-terriers.— Maiden dogs.—E. T. Howell's Glenmore Pioneer, by Linden Layman—Glenmore Lass, 1; T. Hides's Huntley Mikado, 2; J. W. Spenoe's Akarama Rangatira, 3 x J. W. Thomson's Moreland Minor, v.b.c.; Tyree and Treverick's Awarua Scamp, La. Maiden bitches.—E. Webster's Waingawa Wix, by Double First—Glendon Mist, 1.
Novice dogs.—W. H. Gothorpes Selby Sensation, by Linden Lavman. 1; E. T. Howell's Glenmore Pioneer, 2; T. Hides's Huntley Mikado, 3; J. W. Spenee's Akarama Rangitira, Tyree and Treverick's Awarua Scamp, and J. W. Thomson's Moreland Minor, v.kc. Novice bitches.—J. W. Thomson's Wakan Pride, by Southboro Quest—Glendon Pride, 1; E. Webster's Waingawa Wix, 2; E. E. Webster's Waingawa Witch, 3 Lmnt dogs.—T. Hides's Huntley Mikado, by Linden Geisha, 1 ; J. W. Spenee's Akarama Rangitira 2, Tyree and Treverick's Awarua Scamp, 3. Limit bitches.—J. W. Thomson's Wakari Pride, 1; E. Webster's Glendon Mist, 2. Colonial-bred W. Thomson's Glendon Major, by Glendon Chief—Glendon Pride, 1 and gold medal; Florence E. Hindmarsb's Champion Kono, 2; E. T. Howell's Glenmore Pioneer, 3; T. Hides's Linden Lionel and Huntley Mikado, J. W. Spenee's Akarama Rangitira, and Tyree and Treverick's Awarua Scamp, v.h.c." Colonial-bred bitches.—J. W. Thomson's Wakari Pride, 1; K. Webster's Glendon Mist, 2: T. Hides's Linden Wanda, 3. Puppies, dogs.—W. Gothorpes Selby Sensation. 1; E. T. Howell's Glenmore Pioneer, 2; T. Hides's Huntley Mikado, 5: J. W. Spenee's Akarama Tyree and Treverick's Awarua Scamp, and J. W. Thomson's Moreland Minor, v.h.c-; T. Hides's Huntley Marquis Tto, h.c. Puppies, bitches.—J. W. Thomson's Wakari Pride, 1; E. Webster's Waingawa Wix, 2 ; E. Webster's Waingawa Witch, 3. Dogs (open).—J. W. Thomsons Glendon Major, 1; Florence E. Hindmarsh's Champion Kono, 2; W. H. Golthorpe's Selby Sensation, 3; T. Hides's Lindon Lionel and Huntley Mikado, E. T. Howell's Glenmore Pioneer," J. W. Spenee's Akarawa Rangitira, and Tyree and rrevcrick's Awarua bcamp, v.h.c. Bitches (open).—J. W. Thomson's Wakari Pride, 1; E. Webster's Glendon Mist, 2; T. Hides's Linden Wanda, 3.
Brace of fox-terriers.—J. W. Thomson's Glendon Major and Wakari Pride. 1; E. Webster's Warngawa Wix and Glendon Mist, 2; T. Hides's linda Wanda and Linden Lionel, o.
Team of fox-terriers. —E. Webster's Waingawa Witch and Glendon Mist, 1; J. W. "1 homson's MoreJand Minor, Glendon Major, and Wakari Pride, 2: T. Hides's Linden Wanda, Linden Lionel, and Huntley Mikado, o. —Wire-haired Pox-terriers.— Maiden dogs.—E. A. Shand's Chingford Mac, by Chingford Bob—Edendale, Spot, 1. Novice, dogs.—E. A. Shand's Chingford Mac, 1; W. F. Marsh's Chingford Dick, 2. Limit, dogs.—Neill and Webster's Chingford Bob, by Maiden Bad to Beat—Vixen, 1; Neill and Webster's Chingford Kim, h.c
Colonial-bred dogs.—K. Webster's Chingford Nipper, by King Bristles—Edenthorpe Spot, 1, also medal and trophv: Neill and Webster's Cliingford Bob, 2. Maiden bitches.—S. H. Graves's Gartmore. Vixen, bv PldenLhorpe Blazes—Leeds Flirt, 1.
Novice bitches.--S. IT. Graves's Gartmore Vixen, 1. Limit bitches.—S. H. Graves's Gartmore Vixen, 1: S. H. Graves's Gartmore Weasel, 2. Colonial-bTed bitches.—»S. H. Graves's Gartmore. Vixen, 1 and special ; S. H. Graves's Gartmore Weasel, 2. Puppies, dogs.—E. A. SI land's Chingford Mac, 1; W. F. Marshe's Cliingford Dick, 2.
Puppies, bitches.-- S. H. Graves's Gartmore Vixen. 1 and trophy ; J. Nell, 2.
Dogs (open).—E. Webster's Cliingford Nipper, 1; Neill and Webster's Chingford Bobf 2. b Bitches (open).—S. H. Graves's GartmoTc Vixen, 1: S. H. Graves's Gartmore Weasel, 2. Brace fox-terriers.—Neill and Webster's Chingford Bob and Chingford Kin, 1. Produce; Stakes Now Zealand Fox-terrier Club.—E. Webster's Waingawa Wix, 1; E. Webster's Waingawa Witch, 2: Tyree and Treverick's Awarua Scamp, 3. —lrish Terriers.— Maiden, dogs.—J. Fuller, jnn.'n, Maheno, by Mokoia —Anemone, 1 and special; E. Vote's Terence, 2; W. J. Brown's Ormuz, 3. Puppies, dogs.—J. Fuller, jun.'.s, Mabeno, 1; R. H. Sheppard's Armagh Achilles, 2; J. Mitchell, jun.'s, Blarneystone, 3; R. Brown's Melrose Larry, h.c. Novice, dogs.—J. Fuller, jun.'s, Maheno, 1 ; F. Clark's Blaize, 2; F. T. Hordern's Manuka, 3 ; E. Vokes's Terence, h.c. Doga (open). -J. Fnller, jinx's, Maheno, 1; R. H. Sheppard's Armagh Achiever, 2 ; W. Henderson's Mokoia, 3; E. Vokes's Terence, h.c.
Maiden, bitches.—Wbitosido and Savage's Newry Nbrah, by Terence—Biddy, I; Chas. Ridea's Biddy, 2 ; L. Stenhouse's Hxuemoa, o.
Puppies, bitches,—Whiteside and Savage's Newry Norah, 1; R. 11. Sheppard's Armagh Actual, 2; J. H. Fulton's Beattie. 3.
Novice, bitches.—Whiteside and Savage's Newry Norah, 1; Sise and Bushedl's Loy. 2; Cnas. Rides's Biddy, 5. Bitches (open).—Janson and Clarke's Alta, Melody, by Blarney Grip—Alta Dncho-s, 1; Whiteside and Savage's Nowry Norah, 2; Sise and Bashell'e Ix>y. 3. Brace Trish Terriers.—R. H. Sheppard's Armagh Achiever and Armagh Ambush. 1; V. T. Hordern's Manuka and Connemara, 2 Team of Irish Terriers. —R. H. Sheppard's Armagh Achiever, Armagh Ambush, and Armagh Achilles, 1; W. G. Bransgrove's San Toy, Rillarney Bell, and Kathleen Mavourneen, 2. —Scotch Terriers.— Puppies, dogs.—Jessie Hunters Bracken Rob Roy, by Torridon Rob Roy—Heather Fancy, 1; W. Ballantvne's Nvdfa Royal, 2 ; W. Baflantynes Nydfa Regal, 3. Dogs (open).—W. Ballantyne's Nydfa Dirk, by Torridon Mac —Torridon Royalty, 1; W. Ballantvne'F Nydfa Bruce, 2 : Jessie Hunter's Bracken Rob Roy, 3. Puppies, bitches. Jessie Hunter's Bracken Lady GrizeL by Torridon Rob Roy —Heather Fancy, 1; W. BaJlantyno'V Nydfa, Queen, 2; W. Ballantyne's Nydfa Princess, 3. Bitches (open).—W. Ballantyne'f! Torridon Heather, by Young Sandy—Torridon Royalty, 1; Jessie Hunter's Bracken Lady Grnsel, 2; Jas. Mnir's Wbewbiataaima, 5. —Sky* Terriers.— Dogs. (open).—Jas. Mnir's lan Mohr, by Donald Mohr—Lady Grey, 1; W. Mills's Jim, a. Puppies, bitobes.—R. 0. Duncan's Te Rangi Pai, by Maori Chief—Norie Scott, 1; Jas. Mnir's Akwbatafcnawarn, 2; Jas. Mtrir's Arerorea, 3. Bitches (open).—A. DriscoU*s Darkie, by Jim—Darkle, 1; R, 0. Drawon's Te Rangi Pai, 2; Mrs J. K. Scott's Sweet Nell, 3. —Airedale Terriers.—
Dogs (open).—C. Nichoboa's Richmond Lad, by Hobson's Choice—Border Lass, 1 ; W. E. Sarsrood's Broder Bill, 2,
N —Australian Terriers Dogs (open). Mrs Fitchett's. Tom TraddJes, by Rerilias—Montest, 1; J. R. Glendining-'s Romanoff Rewi, 2. Puppies, bitches.—L. Curtis's Tim, by Dash-—Kapai, 1. Bitches (open). —J. R. Glendining's Kapai, by Tara Tbra—Lady de Aaax, 1. c —Pugs,— Puppies, dogs.—Master C. Kmgjrt's Wailace. 1; Mrs W. Inder's Mwrlow Rangi, 2: S. S. Mvers's Mick. 3. Dogs " (own).—Mis M. O'Brien's Lord Bobs, by Black Duke—Bonny Bass, 1, and special; Mr? W. F. Inder's Marlbw Rangi, 2. Bitches (open).—F. J. Mackauess's Fairy Queen, by Snider—Marlow Biddv, 1; Mrs Ellen G Smith's Sally, 2. —Variety Class (under 50fl>). Mrs W. CBryan's Dot or Scotland's Pride, 1; Mrs W. O'Bryan's Black Prince, 2. —Children's Classes.— Dogs and Bitches (open).—Master J. R. Jones's collie Jock, 1; Miss Vera M«kkanees's pug Roy. 2; Miss Lily M«ckaness's pug Toby, 3. , —Braces and Teams. — Sporting brace (seven entries). —J. W. Thompson's GJendon Major and Wakari Pride. 1; Black and Chrrrchiirs Huntley Bex and Huntlev. Yankee, 2; W. C. Leverseda«'s Papanui Prince and Papanni Kate, 3 Sporting team (five entries).—-J. W. Thompson's Wakari Pride, Glendon -Major, and Moreland Minor. 1 ; Black and Churchill's Hunt ley. Rex. Huntley Yankee, and Huntley Spot*. 2; W. C. Leversedge's Papanui Prince. Papanui Dina, and Papanui Kate, 3. Non-eportmg brace (two entries).—J. R. Hayne's Zeafondia Pride and Zealandia Hero, 1; Alex. Begg's Crescendo and Cadenza. 2. Non-sporting team (one entry).—J. RHame's Zealandia Hero and Zealand i.i Pride. 1. Selling class (one entry).—D.Ross. jun.>, Negress, 1. —Special Prizes. — Silver and gold challenge star, value 50 guineas, for best rough or smooth collie dog or bitch, to be bred and owned bv exhibitor.—J. R. Havne (Zealandia Hero). Best rongh-coated collie of either sex.— J. R. Havne (Zealandia Hero). Ladies' silver and oak challenge shield, value £lO 10s, for best collie of opposite sex to winner of previous competition.— J. R. Hayne (Zealandia Bride). Gold medal for best collie pup of either sex.—W. W. Timewell (Milton Magiety). Best collie bitch in show. —J. R. Hayne (Zealandia Bride). Best collie dog in show.—J. K» Hayne (Zealandia Hero). Best bulldog.—Mrs A. E. Kernot (Arqnebusier). Best pug.—Mrs W. O'Bryan (Lord Bobs). Best . black cocker spaniel.—H. S. Richards, jun. (Papanui Fly). Best cocker spaniel (not black). —W. C. Leversedge (Papanui Prince). Best retriever dog.—G. Alexander (Major Glitters). Best retriever bitch.—J. Miller (Rewi Bess).
Best English setter (bronze iriedal). — BlacKand Churchill (Huntly Yankee). Best Gordon setter.—A. Findlay (Rita). Best pointer.—J. A. Dnthie. (Toso). N.Z. Fox Terrier Club's .silver shield, valut £lO 10s, for best smooth-coated puppy in show, bred in New Zealand.— K Webster (Glendon Mist). ' Trophy value £5 5s for best puppy of opposite sex to winner of clnb s silver shield, bred iu New Zealand.—W. H. Golthorpe (Selby Sensation). Trophy value. £4 4s for best, wire-haired fox terrier puppy.—S. H. Graves (Gartmore. Vixen). Gold medal for best adult smoothhaired fox terrier dog.—J. W. Thomson (Glerdon Major).
Gold iTedal for best adult wire-haired dog or bitch. —E. Webster (Chingford Nipper). Best wire-haired terrier bitch in show. —S. 11. Graves (Gartmore Vixen). Challenge trophy value £7 7s for best smooth f<K terrier.—J. W.. Thomson (Glendon Major). Challenge trophy value £7 7s for best wire-haired fox terrier.—E. Webster (Chingford Nipper). Best Irish terrier.—,!. Fuller- (Mabeno). Best Irish terrier dog puppv.—J. Fuller (Maheno). Rest Irisl terrier puppy bit-ch.—White-side and Savage (Ncwrv* NoraM.
Best Irish terrier dog'.— J. Fuller ( ,
Best Irish terrier bitch.— Janson and Clarke (Alt* Melody). ... Best Skyt terrier.—A. Driscoil (Daikie).
,™ e t $. cn f hj terrier.—W. Ballant-vne (Wydla Dirl). Best sporting brace.—J. W. Thomson (tox terriers.
Best non-fporting brace.—J. R. Havn. (collies). " '
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Evening Star, Issue 12864, 13 July 1906, Page 6
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2,329DONEDIN FANCIERS' CLUB. Evening Star, Issue 12864, 13 July 1906, Page 6
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