complexions must JL&k m^Mg^ ! 1 ADVISE REXONA |k^«H|^| these gentle medications go TKSnjjmHt^ * *jAV^ j j dear them up with the i^y^^ "» ■^p A complete Rexona treat- >IS ■ 1 M IK T JBi ment — Rexona Soap i H^L 8~l jK ■ I I^L I /jU < and Ointment used together. This JB I I y^k^ W I J^mL marrellons combination soon "^ • ■ ■ ■ '■^^ <^™1* banishesthemostobstinaleblemishe* i* *MtoVd> thsi*t\r, L*,*»..*». **%*.+. -leave» the skin dear and lovely. W WO^ Wan a Oeauty SOapg TREATRIENT j Wash freqnenUy it*S d^ * £>JL *** with Rexona Soap. At night smear &A 56440 a little Rexona Ointment on the •■ 8.209.27NZ rexona proprietary limited - . ■ ■ j '.-•■■■ ; HOTELS, RESORTS, TRANSPORT, MASTERTON MOTOR SERVICES. MASTERTON Dep. (6.30 a.m. Afonday only), 7.15 a.m., 9 a.m;, 10:30 a.m., 1 poiu 4 p.m., 7. p.m. SATURDAY—Dep. 7.15 a.m., 9 a.m., 10.30 a.m., 1 p.m., 4 p.m. WELLINGTON Dep. 1.30 a.m. (for Napier), 2.30 a.m., 8.30 a:m., 1.30" p.m:, 4 p.m----6 p.m. SATURDAY—Dep. 1.30 a.m., 2.3(Ka.m., 8.30 a.m., 1 p.m., 4 p.m., 6 p.m. SUNDAY—Masterton Dep. 8 a.m., 1.30 p.m., 5 p.m., 7 p.m. Wellington Dep. 8.30 a.m« 4.30 p.m., 8 p.m. • OOOKINQ OFFICES: Masterton—Midland Garage (Tels. 1848, 1996). Cartertoa— *-* Lave's Confectionery (Tel. 90); Hughes, Tobacconist (Tel. 205). Greytown—• " Nicholl's Garage (Tel. 101), Featherston—Edwards, Confectionery, (Tel. 187k Wellington—Featherston Street, opp. G.P.O. (Tel. 42-222,). . JENKINS MOTOR SERVICES, LTD. Head Office: MASTERTON. WELLINGTON-PALMERSTON NORTH-NAPIER. I~\AILY SERVICE: Cars depart Wellington 10 a.m., arrive North p.m.; depart Palmerston North 1.45 p.m., arrive Napier-6 p.m. and connect with Gisborne car at -6.15 p.m. Cars depart Wellington 2.30 p.m., arrive Palmerston North 6.15 p.m.j depart Palmerston North 6.30 p.m., arrive Napier 10.40 p.m." ' . ■ . SUNDAYS: Depart Wellington 9 a.m., depart Palmerston North I^o p.m.; arrive. Napier 5.45 p.m. and connect 6 p.m. to Wairoa only. Depart Wellington 2.30 p.m« depart Palmerston North 7 p.m.; arrive Napier* 11.10 p-*n. NEWMAN BROS. (N. 1.) LTD. TRAVEL BY NEWMAN'S,. Telephone 41-555 (after hour» 51-556). , . < ; , , . ■ ' ■ - - •**- * * f^S^SSi^^^^^SS^S^^^^SSS^^S^S^S^S?''!!'!''''''''"*'*??!''*!''!'!'!''"''''''''''''™ Transport Truth Common Sense should be the Basis of the Commonweal in British Countries. Common sense in transport is surely railway transport, , especially in New Zealand where the people own the railways, and have them controlled by their own representatives for national welfare from all view-points. Railways will always be necessary to maintain and increase the sJtrength of the British Commonwealth of Nations for the purposes of peace and defence. Loyalty of New Zealanders to their railways is loyalty to themselves. Here is a case where self-interest is tht national interest. .*.„..-' Your Railways for Peace and Defence. PLANET JR. \^y^ Vegetable Growing jr.<dr^ / " Planet Jr. Equipment will handle efficiently fAf*f l||7A practically any gardening job— as a Seeder H plants most vegetable seeds — as « . .■■ , Fertiliier it will distribute evenly in any SrCllltlYdtG desired quantity — as a Cultivator: it =i* x prefered by farmers the world oveiyfor its economy, easier working, better, scouring and correct design. . • , better than anything Agents _ ho: f«,^^r. BRIBCOE Mittr HUNTER STREET, WELLINSTON. fPoR . . . x reliable information, authoritative articles and exclusive news ,_ f photographs on all 1 **£& branches of Sport, %]*£% read the— '7^w\ SPORTS POST | -J (EVENING POST SPORTS EDITION) I J 2[\ PUBLISHED r\f\ V. EVERY JV. SATURDAY A EVENING ' ■■ "'
Page 24 Advertisements Column 3
Evening Post, Volume CXXVIII, Issue 31, 5 August 1939, Page 24
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