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The Amazing New Invisible Penetrating Ray Recommended & Used by Leading English Hospitals,: Specialists & Doctors-including Army, Navy & Air Force Hospitals forRHEUMATIC AILMENTS ' Influenza. Earache.- ECZEMA . - " Throat-Cough" and ■ Laryngitis. • • —. . Stiff and Swollen Joints. ' Soreness. Hoarseness. Acne (Blackheads). Aches and Fains in Limbs. Catarrhal Deafness. ' . Pimples, Bashes, etc. . Arthritis. Stiff Neck.: •;■ INDIGESTION Boils. ' ' ' ■' _ • . "Locked" Joints. CHEST AND LUNGS ' l)FMI!w'1" Lumbago. . Gastrio Troubles. CPDAIMC ANTV ctdaimc Inflamed Muscular _ Asthma. Dyspepsia. &rKAM2> ftHU STKAIHS Swellings. Wheeeiness. ■ Constipation, L Bruises Sciatica—Nerve Pains.. chest Colds> . Synoviiis. mS^icGout. Se^Zia TIRED, ACHING FEET Condon, . ■ ggggSg'1' **""'• EAR AND THROAT' W- **» TORTICOLLIS ■ _ Spinal Aches. ~ ~ ' Chilblain*. < - H|Mr| -- . 1 Sore Throat. Bunxons. SHINbLEa "NERVES" AND Tonsilitis. Callouses. NEURASTHENIA I i CIRCULATORY DISORDERS Sleeplessness. Remarkable hew Healing Ray SINUSITIS Listiessness. over three inches — breaks up acid LIVER DISORDERS N?rZ Sp° a nins. deposits—relieves tnflammation-r OPERATIVE Hysteria. increases blood flow—stimulates rusi-urfcKAUVfc CATARRH, BRONCHITIS natural healing — tones up nervous . CONDITIONS catarrh. system. ANAEMIA, ETC. Cougte and Colds. la^Baaaaaßßßiaaßßa^Baßaßß^Biß^BaaßMaiß^BMßaa^BJ' ~~ ~ ~ > V T<HIS marvellous new discovery in Ray Therapy-a dark, O?^^kTaVZXTl^ ■ X invisible, ray emitter now known throughout the world -"SS'iiS hif "hreTcomSorubi* as "THE HEALA RAY"—was first introduced to the medical SlfifSiA tl^sbS'JSSiV^ profession in England in 1929. Since then, a very large and cr limp" -< . "• representative body of scientists, eminent physicians, doctors, J"^^" ST^TO .«i*n.hs hospitals-including the Army, Navy and Air Force Hospitals —etc. (see abridged list, paces 22 and 23 of booklet) have used ">*>«• had to wear smaller .hoes,. after v v • iff ' thirteen "can now mount step, normally." this apparatus With remarkable SUCCeSS. Later, "lumps on wrists "have gone'and grip rr ia much better," "can now machine with _ _ . ~»-■». « »t « i -i t i .i either leg." So . treatment now. for sixteen In October, 1935, the Heala was made available to the months, au improvements maintained.- ' general public of Great Britain, and during the following twelve Mrt ' R 45 _ Tw0 yeirt , Wttory 0 , „„„. months thousands of "Heala Ray" Apparatus have been supplied for home use. Many hundreds of letters of apprecia- 15 tion and recommendation have been received by Heala Ltd., of Mr X M^F(¥ , « tm^, ,mj. ; Beckenham, London, from gratified users who have rid them- <£™'. treatment., -cured, i fe«i a different selves of excruciating pains caused by a very wide variety of \ -'■■'.- , ,' ' deep-seated ailments, from the superintendents of Hospitals •emu'mur cartilage in '"knee, ■ semi-crippied . , .. _, ~ o ~. ,_ , , since, pain,,limited movement. • feele unsafe. using the appliance, and rrom specialists and Doctors who have After four treatments "unsafe feeling gone, ■ i fir m»t ill • i • • • «-i t . much better, walked three miter." - • - used the HEALA extensively in private practice. Complete .„.-./.:•,■„'■, , ~,. ':• .. details of the various complaints which respond wonderfully to in^mSwmtoby condition*. .■ ; - . .. rr . r.t n ' 'ti 1- c ~ j • *.i . .i . On such troublesome aliment, a* onychia, the SOOthing effect of the Ray Will be found m the booklet botls. uloers, carbuncle., the rays' havt a rr j rnrri -II j . j markedly beneficia) effect, cither dispersing ottered .FREE tO all readers tO-day. the inflammation If in an tarry .tag* or rapidly bringing it to a head and evacuating the pus; In longstanding eases the results It is difficult to find Words to from coal gas or. platinum from lead. The are equally satisfactory, much more »o .than , „ from any other form of treatment known. describe1 adequately the curative, «e«ei of success of the Heala Ray he. . _. , • lit. ■ r.l ••it i »» in its stimulation of bodily processei plus CATARRH. quick-healing powers of , the Heala , . ' F . v -:,; - nmin -i, , nii ,«,_ ~i.t M t V. ~.. 'i .. . amazing penetrative power. Ts!f, Tel' comwon and. often nslstant Ray and its incalculable value nar- condition, ranging from a cold to, chronic i\ay ana iw incaicuiaDie vaiue, par nrnv ;j.-. ,l-. „„ bronchial catarrh and .Inusitf., is rapidly ticularly to those who suffer with ~ HeaUlP.""" l" pr°Vlde' *" ""* «»d'markedly ben^ted by the Heal, tr..^ J vellous opportunity to secure up-to-date menti a cold Indeed <I. - usually relieved « rheumatic complaints, who are run- lcien , ;fic curative trMhnent . r , ;, ,; mple to n of o( t~ e '°«.* "ur»tion- b ' « ■«*• down, "nervy," debilitated or neur- use, safe, no electrical currents can touch asthenic. Yet, even when judged by the body, and is a curative agent to every1 th J2U, riterVo^'treltaSnt^'-'catarTeuwd the very highest standards of achieve- on« of y°ur f'mi|y- ' . and fe«i better." ■ ' ■ ment and of modern technical equip- Lwtly, but not lea.t. th« Heala is Mr». h.. eo.-T. B day* lumbago, last t^ K , a . . . t . • . ..i & *ti viry btd, in bed* Fun went toon Alter Jin* ment, the Heala Ray has proved not ■ cott hut ai? i»"«»tm«it,tl»l will treatment, able to get up. some stiffness; . ~ • Li t.U enaure health aiid happineia in every Perfectly well after two more, threa day. In itself unquestionably as one or the , . , au. in i i- i- homemost valuable and outstanding dis- Mr , MoM>i 4 ,._eight«n month, oomtoit ma^^^m^ammmtmmmmg^^ammm^m^mamb*sMM\», three days' acute pain in lumbar, COVenes. ■affTT7|TTß^B^B^Bi<Utll »nd r'sbt sciatic regions. After first i T»ll treatment, "much better." after third, "best tt. ..I , . , .. • j^l^aflßßHßMTsl !!• 1 aL^n'Kht for ages"; after fifth, walked first time This may seem a bold claim, but it is .laMa^^^^^^aM l»l 'JL\ stick; eight treatment, in aIL Ba. fully and completely substantiated by thei ■■■■■■■■■BaMaHMß^BMßlß^HßVported two month, later, "splendid. Quit* only truly satisfactory test—that of results „ , , *»«•" Twenty-two months later, "no to achieved, extending over many years of So that you may place the utmost thar trouble, successful application by English Special- confidence in the Hncerity and truth ._.„„,_„. is.,. Doctor,. Hospitals. Clinic, and Sana- of '?"r .t.tement made m thi. ad- *"H"'T'B' \ ~T r, w m, n ll „,„„„,._ tona. over a very wide range of ailments, vertiaement, we are prepares—wn.n Helulta . excellent and exceptional. Kheumatinjuries and symploms. . y»u. pu»cha»e your Heala —to old A rthrltU. RaaulU phammanal-tha only allow you 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL, good results for this disease I've even wen." F.. ■~!..,„.«... iU- "H..1.™ TJ.« ,k. n tr. If you are not then entirely aatisfied, ' ' " urinermore. me neaia x^ay, inanK, * .*■•« . aBl ■** . ujb*M.k. «*A**i.»ftfa t.m* m ..... , , J \ . vmi mr» MtAmr nn Akltvstinn wUntmvm* Glpt. H.H.. AdulSCOmbe.— ArtnTltl. Bad S to its simplicity and safety, can be used »°™ a'e «•■«•* no OD"«"fJ° n *"««▼•' K ood hold In both jny hinds, a» weU aa In in the home by anyone, without supervision f" d " y°u retu™ tn» "•■'• *» »» the neck. After uiing the.Heala all pain a. any time. A., that isneces.ary is to P .u g gJJ*- T «" STjfl an^Vge^ '^^ the Heala adapjer into any hgh or r««"»aea in lull. . power socket and switch on—that s all. mmmmmmmmam^mmmmmmammmKm night through Angina Fectori*. Sine* treat. ~ ment with the' Heala the pate hu sow gont The "Heala" Ray i, completely devoid Read &eM Amazing TctimOn- "* XC" ■"* l° """ e"ilT-" of any possibility of ill-effects from in- , . ... advertent over-exposure. laU from Specialists, DoCtOTS NEURALGIA. , <-... • E.K.N.i 8. Kensington.—"l bare suffered tl "v i•• d j l •. • and -Utners:— from acuta Neuralgic pain. In the head, asThe Heala Ray produces by its in- companied by swollen glands and general visible waves a similar local effect to that Mr. N., M.—Many wMka pain In trip, grain stiffness of the neck and shoulders.' I wa. of applying a strong liniment to the seat ami thigh, following operation on hip joint, advised by my doctor to try the Heala. In of »h* Mwlliim or n»in hul whcr»a« the could not slt ln hard chilr« evel7 ste P walk- *bout tblt*, Weoks *U palni "* -.tlffaes. ot the swelling or .pain, but whereas the (ng cau>cd acut(J pa[n AfUr flnt treatment had gone ... \. penetration and pain-relieving properties or went to church next day, first tims for a liniment cannot go much below the sur- weeks, pain none from hip and groin, could M.W.H., &C.2.—"Have derived Immense fare and rannnf Jvm be unnlird in r »« «'t comfortably. After seven treatments went benefit from the Heala. Was suffering Jrom, face, and cannot even be applied in cases t(j twQ bmn gRCh way> TrigeminlU jfeuralgla; In addition to acute or acute tenderness or inflammation, the without any pain at all. Had twelve treat- pain thi. affected no»e, eye. and ear*. Sine* "Heala" Ray penetrates to a proven depth merits in all and reported one month later, using the lamp the pain ha. .topped. I am of fully 3in.. thus getting right down to »'BO e's'l' months later, "no recurrence." sleeping well and feel much better." the root of the trouble. It speeds up the a^MB^B^BMHHiaMHHHBa>MHa>>Kait^HIBIIaHMHaHnBMISIMHBBMHB thrcapZri«!Sto. y quickly'relieving 11' the THE SPECTRUM PROVES THAT "HEALA" RAYS ARE ENTIRELY atfected and surrounding parts through the DIFFERENT FROM ULTRA-VIOLET RAYS (Sunlight), HOT OR dissolution and washing away of the im- GLARING RAYS, OR RADIANT HEAT. perfectly-dissolved products, such as uric and lactic acid, the crystals of which irri- Below is a diagram of the SPECTRUM whioh covert ths entire hand of Me the nerve,, causing pain and inflam- Known rays. It is measured in Angstrom Units. Note particularly, the inframation. Stiff and arthritic joints are re,- red region at the remote and curative end of which are the now famous "Heala" . tored to .:freedom and swollen tissues «ub- rays. side. Applied generally, e.g., lo the region ' — '» BC/*TBIIki siiaia. ' of the kidney,, the "Heala" Ray stimulates 5 Plll RU M - "bays the functions of the organs, both in secre- (Meawed m Angstrom UniH) m*^.*> tion and excretion. Thus, the "Heala" I " j ' " niah _ mioium ""~iiflPi~~T~™T™"^ demonstrates its value in a two-fold man- ,„-.-, ~-t!; f -—— INFRA- RED———~—-■■ HERTZIAN ncr-(i) by the almost magical relief of "-RAYS ►UCHT- RAyS H y^^ painful or crippling symptoms; (2) by ■""* X*" (-MCIANT HEAT-* . ■ M"*"" Oucn^mami stimulating the organs and. gland, to normal .j,, mo^joo™1 ilto activity, thus eliminating the cause of the USO 300 SOOO cOCOO JOOOO «OOM «0000 160000 050 COO COO OCO . trouble. The "Heala" Ray is entirely different C-^-^-^^ \^/J^Ss£s^ *^^* COUPON from Ultra-violet (sunshine). Radiant-heal l7jß//^»ro-^BL» I l^^k^^ ft%¥ ITDITC or any other rays previously employed. It •jlflbwl IJBKvB^^^MILI ■ V^"l/A% I lUI rllCh is invisible, unique and alone—a, distinc "i^tjfc^i^W.^KßC^H^QCHl- II I lICTDATCfi DHnifl CT I tive and individual as helium gas is distinct i^lM«Bß■ SHBiWHtBB ILLUOI KMI CU DUUIVLCI I 1 ANIMAL LOVERS. ■Tq BELL PTY LTD* I We have numerous testimonials from lover. I a#i»lil« •• • „.„.,_,, I of animal, telling how ailing horse., cow*, ■ /,■■»■> ■'•, *%i«k^aka«ki■•*<«%■«<% 607-611 Cookea Bldf., ■ dog., eat., etc., respond readily to "Heala" m <(I|FA| A" niNTRIRIITIIRN Queen St., Auckland. ■ Ray frsatment with most beneficial .ffecu- I IILMLH UIO I rIIDU I UI\O Snn i,nn I "eonelu.ive proof that the curative result. | rAJ Box *«"«• " ' | from "" are not p.ychological. p , cMc mA me fuU j^.^ of Ten . Day Free Trial OfleV to "Evening . I Post" Readers, together with your 26-page Free Illustrated Booklet describing ■ m the "Heala" Ray. I enclose 4d. in stamps to cover cost of postage. • • - • ■ S ■. .-■■■■ I^P—ilJ^ NAME >...'rc ...«....,.............* | M f4 ADDRESS m.. ......* ■ Nature of Ailment ..i .EP/5/37

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Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 108, 8 May 1937, Page 25

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Page 25 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 108, 8 May 1937, Page 25

Page 25 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 108, 8 May 1937, Page 25


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