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Hljrh Water. To-woebow.—Talaroa Heads : 10.53 vm„ 11.32 D.m. Port Chalmers 1 11.33 l.rn.. 0.12 p.ra Dunoiln : 018 km., 0.37 p.m. Port Clialmer*. ARRIVER.-Marcii 27. Pelham, b.s , 233 tons, Qresger. from tha North. Beautiful Star, 8.1.. 148 tans. White, from Oamaru. Passengers-Seven saloon, one steerage. March 28. Invereareill, s.s . 130 tens, Sundstrum, from Inveroarglll via Stcwut Inland. Aorangi, R.M S , 4,163 tons, Turpln, from iyttelton. Sovereign, schooner, 85 tons, Uaitcheon, from Helensville (Kaipara). Catlin, ketch, 48 tons, Banning, from Polorue Sound via Timaiu. Candidate, barque, 765 tons, Currio, from Liverpool (Nove.noer 10) via Wellington. SAILED.—March 28. Kakanui, s 8., 59 tons, Beat, for Waikawn. Pelham, s.i , 238 tons, Greager, for Lyttelton. Maid of Otago, schooner, 50 tons, Fraser, for Riverton. Koranul, s 8., SOl tons, Oliver, for the West Caast via Oamaru. Mabcii 29. StelU, C G.S., 132 tons, Gray, for tho South. Sta- of the Mersey, 255 tons, Christian, for Kaipara. Gleaner, brlgantine, 115 tons, Urqnhart, for Napier. Penguin, ». s ,, 402 tout, Altaian, for the Manukau via Lyttelton and intermediate port*. Pastengers: For Lyttelton—Messrs Locke, Huntley, Gow, and O. R. Hart. For Wellington—Mr and Mrs Robertson, Mrs Brfmni-r, Messrs Wjlleocks, Dew. Kohn, Gow. For Nelson—Mr and M»b Stephens. For Manukau - Mr and Mrs Young and seten ohildren. Four in the steerage. The Aorangi haß taken In a quantity of wool and othor cargo. It is expected that she will complete taking in her frozen mutton-some 3,608 carcasses—by to-night. Tho Kllbrannan has put out about 1,300 tons cargo in splendid order. The Loch Bredan is fast filling up, having now on board nSirly 4.000 biles wool and skins, in addition to a quantity of tallow and other cargo. 'J he Star of the Mersoy and tho Gleaner, for Napier, sailed this forenoon with a freßh aou'h-wost breeze. The Penguin came down fr«m Dunedin this forenoon, and utter embarking her pamngeri at the railway pier Billed this afternoon for lh« Manukau via Lyttelton and intermediate ports. The Beautiful Star Iff* Oamaru at 8 p.m. on Saturday; had light *lra and calms until breasting Moeraki, when she met a frefh southerly bre'z.i, which continued to arrival at Port Chalmers at 0.35 p rn. After landing passengers she passed up to Dunedin, arriving alongside the wharf at 10.35 p.m. We thank Chief-officer Riilwer for rrport Tho Pelham, from tho North, rasscd the Port to Dunedin at 4 30 p.m. on Sa'urday, and sailed again yesterday forenoon for Lyttelton.

Tho Invorcirgill, frrin Invercirgill via Stewart Island, arrived at, 0.20 yesterday, an 1 pnss:»l up to Dunedin. She laft Invcwarglll at 5 am. on tie 28'h inst.; arrived at Stewart 1.-land at 0.30 a.m. sime day ; sailed at 4.40 p.m. en tho 27th, arriving as above The Aoraniti, from Lyttelton, arrived at 8 a.m yesterday, und this morning commenced to take in her frnzin mutton.

Tha Catlin, from Pelnrus Sound via Tiniaru, arrived yesterdav evening, and passed the Port to Dunedin. She ltft Timaru on the SBUi Inst.

The Sovereign, with 75 700 feet of timber from Helensvillo (K&lpara), arrived yesterday evening. She left llclenßvll'n on the 10th inst. ; cluaM (lie Heads at 1 p in. wish ft N.K. brerze, which held for twnty-four hours, when it veered to tho S.K until the Ifith ; then lork a N K breeze, which e»rried her to Capo Campbell on tho 20th, when a southerly Mxhm set, In for forty-eight hm rs, followed by a licht northerly wind until breasting Oamaiu on the 2Srd : a fresh southerly breczi then >ct in, which OHitiimed until 10 am. on the 2Sth ; when sixty-five miles S.W. by S. of tho Heads It veered to the N.K , and held to arrival. Experiments, It is said, are to bo made for tie Virpoßcof ascertaining whether gas can be used for Illuminating small tcssels of the navy that are not at present fitted with tho electric light. Tho following vessels have ar ived a* and departed from the Duncdin wharves during the past week :- Arriva's: Beautiful Star, 140 tirs (thrice); I-ivercar-Bill. 123: Manaponrl ).020; Rotorua, 678; Gleaner, 110: Mahinapua. 205 ; Kakamil, 58 (thrtoO; Wanako, 278 : Maid of Ota"o. BO: Star of the South, 00 r >; Pen uin, 442 ; Ark. 7 ; Crossnwen, 234; Korai ul 301 ■ Pelham, 238 : total. 4 428 tor.B. Departures : Rotorus, f.76 ton"; Beautiful Star, 140 (twice); Invtrcargill, 123; Mahlnapua, 205; Manapouri, 1,020; tt'anaka. 278 ; Crest of tho Wave, S8; Gleaner, 115 ; Ark, 7 ; Maid of Otairn, 50; t»tal, 2.741 The New Zealand Shipping Company (says the 'New Zealand Times') is carrying on its operations with remarkable etiieiency and success. It» chips have evon to refuto cargo and passengers. Wc hear that the passengir fares earned by IheTongariro on her last hnmeward tripexefeded L7.G00; and the Aoranti, which leaves r.' xt. month, has long had all her berths prc-cngaged ; while the Rimutnka, oh her last outward trip alone, mado no less than LIO.OOO in pasnge money, exclusive of all freights, etc. ARRIVAL OF THE CANDIDATE. A barque ten miles to the north uas reported from the Heads at 3 p m. veßtertay, and the Plucky proceded down, taking the Btranger In tow, and bringing her across tho bar at ft pm. She proved to be the Candidate, from Liverpool via Wellington, which was spoken by the Beautiful S'ar off Moeraki on the 24'h inst She anchored c-lr Deborah Bay in readiness tor towing to town on this morninst'n tide. The Candidalo is not a fttrausror to thU port, but (.ince her last visit, ten rears since, her com-nand has been changed, Captain Currie having succeeded Cap'a'n Wriuht. She brinirs 60me 360 tons of original cargo from Liverpool, which port she left on November 10, with a light westerly breeza ; took hor departure from the Smalls on the followlne day; she had light northerly winds, and flighted St. Antonio on December 1, distant twantyflve miles; ricked up thoN.E. trade in latitude 24deg N , but it was light, and gavo out in latitude Odeg N. ; had doldrum weather, crossing the Equator in longitude 25deg 3Smln W. on December 14, thlrly. four dayß out; took the SK. trade in latitude Ideg N ; it was light and fickle, and cor ried her to latitude 18Jeg 8.. longitude 27deg W., on the forty-third day out; variable winds followed, the ni'tridi in of Greenwich being crossed on January 9, in latitudo 42Jeg S.; light variable winds continued, meeting no westerlies, the wind not helding in one quarto f>' twenty-!-ui hours; passed Tasmania on February 17, ninety-eight days out; i-lghtcd Cape Farewell on February 27; took a S.W. breezo and reached Wellington oh March 1; dischargfd 750 tons of c* go, and left on tho 2Ut in»t : had N. and N.E. winds with foggy weathor until oil Moerakl on tho 2lh inst., when the wind veered to tho southward until tho evening of tho 27th, when it veered to tho N W. for a few hour", followed by a N E brc ez-, which brought her up to ths Heads : was towed to town tl U morning against a strong S W. breeiw by the Koputai and Pliisky. THE DIRECT STEAMERS. The Arawa Bailed f om Bio on the evening cf March 26 for London. Her msat. c.ugo was in good condition. MOVEMENTS OF THE UNIO.N STEAM SHIP COMPANY'S FLEET. Monday, Mahcii 29. l}i,tiFK.—Wa ! rarapa arrive) 7 30 cm from Ho'art sailed 5 p.m for Port Chalmers. PohtChalmbisc.— Penguin Bai!e ' l 3>ao V- m - lot r "> ,|; ' t O\M\Ki'.—Korniiiii arrived early from Port Chalmer'sVsul's to-night for Timaru LYTi'KiiTOS —Tafarai a-rned 0 a.m. from Wellington ; sailed 3.30 p.m. for Tinmru.-Wanaka sailed 6 p.m.' for We'lin;ton. ~,,■' , isoton -Hiwea sailed noon and Mahmapua 4 pm 'forNiilson.-Ta'awcra failed 3 p.m. for Lyttel on -Maitai arrived 8 a.m. from W.Bt.'ort Nkw I'LYMorni.-Rotoruaarr.v d 11a.m. from We!luigton ; sailed i p.m. for Manukau. Weather Telegram. The narbor Board received tho following telegram ffrnn the Mattoro'ogliml Department at Wellington . -'• Watch luomctur; had weather approaching between north and wtst and north and foulh ; glass further rise, but f_.ll soon, and wind backing after twVlve hours from now.-K. A. Edwin." (Received at 8 5 p.m)

Slil|i|)lii)t TnleKramx. Ruff, March 29,-Tho Waitarapa lift Melbourne on the 23id at 8 ; passed Port Philip Hoads at 7.44 p.m.; called at Hobart on the 23th, hj aving thereat 630 p.m., and arriving hero at 8 am. to-day; experienced strong south - westerly winds, with heavy beam sea, until making the land, when the wind freshened to a strong gale, with a heavy confused sea. For the Bind: Mr and Mrs Kki a, Mr and Mrs Murdoch, Mr and Mrs King, Miss Bell, Messrs Pewdigat *, Kvan*, Mercy, and Wharton For Dunedin—Mrs Allnult and two chi dren, Mrs Henry, Misses Drum, Booth, and Macadam, Messrs Kettle, Ferguson, Goldsmith, Dodges, Corner, Sohlanck, Muller, Benham, C. B. Smith. Portent's Webb, Brown, Mr and Mrs Harrick. For f.yttelton Misses Chgg, Hur*t, Fisher, Palmer, (-2’, Miss Lowe, Mrs Keen and family (3', Mr and Mrs Thomas, Mr and Mr Gordon, Rev. Mr and Mrs Orchard and family (9), Mr and Mrs Pa’mer, Mrs Goodman, Mrs French, Messrs Stewart, Olivier, Keen, Little, Dixon, Blackwood, Mis-es Uikwod (2). For Wellington Miss Warner, Mrs Batchelor, Mr and Mrs Cainter(senr.l. Messrs Mcthven and Hinson. For Auckland—Misses!! ithcws,M‘Caig, and Cohen. Mesdamea Roberts and Cohen, Mr and Mrs Car - , Mr Roberts. Svdxkv, March 29.—Afternoon, Hauroto, for Wellington. Lyttsi.tox. March 27.—10 p.m , Rlmntaka, for Auckland —March 23 : Walraato (Cap ain Cane-e), from London ; 83 days from the docks and 76 from the Lizard.—Go-Ahead, from Wellington.—Wanaka, from tho Soul h— Onyx, for Sydney.—Lurline, for London.—March 29; 1 a.m., Wanaka, from Akaroa. Timaku, March 28.—Catlin, ketch, from Pelorus Sound (windnound), for Dunedin.—Wanaka, from tho South.-Lizzie Guy, from Oamaru.—Catlin, for Dunedin.—Wanaka, tor the North. Oamaiu', March 2).— Early, Koranul, from Port Chalmers. Arent.AND, March 29 —Alameda, after a three days and nineteen hours’ passage, from Sydney. She has 110 through passengers. Mbmdcrnk, March 29. Morning, P. and 0. s Su Icj. Lo.ndov, March 2S. -Ada Mel more, from Oamaru (December 24).—Lcchnagar from Wellington (December 24).—Orati, from Lyttelton (Dicamber 29) Pleiades, from Napier (DeC Jmher|27).— Eldirslie, s.s., from Port Chalmers (February 4'.

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Evening Star, Issue 6863, 29 March 1886, Page 3

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SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 6863, 29 March 1886, Page 3

SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 6863, 29 March 1886, Page 3


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