Tho fixtures and grounds for tomorrow's cricket are given below. Inquiries by telephone as to the playing or postponement of fixtures should tie made by dialling the following numbers specially provided with a new Installation for dealliiL' with requests tor Information regarding tho day's local sports fixtures:—Crlckot, 43-018; tennis and athletics. 45-018; other sports, •M-00S. Informatlou sill also bo posted on tho notice board lv tho window of the "Evening Post" front office, but cannot bo given over Telephone 41-040. which Is roserred for buslnoss calls. Inquiries should not be made before 11 a.m. . Results of events for publication In tho "Sports Post" should be given without delay by telephoning No. 41-010. WELLINGTON ASSOCIATION. Senior. Senior matches commenced last Saturday will be concluded tomorrow. Tho state of matches for resumption of play Is:— Midland 53 and 103 for six wickets v. Wolllnston 60, at Basin lteservo No. 2. Wellington College Old Boys 211 r. 'University 143 for eight wickets, at Basin Iteserve No. 1. Karorl Hi v. Kllulrule 246 for two wickets, at Kllbirnle. Institute Olil Boys 174 y. Ilutt 59 for four wickets,' at Hutt Recreation Ground. Second and Junior Grades. Second and Junior grade matches commenced last Saturday and not finished will bo concluded tomorrow. Third Grade. Onslow A v. Technical, Xairnvlllo So.- 'I; Institute v. Kllbirnle B, Kilblrnlo No. 3; I'etoue v. Hutt, Petone; University v. Onslow B, Wakoflold No. 4; Kllblrnle A v. Railways, Kllbirnle No. 8; V.M.C.A., a bye. MERCANTILE LEAGUE. A Grid*. Gasco v. Amalgamated Bricks, Newtown No. 7, Mr. F. Ryau. Woolworths v. Customs Agents, Kllblrnle No. 5, Messrs. B. J. Carswell and S. Smith. Celtic T. Prestige, Athletic No. 2, Mr. F. W. Mitchell. Taxes Department v. Working Men's Club, Kelburn No. S, Mr. O. E. Dormer. Taubmans v. Hannahs, Athletic No. 1, F. Barber. . ' B Grade. Telephone Exchange v. Sargoods, Karorl No. 3, Mr. G. Flint; Justico Department v. Jasco, Karorl No. 4, Mr. W. F. Clark; Ntven-Clarke T. Smith and Smith, Newtown No. 1, Mr. S.Hartshorne; Greys v. Harbour Board, Newtown No. 2, Mr. It. J. Paton; U.L.M. v. Pastimes, Wakolleld No. T, Mr. G. Huss. C Cr»d». Tramways v. Bonds, Karorl No. 2, Mr. P. Yate3'; Milk Department v. Labour-Tourist, Karori No. 1, Mr. F. V. Sanderson; Ferguson and Osborn v. Audit, Newtown No. 3, Mr. J. May; Seatoun v. Advances, Athletic No. 3, Mr. W. N. Broadlcy; Bcrhamporo v, Ross and Glondiulng, Karorl No. 5, Mr. C. Brown. D Grade. General Motors v. Atlantic Union, Wakcfleld No. 8, Mr. C. F. Jones; Labour Bureau v. Excelsior, Nairnvlllo No. 5, Mr. P. Key; Central v. Star Stores, Kllblrnle No. T, Messrs. A. J. Wilson and N. T. Devonport; A.O.T.N. V. Insflroncc, Anderson No, 4, Mr. K. Brooks; Sliipliing v. Wright, Stepheuson, Newtown No. 4, Mr. C. V. Beeve. ..... E Grsde. Woollen' Co. v. Burch and Co., Anderson No. 5, Mr. E. W. Smelt; Self Help v. Printing, Wnkettcld No. 6, Mr. Q. Eramlns; National Bank v. Lauds and Survey, Athletic No. 4, Mr. 1). Oalclnat; Taxes Department v. Shipping, Nalrnville No. 4, Mr. K. Williams; Customs Department v. Roversf Kilulruio No. 9, Mr. J. Cunninguame. F Grads. Mooro Wilsoa f. Gordon and Gotcli, Wakefield No. 5, Mr. J. W. Skellcy; Printing v. Harbour Board, Newtown No. 6, Mr. J. McGUUvray; Duthies v. Insurance, Anderson No. 6, Mr. B. Riggs; Gasco v. Taubmans, Newtown No. 5, Mr. G. Harris; McKenzles v. Taxes Department, Wake&eld No. 9, Mr. H. Hassell. ■'■.; Special Grade. City Council «v. Colonial Carrying, Lyall Bay No. 1, Mr. J. Koene; H.M.V. v. Thompson Bros., Lyall Bay No. 3, Mr. P. Morganti; Makower Mcßeath v. Dijminlon Motors, Lyall Bay No. 2, Mr. H. Yeoman. . , HUTT VALLEY ASSOCIATION. A Grade. Eastbourne v. Gear United, Butt Recreation No. 3, Mr. Dougan. Empire v. Meadows, Naenae Keserve No. 3, Mr. Nellson. Trafalgar I'ark v. Bell Park, Bell Park, Mr. Claridge. General Motors v. Todd Motors, North Park No. 1, Mr. Winnie. . . .. ■ • B Grads. Woollen Mills v. Metters United, North Park No. 3; Ford Motors v. N.Z. Slippers, Walwhetu School; Talta v. Hibernians, Naenae Reserve No. 1; Central v. ' Trafalgar Park, Trafalgar Park No. 1. C Grade. General Motors v. Gear United, North Park Xo. 2; V.M.C.A. v. Epuni; Nacnto Reserve No. 2; M.U. Oddfellows v. Btowart Prams, McEwan Park No. 1; Gracefleld v. Talta, McEwan Park No. 2. D Grade. Trafalgar Park v. Lever Bros., Trafalgar Park No. 2: N.Z. Motor Bodies v. Eastbourne, Eastbourne; Odllns v. Todd Motors, Hutt Park No. 1; Central v. Mottera United, Petone Recreation No, 3. E Grade. Ford Motors v. Taita, Hutt Park No. 3; N.Z. Motor Bodies v. Hibernians, McEwan: Park No. 3; Trafalgar Park v. Woollen Mills Hutt Park No. 2. WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION. Senior. T.W.C.A. t. Tech. 0.G., Prince of Wales No. 2, Messrs C. G. Wilson and J. H. Poulter. Wellington v. Kllbirnie, Prince of Wales No. l, Messrs. T. Tidman and F. Sampson. College 0.G., a bye. . Intermediate. Hutt t. Trinity, Rolleston St. No. 2, Messrs. T. Miller and F. J. Hatcher; Y.W.C.A. t Technical, Hollestbn' St. No. I,' Messrs. A. Rogers and W. R. Cookc. . Junior. , . . College 6.G. v. Hannahs, Tancra Crescent, Messrs. W. R. Looner and Henwood; Lever Bros. v. Altkens, Emerson St., Mr. G. S; Chisholm:, Tech. O.G. v. Y.W.C.A., Nairn St., Messrs. W. J. Terry and Reid; KilblrnKi, a BOYS' ASSOCIATION. ' Boys' Institute (C.Q.) v. Stop Out, Prince of Wales Park No. 1, 8.30 a.m., umpires Messrs. F. Rogers and E. Moore; Boys' Institute (S.M.) V. Boys' Institute (N.), Basin Reserve No. 1, 8.30 a.m., Messrs. R.-McLean and M. Lennon; Boys' Institute (T.A.) v. Boys' Institute (H.), .Basin Reserve No. 2, Messrs.. B. A. Mabln and J. Webb; Boys' Institute (M.) v. Boys' Instlrutq (E.S.), Basin Reserve No. 3, 8.30 a.m., Messrs; A. Jones end E. McPherson. The matches will bo played at tho Basin Reesrve and Prince of Wales Park. Practice for tho match ngalnst the Levin High School will. be held In the nets every afternoon this week, and the team will be selected from tho players selected for practice. TEAMS. Wellington Association. Onslow.— Third A: McCarroll, Brown, Taylor, Quln, McKay, Hooper, Haigh, Paine, Jenson, Mantaim, McHugh. Third B: Levestam, Garty (2), McHugh, Richardson (2), Okeby, Thompson, Stockdale, Hoult, Armstrong, McArthy. Unlver»ity.—Aikman, Bray, Evans. Greaney, .lohnstone. Murphy, Hall. Jourdaln, Klrkby (2), Watt. Y.W.C.A.—Senior: Tasker, Whltelaw, Hardle, Nash, Williams, Gallon, Page', 'Tyrer, Dlack, Robertson, Butler. Intermediate: Cooke, Purdey, Simes, McGlinchy, Yates, Byrne, Morganti (2), Austin, Pctersen, Wallace. Junior: McGlinchy (2), Kennedy, Pascoe, Murdock, Smith, Aylett, Nicholas, Pago, Anderson-, Partlngton,: Tomkies. Kirbirnle.—Senior: Ashenden, Bennett, Dumblelon (2), Gard, Hodgson, Hudson, Lomax, Saunders, Shell, Stevens; emergency, Jorgensen. Hutt.—Third grade: Wlnslado, Walsh, Hudson, Hunt, Martin, Hyder, Treseder, Foster, Cook. Lusty,. Faber. lienefleld. Kllbirnle.—Third grade, "A": Kemp, Annear, Cameron, Christopherson, Hawker, Johnson, Mo.vat, Peteraen, Taylor, Tucker, Ward. "B":. Dunn, Goldstein. Hendry, Loughnan, Morgan, McKenzie, Robinson, Smithson, Stott, Thomson, Tibbetts. V.M.C.A.—Junior B: Steptoe, Ball, Llnklater, Wrigley, Shntteck, liarles, McLean, Jimmett, Wallburlon, Andrews. Coventry. Third: Brady. Blanchard, Andrews, Ashworth, Morris, T.arrlDKton, Smith, Edwards, Racers. Waller, Sund. Technical (Stop Out).—Third grade: Brigden; Greatbatch, Smith, Kltto, Ed%fards, Davios, Winter, Green, Baxter, Ilanken, Burns. Ward, Ward, J. Moore. " 'Mercantile Ls'afue'. Burch.—Brailey, Condon, Green, Keegan, Kraft, Martin, Newson, Nicholls, Warwick, Williamson, Wylle, Brown. Central. —Barnett, Bowman. Cooper, Dandy, Glen-Jones, Johnson, Lucas, Martin, Lloyd, Morris, Mowatt; reserve, Newton. Colonial Carrying Co.—Burns, Henderson, Dick, Montgomery, Hill, Stevenson, Spencer, Dalgllesh, Crlchton, Blandford, Jane. Rovers.—Walter, Cole, Cole, Isaacs, Morrison, Burke, Cnyless, Looner, Woods, Weaver, Bloomfield: emergencies, Wilson and Oliver. Seatoun.—Burch, Day (2), Dykes, Harknes?. Jones, Keir,; Kelly, Kltto, Maklnson, Tucker. Gas Co.—A toam: Church, Rdd, Barr, Meade, .Melville, Hardy. Jones, Rißby, Marshall, Cooke, McGregor, Hawthorn. B team: Wareliam, Hearno, Walker (2). Alexander, Campbell, Banks, Harris, Trueman, Chapman, OHvor, Currle, Olavln. City Council.—Sullivan, Ferguson, Capes, Lambert, Wallls, Greeks, Edwards, Wildermouth, . Lawrence, Turley, Armltage, Ross (emergency). Berhampore.—Canham, Hlckling (2), Collins, Bell, Lather, Minors, Williams, Hooper, Miscall, 'Carter; Still. > Miller. ; Working Men's Club.—Roscoe, Smith, Carey, Davis, . Randall, Davles, Matson, McGlrr, Folcy, Andrews, Essen, Davies. firty Cubs,—Marshall, Johnstoß, BUJ, Webb,,
Ferry, Hunt, Thompson, Dean, loughnane, Jepnson, Moylan, Thorburn. Jateo.—Donovan, Kllby, Windsor, Ersklne, Xoot, Clarke, O. Smith, H. D. Smith, Cleverley, O'Malley, White; emergency, Lawton. Hutt Valley Auoclitlon. T«IU.—B . grade: Scarlo, McLeod, Natusch, Moore, Lambie, McNabb, Culllmorc, Spencer, Mcyrlck, Brewer, Hawten, Ward <12th man). C grade: Ireland, Pllcher, Wright, McNabb, Bean, Weatlury, Stevenson, Oliver, Cooper, Woolley, Kemp, Hollis (12th man); E grade: Alsop, Pudney, Weir, Pllcher, Swain, Hudson, Blake, Little, Gorrle, Johnson, McArthur, Ferrettl (12th man). Stewsrt Pramt.—Mulr. Rayner, Martin, Blandford, Watts, Norman, Wakely, Slggiekow, Uobba, | Glastonbury, Clarke, Campbell (twelfth man). Gentrtl Motors.—A team: Fox, Cbudlelgh, Wallls, McMahon, Atkinson, Bowman, Anton, McNaught, Nauklvell, Simpson, Allon, Scott, C team: Asher, Chrlstenscn, Boyland, Byrne, Hewitt, Green, Hlnton, Eylcs, Flaab, Richmond, Bcddle, Verrall, Skllton, Paul, Beban. Empire.—May, Waters, Wilson, Harvey, White, Sherlock, Bryant, Phllp, Mitchell, Jones, Smith, Henderson. | ■ Meadows.—Dunn, Greer, O'nalloran, Dudley, Green, Johnson, Brown, Jones, Armstrong, Fairbrother. Central.—B team: Sweeney, Foreman, Jarvle, King, Ini?ham, Taylor, Hartley, Dcnzll, Ingham, Browne,' Wilson (2), Chesncy, Foster. D team: Wilson, Bryant, Butler, Mailman, Payne, Jeffrey, Richardson, McLe'od, Float, Collins, Naysmlth, Everson, Doran, Cutbaurn*.—A grade: Roberts, Foley, Bra>Jburn, Berry, Goodenough, Johns, Crisp, McLaren, Andrews, Robertson, Percy. D grade: Lowe, Phillips, Shsdwell, O'Gorman, Girdlestone, McAuley, Hill, Isherwood, Smith, Lawton, Carter, Spence (12th man). Hikarnian.—B grade: Laracy (3), Coman, Dennis, Crook, Burke, Anderson, Summers, Clirlstleson, McGurk, Gllllgan." E grade: August, Prendergast, Hepburn, Glbbs, Corbishly, Ryan, Younjr, Henderson, McGurk, O'Sulilvan, O'Brien, Kelly. V.M.C.A.—Edwards, Bates, pallenger, Wolls, Whltcher,. Bold, Pognon, Townsend, Havard, Simmons, Delaney, Whitcher (12th man). Trtfilosr Park.—A grade: Lapworth, Barnes, Clunle, Jones (2), i.Matthews, Wright, nicks, Drylle, Claridge, Thorn, Elliott. B grade: Scott, Lowe (1), Ryan, Jones,. Bayllss, Duncan. Posselt, Howie, Burt, McLaggan, Gyde. D grade: Ward, Burt, Holdcroft, ITansen, Crundwell, Nelson, Anderson, Douglas, Cocknead, Dunn, Clark,' Malln. E grade: Gardner, Andrews, Malln, Cohen, Anderson, Nelson, Mailman, Logic, Norrlsli, Brown, Martin, Toung. . Women's Association. i Hutt—lntermediate:.Williams, Slssons. Gwllliam (2), Brown, Calder, Hoare, Dlas, Slssona, Williams, .Woodrow. Collets 014 Girl*.—Junior: Fames, Rogerson, Oiley, Hill, Hedger, Andrew, Murdoch, Cheyne, Morris; Baker, Baker; twelfth man, I Gamby. ___^.^__^___^__
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Evening Post, Volume CXXIV, Issue 128, 26 November 1937, Page 18
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1,675CRICKET Evening Post, Volume CXXIV, Issue 128, 26 November 1937, Page 18
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