SITUATIONS VACANT. . WAM _D iuuug Uirls, will l« fuily,traiu ed lv ixm ot.our Mini's Tailorln_. Uuder wear. Shirt and Pyjamu. or FrocU Departments expert tuition ii (id attention Abclco. Ltd 01 40 Vivian St Tel 50-IPS WANIKK J-ull tlmo oi Part-tiiae Machinist* highest wa_e:> and paid, Approu • ices will also bo trained, oxcellent workin oudiilous Apply French Clovea ( Ltd.. 11 I'of) St ANTED a Housemaid- Waitress. ApTl National Hotel Lambton' Qy ANTED a Pantryniald Apply .Barrett' Hotel . . ,-.,.':., , WANTED,. Junior; for""our ■ Showroom. V'Appl; ■ - Felicity - Gowns, Willis St." ,: a-,; < ■■'.': ;'x: VXTANTED, Waitress.. Apply Duko of _dln :■-»¥. burgh ■Hotel. •'•-.. ■;■■■ .■,/■;-:■■ -i i:- , "^': WANTED. Housemaid-Waitress. Rutlani Private Hotel, Pllmmers. Steps. : ' :■'•■-'«:'■ ANTED, Experienced - Waitresses,^ goo; wages and .conditions, no night:'■ .worjh Apply. Tony's Restaurant. ■ . ■ ■ ■ .-. *' WANTED, urgently, Fully-experienced Shjt and: P.yjdnia Machinists;: start immediate ly; highest possible wage' to right girls. ' Als Apprentices and Presser. , Give us .a- trial No obligations whatsoever." Ring- 52-382;;.v0 ■call personally "Tho ,Moderae,"--2- Adelaid Rd. . ■'•■•. r' ■'::■■■: •': •;■'■' '•■' .■ ■■'■■:^:\ \\J ANTED, Laundress, Monday: and' Tuesda "V (half-day),' Wednesday and Thursday; (al day); also 1 .-General.''- four hours -da^yv-(morn nigs).:. Apply. Tel. 50:962/' . :■■'; ~ ■» WANTED, good woman--for Housework, S^tll ,2 Apply 21 Kent-Tec: ;." * WANTED, 3■ -- Women for . Daily, Cleaning .-mornings only.' ::VA;p'piyv Matron, 'H.iUli st. Hospital ,;: .".;, ;:■■:/.- '.■.-.'- ■"'■'■•' •■ /v. WAN TED. Smart Saleswoman; for cake^slipr >and to assist Bulshliig,:;wages•;:to?com mence £4. ' 3076- Evg.^Poat.'.; ' ' ' ANTED, -Experienced -Pantrymuid'; als Waitress; good hours and wages,. week tihds Apply.Max. l"l\ Courtenay PL WANTED, Female Cleaner, 4 hours per daj Apply Caretaker. St. James Theatre:' ■ WAITED, for' Kelburn, Capable Woman fo housework.. mornings, Monday rto /Friday wages.' 30s. ' Apply T Marirl Ttd; ;:Tel. 26-305 WANTED, Reliable Waitress, good. hours an ; conditions. "Meoa" Tearooms, . Merce St.-'Tel. 47-514.1- •".•;.•■ ■/• '-. " ■/■:•■■■• >: •■■■..-.■■/• ' WANTED, Strong Boy ?-or f Youthlfor" But , Cher's Shop;, good' wages; • Appl; Hooper's.. 241.': Rlddlford j St. I \. ' .-> rf /'; - ,':.-. WANTED, Midday Waitress. Apply -Gar kind's; 88- atannere St.A : ;v; ' ;V" WANTED, Experienced Barman.. Apply /Xci Commercial"Hotel. ;'" •''■■.'■. '..-,"• ■'■/■-' -.:-■ ,»' ANTED,' Woman General1 for Kitchen, -:He_ duties, good wages. . Ring; 51-778.-: •■'■■'•.: \Tt7AXTED, .Capable. Middle-agei-.Woman--as YVslst. household duties', plain-cooking/, hand. City (suit pensioner), wages>3o.s s a week.-Appl; 3138 Evg.^Post. '■•■• ■■'-' ;' 1 ' ,"'■' ■?"-"■'■ '~'-- "A WANTED,; an ...Experienced * Cook.-- -Appl Hotel .Regent;, . ....;■■'-,.-.'.■'■ i- .1 - .■• WANTED, Woman '-■ for > Cleaning, itwo ; hour daily, 8 1111,10 a.m.j goodtwages.: Appl; 17 Ma'nners-St.' . '•' :'' '*■: ' ;/. ' ' • • WANTED, Capable School' Cleaner,', betweej the hours o'f^3 and 6 p.m,...'."Apply'^Mat ron, Queen Margargt. College. Tel. > 42-018.. "■■,' ANTED, Two .Smart, .Experienced -Wait resseis, good :; wages. ~ Apply;. ..Param'qtni Milk fear,; Courtenay P.l: ■■ ■..-*'. .^y" ; . :> 1-':-r'^' WANTED, Man.\or.'Youth, .light.garage duties 40-hour week, good;wages;VU.KS.'MotoK 12. Tory 'St. ■-■ ' ■;■.'■... X i-; ■-.>-':. '. VSTANTED, Machinists; full-.or partjUme; als TT iLearners. Apply' .Wellington, -plore'Co. Ltdi,;. Cooper's "Bldgs'.,' : ' Mercer^ St.; ~ opp.^"Even ingr Post."' ."-. :; V^v ■'■: .'-'-■;/ ;''-.-'.;':v..V:; '>:.V.<.:' WANTED, General Hand■for.Cafe.teria^.gpoi wages. :Apply K.KJK., Ltd.; 42 ;Wlllis St WANTEDj; Experienced Machinists, t0,,,.j,d ,';Sewing at■ffHdnie. V ; ; .Write -Bos' 158;';,. T .A-r'o.-'■-■'V::''■'•"■'■"'■■' '.";■• >'■■ ■ ■' '■■■■'■■''■■ =■•-?.'■• 'A:* WANTED, Young Laay,'a&- Model for iHeai Studies, spare- time, experience ; not.: es sential;. :?3049JEvgVPost; •:■• ■-'• -:"i.:'---^-v-•;•■. . WANTED, W.omanv uiqrr light;.- housework 'Stratbmore, ■' 2' mornings > weekly,^ bag iWiish.; -i ßing;,lS-748. ■' ■-^' r r,'",..: \k ;'-vANTED, Woman -Cieaner,nearly..mornings Apply "Evening Post/^'or ".ring between*s ahd:6v'j ' ','■'•' •"• ~;■:.-' ' .*'.■. ■'-".'••' ANTED, ■' a. Man for, odd - jobs, '3, days ~ \yecl£;'nohH:£sential\industry. ■.■■ ; ~:^--:.':: :-h: ■..■■'•>..'■' ■ '.■;BlXG:-5S7:12o:^. v ;':':: vK^'^ ANTED; for' city ■factory,; Alert -L^bpare ■for Cwar; wor"^;' 'essen'tiaiV; - wages ■■ Ssv ;aij 6vsrtime;/'^339-.Svg:t-J?'qfet;.'i.^l--'^r';'a-j? '.:■;.• V ANTED, a;;few< " -Cbmrnercia) Ai Or-' ShowcarU J Wr,itiriff * by-Fully-quallfie Artlst.!^,Bq|4o^Eyg;>JV»Bt;t:v: ■>;■.. ■ ■ YITANTED; for Mothers' pel^ staff, Capabl ■■\y : - . Daily.' poiriesyc :':Workerr.'4o '* hours,; -60s faresi'.uaiiforiiis;■ liberal holidays.' r'lting' Sec refary,: : .4p-780'.;; .i;k A '■■:^ ' T' :"-/";.' ■'. '■' "•:" ( \T7ANTED^Lady. to. assist at birthday suppei VV• city, ■ Saturday, July ]-10;. good: remuriera tion. ■ Tel.-53-581>f- ■'. .■":: - ■ ;'"; .1 .■ .'■ v-: ' WANTED," Reliable Wonianfor general house work, 3 to 5• % days; weekiy>-Karori..Tei 27-953. "■ : ' ' ■ «- ~ ;; • ■'■ • ■ '-y ANTED, Dally. Housekeeper/ ;sniaU -house " elec " convs., bag-wash, vicinity ? Upp'e \VllU8";-St.';-Tefs.-"/.-5S4..;Evg.->Past. v;"",.:' ; . y WANTED,; ReliableSMtoman -forV-HoUsewort -: two /l uibrningE''weekly, 2s' hour.' .? A"ppl; Tel ..^'139./V.- j;-r-...--^n;-';->'':. "'■■■'"v'r. • >... ANIEI), a iiaternity.Nurse; pefnidnent. fi Hani iiospltai;.' Lower ■ Hutt. Ttll ..62-I3S ANTED,' Lad1 :ori .Yotlth : ior- Pastrycfiolt's ■Shop. Apply 'Cake?-;Short/:Waterloo.1 :-' X'ITAN/TED, Maternity Nurse ;.(Begd.),. smal ■'\Y., -public: hospital;-^ South. Auckland; *fari paid/ 593iPos't*Agency, Lower"H«tt.? ■* XXT ANTED, "EvPung.. 1 Girl -. for - general ~. offlw 'W '.diities: -'previous "-experience;"ift>t L essential; -.knowledge .of. typing.^preferred. i:,-Globi Priutinf Gb., Ltd., !■ Holland;St; r-;.- ■' ' ; ' ANTED, Capable Housekeeper for 3 months excellent conditions, live in.-../ Write 158' EVg. POSt. -': ■ "■."' ■ ■..'' ■■'■ ''■.'■''■'' - '>■ .'"• ': '{■•■ WANTED; ■■.Woman, to; assist with-housework 3- mornings ,rweefr;''Kclbuniv'Pde. ;-r AVri,t 562 Evg.-.jPost;".i-"; ! -;--''' -.'-^'"''•■'■ r'; ■„■''•:'*--.■ ''■■'> TftANTED, ■Domestic Help, able\ vtooooi :Vy Apply JSlrs.; CprKilU 3^3-■Willis Sh- ?-± TT7ANTED, Domestic Help,. 3.30. 'to -T-ift! :,.f?V Write- 3370 Eyg. Post. : v ' .; ..:'■-:. ■„'•;■. " V WJAXTJiU, ijoiaediately,; Day. Porter. :..Ai) Vy %ply-\ 'Manag" er,:" Salvatiou ? Army Hoste: S7' Vivian -'St. ; •■,•-■■■,.'■■■>■'■■':■■'■: . ■■:.■"■> '.-'■':,'■' ANTED, Good Gardener,. 2■;> days • a ;.week , for, ghapdallah... Tel., 37-771... -. ;^ ANTED, Protestaiit Housekeeper, for.; bugi ness Khaudallah, good •"home ahi good 'salary.. Apply;. Tel. 37^771," before* 7.30 Saturday .evening or, Sunday. . •i t V;---.'. :. t 1 W"" ANTED, for - our, film- dispatch; department Youth, 15-17.year's,rgood wages and:prds pe'ets for". promising lad, .previous experienc< not essential.' Apply -in person '■'toj.|lJnlte( Artists^'(Abasia) Ptd4 Ltd.,-55 Courtenay PI. ANTED, Reliable v.Wpinan, ,3 mornlngi weekly, domestic', duties...'Mrs. W.PhilUpa 6: Roy -St^.-Newtown. •■■".: ■■•' - \- ■-■;.: '-■ -" -'' '■'■. ANTED,. Capable ■' Woman, ■ willing to lean . Cake Cooking; "good- positibn -for right- per son. 'Apply, Moiiday.' 281 a Cuba-; St. .-.. U-' WASTED, Charwoman, ' iew'"MiburjJ ■ or.' on day per week. : Ados Chemical * Co.. Ltd. Wafefleld ■ St:; jPe'toiie. •; 39.8,''ask>forVUG ANTED, - Woijjan for CleanJng.^few jwur: week; small modern flat, centre; of. City Rhig.•4s-878. ■■••;■/, ■>-■-.'v-^V.. ■■■:'-■' ."^X^fi WANTED, ■■' Capable. . <£enpral • or ;* Workinj Housekeeper, ,no-i-wasKiris s:leep'■: in" ar out/ Write" 124 •Evgy' Eost/ ;Pain)ers tdn'-Nofth;*' : :.'-'";''';> r:-\:':... :'■ '= i- -■>*V'; '/'''■ '.•, '■'-, .■??■ ..'.*\;. ■ ANTED, Experienced .'2nd iCoc-lcl L.also gn Coolci .'Apply AVakefleld Hotel, .Cuba St. "ITTANTED, Experienced " Waitress. -;: Appl; Vy Wakcfield -Hoteh "■. ;• ':/ :-■■: </ '■ i -"■■';■•;v \; -:-." ANTED,-by,! provincial -flrmf> of- - geher'e drapers/ Merchandise. Manager, v'withVfMl knowledge of- buying,; for -iU^departtienterwar time position!1:; Apply;; giying* ag'e^:;particular! dt> .'" experience/? and" salary•' required,.ito-,j57-Evg.: <Pos£'r.-"--■;■;•;; --^;^;■;.'■ ,^:.^;.«--.^-:-f''.^>/.:;'y--. /CAPABLE Person ■"; to do .Housework,,■ half \j daj; week/ modern home;VSeatoun;" refs Write '565 Evg. Post. -.' ;"y\.;:: /^.-'J.-^'v:^'.-V----OMESTIC Help, mornings or all day,; eleei ■. inV-or out. .^Eventide Home, -"lala&d'Vßaj' :Tel. t 14-218. .",. \jj;.: .>./ ; ':: v -.^ : ;-/' y.:.r-s^,£:','■■ ■> LAD V, 1 child, joffi^rs. Free Board .and-'Lod^ ' 'ings', comfortable home to;elderly^gentle ''woman, iii returif'compariiphship/ Tel/U7-48: or write 561 EvgJT Post. •>;.;:. .-,; ■.':;.'.-',: ■'; "OEQUIRED lory Country District, a Christian Jaj Maw of;^ Integrity ;and pleasing ■• personality to "act as'i Collector to.'raise ifunds. for' a building iequifedfby a '-Philanthropic; Institution ; good -•■; r^munemtipn | and ;,commlssion .to suitable-'appllQahC. Apply In .first. Instance;.to Box• Ills; Wellington. -' ■-■ ;'-<■ ■r:,y: : :^^';'^.^ FULL-TIME rEr^antlL.;Boy, interested --.^lior 'work. .-. Public; Si^yice'Taitors.- ■■■.■.::;' >;-A v\,; SOUTH •> CAI{TERByRY-- T Capable :' CookrOencral, Lady':'Housekeeper,;,:exc'ollect^<<jb*jdltions.' .Care ihte^ylewigem'ployer/iriPgyiOV^ai OME UTIIiT^ANDiNURSES'; BUREAU^Housekeeper and; Cbok-Geueral ;for;, Ttmacu, suit -two- friend^ ,^46^96'Svv ''^>--ii IDOWER Requires Housekeeper take rcha:c» of -homoXani twb>younK children..: ;Wrrt« 3260;Evg:vPos^-^v'Xv>;;^-:v^x>;y^^V:VK;.;::#.: MART; Carpjntiit required ■ fpr^essenUa) ifac;,.TOjrk'%«S' perlenia '<■ pref?rfed^' 3s':3d,lwlth^overtime.?;324J .Evg..;-Post'-y: '■',?% w: s~i2ciS-;HS-y*'?:'i%#i"-.ti:;i*®s:-HE APetonei Ualted -.'trjendlyt- Societies Dis-:'%'petisary:r^i^>4'>\Va&pcv---for^AnvrAqwall'' -flM'-ABSlstattt'^Mue'.o^'^finaley^award^M^' Apply, '. Mariaßeii' 251 i Jackson:.Stit'.Petone,tfn&i later■•.tnan\Juljjf-lfe:.-''':"'-■ y'?y--:'^ ;>■;)/'■;'^^'^afVyj'^;-; : A- MERICAN;;iBN^CK ■ BAR.-; Palmerston North, XX.; reanircs/: SmirV-Cipablei.GlrU^as ;:Count« [ HandsY; acc6mjno4ation^pfovldedy:.H,%-^ry^i: ; children..:jurgen'u?: fr«XX -quires ;Li^yi-'.(n6;V'6hild>f^ulHou«ikce]^r; wafresV £ 2: ;■;s2^.' , Bost^^'r.^ x^-!, ■ ■:y^;^i OVERLOCK ';4n& V Plain .^Smine?:': M%cblnißts k; -also/ Tab&; Bahdsv'for''la'dies'iunderv?ear, excellent^'condltlomsX and -wages; ;also - Partrtlma Workers' for;- flnismng,I;.etciWr^PPjy^MrijrDl^ £oai'.'V^.'/B'allabln'fand':''Co^>P&deryrc'ar^3l^bti-< , S actuxcrs, ?1S '^ ; : of J-:- HX'ZWI^ ':&s&
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Evening Post, Volume CXXXVI, Issue 3, 3 July 1943, Page 1
Word Count
1,136Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Evening Post, Volume CXXXVI, Issue 3, 3 July 1943, Page 1
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