WHY CHILDREN ? ARE FRETFUL , Just think how harmful it is for a child ■ , to carry about a lot of poisonous waste ", \ matter in his bowels! iNo wonder children sometimes are "little devils" for no apparent reason! The safest way to give your child a thorough internal cleansing is Syrup of Figs"—"Califig." It \ sets up a natural movement that carries away all the clogging, hard waste matter, and leaves the little inside sweetened and 7'" clean. ' A dose of delicious "California Syrup of Figs"—"Califig" once a week keeps ! kiddies regular, happy, and well. "California Syrup of Figs" is sold by 1. all chemists and stores. Be sure to say ■*' • "California" and look for "Califig" on the (package. Get a bottle to-day. ■:■ UIELFfIREw EECREfITION i NEI ZEBLfIP : 'mLOmnrnkniwaii - . — * As a result of I a the Physical j S^ . Welfare and Re- / * >T creation Act members / / . of dubs, sports bodies, / £ / unions, educational, social / * /or Women's Institutes may f * / now totir various scenic resorts V V* . o f the North Island for the in- I * elusive cost (covering trans- 1 * port and accommodation) oi \ £ £1 per person per day. \ * Three, five, eight and ten-day \ Z tours, from Wellington as \ £ follows:— \ T Wanganui, Pipiriki and return I Wellington £3 I ; Wanganui, New Plymouth, Mt. I Es*tnont and return Wellington I ■* Napier, Taupo, Rotorua, Wai- / i I rakei, Chateau, Wanganui — / * ' return Wellington / /, Wansranui, New Ply- / \ mouth, Waitomo, Ro1 I torua, Napier — >^ * I return Wei2 lingtoh, £10 >^V !^^^BM For Full Particulars Inquire at ;: Government Tourist Bureau "The Dominion" Building:, Wakefield Street, WELLINGTON. Telephone 44-120., EYESTRAIN WAS PUTTING MY NERVES ON EDGE! I simply could not keep even tempered because of Constant, Dull Headaches and Sore Eyes. Now all that is over because I realised * the cause and consulted— EXPERT OPTICIANS: - SPEAR & MURRAY LIMITED. 7 WILLIS STREET ; (opp. Grand Hotel) Tel. 43-369 PRESENT ADDRESS OF McLean & Archibald Ltd. TOOL SPECIALISTS / . -— __; /«j/ « FARtSH S7 c,/ , —^-— -*__ /- / /ctuwtf I "' WILLIS S T " ;. j . 111 - How To Relieve Misery of Your CHEST ■-•'■ uyYti^ tt you are su? er" try this: Massage throat, chest, and Z 'back with Vicks Vapoßub at bedtime. Then spread a thick layer on chest and cover with warmed cloth. Vapoßub goes right to work to bring relief-two ways at once. (1) Direct through the skin Uke a poultice; (2) Direct to the irritated r - Sir-passages with its medicated ': V§^ poultice-vapor actionloosena - v fihlegm^clears air-passages-checka leniency to cough -relieves local congestion. - mm**m*<m>
Page 24 Advertisements Column 1
Evening Post, Volume CXXVIII, Issue 31, 5 August 1939, Page 24
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