SHIPPING NOTICES, public trust office. — . NOTICE TO CREDITORS. . IYTNTON STFAM SHIP CO OF TW'OTICE Is hereby given that all creditors lIJil-IUIN Oli-Ml oniJT \AJ. XJI JJ| aud others baying clalms against the NEW ZEALAND, LID. undermentioned estates are required to lodge 88 CUSTOMHOUSE QY sucn claims at the Public Trust Office at WelPassenger and Cargo Services to Lyttelton, lington on or before the 10th day of November, Picton South Sea Islands. Australia. Par- 1943. Any claim not lodged by the date iffi. on aDDlicltion . AUMraufc *? named ls liable t0 exclusion. The claims must WELLINGTON-LYTTELTON SERVICE. show full details, and must be certified as folFor dates of sailing inquire at Company's lov^: -— th . rt fflco "I hereby certify that the amount of tnis TO PICTON (circumstances permitting.) claim was due and owing at the date of •Aralmra, Mon.. Wed., Fri.*, 1 p.m. death of the deceased." ■*Friday Oct 15. v- passenger accommodation E.&iAiiiis>. ■ fully bool-cd W BAILLIE, Richard Hamilton, Into of WclFrequent cargo -sailings to New Zealand lington, Retired Bank Manager, died Coastal 00l^ t£ e l^ 3C._! Ppllcatloa-- (2) b^NKS-MARTIN, Robert Alexander, fotv UNION AIRWAYS Off N.Z' merly Whiteman's Valley, Upper Hutt, \ COOK sffi:? AIRWAYST Farm Hand but late, of R.N.Z.A.F., Over'VASVTAN FMPIRE AIRWAYS seas- died 9/1/43. AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL AIRWAYS (3) COWLEY. Richard James Thomas, lato of :^it,«s OVTrkSRAS AIRWAYS Wellington, Painter, died 2/10/43. ' nnS i-™ AIRWAYS <« FLEET, Mary Jane, late of Lower Hutt, QS all other Prindpa^ifr ■Lines. Married Woman, died 6/9/43. And aU ° „,. "°," ~n TTT> (5) LEWIS, Donald Alfred, formerly WellingNCHOR SHIPPING CO., LTD. tm> late of uzil) Overseas, died FOR NJiJjSUiS. *>4/T/41 jMATANGI, Tues.. Thurs., Sat., 7.30 p.m. ((J) Y IcCAS i a LL, Donald, lato of Wellington, I, Keceives General Cargo Daily till 4 p.m.. Senior Inspector of Schools, died 3/10/43. except Saturday, 11 a.m. (7) MURRAY, John, late of Wellington, ReTurther Particulars from tired Labourer, died 4/10/43. I. & W. YOUNG, LTD., Agents, (8) NICOL, Alexander Scott, late of Wellington, ' ■ 77-85 Customhouse Qy. Retired Iron Moulder, died 1/10/48. >? Tels. 41-080 and 41-984. •REDDING, Hilgharde Kathleen, late of Wel- ' CANADIAN ATISTRAT ASTAN Ungton, Married Woman, died 17/3/43. .. AU3irUll-.AOim\ {1Q) KITCHIBi Margaret Jane ; j ato O f WelLIJNE. lington, Widow, died 26/9/43. UNION S S CO OF N.Z., LTD., (11) TUCKNOTT, Elizabeth, formerly WangaAgents Throughout New Zealand. mil, late of Wellington, Married Woman, NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING died 30/9/43' a. r. coad, 1 : COMPANY, LIMITED. oJSST ms" 0 lhult* f°r Welllngtonb P^SESV ESdOM° THB FREE-TO BOYS AND GIRLS-FREE BANGirm RANGITATA. FREE-TO BOYS AND GIRLS-FREE ■fIWOO-taTSS Vessels. First Glass, Tourist B^^hlatn^P^h^SNr^rSß * rin<i« and Tourist B Class •"-* ly can obtain Free the EXCITING GAM£i RIMUTAKA 16 600 tons f "SKY SCOUTS." Naturally, boys and girls j%H^NEg COMPAQ, ||^S er fSHAW SAVILL LINES. Just write the following sentence: "I clean ' ' .TO ENGLAND. my shoes regularly with 'NUGGET' Polish," ,:' . TO SOUTH AFRICA. and state which colour you use. Send with r The Lines' Passenger Service provides for your name and address to the "Nugget" Polish ilFirst Class, Cabin Class, and Tourist Class Company of N.Z., Ltd., 580 Ferry Rd., WootPassengers; but each vessel carries only one ston, Christchurch, S.E.I, and you will receive !pf these classes. ■ the "SKY SCOUTS" Game Free. i SHAW SAVILL AND ALBIOH CO., LTD, — ANIMAL AMBULANCE : {InCl l?,£%%}™ '* YITttL be available in cases of accident or WELLIIsGiON. . W sickness on Wednesday and Friday, from '■.: Agents Throughout New Zealand. 9 am# t0 7 pm- . Saturday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon. ORIENT LINE. ' Please ring 14*00. __ __ Rrt-c-AT ma it STEAMERS ANIMAL CLINIC UNION SS ct OF-NZ LTD. ESTABLISHED 30 years. Hospital and Board.___jS^SnwNew a Zealand. & infi Kennela for Do S s, Cats. 178 Tlnakorl GUN PRACTICE. I.CTOBaUJ^M.B.CV.B.. Vete^rlnary^urgeon. . PORIRUA HARBOUR. ■ wttv wfab wvrrACTVi "SHIELD Artillery Practice seaward will be £L St As'tlimatlsm ± held from 11 to 22 Octojerjactajj^-, S^uintf^ b^cttffiS*2^SEl Sr'ar ac a rai S a e nn d C Io S e Pd m hy aIE^S ™»^™s>^™ u 's?ff & HEAD PORIRUA HARBOUR-NORTH BLUFF nert Miffland Hotel. Hours. U.SO-I.SO, ia. MANA ISLAND and 6000 yds beyond, thence bpeedy results. 3f E for 3000 yds, thence S.E. to NORTH HEAD T WILL NOT be responsible for any Debts iPORiRUA HARBOUR JL contracted in my, name after this date. ■- vv nnan rfaoh. (Ssd-> B- w- COOLEY. rr T s.M.c VjmV&mSS^ live-shell 9 ggju^^ Hu«. U.PRACTICE commences September 16, con- October 10, 1943. tlnuous In daylight seaward from; beach area TWTEW ZEALAND ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS, iapprox. 40deg 47mitt SOUtU—l7sdeg 05min East. JJH MEMBERS' ART UNION, 1943. 'Arc 90deg included by Azimuth 270deg to Azl- The following is the result of the Members' rnuth 360deg True; 12-mile range; 40,000 ft Art Union drawn on October 7, 1943:— iheight. • ' Ticket P AI?KA KARIKI-RAUMATI SOUTH. Prize. Value. Ko. Won by£ GuSSrY PSicTICE! Seaward 1. fiso 223 Miss AM. Wilkes U will be held DAILY, until further notice -2. £2o 250 Mr. 1,..8. Arnold .ifeetwew 8 a.m. and 10 p.m. Danger area 3. £20 460 Miss I. C. Heywood kinunded on north by a line 289deg true from 4. £18 582 Mr. C. H. Hudson .S£ Umfte Z BAUISn SOUTH, and oa -5, £15 : 144 Mr. E. M. SMden Innnth hv a line 252deg true from northern 6. £15 444 Mrs. Henry Hall iS.-S-LSBjSSSI Range 5 miles: 7. ■ fllj .42 Mr. W. H Nash hp\eht 2000fL 8. £14 14 Mr. A. W. Mulligan helgn^UPUiL^. _~_ m m|| Jrr==B - 9# £12 518 Mrs H Kirkcaldie EDUCATIONAL. j 10. £12 490 Mrs. V. L. Hay '.rV'iTTtV'S —DAY COMMERCIAL CLASSES H. £10 415 Mr. W. B. Fussell G lL «e held between T^m? and 5 p.m. on 12. £10 216 Mr. C. H Weston KKae^ ay3inClUSiVe' HoUr3arrang6dS &H JSS Mrs: SF. J-M ADSt°e a to suit s™^^^ TUITIO N 15. £9 284 Mrs. C. Birch ►in Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, etc. 16. £9 499 Mr. R McLean Jack Prospectus Free on application to «• «« 139 Dr. Sharp GILBY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, IS. £8 la Mr. John Murray uij^x* g^ 19< £r 2gc MJss D> E _ Bray '. l(Beh!nd Courtenay PL Tram Shelter), 20. £7 233 Dr. Wm. Young Wellington C 3 Tel. 51-987. '21. .£G 438 Miss Elizabeth Greenwood ; POST GRADUATE ACCOUNTANCY. 23. £6 473 Mrs. W. 3T. Hogg i "COSTING.'" . ■ 24. £5 307 ATrs. A. E. Burch !,TT7HE,V you are contemplating post graduate 2 5. £5 577 Mrs. Anna Ginn W courses you decide on "Costing." The E D _ ■Inert logical step is "Harle's," which provides Secretary the best training, the most Interesting work, _ ; ; secretary. and the best results.. ■ McGILL UNIVERSITY. - ■ Mr. Harle having been released from duty GRADUATES AND PAST STUDENTS iwith the R.N.Z.A.F. is again personally super- . Of iTising the work of every student of "H.C.A.* ■ . McGILL UNIVERSITY ! Write for Prospectus, * A RE cordially invited to attend a Reunion tHARLE'S COLLEGE OF ACCOUNTANCY, Ltd., JfX. Dinner to be held on Colonial Mutual Life Buildings, FOUNDERS' DAY. P.O. Box 859, Wellington. Please communicate with !«ILBY'S EVENING COMMERCIAL CLASSES D. L. RICnAEDSON, It A RE held on Monday to Thursday between . 18' Lancaster St., ;J\. 5 p.m. and 6.15 p.m.; also on Monday, J Karori, 'Tuesday, and Thursday, between 7 p.m. and _ Or Tel. 2G-305 for Reservations. '9 p.m. Students may enrol for lor more NELSON GIRLS' COLLEGE OLD GIRLS' 'hours weekly. . ASSOCIATION INDIVIDUAL TUITION. (WELLINGTON BRANCH). Shorthand, Typewriting, and Bookkeeping. \ LL Old Girls of the above Association are ITor free prospectuses apply to ; ■ • -il invited to a Buffet Tea, to be followed GILBY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, by a Talk by Miss G. Niven on the "Fiords 32. Blair St. of Southland," to be held at the Victoria (Behind Courtenay PI. Tram Shelter), League Rooms, D.I.C. Building, 4th Floor, on i . Wellington, C 3. Tel. 51-987. Monday, October 18, 1943, at 6.15 p.m. [TT>NROL Now! Day and Evening Classes. In .Bring your knitting, or work and spend a JH^ X Chamber of Commerce Exam, one of ef eni »B renewing acquaintances of your •our students won the National Scholarship; A ° dm iss!on'is Gd [100 per cent. Passes were obtained In Type- -aamibsion is ua. writing. English, Office Practice. Handwriting H™s P Shn 'and Awards included Silver Medallion Short- TWrfhnnJ. ™ font •hand, best candidate under 17. , _ ' Xelepnone 50-^O4. __ i M?il &^bY^Qy^£mdl'B'uUd£Sl T '* FURNITURE " REMOVALS , _ xio x,<wQßioa w. loayweu CARRYING CO. OP N.Z., LTD.. \* ' — <U PACKING AND STORAGE,. \ THE HUTT GIRLS' SCHOOL, LTD.- CUSTOMS AND FORWARDING AGENTS, , CHILTON SAINT JAMES Agents for N. 2. Express Co.. Ltd., i' (Incorporating Chilton House School), 56 VICTORIA ST., Wellington. WATERLOO RD., LOWER HOTT. TNVFVTnnq iPupils entered for all usual Public Examlna- N „ iNvpTSTTrON"? nii'VP'TOPWP'NT- an SfhealSrec^d! 163 °£ MuSl° taUSbt' EzCel" O^^^&'v^^tljtku. Prospectus on application to the Headmls- CIVILIAN AMPUTEES' ASSOCIATION. !tress or to the Secretaries, Clarke, Rlenzlea, A MEETING will be held In R.S.A. Rooms, 'Griffin, and Co., P.O. Box 486. Wellington. Cl. XX 12 Victoria St., MONDAY, October 11, at }.. '= 8 p.m. ', PUBLIC NOTICES. L. SMITH, Hon. Sec-Treasurer. ORRISON AND CILBERD, UMITEO. SPFCISSt^TBBFD^R . ORRISON AND GILBERD. LIMITED. 3 X SER^fcE LA^NDRy\ Opticians, y-Nj rj a -vr t? n n v ~,. 48 WILLIS STREET VVELLINGTON, Cl. {j * 5 MAJORIBANKS ST . V°° N ' (•■■ Also at Queen St.. Masterton. Eound Corner from De Luxe Theatre- ' CHHE°AiTH CT BY 015' N EW ZEALAND ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. , HEAIiLH lix C/HlUUPUA^ilt>. J^y ANNUAL KVTTTTITTTnTV iTp V. DAVYS, "Evening Post" Chambers, now OPEN daily'AT Tin? art patt fry Jir. Wellington! and 31 Queen's Rd.. Lower AOW OlhN DAILY £{ c mh Am GALLERY, ;ilutt. Tels. Wn. 42-218; Res., Dial S9B, ask Hours'Ifor 80 (no charge). . Weekdays—lo a.m. to 5 p.m. ' IAWSON AJS'D LAWSON (Successors to Col- Saturdays—lo a.m.'to 12 noon; 2 p.m. to '. will and Colwill), First Floor, National 5 p.m. ißank Chambers, Courtenay PI., Wellington. Sundays—2 p.m. to 5 p.m. 'Tel. 52-869. Friday Evenings—7 to 9 o'clock. KtflM TKIfA'PMTVT : ADMISSION IS. SKIN TS&AIUSAiI, • AHT UNION TICKETS Is. ivLIiiAxLIVIA Entrance Saturday and Sunday Afternoons: THE MARVELLOUS TREATMENT for all BRANDON ST., OFFICE ENTRANCE, D.I.C. SUln and Scalp Ailments. BUILDING. ECZEMA, PSORIASIS, BABY ECZEMA, _ , ___ raffilSu W(NI.rMD.. MOTORS AND~CYCLES. Harcourt Chambers, Panama St., Wellington QELL, Chev. Truck, 6 cylinder, 15cwt, per(Opp. D.I.C). Tel. 42-882. \ O feet running order; good tyres; £85, offer. 'Palmerston North Address: Waldegrave Bldg. 35 Adelaide Rd., . Next Visit to Palmerston, North: Friday. "S^TANTED Buy, Master De Luxe Chevrolet \ _ October 5. VV Sedan, good condition, sound tyres, state THE NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE CO., LTD. ™n™s° and I>lice to 33S Post ' Ae«icy, Lower WORKERS COMPENSATION ACT. ±tH!± ."][ TNINSURED EMPLOYERS are well advised T"\E LUXE 4-door Chevrolet Sedan, 1937; well to consult us in this matter. Xv'shod; £260 cash. 342 Post Agency, Lower ! 131-133 FEATHERSTON ST., VVELLINGTON, Hutt. ' mi to -t/> Cl. T>ABY Fiat, 1939, tyres and performance i TeL 4G-u76. .„«,„ „,.«, -E> first class; £210 cash. 340 Post Agency, HAEOLD CLAY, Lower Hutt. \f n nfl GTQr I, i ' — — ■ — '-— /~^ AS Producer, suitable large car, wanted BUILDING SOCIETY NOTICE. VT immediately. Particulars, make, price, 354 THE ■ Post Agency, Lower Hutt. "WELLINGTON^ CO-OPERATIVE __ OELL, Chevrolet Town Sedan, new battery, 4 : BUILDING faOUEIY. new tyres, good condition, wonderful ap■'.rVTOTICE is hereby given that an appropria- pearance, first to see will buy; £250, near [SS lion meeting will be held at the Society's offer. Write 249 Evg. Post, Petone^ 'Office, 23 Waring-Taylor St., Wellington, on LIGHT CAR WANTED" THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1943, at 7.30 p.m., r^ O OD Light Car, good tyres, tow mileage, •when appropriations as under will be allotted: \JC immediately. Write "Nurse," 2316 Evg. No.-4 Group AUCTION £1000 i> O gj, No' S GrouD ' BILLOT fl'Sft ITir^"l^^' Bi» Car- for or wlth *roXo. 0 Giouf, AUCTION IISoO ducer prefer 1930-40 coupe, rough con. To be financial, all payments, including dition. 2410 Evg. Post. levies, must be made up to October 8, 1943, not \\J ANTED, 1935-40 7 to 10 h.p. Car, in any ->■ later than Friday, October 22, 1943, at 4 p.m. W condition, prefer Austin or Standard, Tclephono 40-045 for information ro this in rough or smashed condition. Write 2472 Society. Evg. Post. J. L. ARCUS, ~ WHEELS. ~ Secretary. -VTTANTED, 4 lGin Wheels, for Austin 7, or ~ " r ~ W 3 17in Wheels. Write 2363 Evg. Post. WELLINGTON CITY BATTALION WANT^? t0 B, uy ' a X 1/ 1* Tourel\ or. f ea™> „.,.,, • VV rubber and condition immaterial, for HOMU- GUARD. converting to light truck. 2544 Evg. Post. ■Major R. L. Evatt, V.D., Commanding. VENTED. 2 450 x 17 Tyres, good condition VOLUNTARY PARADE FOR RANGE VV or suitable for retreading. Gudsell, 49b PRACTICES AT TRENTHAM. Severn St., Island Bay. 'A VOLUNTARY PARADE is called for:— \ITANTED Buy, privately, Recent Model J\. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1943. VY Sedan Car, 10-14 h.p., will pay cash. Ring Coys, will bonrd trams as follows:— 16-818, H.Q Coy.—Courtenay Place at 7.50 a.m. TS7ANTED to Sell, Wolseley 25 h.p. Touring A. Coy-Ncwtown Park Zoo at 7.30 a.m, Cr. VV Sedan, In excellent condition, good tyres, Basin Reserve and Kent Tee. at 7.40 a.m. cq™ f. n <,i, tp'i Ifi-nfi4 or 1009 Eve Post. B Coy.—Newt own Park Zoo at 7.30 a.m., Kil- ~Z ca -— - lt»--'bi_ 01 AUJJ J^g- iroa[Wrnie Post Office at 7.30 a.m. VV 3 SOTO 6 Sedan, 1930 model, engine and C Coy.—Hataitai at 7.40 a.m. J-' body in good order, tyres fair to good; D Coy.—Oriental Bay Terminus at 7.45 a.m., £75 cash. Tel. 25-179, Sunday, after 10 a.m. Courtenay Place at 7.50 a.m. Y&7ANTED Buy, Coupe,: good tyres, engine, RATIONS. —Rations will ho provided l>y Bn. VV O r Exchange Model A V--ton for same. _ RIFLES.—En. will provide and transport all Value £40. 2283 Evr. Post. rifles to bo used. BROW^ 2n( , v TITOIHIIS S.Tdoor leather upholstery, radio, Asst Adit ■"-"■ eoo(i tvi' es! £210 cash. 2i Kingston at., Bn. H:Q., 32 ■Allen St. ' Lower Hutt. LAND Agent wants Car, in good order, immediate cash: Davis Bros., Cuba St. STRENGTHEN THE LABOUR MOVEMENT. i|/f OTOR-CYCLES, Spares, and Repairs. ToiPEOPLE'S FORUM. IVX ley and Spence, 249 Upper Willis St. Tel. BASIN- . RESERVE. 51-C33. . SUNDAY AFTERNOON, ""ITTANTED, Austin 7 li.p. Motor and Gearbox, 2.30 o'clock. VV any condition. 2281 Evg. Post. /v , « TrCiU' ™\ ™EYO" G, KBB^ A , STEVKNS MOTORS, LTD., LOWER HUTT. XW E aro Cash Buyers of Late Model Used lHh W*,AK]SBj&&fcS OP THh LABOUR \\ Car3> wlth gmfln mUeage( Bucn as g h.p.. Hear a IT-year-old Lad at the Mike, !? h/P- ™«*\ ?™ ds' v^^alls. Austins. rwiTtrr rnnrtAßn Morris, and Chevrolet. CH.ORGL gte &lso , ntereste(J ,„ Osed Trucka noil uTi° UTH HAS A SAYRoII Un ° We& will can*"and inspect. Ring 63-333. Questions and Answers. " STEVENS MOTORS. LTD.. Auspices Communist, Party. Ford Dealers, . TI7JB malce Lino or Half-tooe BlocKa tor all et Hatt- Petone- Ba^bourne. IW Durposes and all papers from the (f OOD frioting deserves Good Blocks, me rheanest newsprint to the finest art. "Evening "Ul" "Evening Post" Printing Works can.eup§St? Printing Works... TeL 47-222... , : _ f; _£\, j&^ both, Tel, 47-222 for,.
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Evening Post, Volume CXXXVI, Issue 87, 9 October 1943, Page 6
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2,447Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume CXXXVI, Issue 87, 9 October 1943, Page 6
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