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r" J The- Wellington Woolbrokers' Association, in its review of- the state of the wool market as disclosed by the fourth Wellington sale yesterday re- ! ported that the offering was about i 24 000 bales and the sale elicited keen . rcompetition. The offering was ■ genet lially of good topmaking style, consistt ins chiefly of crossbred?:'-;.. Ninety-five jrper cent, was disposed 'of- under the V Ifamrner, Bradford and the-Continent operating freely, being well supported «s&y Japan, who are again in the market. i"s^* Compared with the Duiiedin sale,, X /Ixobsbreds were fully firm with that *"^.centre, and as a result of the better Vs>nces, growers were more disposed to rqeet the market. Fine wools, of which .theie was a limited quantity, sold on ■- a'par with Dunedin. 8 •(Reports by selling brokers follow, flfid their comments are on lines similar -to the Woolbrokers' Association official review.of the sale. ..'. ■ ' ' WAIRARAPA FARMERS.

The Walrarapa Farmers' Co-operatire Association reports that from the outset bidding was exceptionally keen and woll spread, but Bi'adlord appeared to dominate tho market, closely followed by Japan and ■ the Continent. We '*' Save- to report ■an excellent, pale, havln'g sold 1 *^»e.r !)8 par cent, of our offering, under tho " ~ "Rammer at prices averaging Id per pound , njrer those ruling at our last sale. All types -- Mnd classes showed an appreciation of valued, £'• "wl'th the exception of lambs and down wools, these being somowlial difficult of sale, and maaiy lines were passed in. Taken right ■■'■"-'"fhroußh; <IIEI sill° m' iy he described as sjilis-■-"'factory, and it is (o be hoped tliat a liighor "range of values has now been established for the rest of the season. The following are 'i.V'some of our principal sales:—Hoggets: WHM/ loTnt. 12(1; WTA in block, 11(1; V'bb, 1014(1; Quay, 10% d, 10% d; TF/D, 11' Ad; HS-Miro, :■• Jl'W; MAHEU/EW, lid, 10%(i; -X, lOfcd; •-" • .Carrfngtpn,- 11'4d, lOVid, 10% d; Haotura/JJ&b, DKd-Triangle/TB, 10'/,rl; Various, IOWd. Ewes . .and wethers: WTIM/tovat, 12i,4d. lO'A'l.i Tal- ' "pos. IVAi. lO^rll'TF/D, IO%cl; Hb/Mlro, ■" T2«d 10/.d; Quay, 13d, 13rt, 12% d, 12^(1, 12d 11%<i. MM. lid. lOVid. »%il, »%d, mjd S'AJ 9Url: Maheu/BW. lid. 10% d; TWH/K "lO'-'l; WTA In block. 10% d, »Ud; :. :ME 10iid ; ' Trianglc/TB. 1 Id, 10d. OVid. 9d ; ■•■■'■'■ ■•Ifiofnn'D&S 9'.-fJ: l-B. lid. lS'/sd, 10^4d, ■■• ■ J^d ■• --X I0d: CH/M. 100: HW/K, 9=sid: WW. -'"■ SVicl" RC-R 9'W': JUJ. Od; W In Star, lO'/id. -ipWd- 08/ X." l»'irl: IST, 10d: 2N.-.n'/4d: ' ■•'"' rr/n fl'id; Wir.M/U m,id. Soutlidown : Car•rlnsto'n lid. IOW'1: .IMH--10d; Quay. Ud, '•10' i- Vnrious IM: NC. 10'4d. Lambs: ■:2>4laheu'/KW. il%d; Qtaivicw. ll'/.tl. lOd: Qi.w. '-v^lVd 10(1; TMriia. 11 %d : WH.T/Waln.H. .11V4d. :>N*cta: Quay. tHid. lOLid: Oarrincton lOVjd; :'! Various lO'-id. Bellies nnd -pirms: Maheu/ TIW Id drl- Quay. S->;fl. S'J'l. S'Vid. S'id, Sd. ?^d'rV/d- WIM/Novaf. S--J rt. - Sri: Carrlng-. ton r4d 7-.d- Haotiira/D&S. :Sd: HS/Mlro, ?»:' CB/NMiilurl. Sd; f.'TJ. Sd. "M: (Jlcnvlow, 7 iCVr 7iid- TK/11. Sd CrfiklililKs: Quny. S-i'd' Td Sd- WTA I" niock.-'8»M: KCE/Ma:'*«Mliu|n.'s'Kd; TWJ/RK. R--M. I.wks: Quay. ;-- "fi^rf; farrlir-'tfin. O'.-Jd: Various.. r.VJd. Dead: lOd. SV.rl. Sd. DALGETY'S SALES. rialsetv and Company's princlpa) realisalions -■ -»«re as-.follows:—Merino: r.vraml<l, AA JHatl. -■'-^AH UW. A Hid, AH Md. {"'lbffd: Kgarua, E 12!; id, H llftd; Otmtra, U 12</*d;

Fnpanui/D, .'..\AE 12% d, BSO 12% d; Erewlion, AE lZ'Ad, A. Jld; .Redwood,' AAE 12d; SMS, lad; DC/,, In obloug, I2Vid and ad; Various, F 12V*>d anj tl%d; FHT Corr. X; lid; Kukit, lid'; WD/L-)ffi cKcKSVTI^d; • ST/M, lH4d: WDT/K, lid; JS/W,HYzd; GH/K, E HVid; Kulturu, A ll%d, H llftd;- pyramid, lO%d; CF/Koninl, A llVid; Twynham, ll%d, H 10% d; TNI, lid; GNB/O, liy 4 d; HHH/ (—), AAAH 12y 4 d, AAAE ll%d; Viewmount, X lid; AK/T, lid; KMS, 12d; Hilltop, 10? id; KS/T, 10»4d; Maglebra, 9y*d. Crossbred: JG/Partvale, E 13d; Wharekahu, A 12% d; Brooklands/Tlramca, AE 12d; Kalwhata/EWJ, AAAE 12d, AAAW lid; Flatfpolnt, AAAE 12y t d, AAE ll%d, BBE llVid; WM/K, AJ?E 12d, A mcd. E 12'/ 2 d; HJF, E U%d; WAL, B U%d; Kamalii, AW and AE lid; CUftongrove, Al. lid, AW 10% d; OAB, ll%d; HC/Waifcuku, AE 10% d. BE liy»d; TepuUl, AB ll&d; WK/ PN. AAE lid, AE ll^d; Poi-Poi, mod., livid; -18/ Lowlands, AAE ll^d, AE lid; Marua, AAE ll%d, AE lO^d; HHH/(—), AAE ll%d, AE lllid; T/OP, FE H'/id; Dunira, A lid, B lid, C 12d; MAF/Pukeuui, BE lid; Jlt/K, E 10% d; XC/GTD, E lOd; AFB/L, E lOd; BRC, E lOHd; GWB, E 10»4d; EBKB/M, 10% d; WWA/Banui, E lOHd; , KO/A, E^ lOVid; Tunawai, E lO^d; KHG, E 10% d; FG/S, 1. 10>/.d; Glenlffer, AE 10% d, BE lO^d; TE HAU, AE lOftd, BE 10% d; WMH/WAI, E 10^d,- GLA, E lO'/fcd; CJTA>E 10% d; Battery/ Hill/.A* fleece lOd; Tsmure, 10y 4 d; Temama/ SB,' A fleece 10^d; V/MOIKI, A 10% d; AMB,, AE 10% d; DN/M/TU-Rangi, E 10% d; JY/ Plain, E 10% d; C. Bros./LTN, E 10% d; HEF, E 10Hd; Wharitl, E 10>,id; W. Broa.< AE lOttd, BE 9%d; BRAE/-Y. AE lOVfed; EU/M, E 10.% d; EDK, E 10d; Hiroa, AE 10d, BE 9M,d; JD/R, E 10% d; Maufiga/Baki, E 10y t d; K/Kaiuma, lOtfd; D. Brosi, E 10y*d-i Papanui/ D, AA three-quarter-bred 10 %d, A crossbred 9%d; WMW, E 10% d; KEK W&E, 10% d; Glcncllff, AAE lO&d; LEA/Llnton, E lOftd; JCW/ 11, E 10% d; ALA, E lOdf FJK; AE 10% d, BE | o%d; HCF/E lOd; JKLT/A5, AE lOd; SP/j Tltokl, AE ,10% d. Line. E'lO^a; Hlnewaka, BE IOUd.; LPM, E 10d;-Makanul, VS 10% d, raed. E 10% d; R&HS, F lO^d; HBW, ¥E 10V4d, E lOd; CAM/F.E aO J/td; FMH.E 10d; EWC, E 10d; EKK, FE 10& d; Tawai, E 10% d; AHI; £E IOHd, BE 10,% d; Jlargpuail AE 10^d, BE 9%d; Waterfalls, AE lfld, BE 10% d: Te Koto, AE 10% d; Maringi, BE 10& d; AJC, E lOd; FG/Fairburn, AE lOd, BE 9%d; AC/A, lOd; R/Maunga, F 10% d; AGC, FE 10d; WH/ The Cliffs, Rom. lOd; ES/T, AAS 10% d, AX lOd; KKS, F lid; HC/A, E and H 10% d; Surreydale, E lOiid; DC/W in oblong, card, lid," F lOd, A mcd. lOd; down-pointed arrow/FW, E lOd; BHH, E 9%d; WR/P, E 9%d; LGT, AE o'^d, AAE 9Ud; NYI, E 9d; 88/ M, 9>4d; EP/ Nydla Bay, E 9d; Ngaumu/B In circle, E and H 9Hd; AS/LW, 9d; HH conjoined, BE 9y 2 d; Patupatu, E 9'/id; Wirokino, AW 9&d, AE 9d; MBB/Mgaio, W 9Vid, E 9Mid; BUM/Laudle, E and H 9%d; JCH/C, F 9V4d; Pureora, E 9%d; WL/S, E 9Hd; TR/P, AE 9%d; Pakii/ X 2, E 9d; li/M, B}4d; Mount/Erin, E 9>/4d;' LEH, B%dj. SW/GV, T 9d; FAK/P, 9y 2 d; PC/Riverside, E 9%d; AJIH/U, E 9%d; P/ Ngama, 9%d; Weks/7X, E 9%d; WT/B, Rora. E 9d; dash over 88, E 9Ud; JAJ/T, E 9d; Bign/ , C, E 3%d; NS/T, 9V4d; CGP/WW, fleece 9%d; LB/Owen, 9V£d; GH before two-diamond sign, E 9%d; JH In circle before M, E 9%d; ACV/ B E 9%d; TOC/Uralla, BE B%d; Kantara, E 9%d; WJG/Xake, F 9^d. Hoggets: Surreydale, Line. H 15% d, H'lO&d: OAB, -AH 12d; Maunga/Raki, AH 12d; Dimlra, AH 12d; TE HAU. H ll'/id; Brooklands/Tlraumea, AH HUd; Clifton Grove, AH ll#d; Kaiwbata/ ELN, AAAH ll>/ 4 d; RRR, H lid; R&HS, FH UW; EKR, Sd. H H%d; HHH/(-), AAH ll%d; Fiatpolnt, AAH ll%d, AH 10% d; AHI AH Uttd; DC/W iv box, Dn.XH. lid; DHB/ KG, H 10y 4 d; GWB, H 10% d; RO/A, H 10V4d; Rata, H 10% d; Topuhl, BBH 10%' d; Glencliff, AH lOUd; T/OP, •. FH ■ 10d;:" Maraputa, --AH 10? id; FG/Falrburri, AH 10% d, BH 10Ud; WR/ P H 9%d; C. Bros/LTN, H 9Hd; MBB/Mgaio, H 9»Ad; Mount/Erin, H 944 d; Twynham, H 9%d. Lambs ': :Tutti/Totara, A I2>^d; FG/ Fairburn, A 12% d; Cinder/Hill, A 12d; CFFA, super lambs, 12d; Dunira, A 12d; HC/Walkuku, A U%d; Gleniffer, AA IIJ/*d. ABK lid, AMK lid; C.Bros;/LTN, lid; WK/PN down lambs, ll>Ad; FJR, down lambs, lid; HRW, lid; AHI. Ist lambs, ll%d; Eccleston, ll>/ 3 d; Stockwood, A 10V>d; Wirokino, Ist lambs, lOd; Papanui/D, Ist halfbred lambs, 10& d. Pieces: HHH/(—), necks lid, Ist E pieces 3d; Erewhon, necks 10% d; Papanul/O, necks 10% d, Ist pieces SV4d; Flatpoint, A necks 10% d, Ist pieces ?y 2 d; Cliftongrove, Ist pieces 9d; DC/W in box, necks 10% d; AHI, Ist E pieces. B%d; Dunira, pieces 9y»d; Wirokino, Ist pieces 8d; HC/Waikuku, 79id. Bolllos: H.TF, bellies and pieces,. 8y 2 d; JD/R. bellies and nieces, B%d; Marua, bellies 8y t d; Flatpoint, E bellies 8d; Dunira, bellies 8d; DC/W in box. 7%d; AHI, j E bellies, 7%d; TC/GTD, 7%d; Clifton Grovo, 7V,d; Kairuru, bellies and pieces, 7%d; Wlroklno 7d; Papanul/D, E bellies 6%d. CrutchIngs: FlatPQint, Ist X ctgs. 9%d, 2nd E ctgs. | 7i/jd; Dunira, 8%.d; Various, Ist ctgs. B%d, A ctgs Bd. Locks': Brancott, merino locks 6%d; Flatpoint, locks 5%d; DC/AY In box, locks 5Hd; Various; locks 6Hd'.Mi<l 6Hd. ' "IN SELLERS' FAVOUR." ! The New Zealand.; Loan ,and Mercantile Agency-Company, Limited, reports:—TUo fourth wool sale in this centre for.the current seasonj was held •■yesterday, when a total catalogue of approximately 23,000 .bales' was;submitted,.'of which "our quota was'34oo bales. '-There was a full and represontafiye bench of buyers who, from the outset competed: keenly for/the various lots, as they came under, s the hammer. Competition was more widely spread than,-at the previous sale in'this centre, Japan; Germany,' France, and Bradford all being in the market. ■.'.':" ■ Comparing prices with those ruling In the South Island, crossbred* can be quoted In sellers'' favour, but ' halfbreds and ' merino showed»no change, butt comparing prices with the previous sale hero on February 16, crossbrods can be quoted ». full penny dearer, but limbs' wool, best-sorts; were, about one penny easier, while, inferior and seconds were somelimes twopence cheaper. •■•,' ■■■*■•.■..'•■ ■ ■■••■■ The wool opened up. ■in fair condition, but the bulk of it could only be described as topmaking sorts; '.: l(aUeh~ all, through, .considering the class'of'wool.' .yesterday's Bale must be considered very. satlsfactor.v,-..and., : we. are pleased ■to report- that we- succeeded :'n disposing of 95 P«r cent;, of oiir catalogue. Tire following: are some of "the prices realised :—

WJA, 10 bales hogßct at ll%fl; Makalra, 18 bales Eat-lOd; Abbotsford, 4 bales Corr. at 10d, 17 bales AE at 10% d, 24 bales BE at 10% d, 9 tales:SE at. 9%<lr 4 bales crossbred at 9d 5 bales pieces. at B%<J, 6 bales bellies at S',4d; Allwood, 12 bales X at lOd; CCC unilerHne/Allklmlki, 8 bales AA hoggota at IJ%«. 4 bales W at lid. 9 bales AAE at ll>Ad, .8 biles AE at 10^d; HH, 12 balos A crossbred' at 9>A<l; Glandore, 5 bales hogget at 10 %d. 7 bales E at 9'/£d; WEB, 6 bales E at 9d; WTN'/Z, <1 bales halfbred at lid; The Downs, fi bales AA halfbred hogcet at Hd, 8 bales A halfbred at lO'/fcd, 7 bales B and 1' at B>/ 4 d; AH/3, i bales X at 9%d: Seavlcw, underlined, 4 bales crossbred at OVid; WTR, 3 bales Hal 10»id: Walmeai 4 bales hogget at 10V4d, 6 bales A at 10i/»d, 4 bales B at lO'/^d; ,TC\V, 4 bales E at 9>/id; D.I/JIA, 9 bales E at BVjd; NCb, fl bales E at 9%d: SNEYD, 23 bales B at Sd; TEC, 5 bales H at 12 V* d; JB, 5 bales lambs at 12% d; RH midorllned/W, 4 ba es *AE at ll'/.d; 3 bales AE at lid. 5 bales BE at lid; CJS, 7 bales E at 9'/:d; MakieWe, 23 bales AE at 9%d, 8 tales BE at 9%<\, 5 bales lambs at lOVjd; GFW. .9 bales E at 9%<1, 9 bales E at 10% d; P/Tlvidale, 4 bales AAH at lOted, 4 bales AH at lOd, 7 bales AE at iny 4 d, 14. bales BE at'Ud, 7 bales CE at lOd, 14 bales KB at 9Vid, 7 bales first piecos at B'/ld,.i bales bellies at Sd, 5 bales first lambs at 10% d; CBG, !> bales H at 10%;!. n bales E at 9',4d; CHJ. 7 bales B at lurt; Seavlew. .5 bale's hnlfbred AE. :i bales balfbred BE at 'J'/sid, 7 bales crossbred A"E nt BV4<l: Tearowhemia, 5 bales merino lioggets at llftil, 12 bales merino AE at ll%d, 5 bales iiiorlnn B at liy.d. 10 bales mennu AW nt U&d, R bales merino BW at 10'/ s d; JB/M. IB bales X at 10>/-il; Silverspring. 17.balos E id lOd: KSK 11 "bales E at 9',fcd; PC/Rlverslde, 71 bale" E at 9%dj KE.M/rrace, IS. bales thrce-wnarter-bred E at 10% d; WB/W, 10 bales XBJS at 10V4d; JM/M, 0 bales balfbred al ll%d; BWII, 10 bales halfbred -at ' lUOd: Nka-iiuke, 9 bales first halfbrcd- at 10% d: Walpapa, '4 bales E at lOd ; MCK/A, 15 bales E at IDMrt; TK/K, 6 bales A at !o%d i bales B at Jo?4d, 5 bales I! iTossbrcd at B.J. 8 bales lambs nt lid; POU/Waltoliu, 4 bales Aat 10'/ 4 d. 7 bales Bat !i%d: 1 bales C ill lOd. :■! bales KB at »V4d: Kliolkutu, 1 bales H at iiy.d 14 bales 15 at 9%d;'.1/B/Unton. 11l bales AA at 12d. II balesA al 12i4d. 5 tales lambs at UH<I; Ktvelln. 6 tales A-:«t 'Okd, ' bnles B at ll'4d, 8 bales crossbred al •■ »Hd : FD, 4 bales E at 9Vid: WCH. ." bales, crassT, re d ot-flV4cl: .T.IH/R. S bales A crossbrej al 10V.d, 1 bales B crossbred at 11M; MMJ/K, r. bales E nt 10' Ad; TW, -I bnles II at IO!4d; 11 bales E al IOV-d: B.T/K underlined, (i bajes i; ai lOd: XXX. 5 boles CE nt lOd; Kuapuna. 4 1.-.los crossbred. 10% d; .TI/I-TN. II bales X nt !>%d; AC/WW. 6 bales halfbred at lO'-id: WS/Woodlands. 4- hales line X at 11-^d, ■ bales mcd. E at IHJd, 8 bales coarse_E at ■12</.t1."4 bales first pieces at S',id; lA. < bnles balfiirad'E at 10Kd: I'/Watcrfalls. 4 bales A 1 .t -IBUd. 7 bales. AE at W^*™F*\j_ 10' Ad, C bales, crossbred nt-O.'/id, BI I/|.<nv bush 12 bales AX at 10','srt, 10 balr.s BE at lOVid 4 bales CE at !>V t d, S bnles TJ and 1" at 'T%rt: " under llne/lliinualilwl, 11 bales E at lOd: I.onsully, 0 bales lialfbred W at lO^il; •IL/B, 9 bales E at fl'/jd: fIOC. 7 bales crnssbrcd at S'-',d; Mcmnui. (i balos Impels at »'/,.d. -; mics ined. crossbred al Iffd, .'• bales cn.s?brcd at 9>/*d; BFT/W,' 12 bales Bornnej- E al

tiy-d: Crossland, 10 bales E at lid; Tukio/Cn, R "bales AE at lid; GT/R, 7 bales fleece at lOd; AL/A, 7 bales E at B'Ad. WELL-GROWN WOOL DEMAND. The .New Zealand Farmers' Co-oporatlvo l)iatribwllnt; Co., Ltd., reports jis follows:—At Hie fourth Wellington sale wo atuin offered a very iLttracttre catalogue, comprising 35i0 bales, 10 ii full and representative lunch of buyers. All sections of tlio trade were oDcratiiiß freely, Japan imd Brndford being particularly strung, ami wo sold 9(i per cent, of our catalogue at auction. Well-grown and skirted lots aKain experienced keen competition, and growers who classed and skirted their clips today received prices to compensate them for tlio additional care they displayed In the set-up of their wool. All fleece wool showed an increase on our Icurtiary rates, but lambs' wool sold erratically and in most cases at lower prices than realised in February. The following are Bomo of our quotations :—FE over bar, hoggets 3 l%d, h Jl%d; Fours/CCR, BE 12% d; MAB, A lambs ll'itl; AVJM/X, E 10Md; TJIcG, U 10% d, X 9?ld; Lochicl, lambs 9Vid; EltM. E 10' Ad; FO/R, E 10d; Ngarimu, Itl! lOd; JC/C, h 10% d; Higliden, E lOHil; MDC, B crossbred II 10% d, A crossbred E lt%d, B crossbred B J2V.d, first pieces B%d; Pukepai, H lOd, % ]oy-d, lambs lOMjd; AJI, E o%d; DFb, h 10% d; Kahumingi/HVV, BH lOVid, Ai. lid, BW 10 % d, BE 10% d, CE lOMid, first pieces 9V-d, bellies 3d; EC'W, E ■ »%d; WJN, ■ E loy-d; Paetawa, E lOd, lambs 10Ud; CB/C, E ,V%d; Arakoa, crossbred E 12% d; LD/ Arakoa, A crossbred E llVid; B and P, SV-d; WGP, A three-quarterbred E 13d, A crossbred E 12% d; Lake Meadows, E 12 I,id; Hessott, E lid, BE lOd, B and P B#d; JIJ, E 9y 2 d; Walkou, H 10V»d, AE 10% d; JG/U, E 10/.d; CAIA/H, E 10% d, Southdown lambs "• 12d; HA/Omoana, Romney lambs HUd; U/U, AH 10% d, AE sktd. 13d; E.I). E 094 d; Hazeldene, E lO^d; WAB/T, E lO^d; OH/B, E HHd; MH/F, AE 9%d, BE 9«d; BMcL/Totaranui, AAH . liy 2 d, AAE 12J4d, AE 12=4d, BE 12% d, E pieces 9d, AA lambs 13^d, A lambs liy*d; Mahoe/Ja, AE 12d, BE lOd; Hohere/JHD, E B%d; BP/H AE lOH'd; NHK, E lOd; EWC/H, E 10^d; Alrd, ARH '9Vid, ARE 9%d, RE lOd; FET/WT, E 12y-d; LCF, E 10y 2 d; HAP, E 10% d; UEP, E lOV'd; EB/Banlt, Southdown E lOVid, Southdown lambs 9y«d; Glenlieather, AE sktd. 10% d, BE sktd. 9 JAd; M 7 over bar, F crossbred and halfbred E ll%d, crossbred E 9y,d; UV/O, H 10% d, EI 3VSd; AN/B, crossbred E 9%d; JMK, E 10y 4 d; Glencrleff, AH ll%d, BH 10% d, AE ll%d, BE llfcd, necks ll%d, A pieces 9d, bellies Bd, ctES S%d, A lambs llVsd; Bush/R, Mh ioy.d, coarse ;E lZ^d; Highden, ctgs. id; CBH, crossbred E 10% d; Hlnau, E 9d; Burnbrae, crossbred E 10% d; 800, halfbred H 10% d, crossbred E 9%d; Tehau/A, H ll%d, AJ. IOHd B and P B%d; Westend/WE, E 10% d; JS/F. E lOd; AS/Akupe, A ioy 4 d, B 10% d; Buteform, lambs lid; JHD/Ngatawa, A lambs 13</od; FW/B, D lambs 12V z d; IR/W, E 10% d, DJIcG H 10i4d, E lOVid, A lambs lid; AL/K E 9%d; Faltlclgh/JJT, AAE "%d. AE 13d, pieces B%d. lambs ll%d; JHD/TE> Malre, E 10d; Arapata, AH ll%d, Ai, lid, BE lOd, CE lOd, lambs 10% d; AH", b 10% d; Ngahue,. lambs 10% d; Bankvlew, Ai 10Wd BE 9%d; GBA, E lOd; Pipipi, AAH 10% dAH 10% a; -DK/Walrere BE sktd. 10% dCE 6ktd. 9%d, A ,^. TM-.RWiloj.-whango, AE sktd. Hi AE 10y 4 d, BE W, JUC/F, H lid; FW/BM, E 9%d; AJB/T, E lOd Rock, E IOHd, lambs ll%d; JB/ assail s^r«d- •*£* U®! SSfc." liar a. Tmi/ntim E 10>4d; Oakendale, H B>Ad-- DV/K, crossbred E 10% d; ABB, lOd BF lambs-lOd; FG/M crossbred[ 9%d; yT3I H i| lla 'lambs 10d;' 3A/Bellvievv, crossed E 12^' 12ld 13cots Pie9%d % Kotuku ÜBFH Elo4d%B M Ht3lOyrd 'OT W eoU ?§,DE9& Pieces B%d, cots 9<J; AR/O, V Sd lokd! CE liyad, E 10% d, croSSbred'^d X pieces. B%d, cots 9d; QL, crossbred E 10d; PMG, crossbred lambsl 11/fcd, Stockwood, necks 9d; Co-op., B halfbred i> 12% d, halfbred liy 4 d, halfbred 10% d, FH 11« d FE 10% d, A fine carding lid, A tine carding 10»/ 4 d, medium E 10.% d, B Btg. . E 13d. A necks ll%d, A crossbred pieces B%d, A bellies ;8y 4 d, bellle;, 8d A locte 6%d, I lambs 12d;.F lambs;lld, A dead 10% d. JAPANESE BUPPORT, Wright, Stephenson, and Co., Ltd., and Abraham and Williams, Ltd., report as tollom.— We offered a catalogue of 3801 bales at. todays c m acr d SL *& ~ offS'reflected the effects ..of the adverse ellS^KaT^f % nracttcalfy all sorts with the exception of EiSS€Hr,ES: i£H£ mmm lows Challenge, 10 bales at lS%d. lid,- £&Mk EBUX/FHG, 4 at lid; EBUX/D&NAT, (! at 10% d; SMW/T, 6 at lid; HH/H feat 10% d; EBUX/JCB/W, 4 at 10%dj EBUX/ DYN, 4 at 10% d; EWR/K, 7 at 10% d; Maoriland 4 at 10% d; EBUX/Edscll, 0 at 10-y 4 d; KBUX/ZY 4 at lO'/jd; EBUX/TD, 4 at 9'Ad; DX/ 11 at 10d; EBTJX/CW/W, 11 at 9*l; EBUX/IW/P, 9 at 8d; Gleticoe, 5 at 9'AilSouthdown: Challenge. 22 at 10% d. Hoggets: Challenge, 12 at ll%d, 7 at ll'/jd, 9 »l W%d, 15 at IUI 18 at 10% d, 11 at 10% d, 6 at 9%d, 10 at flWd, 12 at »d, 7 at B%d; Westmore, 4 at lid; ONL, 6 at lid; JT/S, 4 at 10% di AMW Tat lOVid; DT/S, 7at 10>/ 2 d; RSIK, « at io4d; LH, 5 at iok-d; AB/B. 5 at 10% d: GVS/W/Totaras, ,6 rt-Wj Mtfato te, 6 a ft r at oV-d;1 AML, 4 at 9d. Cr4 Csbred-Chanengefl6 at 13d,24 at W, s at 12% d lfl at 12d, 7 at ll%d, -17 at lid, 28 at mX 18 at 10>Ad,' J at 9%d, 06 at 9V4U, IU if 9Hd 30 at 9d; Haumarire, 13 at l^id, i at 12V dd, 6at ll%d, oat 9K# *«»*""%? 84/PN » Wil;Aa/S, 32 at_lo%<|; Jlan»; |%j« d "\o^i6d wrKj^^ 10% d; D/Burnloa, < a{ fflW lo^ jd w /r I* at ?n'?rt: ritß ?•• at 10>/4d; OVS/W/Totara«, ;.:•! i? diod: TAM/ 20' at W*i ,«»fV. ««l 9*di s 4,^t9^ u fA^'4V«^rw^;o N(fi«konul. 8 nt SWd: Haumarlro. 0 at S'. 3 d. .Maorlland. X at Bd,

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Bibliographic details

Evening Post, Volume CXXV, Issue 69, 23 March 1938, Page 19

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SALE REVEIWED Evening Post, Volume CXXV, Issue 69, 23 March 1938, Page 19

SALE REVEIWED Evening Post, Volume CXXV, Issue 69, 23 March 1938, Page 19


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