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SYDNEY, September 29,

An Australian-invented sub-machine-gun came through a successful test iri the presence of the Army Minister, Mr. P. C. Spender, and high Army officials at a suburban rifle range today. Invented by a plasterer who was formerly a member of the Australian forces,' Evelyn Owen, the gun was subjected to gruelling tests, and eclipsed two other types. , v It possesses only one moving part, compared with several in the case of the other types.

Its main achievement was groaL accuracy after it had been immersed in v water and slush and buried in sand and mud.

-■ The gun, it is stated, will cost" between £5 and £10, compared with £60 for the tommy-gun.

Mr. Spender stated after the tests that if the experts' reports were satisfactory the Owen gun would go into ■production immediately^

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Bibliographic details

Evening Post, Volume CXXXII, Issue 79, 30 September 1941, Page 8

Word Count

SUCCESSFUL TEST Evening Post, Volume CXXXII, Issue 79, 30 September 1941, Page 8

SUCCESSFUL TEST Evening Post, Volume CXXXII, Issue 79, 30 September 1941, Page 8


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