SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6. 2YA.—The New Zealand Cup. Allan Loveday (boy violinist). 2YC.-1 IYA.—Anna and Hal McLennan (soprano- wad flautist). 3YA.—Brbtyning Mummery (Australian tenor). , - , 4YA.—Dunedia Burn* Club. 2YA; WELLINGTON (570 kc). 50: Children's hour, conducted by Uncle Jasper, 6.0: Recorded description of the New Zealand Cup. Albert,Ketelbey's Concert Orchestra, "Chal Romano" Gipsy Overture,. National Symphony Orchestra, Bolero in D Major. Yehudi Menuhin (vi,ojin), Allegro. Salon' Orchestra, "Chanson Bohemia." Berlin State I Opera Hquse Orchestra, Slavonic Dances, Nos. 8 and 16. 6 25: ■ Dinieu Orchestra, "Hora Sta- , cato," Cedric Sharpe- Sextet, Inter--1 mezzo. Novelty Orchestra, "Passion ' Rose" ' '
6.37: Orchestra Mascotte with Dajos , Bela, "The Faithful Hussar." De Groot i (violin) and Terence Casey (organ), ' "Cavatina." Sandor Joszi Orchestra, 1 "An Eastern Wedding." 6.47: Royal Opera House Orchestra, 1 Stockholm, "In a Country Lane." Frank Westflgjd's Orchestra, "Lilac Time" Selection- Patricia Rossborough (piano), "Rose Marie" Selection. 7.0: News, and reports. 7.30: Time signals. 8.0: 2YA Concert Orchestra, "The i Bird-Seller" Overture (Bauckner). 88: Napier Male Quartet (vocal), i "Evening" (Parks); "Mammy's Little ' Coal-Black Coon" (Bellam). 8.14: Allan Loveday (boy violinist),, , '"Moto Perpetuo" (Paganini, Wilhelmj); ."'Notturno' 1 (Chopin, Wilhelmj); Rondo I (Mozart. Kreisler). 8.29: Mr. R. G. Stevenson (tenor), I "The , Rose of Tralee," "The Blue 1 Dragoons " 8 35: Eric Williams (trombone solos) with orchestra, "Bless This House" CBrahe);1 "Firefly" (Moss); "La Donna Mobile" <Verdi) .- -8.45: Napiec Male Quartet (vocal), "A Summer Lullaby," "A New Medley." 8.51: The Orchestra, "Roberta" Selection (Kern). ' 9.0: Weather. Station noticrs. 9.5: Dance programme. 10.0 c Sports summary. 10.10 to 11.15: Dance programme. " 2YC, -WELLINGTON (340 kc), 5.0: Light music ' 7.0: After-dinner music. 8.0: Concerted vocal items with instrumental interludes. ; ' 9.0: Music and humour. 10.0 to, 10.30: Variety. 2YD, 'WELLINGTON (990 kc). 7 p.m.: "The"'Suggestion Box." 8 30: "Dance Time." 8 40: A Trailer. 9.20 to 10: "Soft Lights and Sweet j Music." j- ;.IYA:AUCRLAND (650 kc). 8.0: The Studio Orchestra, "Chanson ideNuit" (Elgar), "War Dance" (Berge). 8.8: Anna and Hal McLennan (soprano 'and flautist). Anna McLennan, "Where j the Bee Sucks," "Star Vicino," "Five ■ Eyes." Hal McLennan, Miniature Cpn;certb ; (Chaminade). Anna McLennan, ; with flute obbligato, Scena from "Lucia ';di Lammermoor" (Donizetti). 8.23: !i The Studio Orchestra, "Legende Basque" (Maquarre). 8.27: Aileen Warren (piano), fTristegse," "Danse Creole" i".(Chaminade); "Nocturne" (McFadyen); 1 Prelude in E Minor (Mendelssohn). "8.39: The Orpheus Male Quartet, "Song of the Jolly Roger," "The Two Roses, i;" Down in Yon .Summer Vale," "The • Way i You Look Tonight." 8.51: The ; ! Studio . Orctiestra, ; "Keltic" Suite (Foulds), -9.5: Charles Ancliffe.and his i Orchestra, "Thrills" Waltz. New MayI fair Orchestra, "See Me Dance the ! Polka," "The Valeta." Billy Cotton !;and ■ his .Bandi "Round the Marble Arch." 9.18: Florrie Forde , (vocal). !:9.24: -■■ Alfredo;Campoli.and.his .Old-time : Waltz Orchestra, "Destiny" Waltz. Regal-Old-time Dance Orchestra,I "Little Toy Soldier" Scottische; "Barn Dance/; Dick Robertson and.his Or- ! cnestra, "TKe . W»ltz You' Saved .for Me.- 9.57:. Gerald Adams:, and the Variety Sirigersr "After the1 .. Ball Js ■ Over," "Two Little Girls'in Blue."i The Ballroom Orchestra,. "Finckra-Lincke," "The Costume Ball" . Medley ~ Valse Cdtillifin.: lp.0: Sports summary. 10.10: Joe Green and his Novelty Orchestra, "Moonli6ht": Waltz. The Ballroom Dance Orchestra, "Paul Jones." DougSwallow and his Band, "Boston TwoStep." 10.22: Gracie Fields (comedienne), "They All Fall in Love But Me," '"The Mocking Bird Went Cuckqo.", Regal Old-time Dance Orchestra; ''Maxma," -; "La Rinka." Ray Noble aftd his; New Mayfair Orchestra, "Dick Turpin's Ride to York One-step. 10.40: Fred and Harry '/comedians), "When the Rich Man Drives By." Fred Douglas and Male Chorus, "I'm Twentyone Today.". 10.405 The Ballroom Orchestra, "The Bat" Quadrilles. 11.0: The Hill Billies, "Lily Lucy Lane," "When the'Curtairis of Night Are Pinned Back by the.Stars." ..31.6: Harry Leader and his Band; "Blaze Away" Military Two-, step, pid-tirhe 'Waltz Band, "Waltz of the Stdhs:" ''Git D*ch and his Synccpators, -^Dance of the Honeybees.!1 11.6: The Plantation Melody Makers, "Darkieland Ditties." 11.22 to 11.30: London Novelty Orchestra, "Happy . Darkies" Barn Dance. Frank Westfield's Orchestra, "Neapolitan Nights" Waltz. 3YA, CHRISTCHURCH C 720 kc.).
6.0: Ilj* Liyschakoff Orchestra, "Melo,dies of Mexico." Hermann yon Stachow, prches.tra, "Extase." . Hans Bottermund. ('cello), "Serenade." Sandor ■ Joszi' Orchestra, "March of the MariohI ette." Serge Krish Instrumental Septet, "The Canary." 6.19: Ilja Livschakoff Dance Orchestra, "There Comes the Guard." Dorothy Alwynne (vio- ; lin), "Scottish Airs" Selection. Ilja jLivschakoff Dance Orchestra, "The (Lime Tree of Potsdam." 6.33: Fred (Hartley's Quintet, "Marigold,". >Marek , Weber Orchestra, '.'From Meyerbeer's ■Treasure House." Fred Hartley's.Quintet, "Musette." 6.48-.: Marcel, .Palotti (organ), "Give Me Your Jfeart ToNight." Polydor String' Orchestra, "Neptune" March. Georg Kulenkampft (violin), Dance in A Major, No., 7, Pavilion Lescaut.- Orchestra, "I Drive Out in My Little Limousins" Marcel Palotti (organ), "Love'j Wonder" Waltz > Fantasy. 7.0: News^and; reports. 8.0: Polydor. §tri»g Orchestra,, "Neptune'! March; (Itfory). 8.5:' "Westward Ho!'r Episode-20/: '■ 848: Peter Dawson (bass-baritone;-with--chorus), "Britain's Heri; . tage.'.'.■■'•'. 8;27:'-Alfredo Campoli Concert . Orchestra, "With'the'Classics." ■ 8.36; Sopratio witb Orchestra,' "One: Night of Love'lMemorles" (Pestalpzia), 8.46:Bransby' Williun*' (monologue), "The Town;>Cner."-J '<■■. B.s2:. Sydney: Gustard (organ)v "Irisrt Medlej.". 9.5: Browning Muroinery^ tenor with - 3YA ; Orches-f tra); 'TCashmiri .Love.: Song" (Finden) J "AttheMid Hourof Night" (Ivemy)j "When ... You're Away'" (Herbert) ;"I'Amour ~ Tbujour" ; (Friihl). 9.20) : Harry/'-.-.Bobbins--, (xylophone), "Kitten jon the Keys", (Cpnfrey)- "Twelfth ■Street: Rag'1. (Bowman). 9.26: George Titchener (comedian), "Let's Have a (Song , About Rhubarb." ; 9.32:. Tony 'Lowry (piano),. "Rose' Marie" Selecj tion,-(Friml). .0.38: .Gladys Moncriefl (soprano),-"Coipe Back-to Me," "Were You Just, Pretending?" 9.45: George Titchener (comedian), "What a Pal." 9.52: New Mayfair Orchestra, "Medley of James gate's Songs" (Tate). 10.0: Sports summary.. 10.15 to 11.15: Dance music;- ■ ■•■- .'. '- .4YA, ■ DUNEDIN (790. kc.) ~ ■ 8.0:' Dunedin Burns Club, a Hallowe'en entertainment of: song, story, dancing, and piping. Scene 1: In the Harveit Field. - Scene II: At the Hall. 10.0: Sports Bummary. 10.10 to 11.15: Dance music. ■ EMPIRE BROADCAST, 7.0 p.m.: Big Ben. "London Log," by Cyril Gardiner. 7.10: "Monologues in Melody.". 7.20: "Can You Beat It? (5): A Scientist Guarantees a Ghost." A talk by Harry Price, honorary secretary University of London Council for Psychical Investigation. 7.35: "All In Pink" • (second series) (2). An Empire revue by Lauri Wylie. 8.2.0: The news and announcements. Greenwich time signal at 8.30. 8.40; "Made in Great Britain (1): "South Wales Copper." ' 9.15: Close 49wn-
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7. 3YA—Symphonic programme. IYA—Dm Foley (Irish tenor). 3YA—An opera. / • '■ jyAi^OrchwtoJ yorkaJby-grenclL
2YA, WELLINGTON (570 kc). 9.0: Recordings. 10.0: Weather for aviators. 11.0: Morning service from St. ' Thomas's Anglican Church. Preacher: » Rev. C. V. Rooke, 1.0; Weather-for aviators,. Dinner session. '■'■■ - '■"" :-•' ■ ','• . '.-. ■ 2.0: Symphony No. 4 in B Flat Major, Op. 60 (Beethoven). Barcelona Symn phony Orchestra. V. <.;■:::■:.■:• 2.32: Recordings. . ■-:..■" 4.0: Time signals. • ' ■•;:■•■: 4.30: Close down. -. .'•■:■ 6.0: Children's,'sonr service., v .; l" 7.0: Evening service'from the Church of Christ, Vivian ' .Street. -.Preacher: Mp. W. G. Carpenter. ..Organist. and choirmaster: Miss Eileen O'Connor. 8 30: Bronislaw Hubermann (violin) y and the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, Concerto in G Major (X.216) v (Mozart). '- 8.54: Lotte Lehmann (soprano), Die y Verschweigung" ('Secrecy"); "An •>- Chloe" ("To Chloe"). i- 90: Weather. Station notices, i, 95: Rebroadcast from the 8.8.C. Erne pire Station, talk, G., Bernard .Shaw, = "As I See It." 9.20: Vienna Philharmonic .Orches? ■ tra, Symphony No. 3 in F Major, Op. • 90 (Brahms). i 9.52: Heinrich Schlusnus (baritone). "To the Doves",- "When You Smile"; f "Drummer Song." ,■ ,••' , . t 957 to 10.0: Vienna Philharmonic . Orchestra, Hungarian Dance (Brahms). 2YC, WELLINGTON (840'kc,). '. > 0:0: Recordings. f 8.0 to 10.0: Light vocal and instrumental recordings. i 2YD, WELLINGTON (990 kc). 7 p.m.: "Cole Porter—American Playboy Composer." '■ 7.30: "At the Sunday Pops." 8.10: "Hawaii Calling." 8.25: Fifteen minutes in the forest, ' 8.40: A Trailer. 8 45: Peggy Dell: entertains. 9.0: The Problem Corner—"Thun- • der Death." ' • ; 1 9.45 to 10.0: "Music at your Fire* , side." --,-.' ' IYA, AUCKLAND (650 kc). 9.0: Recordings. 11.0: Morning ser- , vice from St. Andrew's Presbyterian • Church. 1.0: Dinner music. 2.0: Re- ' cordings. 3.30: "Mock Morris"; '. "Molly on the Shore"; "Londonderry j Air"; "Country Gardens" (arr. Grain- j ger). 3.46: Recordings. 4.30: Close , down. 6.0: Children's song service. ' 7.0: Evening service from St. Mary's Anglican Cathedral. Preacher: Canon ' William Fancour. Organist Mr. Edgar i Randall. 8.30:; Auckland Municipal Band, "Preciosa" March (Devery): "Les Cloches de Corneville" Selection (Plan- , quette). Cornet solo (Mr. J. JonesParry). "Come, Sing to Me" (Thomp- '■ son). The Band, "Oberon" Overture ] (Weber). 9.5: Dan Foley (Irish tenor), ; fKathleen Dunne (piano), "A Composer ■ of Today." 9.20 to 10.Q:. Auckland ] Municipal Band:'"Nights ot Gladness" . Waltz (Ancliffe); "Parade of the Titi ' Soldiers" (Characteristic) (Jessel); ( "Ballet Egyptien" Suite (Luigini); 1 "Love's Old Sweet Song" Ballad (Molt loy); "Distant Greetings" March f (Daring). , ■■.-■■': - ■! , 3YA, CHRISTCHURCH (720 kc). ; 9.0: Recordings. 11.0:' Morning ser.- i vice from Trinity Congregational ( Church. 1.0: Dinner music. 2.0: Re- , cordings. 3.0: Fantastic dances by ' Turina^(born Seville, 1882). 3.16: Re- 1 cordings. 4.0: Time signals. Record- ) ings. 4.30: Close down. 5.30: ChiJ- c dren's song service. 7.0: Evening ser- < vice from Oxford Terrace Baptist i Church. Preacher, Rev. Lawrence A. North. Organist, Mr. George Martin, ' Mus.Bac.- i Choirmaster, Mr. Victor » Peters. 8.30 to 10.40: "Madame Butter- i fly."- An opera in two acts by Gia- i como Puccini. Text by Illica and. Gia- < cosa Belasco. Members of Chorus and Orchestra of La Scala, Milan. ; 4YA, DUNEDIN.(79O kc). * 9.0: Recordings. 11.0: Matins from ! St. John's Anglican Church. 1.0: Din- ' ncr music. 2.0: Recordings. 2.32: i Sonata in A Major, K331 (MoEart), Edwin Fischer (pianist). 2.48: Re- , cordings. 4.30: Close down. 5.30: Chil- " dren's song service. 6.30: Evening .1 service from First Presbyterian' Church, s Preacher, Rev. W. Allan Steyely. Or- ?l ganist and choirmaster,, Dr. V. E.> Gal- t way. 8.30: The Lamoureux: Concert j Orchestra, "Namouna": Suite de Ballet (Lalo). 8.54: Charles Panzera (oari- , tone), "At the Request of His Mother"; • Ballad About Parisian Ladies. 9.5: y The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, c "Le Roi d'Ys" Overture (Lalo). 9.13: s Ninon Vallin (soprano), "Le Delaisee"; "TAir." 9.19: Mons. and Mme. de Lausnay (piano), "Air de Ballet" (Aubert). 9.22: The Lamoureux Concert Orchestra, "Rhapsodic Espagnole" (Ravel). 9.38: Charles Rousseliere (tenor), "Night by the Sea"; "Noel Paien"; "Thoughts of Autumn." 9.49 to 10.0: The Boston Symphony Orchestra, "La Valse'? Poeme Choreographique (Ravel)l ■ v ;: EMPIRE BROADCAST. .8.15 p.m.: Big Ben. Chelsea v. Sun- r derland. A commentary by Ivan Sharpe on the. second half of the Association a Football League match. From Chelsea o Football i Gftvlnd,, Stamford Bridge, v London. '"' . > •'■ /■': "■'■ . : ..'■ i 8.40: Recital for1 two. pianofortes, by i, Dorothy Manley and Myers Foggin. 9.0: weekly; newsletter, sports sum- f mary, arid announcements. Greenwich " time sigrlal at 9.15 :p.m;; ."■■-,': s: 9.25: A< religious service (Church of s England), ; from ■ Lichfield Cathedral. C Address by the Rt. Rev. E. S_Woods, h D.D., Lord Bishop of Lichfield. r 10.13: Violin recital by Ruth Pearl. 10.30: Close down. ''
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Evening Post, Volume CXXIV, Issue 111, 6 November 1937, Page 15
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1,753BROADCASTING Evening Post, Volume CXXIV, Issue 111, 6 November 1937, Page 15
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