n - ?&s&s& T. & H; SIXTH'S qoedmedal' !' GOrFEE Stocks held by B. ?TOXLSOJT & CO., DXJNBDIM" (I .,, " ,;, '^^l feiginilr?. j^sSsssssb^ ■;::vy;; v -.-. ; ;;. .j^ : j^V/'£/: : :. JPo be seen at woti *| owl^Q*)Q&op> ?■■ Just landed a large gbtpyflwsj i- ■'■ «-»of«. V ■■"■■'■■ \> ■■ The Btaongost and awxrt 4wftM» Wwi Policy in the Market, A large vanoty of Gas Fires, Brackets, Globes, Pondanta, and Sanitary Warp-toto* soen at our Show Room. Inspection Cordially Invited. i. & T. BURT, lW.,Stnart St., Dunediii. Men's Rieady=ma<2e Suits. Are yon in need uf STYLISH SUIT If so, call and see the Two Special Lots now oSbrfng at 37/6 and 42/6, and yon will aave-moncy. I Best -value ever offered . , in the city. ■ ■ N a PERFECT FITS.: Lot 1, at 37/6. From sfcroug, dnrablfc Colonial and Na»y SetgWi. Lot2,ai4a/6. From. Fashionable ,Grey . Worsteds ia Tariouß shades. I?h© Goats being padded on shoulders give thorn the - ftpjjearaooo of '» Smart " " And 42s 6d HTAHiVBOIEDS. NX Clothing laetory,
Mangled Remains.—That part of your shirt- that Comes back from -the stahtti laundry. A Cheery Pair.—“Do you remember,”said Mrs Grumps, “ when you asked me, to marry yon?” “Yes,” said Mr Grumps. “And I said ‘Yes f ?” “I remember it. We both always talk too much.” PaWl WctltM.
MONKEY UTOh Wife WSL Wkl Wfck ' ran Bait ffik a B I THE SOAP that CLEANS andPOtISHES butWONTWASttaOTHES
- "The discord was something' fierce,"'said! Boreru, in speaking' of an : amateur'erintoarXJ "Why, the music was so loud that I could not hear myself talk." " How : delightful," exclaimed Miss Cutting. . .. . ' BICYCLES'. BICYCLES'. Record and Jubilee Bicycles built to wdet at reduced prices. Kecords, £l9; Jubilees, £l4. All guaranteed. Easy terms: Deposit £5, and £1 monthly. Allday's best English Bicycles, £l2 10s. Splendid assortment cf Second-hand Machines from £3. Record Tyres, 255; guaranteed for 12 months; wear, longer than any other tyre. Write for price list. Cooke, Hawlison, and Co., 156,'158, and 162 Great King .street, Dunedin.—{Advt.j
The Famous Remedy for Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption, HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY MEDICINE IN NEW ZEALAND. Those wbo have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, Pain or Soreness in the Chest experience delightful and immediate relief; and to those wbo*r* subject to Golds on the Chest it is invaluable, -as it effects-*. <3omjaeto Cute. It is most eomiorting in allaying irritation in th«? throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a. Cough or Asthma to become chronic nor Consumption to develop. Consumption has never been known to east where " Coughs" have been properiy treated with this medieino. No hmieeohoold he withoat it, *s, taken «* tni beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. '_ ' BEWARE OF COUGHS. Remember that every disease has its commencement, and Consumption is no exception to this rule. jjear wx .nearne, —xne siieni workers are .jjj. yy q W earn » Dear Sir I am. wtifcmT™ Dan twi-upbOTD THAT "Your Bronchitis Cure is a wonderful medicine—A.. B. SIMMONS, No. 7 Renney the most effective and if! there mg to tell you about the cure your THE DOCTOR &0 INTERESTED IHAI s p.ddinglon, Sydncv." L l b *,, m I*™ w medieine has. effected in my ease. About HE CARRIED OFF THE EMPTY > - - few years has been repeatedly working for three years ago i began to cough. At. first BOTTLE. " I have finished the Bronchitis Cure you sent, and am amazed at what it has done in Y 1 ? S y^ r vhmfSF* S "" tUe pou & h was not severe, but it gradually the time. The difficulty of breathing has all gone.-J. HARRINGTON, Bingegong, Mor- c ,r*l J ' T Xx^.* aUl t a - got worse, and i became very weak and " Orange, N.S.W. "Mr Heame. " Dear sir,—l enclose for your own private W uearne. .. M if , g2 , d dram 79 and T am g]ad to inform vou that your the St hiTwii " ^'-" ™ a ra which you will,glean that your medicine nas -We are glad to add this our testimony but without benefit, It was at.this stage EJShalf a bottle Lredl ho? I alwsvs ke7o been a perfect God-send to a martyr to Bronchitis Cure with.'great benefit to myself, as the to the value of Hearnes most valuable Bron- that I heard of yo V r Bronchitis Cure, and ft in th» hoT naTand recomS it fa COld. and bronchial asthma Ido not Wish sltlo H leri ,„', "pletely le /me.-Mrs) JOHN KAHILLY, Glenmaggie, Victoria." cllit.s Cure, which has eased the sufferings sent to you . for a course of the medicine. .JJ^fLS»me"S kind any names to be mentioned, but you are at u tM "» compicieij mt. Ob of nundreds and hundreds of people eyen m When it arrived I was too ill to leave my. «n»3l TTJ^rLr liberty to make use of any portion of this „ , . L . „ , j-, j•• mviM Miim»v <?ihk our own olrde of acquaintance.—Believe us bed, but I commenced taking it at once, and i^ifi ac 7i„ letto you choose, and yoix San confidently "I have ounu your Bronchitis Cure a splendid medicme.-JOHN MADDEN, Stop- to be> youra mosfc faithMl gradually improved. lam |lad to say thai ftg?, addSls rnfnr anvbodv to me.' ton, Victoria.-' p m?iwr>ivmw »*™™„ ?»,« two lots of mfedirinavbn sent hn.™ Jenng grea«y trom toionctataß. The address any names to be mentioned, but you are at liberty to make use of any portion of this letter you chooae, and you can confidently refer anybody to me.' "I heard of your excellent remedy, and sent it to England. You can seo for yourI was very bad when it arrived, and I ini- ' mediately flew to it. - That was last Friday, ~ y c and it has quite cured me. Dr is very .victoria much interested in it. He came yesterday, and carried off the empty bottle to find out ~ if he could get a full one from a chemist , Al who is in a large way here." haa Jt tl The names are withheld from publication, but will be supplied privately when desired. " I ; QUEENSLAND TESTIMONY. FROM BRISBANE WHOLESALE CHEMISTS. "69-Queen street, Brisbane, Queensland. j. "Mr W. G. Hearnc.—Dear sir,—Please a , send us 36 dozen Bronchitis Cure by first boat. We enclose our cheque to cover amount of order. "We often hear your Bronchitis Cure n that he had given it to a child of his with most remarkable result, the child being quite cured by three doses.—We are, faithfully yours, "THOMASON, CHATER, AND CO., "Wholesale Chemist 3." A LADI IN LONDON. A FEW EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS. "I used vour Brouchitis Cure for three of mv family, and it cured each of them in A MARTYR TO COLDS AND BRON. from one (o three do3eg ,_p. p. MULLINS, Cowie's Creek, Victoria." CHIAL ASTHMA. _ "Your Bronchitis Cure relieved my son wonderfully quick. I only gave him four CURED BY ONE BOTTLE OF HEARiNk.3 doses, and have some of the medicine yet; but I am sending for another bottle in BRONCHITIS CUKE. case X s & oul( l it.—D. M'DONALD, Xrinkey, via Quirindi, N.S.W." GRATIIUDE AND APPRECIATION. HUNDREDS CURED IN THEIR OWN CIRCLE. "The 'Scientific Australian' Office, "169 Queen street, Melbourne. "Dear Mr Hearne, —The silent workers are CONSUMPTION. TOO ILL TO LEAVE HIS BED. A COMPLETE CURE. Three Oases Completely Cured by well, and yraßred into town and back with-] and. if,***-did not tatt it sot to waste it, One Bottle of Hearne'S Bron- cut "V fatigue. I had »ot done ti»at bnt send 4* bank again.. She had snch eonfi- «>,<«=, rs,«» previously for twelve months—always went dence doctor tb*t I thought she wwJd cnitlß tmre. in the omnibus—as walking caused me such not try i±, On the wedneaday I lent met Pft'n and dietreaa in the ehesfc. I alwvya again, aid Bho wis much better, the night** &i<-VIiBE COLD, WPEH LOSS OF VOICE, stronger than I have been for years. the cough was not severe, but it gradnaUy ne. The difficulty of breathing has all gone.-J. HARRINGTON, Bingegong, Mor- „^T ( .v P B°* worso - and A •became very W eak and "Mr Hearne. NS W " =** This gentleman some three years ago w troubled with night sweats, pain in my chest, « T»m vew ™,« i, r.l on W »;*V i , x • * ■ +i, 4. „„„, Mr Barham, accountant, Col ns street, and occasiomTthere was the expectorated th . e . efle Ct ß of your Bronchjtis Cure. Last tfy .wife is 82 years old, and lam 79, and lam glad to inform you that your the effect fch ' at . had sBQ marke(J he Wmt t r ***¥ ° f chadren had very bad litis Cure has done us both a wonderful deal of good, it having quickly cured va has ever since be contbluaUy recon £nend- m *lkl to ha C™2 fougha, and one bottle cored the three of -R. BABSBTT, Strath Creek, via Bedford, V.ctona,' » ing it to others. S Srotoef^menl,^^ _ "We are glad to add this our testimony but without benefit, It was at.this -stage b u t% a lf a hi? I alwlvs ke?o t have used one bottle of vour Bronchitis Cure with.great benefit to myself, as the to.the value of Hearnes most valuable Bron- that I heard of yo V r Bronchitis Cure, and \™£ e a ™"$ "^S erinu lias completely left me.-(Mrs) JOHN RAHILLY, Glenmaggie, Victoria." chitis Cure, which has eased tho sufferings s^t : to you. for » course o the medicine. a^eo&WSSkiid. of hundreds and hundreds of people eyen m When it arrived I was too ill to leave my. «t „«™ ~.~? "„„ *" I„_j *v,,._ sent it to England. You can seo for your- , t "My cold, bud as it was, disappeared j.fter Wo doses.— C. J. CURRIE, Solicitor, self what an immense success it was.—Yours Victoria Chambers, Queen street, 'Melbourne." faithfully, " Extract from letter alluded lo above: •■ [ iately administered some of vour Bronchitis Cure to a son of mine, with splen"You will be interested in hearing that i di d efFuct T ; lf , curc was absolutely miraculous.—F. A. PACKER, Quiera, Neutral Bay, think the Bronchitis Cure really excellent. syd uey) > T .|;i.w." "Yom- Bronchitis Cure, as usual, acted splendidly. —C. H. RADFORD, Casterton, RELIEVED BY ONE DOSE OF HEARNE'S olia - BRONCHITIS CURE, AND CURED '' Kindly forward another bottle of your famous Bronchitis dire without delay, as I find it to be a most valuable medicine.—(Mrs) J. SLATER, Warragul, Victoria." " I am very pleased with your Bronchitis Cure. The result was marvellous. Jt cased me right off at once.—G. SEYTER, Bourke. New South Wales." " Your medicine for asthma is worth £1 a bottle.—W. LETTS, Heywood, Victoria.*' it to everybody.—S. STEELE, Yanko Siding, New South Wales. dose, and though I have had but two bottles "I suffered from Chronic Asthma and Bronchitis, for which I obtained no relief until } feel I . a ™, a different man, and the.'cough "PHILLIPS, ORMONDE, AND CO. AGONISING COUGH. NINE MONTHS' TORTURE. BY TWO BOTTLES. "Dcrgholm, Victoria. "Dear sir,—l wish to add my testimony to the wonderful effect of your Bronchitis Cure. I suffered for nine months, and the t a rJZ. P rw7'l "-r are - some months ago a sevete attack of bron. " I have tried lots of medicine, but, yours is the best I ever had. lam recommending i;^ m f , '}>4 ■ a other reme-l tewk your medicine, with the ren -vprvhmK-.-R. KTETCr.-R V»T,kn Sidiinr. N™ South Wales." • " ? le ?' hon } aTiu •. rtn . ed y. ol ? r . s > and never afc-.iiin end ef • t*n davs the obm"Last year I guttered severely from Bronchitis, and the doctor, to whom I paid seven "We often hear y™ r B"°£ m ™f . V?" guineas, did not do me any good; but I heard of your Bronchitis Cure, and two bottles We, the undersigned, have had occasion to P°f en w , cll . of : A f en "Tnhiiri of his with « f ifc made mc V" l * well.—H. HOOD, Brooklands, Avoca street, South Yarra, Melbourne." obtain Hcarne's. Bronchitis Cure, and •we - certify that it' was perfectly and- rapidly ~ . i " successful under circumstances which Wn"Yoiir Bronchitis Cure-has done me much good. This is a new; experience, for all doubtedly prove .its distinct healing power. effected a complete cure, for which accept my very best 'thanks.—Yours gratefully, J. BLAIR. Westminster, Bridge road, S.E., London. CURED IN TEN DATS. THE EDITOR OF THE OLDEST NEWSPAPER IN VICTORIA EXPRESSES GRATEFUL APPRECIATION^ "W. G. Hearne, Esq. Dear sir,—Permit CURED BY HALF A BOTTLE. A SUPPLY SENT TO A RELATIVE IN ENGLAND. ilhy.,!iv--firiw«!? stronger man I have been for years. l trom the lungs better. She sent for another thank my son for his great lrindneas in send- half botUe, and on the fallowing Bandar rag the medicine, and am, dear sir, sent over to say.tfeat she was quit* eared "Llenwellyn, Katanga, Vic. Extract from a letter since written by the -I am very much pleased with san > e kdy to hor aon, Mr John S. Mortimer, f your Bronchitis Cure. Last Llenwellyn, Katanga, Tusteria. grannauy improvea. i am giaa to say wt iering from bronchitia. The address the two lots of. medicine you sent have j g en aosedV "Yours gratefully, "JOHN S. MORTIMER." The relative in England, who is 80 years old, also cured by Heamc's Bronchitis Cure. WAS A GREAT SUFFERER. £« J So^sereK was obhged to get up and sit by the fire. I■„ w m „„n, o i„„ « =„„„»» „»+o„t n t i> m - HAD NOT WALKED FOR 12 MONTHS. Bronchitis in November, but Hearne'e Bronchitia Cure «w again successful. I feel ALWAYS WALKS NOW,.AND IS QUITE <gute well, and walklmto town feeling quite • WELL. • stron &- - • "I must ask yon to send me six bottles a.<s, unuout avail, x vuea yours, ana never sult ,that at the end of ten days the cornhad a fit of coughing after taking the first J wu\: n t had rnmnletelv left me We are now doss, .ind thnmrh T hav« hj w <=,« plaint-had completely lenme. -we are. n ow FEELS STRONOER THAN SHE HAS DONE FOR YEARS. - "8 Watson street, Burten-on-Trent, "Staffordshire, England. never, without the medicine in the house, "JAr'W.. G; Hearne,. Gcelong 1 "Yours verv trulv W»4 did not require «iy n»» medloiw. ■ Bft iowb very truly, you Beß yAaA gooA jfc "M. ' ,*.e wishes to have some of iny next supply," u ■ ASTHMA. Extract from a letter since written by the same lady to her son, Mr John S. Mortimer _ Llewellyn, Katanga/Vieteri™ *"*"***' PREVIOUS TREATMENT FAD^ED., ~ A SEVENTEEN YJIABS' CASE. lIBR DAUGHTER HAD BEEN YEEY ILI CURED BY THREE BOTTLBS. ' Mr Alex. J. Anderson, of Oak Park, tibnfle* SPITTING UP BLOOD. viUe > Queensland, :—" After suffer}** from Asthma for 17 years, and having been —"- under a great many different treMnwttts THE DOCTOR SAID NOTHING MORE without benefit I was induced to fey nnnTTk »» Tkrt-Nrw Hcarne's medicine for Astbma. After takjng COULD BE DONE. thMe of lhis quite gtiM - of the Asthma, and since then, whieb was ta CUBED BY HEAENE-8 BRONCHmS £*ggf£ SSEFSU&£%Z CURE. medicine quite cored me, and I have xanck pleasure in recommending it." Writing again on the 4th April, IBS 9, be The extract runs as follows••—■■"As for my- states:—"l am keeping very well now. self, thank the Lord, 1 am feeling stronger Never have the slightest return of tfc* than I have for years. I had an attack cf Asthma." HER DAUGHTER HAD BEEN YEEY ILL. SPITTING UP BLOOD. THE DOCTOR SAID NOTHING MORE COULD BE DONE. Twelve Yearaf Agony. DISTRESSING, SUFFOCATING, DRY COUGH ENTIRELY REMOVED BY "FIVE DOSES.' more of the medicine, as I wish to have a COUGH ENTUHSLY KKJBOVED supply in the-honoo. I have tried to get BY"FP7B DOSES.' it made up berej and let my chemist have a ___ bottle to see what bo could do. He tells me this week he can make nothing out of it, he NO OTHER TREATMENT COOED -E%RN nover saw anytiiing hke it before, so there EASE FT* is only orto Uiing for me to do—send fbr ; " • • more. I have never kept in bed one day since ■ Dear Sj:,—Your letter and Bronchitis I oommeaoed to take it. I need io be in "Editor;.;'Geelbng Advertiser.' *» the medicine I previously took made me much worse. lam satisfied that the two Signed by the Rev. JOHN SINCLAIR, Myers the ~ sttl6S of ? OXIT iiToncb ™ t l Cure. —Bt- da and then on i y fl yery night for a week, there was nothing more he could do for her. , WUiLIAM CROCKjsxx. bottles of Bronchitis Cure I got from you have pulled me through a long and dan- street, Geelong, and fifty-nine other leading LIOTT BROS., Ltd, Wholesale Druggists, as I was so much better, when, thanks to the So on the Sunday I sent her half a bottle of ''Baker's Swamp P. 0., ria Dripstons, gerous illness.—HENßY WURLOD,. Alma, near Maryborough, Victoria." residents. . Sydney, N.S:W. ' J Lord. for, adding his blessing, I was quite the^Bronchitis Cure, and told her to try it, i r : , New South Wales." ~ tack of Bronchitis at the lime it arrived. I heui sent for my own doctor, but had not bad on." night'srest for a week. I started'taking white .sending for it such a long distance. "Something more I must tell you. *C but I am happy to say that the eongb, pntn. ;.-■. . .. . ■■.... : .-.■-■.. ■ on- night's rest for a week. I started taking lotte has been very 111 sinee I wrote you. Iwere entirely removed by ihe fifth -v "Upon looking through our books we are th>i Bronchitis Cure three times a day as-di- Her cough was so bad she never had a your BrononiUs remam, sir, jours stoick with the steady and rapid'increase m « ot f, d ' *ud was eased ni'ght's rest, andwas; spitting up.Wood very mort r?S pec«nny, , '' At the end of a week I only took it twice n much, .The doctpt told her husband that (Small, 2s 6d.) PREPARED ONLY AND SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY THE PROPRIETOR, W. G HEARNE,XfIOTttist, Q«elMg, Victoria. Sold by Chemists and Medioino' Vendors. Forwarded by Post to any , .' _aida|e«s wHen not obtainable locally. ' S^;*a ; ■.■:■■'■■■ .»'/■ (Largev 4s 6d.) New Zealand Branch Office: Coffee Py&ceßuil^
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Evening Star, Issue 11700, 4 October 1902, Page 2
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2,991Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Star, Issue 11700, 4 October 1902, Page 2
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