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The Attorney-General, Mr. R. H. Jackson, announced that the highranking Nazi Party member Dr. Kurt Reith was arrested in New York and taken to Ellis Island, pending deportation proceedings. He is charged with giving a false explanation of his entry into the United States.—U.P.A.

The '"New York Herald-Tribune" on May 24 said that Dr. Reith, a German diplomat, was in New York charged with the task of buying Americanowned oil properties in eastern Europe which at present are almost valueless to Americans. It was said that he had arrived via Rio de Janeiro, where he called a conference of Nazi diplomats in South America to plan greater Axis penetration.

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Bibliographic details

Evening Post, Volume CXXXI, Issue 127, 31 May 1941, Page 9

Word Count

ARREST OF REITH Evening Post, Volume CXXXI, Issue 127, 31 May 1941, Page 9

ARREST OF REITH Evening Post, Volume CXXXI, Issue 127, 31 May 1941, Page 9


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