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2nd. WEEK! . | s '• J a m t s z> \ HJ =*»~^, > __^--^~ y_-.: Dit ' Sii Hi>iiTiimii' H'nlifi ("rowdi'd Audk'tn-cs »rv still ai-cl.-iimine "Ships With Win^s" the must Thrilling. Dynamic Prama Kver Prodiu-cd in Enuhiud '■ !|i — Daily, 2 and o p.m.- — "SHIPS WITH WINGS" "SHIPS WITH WINGS'" "SHIPS WITH WINGS" "SHIPS WITH WINGS" "SHIPS WITH WINGS" "SHIPS WITH WINGS" --Starrlna— H..M AI re rut" i-Car rier ARK ROYAL ARK ROYAL - And — JOH.N CLIfiMENTS, LESLIE HANKS. JANE BAXTER. ANN TODD. ■ ■ I BOOK—D.I.C. or Theatre (54-775). A British Bra pi re Film. j (Approved for Universal Exhibition.)

LAST TWO NIGHTS OF A REALLY WONDERFUL PROGRAMME I "HONKY TONE" and "JOAN OF PARIS" Shorts 7 p.m., "Joan of Paris" 7.20 p.m.. "Honky Tonk" 0 p.m. (Recommended by Censor for Adults) SUNDAY — SUNDAY — SUNDAY TELEPHONE 43-96S - HPT!/ AT T ~ °PP. PARLIAMENT BLDGS. (Where There is Always a Good Show) AFTERNOON, 2 p.m. EVENING, 8.15 p.m. WELCOME TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ALLIED FORCES AND CIVILIANS ALIKE i Tho Old Contemptible? Association (Sick Fund) participates in tho Proceeds. | WELLINGTON'S MOST INTERESTING AND ENTERTAINING SUNDAY PROGRAMME.' One of those truly dynamic stories Which will make you sit up with a jolt . . . and think t "GREAT GUY" — Featuring JAMES CAGNEY Playing opposite this popular red-headed stir, whoso versatility is so well known, is the hlonde-halred MAE CLARKE whose talent marks her as one of the real dramatic screen actresses of the season. ALSO ANOTHER OF OUR POPULAR FULL-LENGTH MUSICAL KEATURKS "SONG IN SOHO" Cast includes SANDY POWELL And a host of other favourites Including ALAN D'ALBERT AND HIS BAND of WINDMILL GIRLS (Programme Approved for Universal Exhibition) BOOK EARLY! FOR RESERVATIONS RING 43-068, AFTER 2 P.M. SUNDAY. PLEASE NOTE: The Afternoon Session will only bo held hi event of unsettled weather. • SUNDAY — TIVOLI — SUNDAY ■ EASTBOURNE BOBOUGH COUNCIL TRANSPORT SERVICE TIME-TABLES OPERATING FROM SUNDAY, SEPT. 13, 1942 FERRY SERVICE OMNIBUS SERVICE MONDAYS TO FRIDAYS (INCLUSIVE). MONDAYS TO FRIDAYS (INCLUSIVE). Leave Day's Bay: 7.43 a.m., 1.30. 4 p.m. u , avo Kastbourno fi.3o, Git.-), T.r,. 7.20, 5.5, Leave Rona Bay: iS a a.m., 1.40. 4.10 p.m. 8-40 a-m 3-0 4- o : <LSO 530 IUO „ m Lenve Wellington: 10 a.m., 2.31), 5.20 p.m. SATURDAYS Leave Wellington: 7.2.">, 8.15, 9..'in a.m., '1.0. , ~ ~' * .~' !"' ,„ , , -1.0.">, ■1.-15,■,"">.2,">, 5.43. 6.0, 0.30, 7.20 p.m. Leave Days Bay: 7.4">, 10.45 a.m., 1.10, 3.20, 5.10 p.m. Leave Rona Bay: 7.5'», 10.55 a.m., 1.0, 3.30, SATURDAYS. uJ* &n C ton :10 a.m., 12.20, 2.0, 4.15, h^ &%°T\\ -o °; m'S'^Vm ' SA<K SUNDAYS. Leave wenington: 7.20, 5.15, i 1.30, 10.30, Ltave Day* B3y: 9.15 a.m., J.lo. 4.15, 11.30 a.m., 12.15, 12.45, 1.30, 2.30 b.m. 6 p.m. Leave Roua Bay: ».10 a.m., 1.10, 4.25, 5.50 «:rvniv« p.m. • bUNDAIs. I Leave Wellington: 10.30 -a.m., 2.30, 5.5, Lastbourne to Wollington: >'11. (SeeEa:>i- - p.m. bourne-Petone Service.) EASTBOURNE-PETONE. RAILWAY '■•:-=■ ■■■■ "■•■-■ • ■ ■■■. SERVICE ■■-v- ■/■■■ ..•■;•■ - r ■ (In addition to through service) MONDAYS TO FRIDAYS (INCLUSIVE;. Leave Eastbourne: 10 a.m. to connect with 10.40 a.m., train from Petone. 11.30 a.m. ~ „ ~ 12.S p.m. I p.m. ~ ~ ~' 1.34 or 1.40 p.m. ~ 5.15 p.m. .. ~ ~ p.m. train .. 9.15 p.m. ~ ~ ~ 10.G p.m. ~ ~ ~ 10.45 p.m. ~ ~ ~ 11.23 p.m. ~ ~ ~ Leave Petone: 10.SO a.m. after meeting train leaving Wellington at 10.30 a.m 12.15 p.m. „ „ , '„ ~ ~ ~ 11.5(5 a.m. 1.50 p.m. ~ ~ ' ~ ~ „ ~ 1.30 p.m. 3.45 p.m. ~ ~ ~ „ „ ~ 3.23 p.m. 5.50 p.m. „ „ ~ „ „ „ 5.30 p.m. D.50 p.m. „ ~ ~ „ „ „ 11.31 p.m. 11.35 p.m. ~ ~ ~ „ ~ „ 11.15 p.m. SATURDAYS. Leave Eastbourne: 4.30 p.m. to connect with p.m. train from Pctono. f1.30 p.m. ~ ~ ~ 7.11 p.m. ~ ~ ~ 8.15 p.m. ~ ~ ~ p.m. ~ ~ \,, 3.15 p.m ~ 10.6 p.m. 10.45 p.m. ~ ~ ~ 11.23 p.m. Leave PctoiiC1: ,i.40 p.m. after meeting train leaving Wellington at .1.19 p.m. 7.15 p.m. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <5.3r> p.m. 5.50 p.m. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5.30 p.m. 9.50 p.m. ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ 0.31 p.m. ■ 11.35 p.m ~ ~ ~ ~11.15 p.m. SUNDAYS. Laave Eastbourne: 7.45 a.m. to connect with 5.20 a.m. train from Petone. 0.40 a.m. „ „ ~ 10.15 a.m 11.30 a.m. „ „ „ 12.25 p.m. ~ ~ „ 1.20 p.m. ~ „ ~ 1..'7 p.m. ~ ~ „ 3.45 p.m. ~ „ ~ 4.25 p.m. ~ ~ „ 530 p.m. ~ „ „ 6.10 p.m. .. ~ 7.20 p.m. „ ~ ~ 8 p.m. ~ ~ „ 5.35 p.m. ~ „ „ 9.15 p.m. ~ ~ ~ Leave Petone: 5.45 a.m. after meeting train leaving Wellington at 5.25 a.m. 10.20 a..m. ~ ~ .. „ ~ ~10 a.m. 12 noon ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11.40 a.m. 2 p.m. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1.40 p.m. 4.50 p.m. ~ „ „ ~ ~ „ 4.32 p.m. 0.33 p.m. ~ „ ~ „ ~ „ p.m. S p.m. „ ~ ~ „ ~ „ 7.17 p.m. 9.50 p.m. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9.30 p.m. FARES.—Through fares by Rail and Bus: Adults 1/3 and Children 9d single,. to and from all points. Kastboiirne-Hoivarrt Road to Wellington Weekly Tickets will lie accepted on Rail without extra charge, but Special Rail .Passes must be obtained from Railway Booking Offices at time of travel. C. L. BISHOP, Town (.' Manager. PLEASE CUT OUT AND KEEP FOR REFERENCE TyELLINGTON REPERTORY THEATRE MEETINGS. Presents WELLINGTON UNITED WAREHOUSE AND Sir James Barrle's Dellsk&ul Fantasy. BULK STORE EMPLOYEES' INDUSTRIAL (jiMUiN UJu \VUlvlvx*itk>. "nFAR RRfITTfS" rpilE Half-yearly General Meeting of the , £ ivi(. ri nn,,mT,n» -■- Unlon wl» be held at the Trades Hall. DEAR BRUIUS Wellington, on Wednesday. September 16, 1942, "DEAR BRUTUS" ' atßp- m. BußlncM . 1. Minutes. Produced by 2. Award Proceedings. G HELEN GAKD'NER. :5- Storemen and Packers' Federation. 4. General. TECH.VICM ('OLLKGK HALL All Financial Members art invited to attend. M. RAMSDKX, Pros. FINALLY TONIGHT, al S o'clock. •'■ -L_ S2 VKll Nl''^l-!lt!'l-I'ltlCKS 'Is lfi I Res i 2s- Hrl Is HU '"pilE Monthly Gi-neral Meeting of the above A, the noli .3 .„'*:.. Uku, the C^ri ,J _ i:,,10,' wm bo 1.01.1 i.. n,c Trados H»I1 1=« Chamber, more scats tliiiu usual will be avail- *'»;">" *>i., on lutsda.v, Srnli-inbor U,, «t S "bi ec™ Vt OOSoTon rrou. buck.o 5... .„«. Iloiniliation "r. °ffl"rs through Art Gallery Grounds BY TRAM. '""l "'embers. Southbound No. 6 Tram, alighUng top Tara- '- "• o p :. rp ,..,. v nabl St. Boys will be posted to direct patrons ""'"''"■''. to the hall 6th«r trams to Basin Reserve, pro' a ceeding up Rugby St. to Steps in Tasman St.. w^^7 or up Buckle St., and through Art Gallery ■ fifmm^fflWKll Grounds to Technical College. WMM=^^^ — -~ -. '^^ttrM^^l^asS^m'' WELLINGTON RETURNED SERVICES' UM^^Wegm^^^i ASSOCIATION (Incorporated). >*i33i!aepS|S»flp*=^ ,1 LL 2nd N.Z.E.F. Personnel are Invited to J«BS»~*uß e y J\. attend a Spncinl Meeting belns liclrl for Htw covgHft ..r .. (lic]|- oene o t j,, t i,G Ji.S.A. Rooms, .12 Victoria St n .Monday. September 11. til 7.30 p.m. CAN THE NEW THREAT TO AUSTRALIA Business: BE AVERTED? ]. Healing your views oh matters (if interest Tho Voice of Prophecy Tolls I Jo 2nd N.Z.iB.F. men n-iiv liPiM \titct I,'UT -• Electing two 2nd N.Z.E.t. Returned Men to «riiv ,mv ?iit«t ir At flf'( rtS co-opted members of the W.R.S.A. Will vAt AiS lXlUftl «■ Alii li'vAmit Ivn WHY JAPAN MUST FAIL ~ ( .p n \f. C H , IVG' WHY JAPAN MUST FAIL - Oenelal' L w WO OLLEY, Of Vital Interest to All New Zealanders. Secretary. LANTERN SLIDES. A PUBLIC ADDRESS TOMORROW (SUNDAY), At 7 p.m. _ On — Speaker: "PRIMITIVE LIFE" ivrt> t W7- nmnAßn MRS. h. BtAulvi/HOLJhj, MB. J. W. HARBOBD. "ANTHROPOLOGIST." EED CROSS HALL, Market St., off Woburn TN the Swords Club Room (over Balllnger's), Ed., Lower Hutt. JL in Waring Taylor St., on Sunday Next. ============ r^^ the 13th inst., at 7.30 p.m., tinder the auspices MACHINERY TO SELL OR BUY. of THE WELLINGTON rationalist " PROGRESSIVE DAIRYMEN ' BAVK Inborn costs by Installing tlie LnteM ._ Type KKLVINATOR Milk Cooling Systems IJUILDIXG WORKERS. ~OW FIRST COST SIMI-LIK1BI) CONSTKUC MI , ()I;TANT ~,l Hinj, ~r ~~„ ~c and For ruU particulars, sippl.v to the iitoncers ■*• L' niou I<:xt'll'i, U.ln, r o „VT , Uf tl '^S ilfref ri!;Cratioll- TiH'""k' al llllVlCS a°" WKUNKSI.AY. SSSISft. 11)42, at 7.30. """JOHN CHAMBERS AND SON. LTD., W. McARA, Cnr. Cable St. and Jervois Qy., Wellington; Secretary, Building Jrades FederationKing St., Palmerston North. — -==z ■ ■ —. : - -:r ..■.,,.,' ■- tquSINESS Stationery—Good Printing daDOGS FOR SALE. JO 6er ves Good Blocks. The "Evening Post" —EDIGBEB Wire-haired Fox.Terrier, female Printing Works can eupply both, Tol. 47-232 »up, 5 month 3. Dial 308. aals for 174, |f«r your next Quotation.

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Evening Post, Volume CXXXIV, Issue 64, 12 September 1942, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume CXXXIV, Issue 64, 12 September 1942, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Post, Volume CXXXIV, Issue 64, 12 September 1942, Page 2


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