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Hlgii Water. To-morrow. Tiiaroa Hoids: 0.12 «.ra. 6.34 v.m. fort i.;aa.iniorj: G. 52 a.m., 7.11 p.m. Dunedin I 7.37 a.m., 7.50 p.m. ■■■ ■'- ' 'O ii"--Port tfkuimsra. ARRIVED. January 2. Frey, Swedish barquontiue, 470 tons, Swolburg, from the Mauritius (November '2;'). January 3. Maori, s.s., 118 tons, M'Coll, from Oamaru. Wairarapa, s.s., 1,833 tons, Chatfield, from Sydney via Auckland and intermediate ports. Passengers: From Sydney—Messrs J. Jago, K. P. Lindsay. From Auckland—Mrs Zeile, Miss Gillies, Mrs Heron, Messrs Heron, S. Gillies, Orkney, Tiffer. From WellingtonMrs Palmer, R. R. Jones, G. Campbell. From Lyttclton—Mrs Campbell; and eleven steerage from all ports. SAILED.—JAM'ART 2. Catlin, ketch, 48 tons, Norman, for Catlin River. Wanyanui, schooner, 78 tons, Laing, for Hokitika. January 3. Stella, s.s., 175 tons, Gray, for the coast. Hauroto, 8.9., 1,830 tons, Kennedy, for Sydney via the North. „., , _. Beautiful Star, s.s., 140 tons. White, for Tinmru. The barquentlno reported as passing Capo Saunders "esterday afternoon proved to lie tho Frey (a Swedish vewl), from the Mauritius. After towing the Mar. shall S. to Dunedin, the tug Plucky proceeded down and tendered the Frey, passinif the Port at full speed at 6.30 p.m. The Frey brings 300 tons of sugar, and has made the passage in thirty-three days, having left Port Louis on November 29. Tho schooner Wanganui, for Hckitika, and Catlin, for Catlin River, sailed yesterday evening. j jThc C.G. B.S. Stella sailed this morning for tho const. Tho s.s. Maori arrived from Oamaru at 11 p.m. yeß' terday with cargo for tho ship Coriolanus. The s.s. Hauroto, for Sydney via Auckland and intermediate ports, saiLd this afternoon. The s.s Wairarapa, from Sydney via Auckland and intermediate porta, arrived at 10.1* this morning. She left Sydney at 5.30 f .in on the 20th ult.; cleared the Hcfds at 0 p.m., reaching Auckland at 4.30 a.m. on tho 25th; remained there until 12.30 p.m. on the 28th, when she pushed on for Gisborne, arriving at that port at 1.15 p.m. next day ; left again same day ; called at Napier, Wellington, and Lyttolton, leaving the latter port at 4.30 p.m. on the Ist inst., arriving as above, having experienced strong southerly winds from Lyttelton to arrival. We thank Mr Taylor (purser) for report and exchanges. The s.s. Beautiful Star Bailed this afternoon for Timaru. ARRIVAL OF THE MARSHALL S. The brigantino Marshall S., which arrived yesterday, was towed up to Dunedin, hor draught being 13ft. She is a wooden vessel of 179 tons burden, built at Halifax, Nova Scotia, some seven years since for the North American fl3hing trade, but being too large for the purpose, was purchased by Captain Craig, lato owner of tho brigantine Camille—now in the Kaipara trade. She brings SOO tons of cargo, llor passagefrom. New York occupied 116 days, her run from the Cape of Good Hope to Otago Heads having only Occupied thirty-four days. Captain Craig reports leaving Sandy' Hook on September 7 with a light S.E. brutae, followed bv variables, with moderate weather, until reaching latitude 19deg N., longitude 35deg W., when she took tho N.E. trade; it proved light, and gave out in latitude lMcar N., longitude 2Sdeg W. ; then :.die hid ■iul.irnm weather until October 4, latitude 4deg N., longitude 23deg W., when tho S.F.. trade was taken; crossed tho Equator on October 22 in longitude 27deg W. ; the S.E. trado was fresh, and carried her to hf.itudo 22d-" : ., longitude 23deg W.; thenco sin- had variable winds ; sighted the island of Tristan d'Acunha mi November 17, stil keeping variable winds, with moderate weather ; rounded the Cape of Good Hope on November 20, in latitude 45de;-: S., when she took the lir.-t of flic uei-tiles; carried strong N.W. to S.W. winds, hazy weather and low barometrical indications, across the Southern Ocean; passed the meri'.'.i'n of Ope Leeuwin on Decmbcr 17, still keeping fresh wm.-s; passed (he island of Tasmania on December : 6 and the Solanders on the 31st; carried strong westerly tralo along the Coast, and reached the Heads at 1 a.m. on the Ist ins r . THE TRIUMPH SUCCESSFULLY FLOATED. AUCKLAND, January 3. The s.s. Triumph hay been successfully floated this morning, and is now about a mile from Tiri Tiri, steaming towards Auckland. PiTO I'M. The Triumph passed to leeward of Tiri Tiri seme two or three miles olf. The steamer Waitaki has just 6tarted to her assistance, and the s.s. Kotomahana follows at two o'clock. A white ting is hoisted at tho signal station <o intimate that the Triumph is now out of sight from there. It is thought that the adverse sea and tide may be too strong for her, but it is not known whether she ii making more water. 1.55 The Triumph seems to have anchored three miles from Tiri Tiri. There i 3 a strong adverse breeze and heavy sea. No details of the floating have yet reached town. All that was done to her prior to floating was to remove the heavy cargo and coal that was holding her down, stop all leaks in the sections aft of the fore compartment, and pump her out; the pumps fixed being equal to 500 tons of water per hour. Tee forehold being full of water will make navigation difficult, especially with the sea now running. ENGLISH SHIPPING. Per Messrs Shaw, Savill, and Co.'s Wellington (Captain Cowan), from London (November 10), for Port Chalmers: —Saloon : C. C. Hills, Miss Stron githarm, G. N. Buller, Marv A, Duller, Eleanor llust, E. Wcrmuth, Isaac Wilks, Stuart Mao kenzic, John M. Dickson, F. W Smith, and Alexander Jenkins. Second Cabin: Bryce Wright, Thomas Bowman, W. S. Brierly, Alfred Sandeman, William Richards, Thomas W.' Whale, William Anderson, Agnes Anderson, and Mary J. Anderson. Steerage: Mary Streat, Francis Streat, William Streat, Richard Strcit, Annie Streat, Jeannet Streat, Augustin Streat, W. Y. Bradbrook, Emma Bradbrook, Violet K. Bradbrook, Hi ith Bradbrook, William Sheffield, Emma Sheffield, William L. Sheffield, Douglas B. Sheffield, Thomas Saward, James Montgjmerv, Marion Montgomery, Charles Montgomery, James Montgomery, William Montgomery, John Montgomery, John Evans, Charles Washboume, Thome iWashbournc, Mrs Lock, Kitty Lock, Charles Morrall, and Widiani Carpenter. Per Messrs Shaw, Savill, and Go's Kingdom of Sweden (Captain Cooper), from London, November 9, for Lyttelton :—Saloon : Mrs B. Watt, James Watt, and Miss Brustcr. Second cubin : W. H. Wharton, C A. Wharton, Kate M. Wharton, Wm. S Wharton, Mabel Wharton, and W. S. Smith. Steerage : John Hancock, Julia Roby, Marya Lemercier, Margaret Lemercier, Charlie Lemercier, Florrie Lemercier, Win. Montgomery, Anne Montgomery, Marion Montgomery, Milly Montgomery, Agnes Montgomery, Nelly Montgomery, Frederick Montgomery, Mabel Montgomery, John Cooke, and Alfred P. Hopkins. Weather Telegram. The Harbor Board received tho following telogram this afternoon from tho Meteorological Department at Wellington : "Watch barometer ; bad weather approaching between west and south and south-east. Glass rise fast, with cold weather.—R. A. Edwin, Wellington." Shipping Telegrams London, January J.—Arrived at Plymouth today, the P. and O. steamship Thames, from Melbourne (November B).—Orient steamship Chimborazo, from Melbourne (November 17). Melbourne, January 2.—To Anau, for the Bluff.
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Evening Star, Issue 6488, 3 January 1884, Page 3
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1,164SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 6488, 3 January 1884, Page 3
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SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 6488, 3 January 1884, Page 3
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