HIQH. WATER. 'IVidny.—ll n.m.; 11.25 p.m. Tomorrow.— lI. W a.m. (Standard Time.) ARRIVALS. WED.VUHDAY, AMKCII 0. KAIWAUHA, n.n. (4 p.m.), 3051 tons, (key, from I'lcton. TIIOKSIJAY, MAIICH 10. ■UAKO, k.s. (1 a.m.), 505 tana, McNabb, from (llHhortifl. W/INIJI, s.«. (1.20 a.m.), 1633 tons, Gaskln, > from J'lrton. MATANtiI, fl.n. (7 a.m.), 1300 tons,, Wlldman, from Nelmm. WAHINH, h.». (7 a.m.), 1430 tons, WhltcfloM, from Lyttclton. • . DEPARTUnES. WJODiVKSIMY, MAIICH 9. TAMAHINB, h.s. (2.55 p.m.), 1889 tons, Sharpc, for i'lcton. KCIIO, mix. kcow (4 p.m.), 133 tons. Miles, for Blenheim. STOKM, «.». (0.20 p.m.), 740 lons, Williams, for Dtmcdln, T£ AKOMA, aux. scow (7 p.m.), 105 tons, Sawyers, for VVestpbrt. AJIAHUKA, s.s. (7.30 p.m.), 1007 tons. Hay, for Nelson. HANfMTMA, t.o.s. (7.50 p.m.), 6152 tons, frwln, for J,yttcHon. KAIMIKU, h.h. (0.55 p.m.), 2502 tons, Gardner, for Westnort. TUUKSDAY, MARCH 10. 11.M.5. WAKAKUKA, minesweeper (10 a.m.), 290 tons,'for Lyttclton. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Coastal Traders. Wnlnul, southern ports, today. Walpalil, CMsuorno, today. Talisman, Waltapu, tonight. 'JL'amalilno, I'lcton, today, 6.15 p.m. Arahura, Nelson, tomorrow, 5.30 a.m. Kangatlra, Lyttclton, tomorrow, 7 a.m. Walmca, Mapua, tomorrow. Kaltoa, Motucka, tomorrow. Inaha, Pa tea. tomorrow. Hawera, I'atea, tomorrow. Kanlll. Wanstanul.' tomorrow. Holmglen, Kelson, tomorrow. Holmlea, southern ports, tomorrow. Breeze, southern ports, tomorrow. Karu southern ports, mb.. Gale, Wanganul, 13th. Kalmlro Orcymouth 13th Kohl, N'elson and bays, 13tb. Port Walkato, Auckland, 14th. , Kapunl, Patea, 14th. Echo, Blenheim, 14th. . . , . IValmarlno, Auckland, 14th. Te Aroha, Little Wanganul, 15th. Storm, southern ports, loti. Breeze, Wanganul, 15th. Gale, Wanzanul, 15tb. * Holmdale. southern ports, 16th. Kalmlro, Greymouth, 16th. Karu, New Plymouth, 16th. VValplata. southern ports, 16tb. Pakura, Lyttelton, 18th. Overseas Traders. Solheim,. Sumatra, today., Rangitata, London, tomorrow, T a.m. Loch Don. Antwerp, 13th. China, Auckland, 14th. Durham, Napier, 14th. Strathmore, Auckland, • 14th. Dunedln Star, Gisborne. l«h. Port Sydney, Auckland, 14th. • Omana, Portland 15th. Port Auckland, Waikokopu, 16th. Wanganella, Sydney, 16th. ■ Melbourne Maru, Auckland, 16th. Walana, New Plymouth, 17th. Dessau, Auckland, 18th. VVaitakl. Auckland, 18th. ■ ■ Jlaunganul. Lyttelton, 18th. PROJECTED OEPARTURES Coastal Traders. j Matangi, Nelson, today, 7.30 p.m. Wahine, Lyttelton, today, 7.45. v.mi Pakura, Napier,. today. • • %' Mako, Lyttelton, today. ' . Wingatul, Westport, today. ;.' . Kakapo, Westport,. today. Tamahine, Picton, tomorrow, 2.45' p.m. Kaitoa, Motueka, tomorrow. • Echo, Blenheim, tomorrow. Arahura, Nelson, tomorrow, 7.30 p.m. Kangatlra, Lyttelton,. tomorrow, 7.45 p.m. Kapitl, Wanganul. tomorrow. Kapuni, Patea. tomorrow. Holmlea, New Plymouth, tomorrow. Holmglen, southern ' ports, tomorrow. Wainui, Auckland, tomorrow. ' Walpab.l, southern ports, tomorrow. Inaha, Patea, tomorrow. . Breeze, Wanganul, via Picton, tomorrow. Talisman, Nelson and bays, tomorrow. Karu, New Plymouth, via Nelson, 12th. Gale, Wanganul, 13th. Hawera, Patea, 14th. , • , . Port Waikato, southern: ports, 14th. Kohl, Nelson and bays, 15th. Breeze, Dunedin, loth. - ■'■-." ' .; Walmarino. southern ports, 15th. Storm, Wanganul, 15th. Holmdale. Wanganul. via Picton, Hth. Karu, Dunedin, 16th. • Te Aroha, Westport, 17th. Walpiata, Auckland, 18th. Overseas Trader*. Goslar, New York, today. , Rangitikl, London,. today, 5 p.m. . . Cornwall, London, today, 6 p.m. Limerick, Lyttelton, today.. ; • ■■ ' Kalkoral, Newcastle, today. -..,'. -. Strathmore, Sydney. 14th. Durham, London, 16th. , ■Wauuganui, Bluff, 19th. BERTH AGE LIST. Cornwall —Glasgow Wharf. Futurist—Patent Slip. •: Goslar—Pipitea 'Wharf. ■. :■ % H.M.S. Lelth^-Clyde Quay Wharf. H.M.S. Leander—Clyde Quay Whart. Kakapo—King's Wharf. Kalkoral—Railway Wharf. . . . ■ Kanunl—King's, Wharf. Kaiwarra—Mlramar Wharf. Limerick—Taranaki Street Wharf. Maori—Patent Slip. . . Mako—Taranaki Street Wharf. Monowai—Patent Slip. Matangi—Queen's Wharf,: No. 12. Pakura—King's Wharf.. Poolta—Miramar Wharf. Bangltikl—Glasgow Wharf. Talisman—Queen's Wharf No.. 13. Waipahi—Queen's Wharf No. 1 south. Wahine—Lyttelton Wharf. . Wainui —King's Wharf. :.. Wihgatui—Railway Wharf. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICES, AWATEA, left Wellington Monday for Sydney ; due Sydney today; leaves Sydney Saturday for Auckland; due Auckland Tuesday; leaves Auckland Tuesday for Sydney :• due Sydney March 18. (U.S.S. Co.) MAUNGANUI, left Melbourne yesterday for Wellington: due Bluff Sunday, Dunedin Tuesday. Lyttelton March '17. .'.Wellington March 18. (U.S.S. Co.) WANGANELLA, leaves Sydney Saturday for Wellington; due Wellington Wednesday;, leaves Wellington March 17 for Sydney; due Sydney March 21. Melbourne March 23: leaves Melbourne March 23, Sydney March 25, for Auckland. (Huddart. Parker.).; PACIFIC MAIL SERVICES. AORANGI. left Vancouver February .16 for Sydney; due Sydney tomorrow; leaves Sydney March 17 for . Vancouver; due Auckland March 21; leaves Auckland March 22, due Suva March 25, Honolulu April 1, Vancouver April 8; leaves- Vancouver April 12 for Sydney; due Honolulu April 20,'Suva April 29. Auckland May 2; leaves Auckland May 3; due Sydney May T. (U.S.S. Co.) NIAGARA left Sydney February II for Vancouver; due Vancouver tomorrow: leaves Vancouver Wednesday for Sydney; due Honolulu March 23. Suva April 1, Auckland April 4; leaves Auckland April 5; due Sydney April 9; leaves Sydney April 14 for Vancouver; due Auckland April 18; leaves Auckland April 19: oue Suva April 22, Honolulu April 29. Vancouver May «. (O.S.S. Co.) MONTEREY left San Francisco March' I. Los Angeles March 4, for Sydney and Melbourne; due Suva Tuesday. Auckland March. 18; leaves Auckland March 18, due Sydney March .21 and Melbourne March tf>. leave.' Melbourne March 88. Sydney April 1 for San Francisco; due Auckland'April 4. leaves Auckland April 4; due Suva April I. Honolulu April IS, Lot Angeles April 18. San Francisco April IS (Burn* Phllp. «nd T nnd VV Young.) MARIPOSA, left Melbourne February 18, Sydney Friday, for San Francisco; due Suva today, Honolulu Wednesday, Los Angeles March 21, San Francisco March it, leaves San Franclscr March 28, Lot Angeles March 29. for Sydney and Melbourne; due Honolulu April S. Suva April 11, Auckland April 14; leaves Auckland April 14 for Sydney; due Sydney April 17, Melbourne Apri' 1%. (Rum;! Phllp tni) T. «nd W Young.) LOADING FOR NEW ZEALAND. ARAWA, leaves London March 17 fo» Wellington (due April il) »nd , Lytteltoa <S.S and A. Co.) EMPIRE STAR, leaves Liverpool March II for Auckland (due April 12), Napier. Wellington, Lyttelton. and Dunedin. (Blu» Btar Line ) GABRIELLA, loads Newcastle March tz. completes Sydney, for Gisborne. ((U.S.S. Co.) KaIPARa leaves New Kor» Marco ID for Auckland (due April 18), Wellington, brttelv lon and Dunedln (Federal Co.) KAIKORAI, loads Newcastle about March 17, completes Sydney, for Wellington and Napier. (U.S.S. Co.) KALINGO, loads Sydney March 10, for New Plymouth, Picton, and Wanganul. (U.S.S. CO.) ■:"■■.. KAIRANGA. loads Newcastle about March 16, completes Sydney, for Auckland. (U.S.S. Co.) KEKERANGU, loads Sydney March 10 for Lyttelton and Tlmaru. (U.S.S. Co.) KAURI, loads Edlthburg March 10, for New Plymouth, Auckland, and Wellington, completes Melbourno March 14, for New Plymouth and Auckland. (U.S.S. Co.) KOZAN MAKU. leaves Kobe March 12 for Auckland (due April 1). Welllnßton. Lytteltou and D%ied!n. (Wright. Stephenson.) NARBAfiA. leaves Calcutta early April for Auckland (due Mas J). Wellington. Lyttelton, Timaru. Dunedin, and Bluff, via Rangoon, PenaDg, Singapore, and Samarang. (U.S.S. Co.).
005 tanß, McNabb, from
, NAUMBERO. leaves Culf ports middle March for Auckland, Wellington Lylteltou aud Dub'■iJJn ({Jnllln and Co I PORT SAINT JOHN, leaves Halifax March 10 for Auckland (duo April 9), Wellington, Lyttellon, Dunedln, Bluff, and Now l'lymouth. (Port Unis.) KHABOXBK, leaves San Pedro March 17 for Wellington (due April 12) . and Lyttelton. (Atlantic Union.) WAIKOIMITI, loads Newcastle r.nout March 21, comulclcs Sydney, for Bluff, Dunedln. Tlraaru, and Lyllelton. (U.S.S. Co.) DOMINION BOUND. BIUSBANK STAR, le»l Ll«*rpool February 12 tut Auckland (due Marco 15), Wellington 1 March ID. Lytteltoa, md bunedla. (Blue Star Line.) ; - BENVKNUB, left Yokohama »bout February ii tor Lytetltoo (due March 22), Timaru. Blull, and Port Chalmers, via Sydney. (G. UScalea.) . . ■ ■ • CITY Olf WELLINGTON, leil dallfai .Duui February 15 tor Wellington (due March lit, Auckland. Lyuelion «nd Dunedia (federal Co.) CITY OK CANBERRA, left New Tori Feh(uary 25 for Auckland (due March 30), Wellington (April 4). Lyttelton. and Dunedia (Federal Co.) - . . DALFKAAI, left Antwerp January 22 for Auckland (due March 14), and New Plymouth. .(N.Z.S. Co.) ... EULIMA, lefi Singapore February 21 . tor WelllnKlon (due 41 a ret) 18) . end Auckland. (Shell Co.) ELMBANK, left Pacific Coast February — for Auckland (due about March IV). " UIUSiiMJUD .ef m.«|<uu. rebruar) • (Of Auckland "Itu Jlnrcli 10). Wellington. Lrtulton in" riuti«tlL iFederal Co.) KAHKTU, left Sydney March 9 for Bluff (due March M), Duncdln, Oamaru, Tlmaru, Lyttelton, and Bluff. (U.S.S. Co.) KaiwaßKA, left Newcastle Marco 2 for Plcton (due Marcb 8). and Wellington. (U.S.S. Co.) LOCH DON, left Antwerp January SO for Wellington (due about March 13) and Auckland. (N.Z.S. Co.) 4111JI;Lhftt.A, left Ulasgow renruary f (is oallast) tor New Zetland (due Marefe tl) IFederal Co.) MELBOURNE MABU, left Kobe February IS ror Auckland (due Marcb 11), Wellington (Marcb 16). Lyttelton. and Dunedln, (federal Co.) MAMAKi, ten Ultsgow feoruary 11 foi Hvn Zealand (is ballast) (du» April 1), rU Bydaejr (8.8. «nd A- Co.) OTAIO, left Liverpool February 20 for Auckland (due about April 1), Wellington. Lyttelton. Dunedln, and Bluff. (Federal Co.) OLIVEBANK, left Nauru Island February — for New Plymouth (due Marcb 10), and Auckland. PORT DENISON. left Antwerp February 2 for Auckland (due Marcb 21) and New Plymouth. (Fort Line.) BUAHINE, left London February 2« for Wellington (passenger* only) (due about April <>), Port Chalmers. Lyttelton. and Bluff. (N.Z.S Co.) ROTULA, ten Singapore February 24 ror Auckland (due March 18). (Sbell Co.) RAXGITATA, left London February 14 for Wellington (due. March • 11), Lyttelton P'>n (haunm aud RluIJ IJ.-Z.B Co.) RANGITANB, left London,March 4 tor Wellington (due April 6) and Auckland. (N.Z.S. Co.) - - ROJINEY, left Los Angeles Marcb. 5, for Auckland (due Marcb 26), Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedln, and Australia (U.S.S. Co.) : SANDHAM.N. lett Galveston February ZZ for Auckland (due Marcb 26) and New Plymouth. SWaRTENUONDT, left Singapore about •'<«- ruary 15 for Auckland (due Marcb 10) and Welllneton (Johnston and Co.) SOLHEIM, left Oeban February 18 for Wellington (due March 10). ' (U.S.S. Co.Y TAIROA, left Glasgow February 2 (In ballast) for New Zealand (due March 23). .(S.S. and A. Co.) . . .' ■-..-:'■"■ , TAMAKOA, . ieri LonaoD rebruary. It tor Auckland (due Marcb 24) and ■ Wellington (Anril 1) IS.S. and A. Co.» ; VERA RADCLIFFE, left Sicily - January 28 for Dunedln (due about Marcb 14), via Melbourne. ' ' ■ ■ ' ' ' ■ .-■- ---WANAKA, left Antwerp March 5 for Wei-. linrton, (due April 20). (N.Z.S. Co.) WAITAKI, left Sydney March 9 for Auckland (due March 14) and : Wellington - (U.S.S. Co.) ;•■■.■■-. LOADING .IN NEW ZEALAND. CORNWALL, at Wellington; leaves Welllngton today • for London, Avonraouth,. Liverpool. Manchester, and. Glasgow. (Federal Co.). CAMBRIDGE, loads Timaru Saturday, Wanganui, New Plymouth, Auckland, Wellington (due March 24), and Port Chalmers; leaves Port Chalmers April 1 for London, Avonmouth, Cardiff, Liverpool,, and- Glasgow. (Federal Co.* ■ i DUNEDIN STAR, at Auckland; leaves Auckland today for Gisborne, Wellington ((hie Monday), and Lyttelton: leaves Lyttelton March 22 for London, via the Panama Canal. (Blue Star Line.) -: ' ' , '. . : DURHAM, at Auckland; leaves ' Auckland today for Napier and Wellington <due Monday) : leaves Wellington March 14. for London, Avoiimouth. Cardiff, Liverpool; and. Glasgow. (Federal Co.) -,; ■■■'-.'. .-;;•,•■; -f-^ ~.,;. GABHIELLA, loads Greymouth :today;-. ■ for Sydney and Newcastle. (U.S.S. Co.) t•■ , ." CSOSLAR. at Wellington, leaves ; Wellington today for New York. (Gollln and Co.) : HUNTINGDON, at Bluff; leaves Bluff Saturday for Lyttelton,- Wellington (due March 19)': leaves Wellington March 22 for New fork and/or Boston, Halifax (N.S.),.Southamrton. London, Hull, and Newcastle-on-Tyne. ' (N.Z.S. Co.) ■ ■ -. -, .■;. .. ■- ■■•.-. • ■•-.. ■■:■ : ;., MAHANA, loads Napier March 17, WalkoKopu, Nelson. New Plymouth. Wellington (due : March SO), and Auckland; leaves Auckland April 8 for Dunkirk, Hook of Holland, and London, via Panama Canal and Kingston. (S.B. and a;,Co.) " ... ■:' ■ .'•-■■ ■■■- .■■'. NORTHUMBERLAND, at Napier:; for Wellington (due Monday) and Wanganui (March 18) ; leaves Wanganui March 23 for London, Avonmouth, Liverpool, Manchester; arid Glasgow. (Federal Co.) , ",'",'.'' '•■:'..'■ OMANA, loads Napier March ■ 14, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Bluff, for Melbourne and Adelaide. (U.S.S. Co.) . ■• . . -. PORT ALMA, loads Nelson Monday, Wellington (March 16-21), Timaru (23-26), and Bluff (March 28-30); leaves Bluff March■: 30 for London, via Cape Horn. (Port Line.) PORT AUCKLAND, at Napier; leaves Napier Monday for Walkokopu and' Wellington (due Sunday); leaves Wellington March ;17 for London ' and Hamburg, ■ via Cape Horn. (Port Line.) . - . .',..' PORT MELBOURNE, at Opua; leaves Opua tomorrow for Auckland, Napier, and Wellington (duo March 17); leaves Wellington March 21 for London, "via Panama. (Shaw, Sayill.) RANGITIKI, at Wellington; leaves Wellington today for London, via Pltcairn Island and thu Panama Canal. (N.Z.S. Co.) . TAINUI, loads Port Chalmers Monday, Lyt T telton, Auckland, and Wellington (due March 25); leaves Wellington March 30 for Southampton and London, via Panama Canal and Kingston. (S.S. and A.; Co.) WAIKOUAITI, loads Port Chalmers about Saturday, and Bluff; leaves. Bluff about Monday for Sydney and Newcastle. (U.S.S. Co.) ZEALANDIC, at Port Chalmers; leaves Port Chalmers today for London, Avonmouth, Liverpool, and Glasgow, via Panama Canal. DISCHARGING ON COAST. . CAMBRIDGE, from Liverpool, at > Port Chalmers. (Federal C0.),. CHINA, from' Bahrein Island; for Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedln; >at- Auckland. (Associated Motorists.). . ;. -a. DESSAU, from New Orleans, for Wellington,. Lyttelton, and Dunedln; at Auckland; leaves Tuesday. (Gollin and Co.) • • KAIWARRA, from Newcastle;: at Wellington, (u.s.s. Co.) ■•■.:• KAIRANUA, from Newcastle and Sydney;,at Auckland. (U.S.S. Co.) ' KAIKORAI, from Newcastle, Port Kembla. and Sydney; at Wellington. (U.S.S. Co.) LIMERICK, from Lps Angeles; for Lyttelton andDunedin; at Wellington. (U.S.S. Co.) MAHANA, from Southampton, for Napier: at Auckland; leaves Tuesday. (S.S. and A. Co.) '■• OMANA, from -Editliburg and. Adelaide, for Wellington and Lyttelton; at Portland; leaves tomorrow. (U.S.S. Co.). ■ ' • PORT CHALMERS, from London, for Wellington, Timaru, and Nelson; at Auckland; leaves Tuesday. (Port Line.) PORT SYDNEY, from New .Tor* for Wellington. Lyttelton. and Dunedin; at Auckland; leaves Saturday. (Port Line;) PORT ALMA, from Liverpool; at Bluff. (Pon Line.) . , PENANU. from Madagascar; at Auckland. TEESBANK troiE SaD uomlngo; at *uc»land. ■."'.: ■ . •. TAINUI, from London, for Dunedln; at Lyttelton; leaves Friday. (S.S. and A. Co.) WAIRUNA, from San Francsico, at Ounedln. (U.S.S. Co.) .-•:.■-'■■. WEIRBANK, from Nauru Island; tor New Plymouth: at Auckland. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels. are expected to be within range of the undermentioned wireless stations tonight:— , , ' • Auckland.—H.M.S. Endeavour, Abrahgl, Kalranga, Matua, Maul Pomare, Walotapu, Brisbane Star, China, Dalfram, Dunedln Star, Durham, Jeanne d'Arc, Louisville, Marlposa, .Melbourne Maru, Ollvebank, Piako, Rotula, Strathmore, AVelrb'ank. •■ ' • .Wellington.—Matal, Rangatira, Tamahlne, Wahlne, H.M.S. Wellington, Gabriella, Kallngo, Kaikorai, Limerick, Niagara, Akaroa, Cambridge, Cornwall, Gbslar, Monterey, Northumberland, ■ Port Auckland. Rangitane, Rangltata, Rangitiki, Solhelm, Tamaroa, Remuera. ...'•.. Awarua. —Karetu, Maunganui, Waiana, Walruna, Triaster, Trlona, G. S. Walden, Eullma, Mooltan, Narkunda, Orama, Orion, Queen Mary, Swartenhondt, Zealandic. ' .'. .': ■ RANGITIKI LEAVING TOMORROW. The Rangltlkl, having completed her loading, will leave Wellington at. 5 p.m. today for London, via Pltcairn Island and the Panama Canal. OLIVEBANK WITH PHOSPHATES. The oiircbank, en route from Nauru Island with phosphates, Is expected to reach New Plymouth at midday today. She will also call at Auckland. DFSSAU ARRIVES. From New Orleans the Dessau; arrived at Auckland on Tuesday with cargo for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedln. She If due here during the weekend. -
SERVICES TO ISLANDS. ■ MATUA, from Auckland and Rarotonga, for Vavau (due today), Apia, aiid' Suva. (U.S.S. Co.) ~■■'. TEES, from Chatham Islands, due Lyttelton tomorrow, Wellington Sunday; leaves Wellington Monday for Wiiitangl. (T. J. Gardiner.) MAUI POMARE, from 'Apia and Niue; duo Lyttelton Monday, Wellington Tuesday; -■ leaves Wellington March 22 for Apia and Nlue. (T. J. Gardiner.) RANGITATA FROM LONDON. The Rangitata from London is due to arrlv* at .Wellington at 7 a.m. tomorrow. • PAKEHA LEAVES GLASGOW. The Pakeha left Glasgow in ballast oa Saturday afternoon for New Zealand; • where she Is due on April 23, via the Cape ■ and Sydney. ZEALANDIC FOR HOME. The Zealandic was to leave Fort-Chalmwt this morning for London, Avonmouth (Liverpool, and Glasgow, via the Panama Canal.' BY TELEGRAPH. AUCKLAND, March, 9. Arrived.—China (3.40 p:m.), from Bahreil Island, . Sailed.—H.M.S. Wellington (2.40 p.m\),:for. Wellington; Welrbank . (3.30 p.m.), for, Nauru Island; Northumberland (5.30 p.m.), for Napier. •■■■,'•■ PICTON, March 9. Arrived.—Tamahlne (6.30 p.m.),' from Wel» llngton. .. Sailed.—Walnut (8 p.m.), for 'Wellington. • .. . WESTPORT, March 9. Sailed.—Matai (2 p.m.), with dredge Elleeß Ward in tow, for Wellington. GREYMOUTH, March 9. Arrived.—Tltoltl (3.35 p.m.),' from Wellinflon. ' WAXCANUI, February 9. Arrived.—llawera (2.30 p.m.) and Inaha (2.» p.m.), from I'at«a, both sheltering. . BLENHEIM, March 10. Arrived.—Echo (5.30 a.m.), from Welling? LYTTELTOX, March 10. Arrived. —Bangatlra (6.40 a.m.), from .Wrf« Ungton. - KELSON, Sfarch 10. Arrived.—Arahura (5.43 a.m.),-from Wellington.
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Evening Post, Volume CXXV, Issue 58, 10 March 1938, Page 12
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2,581SHIPPING NEWS Evening Post, Volume CXXV, Issue 58, 10 March 1938, Page 12
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