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EninnE^jj T° ■**«■■ p bosisto-s p. V<nil.L/« /* L IT> 1* *"• "Parrot Brand" ti^ no morls nursing baby on ■A**iAliUiiil«ltiM^aa»laaSM l^ltdTrlldl 1/68.11165S |- EUCALYPTUS OIL El* YOUR MOTOR TRIPS. Free Booklpt trom King* ft Perrett'* _ _- # 44-H ,■- j;tt oro *,t f+H- .^ and Head Noises. I ««^£rg§ ■B^ifc^ifa, g^g^g^^L^g^g^g^L^i^g^^g^g^aH • ■ ' ■ 39| distilled mnd bottled KJMILT?'■%&'' g^^H PMHIHI WM gPLsVaf If you have .catarrhal deafness or jfK m haphazard fashion, X iWHSC^v^n JBKSSiiSI !;:! 'ES'HHf; -ii; I tBBJBBB^AI \ |Ps?^; fmr\ moves them while you from ths distressinr head noises. , t hea | tn service to \Jr I// if I IF-' *? -•- Bleep. Your friends will Clogged nostrils should open, breath- ~. , kumm«' BOS "-1: 'W* WS 1 / IJ A...*' '\ wonSer how you did it. ing become easy and the mucus stop ;;;; human being.. 805- ;- S /Xijf/ >F -/ VIWFk/ Leaves the skin n/ dropping into the throat. It is easy .... ISTO S OIL IS da- . .;, *Wf'j^™mmim%L^r -* .n i<r yNHMmw/ «oft and smooth At- to prepare, costs little, and is pleasant ■•■« finitely different. -••■ v f— « SmmFMy —the complexion . to take. Anyone who ha« catarrhal ,„.; ]; | ; WL # fresh and clear, a »«" deafness or head noises should give .n . - ]'4 per DOttle. v-s2fc*' f,„ BooWei on r«juei( tnis prescription a trial. Get Parmint r; ; r ; ; ;; HALL'S BOTANIC DISPENSARY from your chemist to-day. g.. ■■■■■. tn^g^gfnXf'H Hf ■"' Now you can go motoring with the as- DapeaitorV Jor N. Z. 11'll 111 rrtttißrtff '-'.'.l"'. Xl'. »ur«nce th«t baby m aaf* and eomlott- ■• r'litiTaTrHrrßril , . 11 t'U lif IT H'H'rWFfTTT' •'■•«•»■■] abl* whan you h«v« a 11" Armagh o».. v.ruiioi^nunv'n """""" Miitm t niniiiii i ua l#im (AETI STILLMAN'S FRECKLE CREAM . $eat • ' /"';7:. ' This comfy Kidi-Safti Scat hooka on to back of motor car seat and ensures _ - ; . and baby can see out and about. »Tj HI O |J'(iJ'©(W JU Ut IClfW'UC't*' OUIHt'l/IWrf Can bi used in th» house also. Simply WSmJr JIL Jt^ ■ . hang over the back of easy chair or settee, and the youngster will b» per- . ——-^^ "iri" to manage your Farm., . Sold by Everyone has heard of instances P"^'?|'^^'^!^^Tyjngß| ...... -ii—ma- naa where a ence flourishing farm m\i. .iI..—i -Imr' , v 1 . fIUN niITHIF Si Rfl has quickly deteriorated after the l^1 I uunn uuiniL vx uu. deßt i, of 7 the foundeP for t he |P^ w^ \ LTD. , want of proper care and atten- Ba^i,^,^^ " '■ willis street, Wellington.; ' tion. Vtry ofterithe burden of I 7.Z.^fj2^rj;-**''"'"^H|BH Vv "t^T #a i . • i to give the estate the attention I "' ""..-.. liiiißctL rnOne yOUr.VVanriia j it needs. It is better, it is kinder, Ljj^* ' ATT^^i 10: IH6 I® ' such as the GuaMian Trust, who HBHBIIy^^^ """ •_^^ 7^^ f*: will take over the entire Vespons- BaOaHHHaßaiaßllß<B*y»a»aia™ PQQ^^ |o>] - ibility for the successful administration of the estate. . . ~ KlTifl^w^V^^ a cue ' n Peint| * ' lr*e sheeP farm formed the principal asset in an «>tite In ; TELEPHONE f/S B^-^ll ! which we were appointed trustee. At the time, it w»s carrying I.OSO ewes, A A f%A{i Vl ' 1,750 lioggets and 320 cattle, prices were at their lowest ebb, and the estate ■"'i ****"V"rU Mk^J was encumbered with heavy liabilities. Practically the only source of incomt —^! **' ' for the dependents was from this property. The Guardian Trust, however, t made an Immediate advance In cash to the widow to cover her household and living expenses, and detailed its Farm Supervisor to rehabilitate the estate and restore It to a paying basis. By adopting scientific methods in pasture improvement and careful supervision, the carrying capacity has been Increased to -4,750 ewes, 1,100 hoggets and 330 cattle, besides turning off 2,000 fat lambi annually as well as store sheep. It is significant that although wool prices. [ showed a substantial increase, the farm would, still have made a profit under- - . our management even If the lowest market prices were still operating. matter, how baa your pain u--uaciean GUARDS A GUIDES * Brand Stomach Powder will almost tgr. certainly ease it. away—and its cause as There are many other advantages to be gained by appointing the Guardian fh.■«' .o * '\t, m uv«, *;„,«. m..,-™... Trust your executor and trustee. The manager of our nearest office, whose ■■ii^tfSW^rJt^K fcTS* .dviceisavailabl.withoutobllg.tion.willgl.dlydi.cussthlswithyou. ; suffered from gastric trouble. He bad all sir George EUiot his teeth out, but got no relief. He tried M r , y, j. Lamer one. cheap remedy ajter another, but the Mr, K. B. Myen • • trouble remained. Mr. E. R. N. Rusiel ■ T'liaa j Head his own words: — Mr. P H Upton JL 11C ■Wa^^«t tti'Sidi^t.^ liffi =■ ilson r^TTAIDinTAISJ 1 M.n.^K_P.w^ <jUAKJUIAI>) iJKUoI ■ Iwat^wfflfu^ the Pain faded Bar* of k.z. chamber.. AND EXECUTORS COMPANY -OF NEW ZEALAND LTD. . 'thpußands Bof8 of the^uick* la'stin^relieMrpm Ediar WyUe"! W'n. Manager, . VmKttnHibSHeUAetifPm>liimnt,in3t stomach pain that comes after taking n ' ~ . aaw /i™ «m ,w>«.^;«»»«« r. ...v^ MACLEAN BRAND Stomach Powder. o«c«« N. Pi^ QTSII£SSfSS^^sSIS3^tSSS^ ' . Why not try this famous remedy for your m «1* m/d Amu umUr administration t xo<d £ 13,000,000. itomach trouble? But make sure you see tf^Ct a. nornin^n. O«r £z,»oofloo m* hriuu tan**» the signature "ALEX. C. MACLEAN" throughout th« Domimen. on the bottle. Never sold loose. Sold only ■ \ , »»•*■»* in bottles in cartons. New Zealand Dii- aaaiaa»^»Ma»aaaiiaMaa«iaaia^aaaMM^aSaaaaiaa^t»gSßsSaiaSsS»»aSa^^ .^tributors: Jollands, Ltd., Wellington. • . . -■ ■— - ~ , g^Hll *JiJ|^H9HHßH|^| n Pint's remarkably easy terms you can afford one of these famous sets. Pilot leaves s|»i|MMMB|WHK--J ' nothing to be desired in power, performance and modern design—every set is covered by aaaaaaaaa^B^K'^rJl3aiffitiatl'y3 B months' Written Guarantee on bath set and valves, and sold with free aerial equipment. gflgifl- Pw l^g^fcV^iaaM *■ an^ ins P ect t^>e W^e ran 8e °^ P^ Radios to-morrow, at 'phone 43-790 for immediate m^1 ' t BBBBBBBBbV a^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM aY aBBBBBBO^BBBI^BMBB^B^B^B^BBBB^BBBB^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^ PILOT MODEL 41 DEPOSIT Ity *\7L > M / ■■■ 'WM M liW^S (Illuslrtted abort.) Equipped with all the latast 1937 ieaturaa, TfT*V»'" r Hgß^H i'S»2B»f H'Hgfl flitH including illuninatad "Compaaa" Dial, Automatic Volume Coa< fl* P^^H ' jPH« * M'jgKSa&BBBBBBBD trol, Tone Control, and vitally trua Dynamic Speaker. GiuAu* E/ a^aapaaai -^gff^aig«ap- Eigligfß ' m -IK-f'SMgiiiiiiiV^^geV rralia and New Zealand. ' . ' < jS^gH /^ K\g#:H Sigf^gflgVg^a^B 3/9 Weekly. IS/I Monthly. Ct,h Price £12/17/6. . ' Ha^B. lal!^ K^Hmil^H W^ *Siiit^lSW^ KflgSlßgflv^"^ Bfi^B^B^B^H^B^B^Ba^B^BKa^B^B^BHgVaV^B^B^gsißw ■^gflg^g^g4g^g^gfl^Bg^g^gflQ3^g^B^ag^^p9TW^7^Mg^g^g^g^g^gMa^B^B^B^B^gel fl B^aßß^B^B^B^B^B^aflg)))))Sß^B^BflSßßwßVrjß^B^gei9Bß g^g^^g^g^^Hg^g^g^Hgg^g7^Hr*/^~^v^xg^g^g^g^Hg^g^g^g^gl U DEPOSIT 30/- - AERIAL EQUIPMENT tms r-«iv. Aii-wav*, ahm.hi Tuba r.«i>»» /gSsa^gt^gt^gt^gt^gt^gt^gtflg^g^g^g^g^g^g^Hß^g^g^g^gt^g^g^g^gV (illuslrttrd mbore) cpmea to you fitted with the >*>s|)^g^Hg^g^g^g^g^g^D^g^gK| l^g^g^Hl^g^g^H ' latest icUntiSc achievements ... three-band selcc nil **^m aiae aah bm a mO% tive lighting Compass Dial, full Automatic Voluma PILOT MODEL 43 Control, lull Variable Tone Control, Push-pull. ' nEBAeiT in > Dual-ratio Tuning, Extension Speaktr Plug and UCrOSI I 131" • Gramophone Pick-up Jack, Sin. Hi-FideUty, vitally ■• .... .jt,. i i. \ tl- • .i_ i > j true Dynamic Speaker, Cathode Ray Toning Beacon, w**mr (Illustrated bottom left.) This is the lowest-priceri . Bd no ' llMd ;„ ; cthi ' Btt in v hicii muft craJtsmen PILOT MAnil 40^ DEPOSIT £1 high-quality Short Wave and Broadcast Receiver have combined perfect workmanship and beauty. full *, tru.y jver offered Equipped with all the latest 1937 Wrtty I/.-. M^ty 33/.. Crt he. C 29/1,/* represents the outstanding progress in every detail o( tha world-famous Pilot features, including illuminated Compass Dial, Radio Corps. It ii « 3 lovely in its '^j'^ S^ea^™. Automatic Volume Control, Tone Control, and gß**K^!|9iSPßHgflH^g«iß p"k.up° V«M«tt« vaXr'conneS^eave'nothingV be desirei in thi.^o.t WeMy 4/f j, Monthly 19/: Cash Price £15/18/6. B^^^S^Hgm * exclusive model. t/3 Weekly. 2«/- Monthly. s t22/i}/- c«j/». ' ' g^K S^gMjSKjH^Hp* , 'H^HHH«^^^HHHPHp|H^H|^^^^^^^^B Thig beautiful console model (Illustrated bottom' «a3gi^^^^aßl^aP^' '^a^H * HS^MBMn^^flßfl^HMMßn^^H^HH # ceiver. Features: Three-band aelective lighting "»v Jis^H gHJl^lig^g^g^gjHglg^g^g^g^gl^^^^i^^Sl^gagJgMg^Hl Compass Dial, full Automatic Volume Control, full J^^Biayg^^^^KU^^^^^H ' gHT'^^g^gaHgl»^gHgHJHp^^^*^^Hg^g^g^gflg| Variable Tone Control, Puah-pull Dual-ratio Tun- < ,■■ gßlk\' gssssfßaß^BHaß^^^aaA^r^^Bisssssssssssssssi 'nß> Extension Speaker Plug and Gramophone HKSSj^^^^B^.^ <4^g<^B aß^feT^ggßMßggis^^^^aslltr^f jffgisssssssH Pick-up Jack, 12 in. Hi-Fidelity vitally true Dyna- KSVMga^^ggisss^ H^^Ljjjj^^HH^K|m||^M^>^^^^^^H mie Speaker, Cathode Ray Tuning Beacon, and ggMßggWa^ggß^" .r^^gsiisssss! Hn|gy^HH^H^Ha|^|^aK^S|[^^^^^^^B housed in a cabinet in which master craftsmen have BlgfflgHß^gflL.lljg^g^H combined perfect workmanship and beauty. f^^^H^Hg^^^HSs|^^^^l Weekly 10/3. Monthly 45A. Cash Price *37/10/. Wt Maissi^^r^^F^^^^^^^^ggr^^ggsi^^^^ggsssssßaßß^g^g^^gg^^^^i^^^^W afaW'fiSail^ais^gi^ggsr^^^^ggssssssi M^^^^^^^^^^^^^A^J^^^^^^jKKfJKfitt^^^^^^^^^^^Om g^ggiiß»BHss(^nggsssssssSggssssssH IKJIpW '^^^"igiiHllaissss^BggsssF I . 1 292 LAMBTON QUAY, WELLINGTON. ' '

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Bibliographic details

Evening Post, Volume CXXIV, Issue 120, 17 November 1937, Page 23

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Page 23 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CXXIV, Issue 120, 17 November 1937, Page 23

Page 23 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CXXIV, Issue 120, 17 November 1937, Page 23


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