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The Evening Star. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1881.

The Pine Hill School Coinmittee yesterday j ▼oted for Messrs Shand, Begg, and Robin for ' the vacancies on the Eduoation Board. ' The Melbourne paperß Bay that Mr G. . Verdi, the well-known baritone, ia to be gent to Europe to engage a first-class opera company for the colonies, . Mr I. N. Watt, acting coroner, held an in- ( queßt at the Lunatic Asylum yesterday upon , Itfa body of Bick Oa, a Chinaman. The deceased oame from Cromwell, was admitted' ( to the Institution on January 14, and died ( 6n Friday last. The jury found thit death ( .feralted from exhaustion induced by acute £ mania. t The following curious advertisement ap- ] peared a short time ago in the ' Appecz'ller f Zeitnng * :—" The undersigned, knowing his f failing and foreseeing his weakness, of his t qwn free will entreats all innkeepers and e Gatekeepers to give him nothing whatever 1 without payment of ready money, and even s then to let hfm have no more drink than ia i good for him. If, on the other band, the [ proprietor of any tuck establishment sees c that I am drunk, cr even slightly affected by 1 drink, I earnestly bereech him to give me 1 nothing whatever, and I take the lib<rty e also of asking in this sense the support of the s honorable pubno.—Urnsaech, October 23. a (Signed) Jou. Riuner an dkr Kraeo " 1 „ CUriOU9 caeS of blood poiaoniDg ia re- c tortedfrtfm Echaca. Mr Saltmarsb, bookfader, oomplained of a small pimple on his < lip, whjoh gradually diiappsared, but re- < appeared a c< u de of days later and increased ' rapidly in e 2.3 and viru'ence. Oj January J 30 he was confined to his. bed, when the whole face and head ssiutnei a purplish ( Seen htre. The lip tplit in various places. ' e was in intense agony next day and was delirious till three o'clock in the afternoon, < when he died. Hia medical attendants user* « every known antidote uuavailinply It I surmised that the deceased had been bitle- ' on th« lip by some imect and scratched the ( place with his firger nail, aod that coloring » matter njed in paper ruling was introduced t Into the wound. He leaves a widow and < family wholly destitute. (

The vestry of St, Paul's last night rceolved to obtain a curate to assist the inoumbent of the parish, The Hon, T, Dick arrived from Melbourne by the s.s, Kotomahaua this morning, and was in attendance with tha Hon. Mr Oliver at the Ministerial office to-day. He prooeeds to Wellington to-morrow, aid will be followed by the Minister of Works in a few days.

Wo would direct tho attention of those who are responsible to the condition in which that portion of the Anderson Bay road ia along which the rails of the Ocean Beach Railway Company are laid. Since these rails 1 ave bean laid down not the slightest attempt has boeu made to raise the grpund to their level on each side, so that they are some inches above the roadway ; the consequence being that considerable injury ia caused to vehicles and horses.

Says •' Atlas "in the ' World •'— 'JJ hear of a pretty littlo scandal from India, though .as it concerns one of the pciaoipa l . chiefs in xhe Puojaub it baa been kept rather quiet at present. A little over a year ago tho young Nawab of Bahawulpur attained his majority, married two of h?B cousins, and, within a few days of tho last event, having cast his young affections up6n a fjmale convict in his own state prison, released her, and married her also. Within the past month or so the lady has given birth to a* son; and the Indian Press has been quite gravely congratulating His Highness on the 1 birih of a son and heir.' The worst cf it ia, that if the Nawab really chooses to make the child his heir and successor, he has full power to do so." A Sydney telegram In the ' Age' says : "An inquest has been held on Riohard Wilson, a carter, who had charge of a cart loaded with glass. Whilst taking- it out apane broke and fell on deceased, inflicting a severe wound on N his arm, whioh was cut to the bonei It was found necessary to amputate the limb. The operation was performed on Thursday, and death resulted four hours after from gangrene and Hood poisonin/?. The jury returned a verdict of 'Accidental death.' After the inqm-st a man complained on behalf or tho wi;'io>? pliant tbo hospital authorities, He said Uiat when the body wais sent to his residence l:ho amputated r.rra did not ncoompaty it., and ho wa» info.-ivjod that: it had boon placed ia another nym'o coffin and buried, This extraordinary coroplaint on investigation proved to be truo, and the coroner gav* b\* complainant an order ©a the ficerj&iary of the bospitsl for the production of tke amputated limb. The affair has caused much indignation."

The ' Australasian's'' London correspondent writing on December 10 says : "Laycockhas come back looking well and hearty, and is rowing in capital form. He really feels confident of beating Hanlan, and he has this in his favor that I believe he has a much better constitution than the Canadian. My only fear is that Hanlan will get such a terrible start of him at the first. Triokett will long have cause to remember the kinduers he has received in England, for he had presented to him on Tuesday last no less a sum than LSOO, which had been subscribed for him by friends and sport-followers generally. Australians in London oamo down to tho tune cf nearly L2OO, and a collection at the Victoria and Albert Cluba and at Tatterfall'a resulted, witnche entertainment given at the South Lpnddn Palace, in raidng the amount to quite LSOO. Mr Charles Bush presented the money to Trickett en the stage before a largo and most enthusiastic audience. Laycook and Hanlan were both present on the stage with him and made short speeches, thanking the people for so warmly rallying round thefr friend. Trickett wag quite overcome by tho hearty reception he received, and c&tld hardly reply. . . . Trickett and Laycock are fast friends, and the former will remain in England to see the latter through the match."

Several waxwork exhibitions have visited Dunedin of late, but none of them have approached in point of siza and variety the one now to be seen fa the Temperance Hall, The groups are artistically arranged, and the dresses of the figures, instead of looking tawdry, present a neat and cleanly appearance. They will bear a close inspection even in daylight, which is not usually the 1 case. The two groups that will probably j attract most attention are those consisting of a numher of Zulu warriors with the hte Prince Imperial, and the Kelly j Gtng with their victims. These who | desire to see real assegais have now an opportunity of gratifying their curiosity, for tho assegais in the Zulu group were actually used in the Cape war. The likeness (f Ned with his quarter-inch thick armejr on, ought, we should say, to convey a capital Idea of how that outlaw appeared during the fight with the police. The lovers of the sensational wM be pleased with such groups as " Burke dying in the arms of King," and "The assassination cf the Rev. W. Hill by Ritson In tho Pentridgo There are several figures of notorious criminals, including Scott, better known as Captain Moonlite, and Roga.p, the Wanfcabadgety bushrangers. An exceedingly natural portrait of the Hon. J. P, Fawkner, the first settler in Port Philip, is sure to ba admired. The exhibition is open daily from 10 a.m. to Ufp.m.

The Cavers-ham School C.iirm'ttee, following the example eei ly Ka ; korai in tho election of members of the Education B /srJ, have resolved to exeroivo the usual privilege of questioning the candidates hefoie according aty o? them support. The following quefctiona have been sent to each caadicUte with p, request for an answer not later than the 16:h ins* - , j—" Are you in favor of maintaining in the Education Office a secret or private character book of teaohera under the Board ?" " Wculd you support a memorial to the Education Board from this Committee in favor of abolishing the present character book?'' To-day the Committee received from Mr A. C. Begg the following letter, which has been handed to us for publication : —" lam in receipt of your letter of 7th inst. It appears to me that in regard to the character book many persons are being led away on a false issue, and are merely righting with a shadow. It la absolutely necessary that tho Board thonld have a rfcord in reference to the capabilities and characters of its teachers, more especially for the information and guidance of committees in chbosing teachers. The only objeot of the book Is to protect committees from imposition or from unconsidered action in this important matter, It is not kept for the gratification of members of tho Board as some seem to imagine, and for my own part I have scarcely ever seen the book. Of course, if members of school committees divul e confidential information in reference to applicants it is a i roas abuse of their poai* t\on, and this is, I venture to think, aconree of whioh very few committee-men would be guilty." A esse of extraordinary parental ciuelty ocoupied the attention of the Melbourne City Bnch on January 31, A Mrs Mary Oliver, residing at North Carlton, was charged with ill-using her step- ;■ n, aged three jears, Tne principal witness was a Mrs Eunage, a neighbor, who deposed that hearing the boy'j soream ehe looked through Mis Oliver's gate, which was ajar at tho time, and raw her box the child'a ears most unmercifully. She then drc-w him with vio!oi)CT on to the n\<?r/u:>g and undressed him, She nexb held him ; under the water-tap, liia face upwsrd",, kept his month open. She turned tho ;-\p on, and le 1 ; it run ou him. The water uM 1 j his mouth, aud ho gasped for breath sad ! boarm black in the face. SjmeDne called at the front portion of S.he defendant's home, j and she then phced a heavy piece of wood against the little boy's shoulder to prevent! him from moving, and allowed the tap to i continue running. Tlie medic il evidence I was to the effect that the toy was literally covered with weals up to the buttocks, evidently iuflioiod by some pliable instrument — a strap inoßt probably. On the shoulder-blade and head were largo bruises. Toe ch H, when iiken to tho d ctor, was qiite exhausted, shivering, and hia hair was matted with water. The child had been Viiry severely treated ; and in the doctor's opinion the flogging was injuiiouß. Tuo i?efc el waa that the child's f*o- h-v' ' *<- r)!<v , «- > f.

Ther......m< • B n;- ,w, 1 .3 .■. ohil.l had been very cruelly treated, considered the defewdaut had undsrgf U3 a good deal of punishment by the expbEure of hsr conduct, and fined her lA, which was at once paid.

The following names appear in the last batch of Melbourne Exhibition awards : Laos : Third, Jessie R, Logan, Danodin : fourth, Mary P. E Jonea, Nolstn. Seconi order of merit, Mfs3 M'Tavinb, Thames, specimens of needlework from Now Zealand flax. Biscuitß : By croft and Co., Auckland, third order of merit.

The Maniototo County Council have agreed to ooperate with Vincent in appointing a Central Railway Commission. An amencmant—"That seeing that the resources of the interior districts have been repeatedly brought under notice of Parliament by cur representative?, and also under the notice of the Minister of Public WorkG by delegates appointed by the councils most interested, this Council does not think a commission, such as that suggested by the Vincent County Council, would servo any useful purpose, and only bring additional expense ou the County "—wan negatived. The Cabmen's Union held a meeting in Mr H, Go'urley's yard, Mackggan street, morning, and agreed to "adopt the Christchurch rule?, subject to revisicn. About twenty-five oab proprietors weio present. The following wore elected officebearers :—President, Mr Braid; vice-pre-sident, Mr Alfred Trmdle; treasurer, Mr H. Gourley ; secretary, Mr Lyons ; committor Messrs J. C. Bowman. R Phtemeoter, Archibald Muirhead, William Miller, James Ray, James Welsh, H. Hardinp, Fitzgerald, R. Paterson. The principal objects of the Union are to prevent driving of c*bs by b./rikin youths, the fixing of a uniform scale of charges for the City and suburbs, the r gulaiion of cabs, stand, aad other mattera, and for tho protection of the interests of cabowners.

Ab:aham's Novelty Consultation gives f >ur ohancee with taoh ticket See advertisement.— [Advt]>

Dr Frederick INchardsan has favored us with a sample cf excellent eider made at Oakla'..ds in 1877 and bottled in 1880, Nature is nature everywhere, end there is no reuson why apples shouid:'not bs produced iu Ot>go equal in rpwlUy to the best Devonshire. &g the two obir;;-.t.&.i differ but JKt'e-tlie uiff-.e;c« we tb/.Ji, b.hig in of Ocsgo. There hj. howi..vnr, vonr diff.jvoseo in proceas of wid wo thi'-j'r: It s'« in fr-vor of Jsr ;V.r we hevo not tented falicr nor finer iiiituiinndo t-iocrs th»n hia—'>o, not Is Dsvoiwh'ro it is rich mcl fail on tho * alo-to inurd sun i'a-o irom " iiotirfc* ion," It is good new, and would be good, il no; butter, t.wcntv or thliiy >-«.rs nonce.

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Evening Star, Issue 5591, 8 February 1881, Page 2

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The Evening Star. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1881. Evening Star, Issue 5591, 8 February 1881, Page 2

The Evening Star. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1881. Evening Star, Issue 5591, 8 February 1881, Page 2


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