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RELIGiOUt SERVICES. GOSPEL HALL, VIVIAN STREET A SEASON OF SPECIAL ADDRESSES :". . .■■". ".•By ' ■■■-.■■ ■• .■ .. MR. JAS. SPOTTISWOODE TYPICAL PRESENTATIONS OF CHRIST SUNDAY, 7 p.m.—A POPULAR FALLACY EXPOSED ... TUESDAY, 7145 p.m.—CHRIST: His Self Surrender. \ . WEDNESDAY, 7.45 p.m.—THE MORAL PERFECTION OF HIS CHARACTER THURSDAY, 7.45 p.m.—THE CROSS: The Basis of Christian Fellowship WE INVITE YOU TO SHARE WITH US IN A TIME OF SPIRITUAL BLESSING. COME EARLY! BRING YOUR BIBLE! NO COLLECTION! HfETHODIST CHURCH OF NEW AHEISTADB.LPHIAN aL ...■ ZEALAND. LECTURE ON BIBLE TRUTH. WELLINGTON CENTRAL ' CIRCUIT. (God Willing.) HARVEST THANKSGIVING 1.0.0. F. HALL, ALLEN STREET •SERVICES. (Opposite Paramount. Courtenay Place). WESLEY CHURCH, 69-73 Taranaki St. . SUNDAY; At 7. P.'-m- ---. '".'.' .'...". . ■ ■■ ■ .Subject: ■. 11 a.m.—"HARVESTS OF JOY AND OF "TITO HRTTTFTT1 ON TWF PAIN." Anthem: "Ye Shall Dwell ±J3"Ci i-.-nlUji? UIN I±lHi . inthe Land (Stainer). ' CROSS" 7 p.m.-."THE FARMER GOD CALLED <„„„'- ■ A FOOL." "LORD, REMEMBER ME WHEN rfv PFRPY PARIS THOU COMEST INTO THY KINGRnln- "PvpfrTPntiTiv^" fS^dersonl Miss AND JESUS SAID, UNTO HIM, ooio. . l*reen jrastuies . {.oanaerson;, ivuss vvdttv t «ay nwrn T'TTTT? tpti« Jean Lorraine. Trio and . Chorus: mv ,1 (W ,i i! i ■ " ' i "The Heavens Are Telling" (Haydn), J T T the T <? r r^ A Thursday', March 14-Rev. Professor Al- PARADISE- (frize 2S S«f . biston,.6f Melbourne... . J-AKADIbE. (Luke 23.42-43), BROOKLYN CHURCH '-Fne object of this lecture is to show 11 a.m. and 7 p.m —Rev. J. H." Haslam. tlt as .neither the pagan doctrine of the Three Antlieiiis by the Choir, and Solo immortality of the soul or heayen-gomg by Mrs! E. Upton. ' ?* death are taught in the Holy ScnpWEBB STREET-CHURCH. J ures». lfc fo.llo,ys that there is no support 11 a.m.—Mr. R. Horrobm. for beliefs in Christ s - promise to, 7t, lt , Mr A fl Rnrrimrfnn the tniet on the Cross. It will be shown:— A^n cJTPWW'n MT^TrVNT (l> *P- A^ neither the thief's petition nor AliO blKJiJii MIb&IUJN. the answer of Jesus referred to heaven 11 a.m.-Mr. A. C. Barrmgton but to the day . wben Jesus wi]l come 7 P-m-~¥ r- J. Doherty. Solo by Mr. W. into His Kingdom. "Lord, rememM. King ber m e ' WHEN THOU COMEST r-: -— ■ INTO THY KINGDOM. And Jesus HPHE METHODIST CHURCH OF NEW said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, -*• • ■ ZEALAND. THIS DAY (i.e.. when I come into ■'■ wrvi i rxi/cT^M i<va«t (-"TPr-iTTn1 My: Kingdom) shalt thou be with Me WELLING lON EAbl CII\CUII. j n Paradise" HATAITAI,.II a.m.—Rev. 0. Burnet. -7 (2) THAT the' Scriptures .definitely teach p.m., Musical Service. The'choir will that Jesus, will-not INTO HLS render the Easter Oratorio, "The Pas- KINGDOM' until His personal return . sion of Christ"'(by Sir Arthur Somer- to th,e earth "with powered great veil). Soloists: Mrs. Merle. Gamble, glory. (Acts 1:11, Acts.3:l9-21, Luke Mr Owen Bonifant and Mr Ken 21:27, 2 -Tim. 4:1,. Matt. 25:31, Luke Mnk^lJv 1:31^33, Matt. 10-28, Luke 22:29-30, ~,St « * 'rru i ■■.■■■'■" a"•■ Isa. 9:6, Acts 17:31, Dan. 7:13-14, Matt. MARANUl—Harvest Thanksgiving 6:10 Rev< U:lg Dan< 2 -.4 A.) j • vices. Special by . the choir. (-3) THAT - meantime ' "the thief" and alii 11 a.m., Rev. F; Greenwood. 7 p.m., the dead-"sleep in the dust of the Rev. A. 11. Perm. Anthems, "I Will earth" ' .(Dan. 12:2) and '"know noFeed My Flock, "Te Deum." Harvest thing" (Eec, 9:s)'until "tlie resurrecSocial and Sale,' Monday, 7.45 p.m._ ; tion of the'dead" at the second coming ISLAND BAY—Harvest Thanksgiving of-Christ. (1 Cor. ■ 15:20-23, Rev. 1:13, Services. Special Music by the choir. Matt. 16:18 Dan 12:2; Acts 24:15, I 11 a.m., Rev. A. R. Perm. 7 p.m., Rev. Thess. 4:l6,'Rev. 11:18, Luke 20:35-36.) E. O..Blamires. Anthems,. "Praise.the (4) THAT then . will those ; accepted by ■ Lord,' O Jerusalem; "Let-/All the '. Christ "inherit the Kingdom," beWorld Sing," "Ye Shall Dwell in the coming His co-rulers on earth. (Matt. ■ Land."' "Harvest- Social- and ''Sale, 25:31-34, Matt. 13:43, Luke 12:32, Monday,; 7.45 pan. James 2:5, Luke 13:28, Dan. 7:18. 22, WORSER'" BAY-HarVest Thanksgiving 27, Rev, 3:21, Rev 20:6,. Rev. 5:9-10, Services. 11 a;m., Rev. E. S. Hoddi- Rev- 2:26, 1 Cor. 6:2, etc) . nott. 7 p.m.. Mr. C. Gardiner. (5) THAT m view of the/untold blessmra.| MIRAMAR-Harvest Thanksgiving Ser- revealed' in the Scriptures for a.l vices. Special Music by the choir. families ot the earth. during Christ s n-n ™ Bot F O RlamiVpq 7 nni coming Millennial reign on earth, it T?»v ? TTofdinntt follows that Christ's reference to it Key, a. S. Jloddmott. ag « TARADIgE » was most appropripmu^.wQT I'-uiiurn m? NJ?W ate- (Gen. 12:3, Gen. 22:18, Gals. 3:8, LTHODISI .CHURCH OF NEW j^mbs. 14:21, p sa . 67:4, Psa. 72 J Isa. : -rriiiPNirJiisi ?iRf-TnT 2:2-4, Isa. 11:1-10, Isa. "65:17-22, Matt. . . IJiOKJNUON CIKCUII. iq.oq :■ Tml-o 9-1 i A^tc pfp 1 MOLESWORTH STREET-Harvest Ser- 19- 28 ' Jjllke 2\ u > Acts dAJ U > etc' j vices and Circuit Thankoflering. 11.0: Questions invited. No collection. Rev. E. E. Sage. 7.0: Rev. R. B. Gos- Jesus sai( j : "The Truth shall.make you nell. Solo: Mrs. Rees Kemp, "Abide f ree >» (j o hn 8:32). Learn what "the With Me." Special Singing at bath truth" is by reading -the book "ChristenServices. "Harvest Home" Social, c | om Astray." Free copy on application ! Monday, 7.30.p.m. . to "Bible Truth," care above hall. KARORI'f-Harvest Seryices and- Circuit , ; .;■■.■;■;. ■;■ . ■ ■-, ■■ ■ ■ ■■ '■■ cSn^^Sffev. A". M. Contain. Lx- /g&^S&i TEMPLE thems: "Praise The Lord 0' Jerusa- J/\|A^\ x .. • ~ • lem," -"AM "Y£ Works of :the Lord." j/^, ' j|* W\ QT -"■' : Lome Street, : Ifc^n^ C4ld^'- "T"e Blhld ■W I ■%/ (<* C-b*e T=e, N°^| NC^ ll7:O: MMr Ag; hHolISI IS WELLZNGTON Harvest Services, March, 17th. " SUNDAY. KAIWARRA-7.0: Rev. T. W. Vealie. v a m _ Woi . shiß and Breaking of Bread. T RINITY METfibDIST CHURCH. , l^&^^/f^ ,1 - Krtr^&glJ^**^^ -p astoV _^^ w S OrS aI pARKFT? Thompson's Subject: "THIS MID- .. REV. WALTER PARKER .NIGHT HOUR. NEEDS SUPPLIED Will Conduct Both- Services. FROM UNEXPECTED SOURCES." 11 a.m.—-"What Does Hosea Teach About Tuesday—7, Another REVIVAL Prayer Gbd?" : '.■''■'- Meeting. You-will not miss the bleesMARCH 14, at 7.45 p.m./ at Taranaki ing of this Service. Street—Professor A. E. Albiston, Thursday—7, Ministry Meeting. MA., 8.D., .:■ Saturday (Tonight)—7.3o, Service conduct--7 p.m. "IF GOD IS LOVE, WHY DOES e d by the Young People. HE PERMIT EARTHQUAKES?" We give to.all a very hearty welcome to ~~ all our services. j 0 v ' Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask ■'•■■'■'■ Constable Street. : for the old paths, where is-the good way, : ; : and walk therein, and ye shall find rest 11 a.m.—Mr. J. W..Buchanan. . for your souls. Jer. 6:16. 7 p.m—Rev. P. J. Usher. /^HRISTADELPHIAN' MESSAGE. \J - m^T,-r, a From cradle to grave the "traditions of THE CAMBRIDGE men » mlllify the requirements of Deity. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. att> 15 . 3 and 9, Prov. 16:25. Briefly cohREV. ARTHUR 2MURIEL, M.C., B.A. t^Vm-d "rnfth doeT God require in-\ Preachers for Sunday: fant sprinkling? (2) Christian? Marri--11 a.m.—MR. W. F. STOCK.-- age.—Where the command for man and 7 "p m —REV. R. T. H. WEARNE. woman to "united" at the altars of Harvest Festival, Sunday, the 17th. Christendom? (3) Christian? Burial.— ■■•■■- : •--■•■ Has God-instructed that "words be re- —-_ ■ t.t>t. a r<™ nrwn-B-vr' ATTnw at 'cited over dead bodies? On the contrary HE TERRACE CONGREGATIONAL (compliance with civ ii requirements being -tup t^t n-PATmrR ra necessary: Titus 3:1). (1) Train up a 11 a.m.-THE REV D CALDER, B.A. chad Ju the he R]iould go (Prov 22:6) ; :teda^^H ol 'T>HT,™rTOV«! that he may (Ecc. 12-13). (2) The oue--7 p.m.--THE REV.; E. P. BLAMIREb. flesh bond between man and woman Co n- "^ —~—~ ~~ ~. ~ ~~ stitutes the edeuie marriage law. TORY STREET \HALL. (Gen. 2-24) endorsed by Jesus (Matt. OR-Y ■ STREET ■ HALL. 19 4-6) and confirmed (verse 9). (3) Burial , ...,,. _ , _ , . , —No instructions, for the dead know not '. Next Mt. Cook School. anything (Ps. 146-374). Turn from "tradi- " TTXtT , AV tion" to TRUTH (Isa. 55:6). Free IitbUJNJJAY. erature Frank Williment, 56 Standen 9.45 a.m.—Young :People's Bible Classes. Street, W3. : 2.45 p.m.—Adult Bible Study in Upstairs ... , ' . ■._..;■ -. • : : \>r .-- ■ Hall. Speaker, Mr. E. Fairbairn — fib pOMMONWEALTH Ephesians Chapter 6. J^B^ 1- COVENANT CHURCH. I 7 p.m.—Evangelistic Service to be con- T^intr'a R^ad ducted by Mr. F. Garratt, whose sub- fflPy^ Lower Hutt. ject will be:— "■■ *™ & **'■..... r- . "CONDEMNED BY MAN. PARDONED CONCLUSION^ m REVIVAL "CONDEMNED BY MAN. PARDONED • CAMPAIGN. §V GOD/; ; ' . SUNDAY NIGHT, 7 o'clock. ax WV. HORTICULTURAL HALL,: Visitors to the city specially welcomed. <<^ BOTTLE OF TEARS" WEDNESDAY: : "A BOTTLE :OF TEARS> 7.45 p.m.~After a time of prayer Mr. P. Also each 7-*° ■ H. O'Donnell will speak: "NEAR- p.m., in the Lyceum Hall. NESS TO GOD." Conducted by' SAREL F. DU PLESSIS, of Soutli Africa. THURSDAY.' SAREL F. DU PLESSIS, of South Africa. 2.30 p.m.—Women's Prayer Meeting. '- rfiHRISTADELPHIAN • MEETING, "^"^^^^^^^ Victoria Hall, Adelaide Road. «gdi*O-r "WHY HITLER'S AIR FORCE IS An address will be delivered (God will- "WHY HITLER'S. AIR FORCE IS ing) on . " "WHY HITLER'S AIR FORCE IS • . ' : :- • - -. DOOMED." SUNDAY NEXT, 7 p.m. .. DOOMED/ Subjectj • ... DOOMED." "TWT? rrnvfTXTP r'PT«S7<3 AATn a Amazing Views of Future Events Revealed : THE COMING CRISIS, AND A Through the Prophecies. RECONSTRUCTED WORLD." Hear- | You are cordially invited to hear4his .... jjj^" y" broWN Address- ' SUNDAY. 7 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL, 2.45 p.m. • "WHY HITLER'S AIR FORCE IS BIBLE CLASS, WEDNESDAY, 8 p.m. lllustrat(scl on t^sS'by Slides, and a, ORANGEvHALL, BUICK STREET, PETONE; SOUND FILM,' _ , . "THE MIGHTY WINGS OF BRITAIN." 7 p.m. Subject: Filmed Since the Outbreak of War. "THE OBJECT OF THE RESURREC- 'l^ m-^^^^^^^ X TION OF THE DEAD. S T" JOH£ U S^g^ : A Hearty Welcome. . T>ETHEL TEMPLE (Assemblies of ' ' -' ' ■- •-.■■■•.■■■•-. - - JL> God), 191 Vivian Street. EVANGELICAL (FULL GOSPEL) n a . in ;-Communion Services. J-' MISSION,", ' 7 p.m.—Pastor E. T. Mellor will preach: 101-103 Vivian Street. "A Criminal Offence." Soloist: Mr. 11 a.m.-Mr. M. Adams. t^Swwu. x> ,\ n--2.45 p.m.-Sunday School. LOWER HUTT (Knight's Road -11 a.m.: 7 p.m.-Mrs. Brewer. Communion. 7 p.m.: Gospel. Pastor mm-Tno-r. atr n« v T , , , A. 11. Brown. Tuesday, lAa p.m.: THURSDAY-5.30 p.m.: Young People's rastor E . T . Mellor. Combined Fellowship. Tea. Address BETHEL TEMPLE.—Special Visit of Dr. by Dr G. H. Oldfield, Missionary, Old field, Medical Missionary from from India. 7.30 p.m.: Gospel Meet- India, Thursday (14th), 7.30 p.m. -. -ing.. ;SpeakeE r HiV-Hicks,--.,-.•■..„-..,■-.,..-_. x-ttjrc is-soinethhig -altogel-hcr woi-th while j in these Services. Come. J

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Evening Post, Volume CXXIX, Issue 59, 9 March 1940, Page 6

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