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The Evening Star. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1891.

The Zealandia, wi f h tbo inward San Franoisoo, mail waa telegraphed from Auckland at 2.30 this afternoon, and was expected alongside the wharf there two hours liter.

The 'North Otag) Times' reports the midden death yesterday of Richara Gordon, an old man employed on the Windsor Park estate.

The City Corporation yesterday received sum of L 3.065 an yearly subsidy from Wellington. The Mayor stated that after meeting ordinary expenditure and paying the overdraft due to the B»nk the rum of L 15.000 would be required over the ordlnary income, The London correspondent of tho Melbourne ' Arguß' doubts the statements set in oironlation about the enormouo Bale of Lord Beaoonsfield'a new no vol«' Eadymfon." He sftVß:— '* All sorts of ruonor<s, however, are in circulation receding i'r-U amw ng work, tha iro>t generally hd'eved hdngthat 10,000 copiea have beon already bespoken, and that the noble author baa received LIO.OOO for it. Ten thousand is a rice number for the memory to have to deal with, and rolls trippingly from the tip of the tengue ; but the fact in, if 5,000 copies have been disposer! of among the great libraries, there will not be 1,000 got rid of elaewhero, though some very rich po>pl-j will doubtless have the fancy for giving 31« (31 f-»r the privilege of po#seßfiiag rha work. Moreover, oven if 10,000 oopiei were Bold, and no more, the publisher would bo ' Bold,' too, who gave the bum in question for tho book. Like everything else, ia short, in connection with Lord Baaoorefield, the utato of the nnrket u respects " Erjdymion " is v<*gue, mysteri'iUa, and immense. The fact that the Queen has c>ireot«d tho does not give it a fancy price in my eyes, thpugh the circumstance is undoubtedly inierastitg M proving how far, when ' statesmen are not engaged with'soversignfl'iagovorniug tho universe, they can prosecute the art of flummery,"

'i'ho kon. Mr D ek left Vor Wellington by the h,s. Rotomahana thic afternoon. The members of tho O'ago Bar intend entertaluin*' Mr .Tuat'o William 3 at dinner on Tuesday, prior to his departure for England. Tho Poit Chalmers ard Bine Spur C mmittees have voted for Professor Shand and Messrs Elder and B?£g for the vacated on the Eiucation Board. The Minister for Pubic Works will probably, before returning to Wellington, visit tho works on the Central Oi;ago lice and inppect portions of the route. Tnere were 101 api for tho post of janitor of the Dunedin H'gh Sjhrois, the salary attached to which is LSO a-ycar, with free horn a and fuel. Alexander Hay, an ex ship's carpenter, was appointed.

Tho team that will meet our crickotcw at tho end of the month will be ohoae.n from Moasrs Ashby, C\,rfo, Cotterill, E. Fowler, Fowko, Frith (2), Fuller, M. Godhy, Hartland, W. E. L-i; c\ Rjovos, Redmayne, and Watson.

Messrs J. Logan, and T. Do Lacy sat at the C;iy Court this morning and di-posed i-f tho business on tho charge? shee*, which consisted of three ea.ey of diUi.konnosft, Emma Baker was convicted and dh charged. Caro'tac Williams and Mary Allan (-.giiust whom there were c-ighty-o-jo previous onviolioca) w.,ro oaoh fined L 5, in dsfanU fourteen days' imprisonment. The railway bridge across the Cave-rah m road is the ciuae of repeated deputations to the Minister of Works. Tim afternoon again Mr Oliver ras interviewed on the t.ubject, this time by Messrs H, D<ivcr, M.H.11,, W. Barron, M.H.R, and H. Biidgman, Mayor of Cavorßham. Di»cimion took place on tho important element of ways and means for eiF,oting the desired altera'.ion 0' the bridge, but no definite settlement was arrived at.

That man led life in N3W South Wales ha* its troubles cccassioually seems pretty evident from tho following alvertiitmost, which appeared in a recent number of the ' Town and Country Journal': -" Notice I, John Kelly, at present living at Badgery ('ate Block L.), Hermitago Piaina, Nyng?n, give r.otics to Mary Kolly, my lawful wif ■, that if she marries again it will be at hor own riek. and God help he; husband. (Signed) Joirs Kkllt."

A% the ooro'usion of the m..tch at Wellington yesterday, five of tho Austia'.i«ns played a singlo-wicket game against eUven of Wellington. The latter w*re dispossd of for 18, owing to the effective bowling of Alexander, who toenred six wiokets for 2 runs. When time was oallnd the Au*trv liana had sored 7, without tho los.B of a wicket. In the second innings ef the Twenty -Vwo Spoflbrth took mYe wiokete for 32 runs and Palmer eleven for 23. The Eleven left Wellington for Nslson last night. In reviewing Lord Boaootsfield's new novel "Eudymlon" Tho 'World' aa?8:—" Is 18 written thrtughouk in the psciliar English of Lord Beaoonsfi eld—stilted, slipshod, sesquipedalian, with much affjctaton ( of oorreotneas and abounding in grammatical looseness and inaccuracy." lb spt-aks 0": the novel aa a " billy book, a vulgar and tedious one " acd " a book written for &nohs by one e-f their number." Notwithstanding this severe criticism, we dc not suppose the sale will bo affjoted by a single copy; in fact the ohanccs are otherwise.

At the Qir-en Theatro last evening "Monte Cristo" was repeated, bufc the attendance showed a decided falling tff. Despite the ppirited acting of Mr Bandmann as Monte Criato, asaistod by Mr Cithcart and Miss B-audet, the piaoe would not "g°." " Caste" ia to be roproducad to-night. Mr Bandmacn's benefit is aunouoced for Friday, on which eiccasion a mosli ontlolng programme will be put forward, and the season clofeeß on Saturday, afcor which the company bstake themaelves to o*maru and Timaru for a week.

Jb lecture, in aid of tha St. Matthew's Sunday School land, was given ia the lUttray strca* 0 ddfcllows' Hall last ov Einq by the Rev. l'\ Seaborn, the R<-.v. C. J. Byng prcaldi.og. Th-ire was a fair, who seemed to appreciate the »ea-;iiiii{« »n 1 reoitationo selected f< m tho works if Milton, Shakespeare, Addison, Bum-, Sheridan, Manser, Hood, Mecaalay, Pco, Tennyson, and S uihey. As the cl>eo of the Ifcc'iuw Mr roado some rr-mpH-meutary remarks relative to the substantial progress of Dunedin, and it was announced by the chairman that it was the rev. gcntloman'rf intention to repeat tho lecture in other parts of the Colony. Partlenlsvra have been recaived of the death < £ L'eutenant HeyUnd, of Iho Miaot»ir, who wai droivned in savirg the- life of t Bailor. Tfc appe»rs that duriug a gal* on November 25, while the 8?a wan running tremendously higVi, the ship r'.Jlicg thirty degrees ef-cb. way, and it waa almost impossible to lower a boat, a m<xn fell ovctb ard. Tho en/rucs wore stopped, *nl Lieute&anfc Heylav.d jumped overboard with a line and pvvnni to the man's ass 18tare. Ho succeeded ia teaching him, in maklrg the line fa»t to fcim, and the man was haultd on loard and saved ; but Lieutenant Heylind, exhsnstrd by bis effort*, tank close to tho Bhip, wid i i a foot or two o? a ladder widoh had been lowered over the eide. Mr Ileyhnd was in his twenty-ninth ytar, and enUrod the Bervica as a Laval cadet in 1804.

Mr I. N. Watt, R.M., presided at tho ' Port Chalmers Police CVnri; this forenoon. I Gillespie pk-a?.ed guilty ts a charge of i dru;->ko!mcß3, and thcro btiafr tw>> previous ! convictions recorded him diifixg the last ee-van days, he was fined 40*, iu default coven days' imprisonment with hard kbjr, John and Maxwell Workman wore ex hj fined £oh, with tho option of seven clays' imprisonment with hard labor, f<»r committing a breach of tho peace. Charles Hudson, for smoking la a railway-cwriago not s*fc apart for that purpose, was fined &«, with 7* Co3tß. A»for of licanH) va? granted from William Fi'Zgorald to G«org*> iV.-ass for the Railway Hotel. On the civil side John 0. Morris sued Samu«l Jackson on a judgin«at summona for Lls 4» 91. Mr Adams appoarcd for the pla!ni,;ff. Tho defendant was ordered to pay tho amount by irslalmonts of 10j per we«k, in drf*uls one month's imprisonment. The latc6t return tf the cumber *f votes cast i->r the candidates at the lato Presidential election reveals the somewhat startling fact tha*! General Garfield bai been elected by a minority of tho electors ; d 10-2.045 persons voted, and only 4,439,719 were Republeans. Of the 4.733,220 who did not vole for General Garflald, 4 436,000 voted for General Hancock, 305,729 wore " Greonbackers," 9.044 prohibitionists, and 1,793 voted the temperanoe tickst. I.i tho Electoral College the Republicans have 214 votes and the Democrats J 55; Lut iu the Slebl-cltc the R*publican majority over: lencral Hancick U only 3 659, out of a total vote of over 8,000,000 vets?. If the French eh-ctoi'iil lw prevailed hi the Stake a Keccnd ballot wcu'd have had to be tftk-rs, and &3 most of the Greenback vo'ea would hav-a been a *ded to tho Democratic poll, General Hanoook, and not General Garfield, would probably have been the fucofsior of President Hayes. These figures justify the £ abortion of tho ' N«v/ York Herald ' tha* the Democrat:) would carried the Union but for tha treachciy r .i Ke%, tin " boas " ~{ Nj'v York.

Oar niii>son cone ;pou(! en's wrifcfe :—" The rnii-t i»f Hindoo has been a littlo enlivened hi.c-ly by Mca-is ai:d Reirj, whj, : f-;r ii r*e im/niba p<:<-severance under rather dim* nils cfrcumsttxcx', haw boon f-irtnnato enough to strike a patch in Fraeer'a Gnlly. Tho claim is a one. 15 has already, iusido ten days, yie'ded 50 /., and aontinuoe rich, A half-sharo in this olaim wa-i bought a week i.gj for a coneiderablc sum, The first wash cleared tho puryr.a:ie-nioiicy. Two parries work at the c influx o* tho Deep >S lvam and Tftieil, 0 io of the par'ioi have aire.;dy htruckrjotd i-old ; t,U oihzv have Ihoir tail-race nearly finiph-vrl, anil expect to i e on tha g Id in a few days. Trie Cnarlie Gullv pirfy, 1 he;.r, are btill getting i-nyabie g 1.1 tw. f . The liludon Cinpauy are about to extend tho main drive, and crush f -r the public in the meantime. The Z-jalanciia has been by tha Hindon C-mpany'd managu*. They hivtj a good show, and are adv.'Hed by him to open the '2ooft hvel. The New Caledonia Company exofot to start work again at an early date. Tae Just -in-Time Company are not crushing o ns-taiatly for want of water,"

We would remind ou: readers cf the annual moo'in? and a<>iie« in connection with Knox Church to ba hold to-niorrow i.ijit In tho old clu cli 31vj Dr fctuirt will protlde, and bo3idoj a number of B.ej,iur.', Ilu choir wi.l lender an cjcdlfint &olection of muti), the progr m e of which appears In our advertising cclumi-s. Tho Australian Alliarc* rmuratci Company's alaianao ii one cf the neatest isiued till. f.oeaorj. Tho variety f.f colors introduced teivj to make it a very striking chj.ot-in a room Tho ll'hosrnjihj are b/ Sand', RVDougal!, and Co., Melbourne, whoso w.rk will bear wlfh that t.f it me of the eldest established fi ra9 In the Old Country. On F«iday Htrr Ilaadmann will make h's first appeal to the Dunedin 1. utile, Tlw bill to be presented la an unusually attractive o e, •'Muoh aco /boat Ngihir.g," with Mr E,>ndmann aj Btw.edic; and Wiao beaudet at T> **trlc >, will bj tho opening piee*>; £lr r-cherek will p-r form Hfina favo.-ito salettlons on iho pitino ; and tho eutmtaiiiiiiint w ili oo.'.o'uc'e wlih tho comedy of " Hon ( asar do kaz.n " with Ut Banlrtann In the t-'tlo nVe Mr Bandmaon ha-j d'ning hi (.efisoTi here found plenty of admirer?, who t.) ndly rvUi.d him on this occasion. —————n—mm——

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Evening Star, Issue 5592, 9 February 1881, Page 2

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The Evening Star. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1891. Evening Star, Issue 5592, 9 February 1881, Page 2

The Evening Star. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1891. Evening Star, Issue 5592, 9 February 1881, Page 2


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