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• The following lists contain tl Examinations held in November i ■ to Wellington and neighbouring dii of those who passed the examina of those who obtained partial pas

' Ackermau, John Uarrul, Luvin; AUams, iiiuun t'ui, Wanganui; Adams, David Winton, Cartcrto'n; ■ Adanis, Howard John, .Wellington; Adamson, Mori Winifred, Lower Hutt; Admpre, Frank Beam, Wanganui: Akcl, Frederick, Wellington;. Aldridge, Gregory Francis, Wellington; Alear, June Kathleen, Wellington; Allan, Arnold Howard, Wellington ;■ Allan, Joaii Cross, Allan, Laurence George, falmerstoi North; Allen, Florence May, Nelson; Allen Margaret Rosemary StansHelU, Maslertou; Al; lun, Robert Henry, Feildlng; Allen, Roy Vincent Palmeratou North; Amies, William Keith, Palmerston North; Anderson, Alison Wyuetle, Wellington; Anderson, Donald George, Nelson, Anderson, Howard Pellew, Wellington; Anderson June Uoreeu, Neisuu; Anuersuu, Alarijarei Joan Ewenson, Wellington:. Andrew. James Douglas,,falmerston Worth; Andrews. Bruct Allan; Wellington; Andrlcksen, Laurie Harley. Levin; Arlldee. Allan Stephen; Armstrong, Dengate Robert/ Palmeraton North; Armstrong Thomas Andrew, Masterton. Balrd James Altken, Wellington; Baltei Krahcis'john, Silverstreain; Baker, James Edward, Lower Hutt; Balham, Bonald Water . Bail, Raymon Francis, Wellington; Bannister - Martin ■HursthoUse.Wauguuui; Barnes. Kathleen Elizabeth, Wellington; Burnett...Ju> Frances, Nelson> Baruett, Ngata ISwart. Wellington Barrett, Jalk Campbell, Palmerston North; Barton, Rodger Elliot Kempthorne, Wellington; Bates, Gertrude Morrison, Wanganui. Bath. Frederick Betton, Carterton; Bay. Naucy Nelson; Beard, Donald Derek, _ Palmerstuu North; Beattto, Jean Deucbar, Lower Hutt. B S, Nathan Sidney, Wellington; Bedlng held John Heighten, Bell, ; lan Keith, Bennet. lauhael Eleanor, Wellington; -Benson, Joseph enry, Nelson: Berry, Lynton McHardie, Betriune Janet ■Elizabeth, Beverland, William Wellington •"' Bishop, Betty; Masterton; Black. onald Palnier; Wellington;' Blackle. Dorot ly May, Wanganui: i Blackwood-Sewell Margarei Leslie, Bloore, Kenneth Grosvenor 8011. Lois. Bolton\ . Elizabeth Mary. Bono, Mary Clare. Wellington; Bourke, «evin Francis; Bourke, UayS Pe'«. Silveratream; ..Bourne Peter KS3, Bowen, Peter Eugene, Boyd Robert k7ith Wellington; Boyes. Freda Elizabeth. Se son; Bracher, 'Norma, Wanganui; Bradshaw John Thomas, .Wellington; Brere on, iSce Bridge. Nelson; Bridgman, Joan, Bridgnun°Maureen, .Wellington; Brlnkman, Geoffrey (Sard • Wanganui; Brittain,,. Frank .A hert, WdUngtonrßrough .Edward .Alan, Nelson; BroSm ' Henry Charles, Palmerston North: •Jmvn Harley, Wellinfiton.; Brown. BetS 'Kaiween; Palmerston North: Brown; clorge,- Browa, John Atkinson, Carterton; Brown; Johnston Cree, Nelson;. Brown, Shirley^ Lower Butt;' : Brownie, Patricia. Wanganul: BSnSrSPencer Claude, Lower Hutt: Bruce. Alan°quartermaln, Wellington: Bunny, Bert^ ram Henry, Wanganul;;- Burch, Dorothy June. Wellington;-Burgess, William Eric, Wanganul-. Burns, Raymond James Stephen, Burton, Arthur Lionel, Wellington: Butler. William Gerard. Wellington; Bythell, Constance Elsie,; BlenheCameron, Angus Frederick, WelUneton; Cameron, Donald Robert. Masterton; /Campbell. Duncan, Lower Hutt; Campbell; Graham Kennedy. Campbell, John Graham, Wellington: Campbell, Peggy Lenore,-Lower Hutt; Campion, John Russell, Wellington; Caradus, James Russell, Wellington; Carle, Eric Jordan,-Mas, terton; Carltom John Walter, Wanganui; Camcross,: Murray, Wellington: Carroll, Maureen Agnes, Masterton; Carson, Margaret.Elizabeth, Palmerston North; Carter, Pauline Beatrice Florence, Masterton; Cash, James Ulchards, Nelson:, Oassldy, Mary, . Castle, David George, Cattanack, William Bruce, Cederholni, Nincy Florence, Chlttenden, John David, Chown, Raymond, Wellington; Christie, Amy , Betty, Masterton; Ciochetto, Nola Mary, Wellington; Clare .Baden Gordon, Palmerston North; Clark, Helena Ann, Wellington: Clifford, Philip Alan, Levin; Cockrell, Elizabeth Eleanor, Levin; Coghill, David Gordon, Wanganul; Coldstream, Elizabeth Olive, •Cole, .William Dudley Linter, '..Collins,,. Donald Sidney; Wellington; Connell, Ruth Helen, Palm-i erston North: ■'; Conway.v Shirley Cook,-Mavis Winifred, Wellington; Cook, ' Ronald Cunald- Francis, Sllverstream; Corbett, Julia, Wellington; Coull, Joany>Wanganui; Coutts, John Adam, Wellington: Cowan Neville Lawrence, Silverstream; Cowley, • Winifred Beatrice, Palmerston North; Cozens, Alan Gully, Palmerston :North;.Craig, Doris: Pauline, Craig, Maureen, Crawley, Jean Margaret,.Cundy. Neil; Edward, Wellington; Cunnihghame, Loretto Marie, Lower Hutt; Currie, Kathleen Elizabeth/ Nelson. • '..- ' Dalefleld, Mervyn Lelghton, Palmerston North . Dallaston,: Alisfer Derek, . D'Ath, Marie Catherine, Davies, Audrey Constance, Wellington; Davles,, Doris •Bertha, Davies, Keith - Owen, Nelson; Davies, Pamela Grace, Lower Hutt; DaVies, William Joseph, Palmerston North; Davy, Henry, Neil,. Nelson: Dawson,' Geoffrey Esmond Lincoln", Wellington; Dawson,' Margaret Hay, .Nelson; Dawson, Valeric- Ray, Wellington; .Dee. Colleen, Wellington; Delaney^ Jfoel Thomas, ■ Silverstream; Dempsey'.: John Walter. Denne, Rona Winsome, Dennehy, John Latcbam, Welllngtpn; Denton, Lois Shirley, Levin; Dewhiirst, Peter Cairns, Welllngtpn; Dingwall, Stella lihida, Wanganui; Dodson, Ashford Blechynden, Nelson; Domney, Naomi, Wanganui; Donnelly, Vincent Edward Michael, Masterton; Dow, Ann Vida Isobel, Wanganui: Duffy, Thomas Alphonsu3, Duncan, Henry, Duncan, Trevor' Joseph, Wellington: Dunstali, Cedric Francis, Palmerston North. ' Earl, Alan Gordon, Easterbroqk-Smith, Winston Herbert Barnett, Easther, Margaret. Bo Benn, Eckhoff, Adrlenne Boland, Wellington; Edmunds', -Eric Ralph, Palmerston North; Edwards, Judith Dlmant, Egley. Isobel Constance, Wellington; Elliott, Kenneth George, Wellington; Elvine3, James Lioyd, Pahnerston North; Entrican,1 Alexis Charlton, Wellington; Evans, John. Gwynne, Nelson; Evans, John Victor, Lower Hutt. ' _ Falloon, Maurice Wlilte, Masterton: Farquhar, Lois Rachel. Wellington; Farrer, Matthew Cameron, Faulkner, lan Allen Douglas, Feaklns, Oma Jean, Wanganui; Feast, Johr Eric, Carterton; Ferguson,- Barbara' Fergus, Field; Jack Clayland, Wellington; Finlay, Joan Lower Hutt: Fisher, Peter Henchoz, Carterton; Fitchett, Joyce "Bowena, Fitz-Jones, Wyndhara David. Olllvant, Flaws, Erie Munro Pickering Wellington: Fletcher, Elizabeth Gale,, Masterton ; Flower, James Bernard, Wellington; Forrest -Audrey Elaine, Nelson; Fowler, Alexander John,,' Wellington; Fox-Yeates, Georgt Kirkland, Fraser, Charles Henry, Free, Vt illiair Ronald, Freeman, Nsaire Dorothea, Frend, Anne, WGal"agher, Patrick Joseph, Silverstream; Galloway, James McDonald Gambrill, Mwaro Boys,' Gardiner, Daniel Joseph, Wellington: Gardner, June Evelyn, Blenheim; Garty, Brandt Patrick, Wellington; Gething, Kenneth, Lowei Hutt: Glbbard, Colin Charles, . Wanganui; Glen,- Joan Iris, Glengarry,; Montague Rupert Goetzlof, Louis Charles, ■' Goodhall, Cyril Henry, Wellington; Goodland, Frederick . Albert, Goodwin, Joyelyn Claire, Lower Jlutt.; Gould, Alan, Gould,. Joe BaUarttyne, Wanganui j Graham, Arthur Lorlmer, Nelson; Warwick Lachlan, Lower Hutt; Gray, Donalc Smlbell,- 'Gray,^ Owen Thomas, Wellington; Green. Beatrice Ethelwyn , Patricia, Nelson, Gregor -Mary-Caroline, Palmerston North Griffith", Valeric Glynn,.Nelson. . . ; . Haddy, Ernest Kenneth, Lower Hutt; .flagBitt, Donald Ingram, Masterton; Halton, Wchar- Henry. Hancock, Gwendoline Phyllis, WeilingtonTHahley, Elaine, Hanley, Garry,. Masterton- Hardwlck-Smlth, Geoffrey, Nelson: Harnett, Mary ..Florence, Masterton; Harrte Dolores, Wellington; Harrison, Arthur, Lowei Hutt; Harrowfield, Hazel Helen, ■■ Palmerstor Sorth; Hart; William Alfred, Hartill, Mtirle! Plcanor Wellington; Hathaway, Dora Elalns MaTertonrHawSns; Allison Woodbury. BlenEr^^WelSS^^ S^S^ht^^ive=f^ Dora. Carterton; Hewitt, Norman John, HewiU i edre™lt?rcia H: Margarel; HiU, Dougl* £K S> WeUinSf Hislf Cgare^ S^efe' H O r J,a{ elff |=«on;^, «*A^ Silverstream; Holland, Donald Mclntyre, Wa E^^rMSlefSelmrS Erica■ Nelson; Hughes, Joan Wilson Ballinger Wanganui; Hughes, Moira, Welllnfton; Hunt Inez Margaret Evaline, Lower Hutt; Huse No" MarX "ower Hutt; Hutchison. Beatrici Ramsev Wellington; Hutson, Joy Muriel. NelsonT- Hynes,: Colyn, Wellington. In'ceT JIH Icent Ann, Masterton; Inkersell EdntL*Vera^Wellington. Ifwin. James Bruce WJack nUMolral Elaine, Lower Hutt; Jacobsea Brian Norman, Wellington; Jaeger. Henry Ar (h.r Lower Hutt; Jamleson, Liela Irene, Wa Sur Jamieson.Marlon Isobel,. Nelson; Jet ! ?!v? Peter Dlgby. Wellington; Jenkins, Audre: Toulie Wanganui; Johns, Allen Mervyn, Pal merstb'n North; Johnsen, Esmond Thomas ?i»i2s T«<-k Neville. .Weilineton;, Johnstone Patricia'Evelyn,"Sower Hutt; Johnstone I'e.ei FUiot Jolly Alfred Martin. Wellington; Jones larrle RufseU, Sllverstream; . Jones, Cllrtor. lelthV Lower Hu,t; Jones, Robert Morris. ,lmle UoK eay D S2SSTV- H-U: Kearin ; Sunlev Wellington; Kemsley, Uougla: Own! Levin Kenddck'julla Palmerstoj .Sortto Kenning, Gibson Alfred, Nelson; Kerin Johi Joseph, Palmerston North, Khour. Mlchae Callel, Wellington; Kiddle Kenneth WaUer Lower Hutf Kllpatrick, Brian Sarsfleld, Kll Patrick, Jim, Palmerston North; Mnß. Pl» I Sherwood, Wellington; K' tson- "^Forbes rick, Sllverstream: Knowles, George torbes ■ Langford. Isabel, Langford, Nancy, Wellington; Langley. Richard Brooke Palmerstoi Norths Larkln. Yvonne. Wellington; Larsen Roy Felix Silverstream; Laurie, Kober Samuel Lawson. James William. Leatli.-im. hO ward Harry, Wellington > Lee. Philip John Masterton; Lcighs, Monlßomcry James. . .Nel son; Lemmon. John Stanley, Welllnglon: heth bridge. .IOIIIV Devon, Wangiinul: Lewis, l.ivei Florence. Wellifmton; Lewis. Peter Joseph Ed ward, Lower Rutt: Lewis, liobert Francis ' Masterton : Lewis,' Tliofriley Alston. Welling ton; Llddell, Edith Joan, Wancanui: l,lm, Wll 11am Harry, Wansnnul: Lind.on, ■ Mary Mar BrtH, Wellington: Littlejohn, Etta Mary. Mas terton ; Lobb, Nevillo F.pplelt. Wellington : Loe Alfred Gilbert Francis, Silverstream; Logan

c results oi me.School Certificate nd December, as far as they apply tricts. The first list gives the names ion, and the second list the names

es. LUiid iloulnuu, iVauganui; i.ori«an, Hoy .Bernard Stone, Lower Hutt; Low, Margaret, Nelson; Lowe, John Saudlands, Wellington; Luke, Irene Jean, Wangmnil; Luoui, Mario, Wellington; Limou, Wallace Joseph, Lyiicli, Mauge Cplletle, I'almerston North. , , 1 AicArley, lirabam. Lower mill; MucL'uUuni, Belli Morrison Wellington, McCarthy, Donald .Morris, Wauganui, McCarthy, i-atriuk John, oilverslreaiu; McCrao, Man Jacquette, Weliiuutuii; Melluiiiuu, iiuugma bi'ouie, I'aiuiers.uu ivurth, Mcuunald, JMicun Maile, Leviu; ilacionaiu, ftola Juuii, Wellington, McDonnell, Jid.v'urii itot-ii. oiuersueaiu, Mclioveru, iniclda, ivellingiun, Macgicgor, Margaret isauel. Mar-' ,/iiuuiout'li. iMcUrefcor, I'uyllia Isabella, AlasturtuU', itlcliuue; uminet ue Valera, Wellnig,ou; Alcliuiess,* iluliiu Jiiucu, Lower iiutt; Muciutyre, Uaruish, \Vungunul; MuKay, lan Alexauiler, iiacHiiy, iNgaru Scolt, Wellington; Sic liciizie, Uougias (J or dun, Wauganul; Macuenzie, lav uirlstouucr Clutua, vVangauui; .UacKic, Klcliard ialconer, Waugauui: .uacHy."Joliu uruar, bower iluti; AXcLacUlan, oiuiley' Jiisuetl) Mary,. Mastertou ; MeLauguUn, Anthony, McLauglilin liuwurd Aiicliuel Noel, vVelllngton; AlcLeod, Alec osooruo, Lower Hult; McLeod, lionalu Ueutuu, Wellington ; McAlauus, Laurence Patrick, Silverstream: McSlaster, Nlta Alarle, McMaster, Fae Allen, Wutllugton; McJiiUau. Hetty, Loiver Uutt, JlacMorran, Mary Ueane, Wellington-; McMurty, Kaudall CJeorge Cannon, Nelson, McNamara, i'erouce Anthouy, ciiiverstreuui; McPhail, Louie Uonalda. Wanganui; McPherson. Eunice Muriel, .Martlnborougb; McPuersoii, Malcolm Murray, ' I'almerston North; MeWllllains, Anthony Joseph, Wellington; Mauln," Arthur Emerson, .Selaon; Maloney, Terence J'atrick, Manley, Ivan Thomas, Silverstream; Manuing,' Janet Betsy, Nelson, Marjuson, CeciJ Arthur Belson, Wellington; Marsden, Ernest Uuvid Lindsay, Nelson; Marsdeu. William Arthur, Lower'Hutt; Martin, Leonard, . Nelson; Martin, Leonard Douglas Wellington; Marwicli, Hugh. Marwick, Marion. Lowor Hutt; Mazengarb. MarI garct Dawn, Wellington. Miller Brian William, Masterton: Miller, Joseph Waller, Wellington; Miller, 'Peter Henry, Silverstream; Miller, Konald Bruce, Pulmerston North; Milne, Evcrell Alieen: Wellington; Milaes. Gwenyth Lilian, Levin; .Mitchell, John Kouneth. Palmerston North;: Mitchell, Owen James, Nelson;, Mitchell,: Feter Alexander, Wellington; Monaghan, Beryl Uelloy, Murchlson; Monljjattl, John David William, Nelson; • MonroAlexander William^,. Monro, Charlotte Mary. Mastertbn; Alonro^arues. Brian, ilooney, Francis Leonard, Wellington; Mooney, Guy Thomas, Wanganui;" Moore, Myra Jean, Morath, Joan Rewa,- Wellington; Moresby, Fairfax, Palmerstou North; Morgan,? Berlin Patrick, Silverstream;. Morgan,; Furness David, Levin: Mor-aan,-Margaret, Morgan, Kalph Vincent, Palmerston North';' Morris, • Peter Glllard, Mudge, John Stephen Frederick, Wellington; Mulr, Allan Douglas, Nelson; Mulvaney, Joyce Mary, Masterton: Murphy.. Stanley John Oldfleld; Wellington;;; Murray, Thomas Hugh Hamilton, Palmerston 'North. Nash, James Frederick, Palmerston North; Nation,' Andrew Henry, Wanganui; Needham, Harry Jerome, Wellington; Neilsen, Keith Bredahl, Patmerston North; Netlson, Laurence Campbell, Neligan. Brian William Fitzgerald, Wellington: New/ Donald Benjamin, Palmerston North; Newell, William Hare, Newlands, Susan, Newton, Gweulfer Mary, Wellington; Nichol, Clifton.James, Wanganui; Nichol, Desmond' John," Nlcholls, Margaret. Isabel, Wellington : Nicholson,- Guy Colvllle, Pabnerston North: Nicol, Walter Spencer, Masterton; Nielsen, Howard Dudley Niels, .Palmerston North; Nil-, son, William Edward, Wanganui; Norrlo, Marie Jean, Northcroft, Charlotte Annie, Wellington; Novak, Owen. Koyce, Silverstream: Nowell, Dorothy Gwynn, Masterton. O'Connor/Brendan Michael,- Wellington; O'Connor, Briget Ktnne, Nelson; Odell, Allan filoydi Wellington; O'Halloran, Eileen Ursula, Lower Hutt; O'Leary, Mary, ,Wanganui; Oliver, Robin Langford, Wellington; O'Neale, Patricia Cathleen, Featherston; Ongley, Marie, Palmerston North;' O'Reilly, Agatha Joyce, Ormerod; Charles Fray, Wanganui:, Ornberg, Peter Fredrick; Nelson; Orr, John Hamilton, Lower Hutt; Osborne; Arthur Douglas. Masterton; Osborne, Eric Jaraea, Wellington. ' Pallesen, Donald John, Palmerston North; Parker, Michael Anthony. Silverstream; Parsloe, Noel Alexander, Parsons, Arthur, Pasley, Judith, Pearce, Kennetb Garth. Wellington; Pearless, Betty Gertrude,' Nelson; Peat, ' Eric Harold, Lower Hutt; Pedersen, Dorothy Verna, Levin; Pders, Richard George, Silverstream; Pendergrast, James Gordon, Featherston; Peters, John, Wellington; Petersen, Colin Campbell, Palmerston North; Petersen. Harold William, Wellington:, Plerard, Beaumont Harold. Pafmersttfn North ; • Player, Richard, Lower Hutt; Plows, Arthur -Somervllle; George, Palmerston North; Pocock, George, Wanganui; Pope, Arthur Ernest Quenton, Lower .Hutt; forte 0"?' James Graeme, Porter, Kenneth Kussel, Potlkl, Paul Kingi, Wellington; Pratt, Enid Ann, Wanganui; Prlddle, Zoo Benning, Blenheim; Prior, Elaine Maria.* Masterton; Purvis. Kobert Foster, ■ Wellington. : ',•'„.''■ Qulnu, Kenneth Fleming, Wellington. Uadomskl Paul Ambrose, Silverstream; Rainbow, Gladys, Bankln, Nancy Pillans, Weinngto'n; Raper, John Stansell, Featherston; Rapes Gwynedd Mary Charlotte, Nelson; Rea, Stanley Vernon, WeUlngton: Redgrave, Mary Isobel, Lower Hutt; Keed, Elsie Florence, Reed, John James, Wanganui; Reed,, Kathleen Jill, Palmerston North; Revington-Jones. Elizabeth, Palmerston North •,' Reynolds, lan Brampton, Wellington;: Richardson, Richard Clements, Palmerston North; Richardson, Robert Murray. Rlddell, lan Carthew, Wellington; Riddlford, Harold Earle, Riley, Constance Lorraine, wanganul;, Ritchie, James. Robertson, Nelson; Robb ttaa Audrey, Wanganui; Roberts, David GeOTge, Roberts,. George Sidney. Roberts; Ncra Ruth, WeUington; Robinson, Audrey Loma, Nelson; Roche-Kelly,- Edward Jam,^',., s'l. Te n r: stream; Rogers, Barbara She^od. WeUington Rout, Suzanne" Vernon, Nelson; Kow, Basil Stewart. Amos, Row, Neville, Francis Amos Wellington; Rowan, Winifred, Lower Hutt, nowberrv Glftord Barton,. Wellington; Rowe, "atria Llnwood, Rowlands,- Clare Winifred, Wanganui; Rowley, Marjorie Fortescue, Wellington; Kussell, Keith Bramwell, Lower Hutt; Rust, . Alexander James, Wellington. - , • Samuel,, James Gurdon, Nelson; Sangs er, William James, Wellington; Scholefleld, Wla Margaret, Schrader, Warren Edward, WelUnßon; Schurr, Harold Hoy, Blenheim; Scott. Kenneth Roy, Wellington; Scott, Shirley Paterson, Masterton; Searle, John Newton, Wanganui; Seifert, Alison Blondel, Palmerston North; Sewell, Jean Beatrice, Wellington; Shaw, Allsa May, Palmerston North; Shaw, Diana Manby, Shaw, James Hunter, Wellington; Shearer, Brian Gilbert, Palmerston North; Sheehan, Bartholomew Patrick, Wellington; Sheppard,' Margaret Althea. Palmerston North; '■ Short, Douglas Paviour, Nelson; SlEnal'i- Ngalre, Wanganui; Slmmond3, Edward John ! Wellington;. Simmons, Ralph William Harvey Wanganui; Simon, Claudia Blargaret, Lower'Hutt; Simpson, Merle Audrey, New Plymouth; Smith, Hilary, Smith, Maurice.Garfleld. Smith. Patricia Mary, Wellington; Smth. Ross Lancaster, Palmerston North, Smith, Thvra Eunice, ; Snelling, Duncan William, Palmerston North; Southgate, Queta Carol - Palmerston North; Spackman, Charles Raymond, Wellington; Sparks, William Alwyn, Motueka; Spencer, Norman, WelUngton; Spencer, Robert Russell, Wanganui; Stacey, .George, Wellington; Stafford, John Sustins Stafford, | Veronica. Wellington; Steel, James Albert, bilverstream; Steel, James Bryant, Carterton; Stenberg, Joseph Wallace, Stevens, David Graham, Stevens, Npla, Stevenson, Kathleen Joyce, Stewart lan Duncan, Stewart, Joan Alison, Stewart! John William: Stewart, Winifred May Stllwell, Wilfred Basil, Stroobant, Raymond Edward, Stuart, Graham Bruce, Sutton, Alan Howard, Wellington; Swedlund, Bernard- tskil, Swiney, Joyce, Wellington; Symohds, Donkld, Wanganui; Symonds, Kennetb Charles, Wel'"ranner,. John Harold. Wellington; Taylor, Beryl Jean, Lower Hutt; Taylor. Ernst Samuel, Palmerston North; Taylor, Frances Fox Taylor, Frank Grenvlllo, Teaze, Lawrence William, Wellington; Tennent, Patrick Stanley, Nelson! Thompson, Mynah Joan) Thomsen, Thomas Miller, Thomson, Stewart Thomas, Thomson Thelma Marie, Thorburn, James George? Triorne Margaret' Kuth, 'WellinEton; Tilson, Eric Edgar, Palmerston North; Tinney, John Brian, Wellington; Tod, Audrey Margaret, Masterton;' Todd, Kenneth William Tolley, Alan Gray, Wellington; Tomsett. Louise Larle, Wanganui; Treen, Beryl Ellen, Levin; Trevethlck, Rena Matilda, Wellington; Treslze, May Sydney Kemp. Wellington; Tudhope, David nomlHon Wanganul; Turner, Rae, Turnpenny, VaS -JeanS. Wellington; Tye. William, WUB!her/:Nancle Hllder, Wellington. ' HeSNe^r^le^Bra^r- S •'^ad^Fio'naTnr Wellington; Waite, Gavin, lefn Palmerston North; Walker, John Plume? Nebfon; Wallace, Marie Valeric, Wallace, William Mowatt, Walls. Jack Young, Walsh, Morlce James, Wellington; Wards, lan McLean; Nelson Walters, Hugh David Charles, Watson, Alan Keith. Wellington Watson. Murray Bowler, Palmerston North; Watson, Wilfred Nash, Watts, Donald Graham Way. Cynhla Grace. Wellington; Webb, Selwyn James Smith Lower Hutt; Webber, Sydney Ronald, Weebe'r Elaine Uuth, Wellington; Weggery, Sydney: Lawrence Lowei Hutt: Welsh. Agnes Ada Were Alfred Martin, Wellington: West, nonald Winstoiie. Wanganui: Whlbley, jrank Lancelot Martyn, Paimerston North.;' Whitalier Man Doreen, Whltcombe, Athol Henry, Wlilte, Annie Elizabeth, White. Valeric Renfrew; Whlteman. ■ Alari Leonard, Wellington, Whlitaker, Gladys Mildred, I'almerston North Whittle. Greville Edwin Silverstream. Wllford, Bernard Gerslion, Wellington: Wllkens, William Frederick, Nelson ; Wlllctts, John, Wanwinul: Williams, Myra Colcuate, Williamson. Betty. Palmerston North; Willis. Judith Patience, Lower Hutt; Willis, •Robert Pitt,' Wanganui: Wilson.. Francis Eamoun. Wellington: Wilson,' John Bell, Lower Hutt; Wilson. Philip John, Blenheim; Wilson Sheila Jlooa, Wilaon. Victor John, Wlnchcom'b, James Reginald. Wellington: Wood, Geoffrey Cameron; Nelson: Wood. Russell. Palmerston North; Woods, Ngairc Alexander Nelson: Wright. Olive Margaret. Wellington. Yeatrmln John Fram-ls. Wellington: Vcomun nicimrtl Martin. Lower Hull; null, .lennnle Edwards. Nelsmi Young lanel Mary. Wanganui: Yoiing. John Henry, Wellington; Young. Nellie Lorraine, Wanganui; Vounie. Lewis Taylor, Wellington. PARTIAL PASSES. Abraham, -land I'lillson. I'almerston North; Albert, Georee Anthony, Wellington; Annabell, Milton Sprudle, Blenheim;. Arkley, George Coukburri, Wellington.

lialgeut, Cyril Henry, Nelson; Bakur,. Uou-| aid Lavender, Wellington; Balllnger, Ncal j Nlmsett, Balls, Maurice Edwin David, Lower Hutt; Barry, John Koland, Wanganui; Bcale, Patricia, Masterton; Belle, Eric Courtney, Wauganul; Bird, Eileeu Nellie, Wellington; Bowie, Trevor Kobert Stuart. Nelson; Boyce,! Harold William. Blenheim; Boyd. Walter John, Wellington; Brabender, Carlyle Arnaud, Carterton: Bray, Ralph Arnold, Palmerstou North; Breed, Doris Edith Kathleen, Wanganui; Brown, Charles Keith, Wellington; Brown, Stuart Hawkesworth, Wellington; Budd, Kathleen Elizabeth, Nelson; Burchtield, Allan Frederick, . Wanganui; Butler, Iden Alois John. Silverstream. Cameron. Alias Margaret, Wellington; Cantlan, John Cecil, Wellington; Cartmer, Alfred Isaac, Carver, Ngalre Patience, Wellington; Cato. Coral Josephine, Nelson; Chartres, lan Cameron, Lower Hutt; Cook, Bryan Manssen, Wellington ; Cooke. Vaughan St. Clair, Wangauul; Coote, Peter Chidley, Nelson; Cowie, George Wellington, Cox, Cartien Estello, Craig, Lewis Thorne, Wellington: Crcswell, Marion Jean, Levin; Crofts, Doris, Lower Hutt: Crothers, Cllve William Alexander, Wellington : Curtis, Anthony Henry, Nelson. Davison, Allan Albert, Wellington; Dixou, Beth Rayner, Masterton; Dlxon, Maxwell Wlntriugham, Masterton; Dodson, David UeiiJ Blccuynden, Nelson, Doherty, Joyce riaruii Anne, Wellington: Donnelly, Mary. Margaret Lovln; Douglas, Allan Macintosh Mackenzie. Masterton; Downes, Valda Merle, Featherston; Duffett.. Frederick lan, Blenheim; Duncalf. Douglas Phillip, Palmerston North: Duncauson, Keith (inlanders; Lower Hutt. Eagles, Ernest James, Wellington; Easion. Lochart Donald, Nelson: Edwards, Ruth Leila. Wellington; . Evans; llary Megan, Martinboroufth; Eyles. James Kobert, Pahnerston North Fauldlng, Frederick Mervyn. Nelson; Fenwick, John. Wanganui; fisher, Frederic John. Lower Hutt; Fisher, Geoffrey, Nelson; Furrie Douglas Klem, Gibson, Elmer Herbert, Wellington ; Gilbert, Shirley Evelyn,' Wanganui. Gillies, Archibald John, Lower Hutt; Gledhill Jeffrey Allan, Uoggin, John, Wellington; Green Neville, Lower Hutt; Grogan ; Maurice Patrick, Wanganui; Guy, . Maurice, Wanganui. Halcrow i Robert John. Wellington; Ualdane John,- Nelson; Hansen, James Anders, Lower Uutt; Harker Cluie Peter. Silverstream; Harley, John Cameron Kerr, Nejson'; Harris, James Dan-son, Nelson ;■ Harris, Thomas Russell, Wanganui : Hart, Henry Francis, Hartley. Dennis Wellington; Hatcher. Joan Constance, Wellington , Hay, Jack Mitchell. Lower Hutt Heine, Roland Oscar, Nelson: Henderson, Essie Helen Maxton Jean, Henderson, William Bruce, Palmerston- North; Hern, Albert Max well, Wellington; Herrick, Michael James. Wanganui; Heyder, Herbert Keith. Highet. Keith, Nelson; Hindle* Peter Brian, Wellington: Hobson, Shirley, Nelson: Hoffeins, Jack Arthur, Wellington; Hogben. Philip. Malcolm Wanganui; Holdaway, Leonie Jean Blenheim Holmes Ethel Maude Patricia, Wanganui. Hooper. Stafford Sutton Richmond, Palmerston North, Houlker, James, Nelson; Howard, James Dalston, Palmerston North: Howat, Barbara Helen, Maryborough; Hughes, Bernard Francis Anthony, Wellington; Hurley. Arthur James Cullis, Silverstream. Irvine, . Wilfred Davidson, Nelson. Jacobs, Brian Lionel, Wanganui; Jarrett, Noel Llley, Nelson: Johnson, Alice May, FeatherKebbell, Thomas Reginald Dlou, Kebbell, William Richard, = Wanganui; Kellaway, Rayner Parsons, -Wellington: Kennedy, Brian Declan Silverstream: Kerrlsk, Shirley Ann, Kershaw, Alice Ruth, Wanganui; Kershaw, John William Ripley, Nelson; Keuclte, Frank Henry, Wellington; Kllgour, Francis William, Klllalea, David Michael, Silverstream. Laws, Esmond Warwick, Lower Hutt: Leign-ton-Jones, Yvonne, Masterton; Lewis, Stuart. Nelson; Lewis, William Radcllffe, Wanganui, Long, Timothy Joseph, Lower. Hutt; Lublow. Patricia May, Blenheim. McDald John Qulntin, Macdonald, Kobert, Macfarlane, Dorothy Jean, Wellington ;• McGechle Muriel Arnott, Masterton: McGUlivray Trevor Keith, Wellington: McGimpsey. Robiiia Jessie, Masterton; Machay, lima Leith. Wancanui; Mackay, Lurline Ruth Graham, Masterton; McKay, Nancye, Wellington; Mackie, John Inglis, Wanganui; McLaren, Mary Morrison, Masterton; McLennan. Lan Alexander Macleod, Malcolm, Kenneth, Nelson; MacMillan. Lindsay Alexander, Wellington: Malan, Joan Kathleen, Manssen Nell Marrls, Wanganui; /Martin, Jack, Wellington. Mawson, Greta Mary, Metcalf. Robert Walter Wellington: Moor, Barbara Janet, Mulr, James Wilfred Palmerston North; Mulheron, Donald James, Wellington; Murphy, Bernard William Napier, • Edward Trevor, Lower Hutt; Nash, Joan Thelma, WeUlngton ;Norric, Harwood Steven, Wanganui: Nuttall, William Gordon. Oram Alick Leslie. Lower Hutt; Oram, William John, Palmerston North; Orman, Kobert John, Wellington,: Osborn, Winifred Emily, Nelson. ■ Paine Selwyn Milton, Blenheim; I'arkor. Keith Frederick, Nelson; Parsons, Peter Docton Masterton; ■'■ Paul, Marie Isabel, Petry, Leslie Mitchell, Wellington; Plther, Harold Lawson, Masterton; Pocock, Claude Richard, Wanganui; Proctor, Helen Patricia, Blenheim. ' Rae, Mervyn James, Featherston; Randall, Frederick John, Palmerston North; Kaven, Charles Henry, • Felldlng; Reed, Samuel Lancelot, Wellington;' Reridlei Arthur Edwin, Opper Hutt, Robblns, Donald Campbell, Wanganui; Rowland, Lawrence Pillan,'1 Palmerston North. Scambary, Norman James, Wellington; Scott, Mary Hodge, Motueka; Saevlll, Alan Hull, Wanganui; Slddall, Jack Raymond, Wellington: Sloan, William' Harkness, Levin; Smith, Alison Ruth, Masterton; Smith, Arnold Edward, Wellington j Staritoh, Ronald Francis, Lower Hutt; Stedman, Brian Maurice. Nelson; Stevens, Joyce Sybil, Palmerston North; Stewart, Margaret, Masterton; Symon, Stephen Arthur, Wellington. Talboys, Brian Edward, Wanganui; Taylor, Cyril Keith, Palmerston North; Taylor, Muriel Anita, Lower Hutt; Thomson, Raymond Stuart, Thornton, Geoffrey Garth, Nelson; Thornton, Jean, Mary, Tombeson, Nora Cecil, Tooby, Alan Mansfield, Masterton; Tough, John Francis, Travers, Peter John, Wellington. Upton, William Henry, Lower Hutt. Vickerman, James Robert, Motueka. Wakelin, Basil Walter, Wallace, Eric Andrew, Wellington; Wallace, James Gill, Webster, Harold Wilson, Wanganui; Whibley, Erie Frederick Martyn, Palmerston North; Whiteacre, Gloria Shirley, Wellington; Wight/ Jack Fraser, Wanuanui: Wilde, Stanley, Wilson, Christopher Gordon; Nelson; Wood, Mavis Patricia, Wellington; Wycherley, Maurice Ernest, Palmerston North.

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Evening Post, Volume CXXV, Issue 33, 9 February 1938, Page 5

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SCHOOL CERTIFICATES Evening Post, Volume CXXV, Issue 33, 9 February 1938, Page 5

SCHOOL CERTIFICATES Evening Post, Volume CXXV, Issue 33, 9 February 1938, Page 5


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